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1、新思维综合英语(3) 课程辅导Unit 6(2630),Lesson 26,The Mysterious Gift of the Prodigy,沃尔夫冈阿玛多伊斯莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756年1月27日-1791年12月5日),出生于神圣罗马帝国时期的萨尔兹堡。欧洲古典主义音乐作曲家。 1760年,莫扎特开始学习作曲。1763年至1773年,莫扎特随父亲列奥波尔得莫扎特在欧洲各国进行旅行演出。1781年,莫扎特到维也纳开始10年的创作生涯。1791年12月5日0时55分,莫扎特逝世,享年35岁,死因不明。,费利克斯门德尔松(Jacob Ludwig Fel

2、ix Mendelssohn)1809年2月3 日(嘉庆己巳年)出生于汉堡一个犹太家庭。祖父是哲学家摩西门德尔松(Moses),父亲是亚伯拉罕(Abraham)成功的银行家,费利克斯在养尊处优又有文化修养的环境中成长。母亲利亚(leah)是钢琴家,他的钢琴启蒙课就是母亲教的。,Para. 1,Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of historys most famous prodigies. 沃尔夫冈阿马德乌斯莫扎特将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远地留在人们的记忆里。 be remembered as: 作为.被铭记 Guil

3、in will be remembered as the most beautiful city in my mind. prodigy: 天才;奇才 He was born a prodigy.,By the age of eight, he had performed in half the great cities of Europe and was about to write his first three symphonies. 莫扎特八岁的时候已经在欧洲一半的大城市里举办过演出了,并开始着手创作他最早的三部交响曲。 be about to do sth.: 刚要/将要/即将做某事

4、 Linda was about to board the plane when her mobile phone rang. symphony:交响乐;谐声;和声,Para. 1,But the world recognizes him as one of the finest composers who ever lived. 但世人都公认他为有史以来最优秀的作曲家之一。 recognizeas: 公认;认为.是 All the students in our class recognize our English teacher as the best teacher. The boy

5、was recognized as the most handsome guy in the Baiyun District.,Para. 1,For centuries, people have been amazed by children of unusual talent. 几个世纪以来,人们一直具有非凡才能的儿童感到惊奇。 be amazed by/at: 对.感到惊奇;对.感到惊讶; He was amazed by/at the news that his former girlfriend was going to marry his best friend. She was

6、amazed by the childs talent.,Para. 2,John Stuart Mill, the 19th century British philosopher, read Greek at 3 and had worked his way through elementary geometry and algebra and a large body of literature and history by the time he was 12. 约翰斯图尔特穆勒3岁就念希腊文,12岁已学完了初等几何和代数,并阅读了大量文学作品和历史书籍。 work ones way

7、through: 通过努力完成、取得;靠做工完成 He has worked his way through college. a large body of literature: 大量文学作品 Susan had read a large body of literature when she was small.,Para. 2,A number of historys most famous prodigies had something else in common. 历史上的一些著名神童还有一个共同点,那就是他们寿命都不长。 have something in common: 有共

8、同之处;有共同点 All the happy families have something in common, that is, they love and respect each family member. have nothing in common 没有共同点,Para. 4,Many are born by Caesarean section rather than by natural childbirth. 许多神童不是通过自然分娩而是通过剖腹产出生的。 Caesarean section: 剖腹产 Her youngest daughter was born by Cae

9、sarean.,Para. 4,They often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. 神童的父母亲往往是那些想通过他们神奇的孩子来实现自己的愿望的人。 realize ones ambition: 实现某人的抱负;大展宏图 Finally Charlie realized his ambition and became a writer.,Para. 4,Those who have studied todays prodigies

10、 closely have observed that they often live under the great weight of their loneliness. 对现在的神童进行仔细研究的人已经发现,神童们往往陷入深深的孤独中。 under the great weight of: 在.的压力之下;在.重压下,相当于under the great pressure of. She has been under the great weight of studies for long.,Para. 5,In school with children of their own age

11、, they may become bored or frustrated, and simply turn off learning completely. 当他们在学校里跟同龄的孩子在一起时,他们会感到厌倦或是失落,甚至会完全失去对学习的兴趣。 turn off:离开(道路);失去兴趣;关掉 He turned off the light and went to sleep. Mr. Smith car had turned off the road and rushed into a river. We gradually turned off English. Most teenage

12、rs nowadays turn off reading Chinese ancient poems.,Para. 5,Not all prodigies, however, fit this pattern. 然而并不是所有神童都符合这个规律。 fit this pattern: 符合这个规则/模式/规律 All children like to play with other children, but Michael doesnt fit this pattern. All girls like to go shopping, but Erin doesnt fit this patte

13、rn.,Para. 6,Wang Yani, a Chinese girl, is a painter of magical talent whose pictures of animals and landscapes are full of life and complex emotion. 中国女孩王雅妮是一位奇才画家,她画的动物和风景富有生机和复杂的情感。 full of life: 充满生机;充满活力 I like to see you full of life. When Spring comes, everything is full of life.,Para. 7,But h

14、er brilliance and fame have not kept her from having many friends and growing up as a normal child in a small town in China. 但是她的杰出才能和赫赫有名并未阻碍她拥有很多朋友,并像中国小镇上的普通孩子一样长大成人。 brilliance:光辉;才华;宏伟 It demonstrated the brilliance of Chinas ancient culture. keep sb. From doing sth.: 阻止某人做某事 The heavy rain had

15、 kept those students from going to school on time.,Para. 7,Although a child may be born with outstanding genetic potential, this potential will not necessarily develop. 虽然一个孩子可能有与生俱来的非凡基因潜质,但这种潜质却未必能得到发展。 be born with: 天生具有;与生俱来; These two girls are born with a talent for music. The poor kid was bor

16、n with heart disease.,Para. 8,In Yanis case, that something is probably her father, who gave up his own career as a painter in order to nurture Yanis talent and growth. 以雅妮的例子来说,这种外因可能就是她的父亲,他放弃了自己的画家职业来培养雅妮的才能并促进她的成长。 give up: 放弃 nurture: n. & v. 养育;鼓励;培植 Parents want to know the best way to nurtur

17、e and raise their children.,Para. 8,“I have a strong longing which grows stronger as I get older,” confesses the acclaimed American concert pianist Eugene Istomin, “to be mediocre.” 美国深受欢迎的音乐会钢琴演奏家尤金伊斯托敏这样坦白过:“随着年龄的增长,我越来越渴望做一个普通人。” confess: 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认 He had confessed to seventeen murders. mediocr

18、e:普通的;平凡的;中等的 His school record was mediocre.,Para. 9,Wang Yani was born in 1975. Even as a baby she loved to draw. Her father was an 1 .Yani wanted to be like him. So she tried to stand like her father as she painted, which made him laugh. One day, Yani painted lines on her fahers painting. He got

19、2 . At the time she was only two and a half years old. She cried and said, “I want to like you!” Her father looked at her without saying anything. He 4 remembered his childhood(童年). He also wanted to draw and paint, but his parents didnt understand. They just got angry. He didnt want to see the same

20、 thing happen to his daughter. So he decided to 5 her. With her fathers help, Yani soon 6 . Her lines became flowers, trees, and animals. Her father took her to parks and zoos to get 7 for her paintings. By the end of six, Yani had made over 4,000 works. Her paintings were very special. People 8 her

21、 works. When she was eight, one of her paintings was made into a Chinese postage stamp. Yani became famous when she was young. Her works were 9 in different countries in Asia, Europe and North America, 10 her parents never sold her paintings. She is well-known in the world, and art is still a great

22、joy in her life,1.AActor BAthlete CArtist DEngineer 2.AAngry BExcited CSad Dinterested 3.ALaugh BSpeak CStand Dpaint 4.AHappily BClearly CHardly Dusually 5.AHelp BStop CRefuse Dmiss 6.Adid homework Bmade money Cdid sports Dmade progress 7.ANews BTime CIdeas Dluck 8.AHated BLoved CFound Dforget 9.ALo

23、st BSold CBought Dshown 10.AAnd BBut CSo Dor,1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.B,Lesson 27,Sometimes I wish,Language Point,Im tired of everyone talking about it all the time, though. be tired of: 厌烦;厌倦;相当于get/be bored with Im tired of his big mouth. Many a young man gets tired of struggling to

24、make a living in Guangzhou.,Oh, they are jealous of you because you have no problems in school, so they try to make you feel really different from everyone. be jealous of: 对.感到嫉妒;妒忌., 相当于envy The wicked queen was very jealous of Snow Whites beauty. Mr. Johnson was jealous of his rich neighbor.,Langu

25、age Point,Why would you envy me? Because I have trouble in math? have trouble (in) sth./ doing sth.: 做某事有困难,相当于have difficulty/ problem (in) sth./ doing sth. Most girl students have trouble learning physics. The old often have trouble in getting used to living in this fast-paced world.,Language Poin

26、t,Well, because youre on the soccer team, for instance for instance: 例如; 比如;举例子说,相当于for example. There are many ways to protect our environment, for instance, plant more trees. She has many virtues, for instance, she is very considerate.,Language Point,Since we dont have to work on my math after the

27、 test on Monday, why dont we work on your soccer? work on: 致力于;使人信服,说服;对有影响,起作用 The doctor told him that this kind of medicine may work on him. In order to make him accept our suggestion, I decided to work on him immediately.,Language Point,You can come over to my house after school. come over to: 顺

28、便来访;过来 You guys can come over to my party On Saturday.,Language Point,Luke, Im terrible at soccer. be terrible at: 不擅长;做.很糟糕 Im terrible at learning math. Most boys are terrible at English.,Language Point,Great! Gee, Id better get going. Thanks again for the help. had better do sth.: 最好做某事 否定形式:had

29、better not do sth 最好不要做某事 Youd better go to school now or youll be late. Shed better finish her work, or she may get fired. Youd better not cross the road when the light is red, or you may have an accident.,Language Point,Lesson 28,How come you stopped taking English?,How come you stopped taking Eng

30、lish? how come: 表疑问,是口语化的表达法,相当于why. How come you are so mean to me? How come he speaks English without an accent?,Language Point,Well, Id really like to continue taking it, but Im too busy this month, so I think Ill wait until next semester. continue doing sth.: 继续做某事; Diana and Roy are determined

31、to continue working when they reach retirement age.,Language Point,Im a guidance counselor. Although my work is sometimes frustrating, I feel I can make a difference in peoples lives. make a difference: 有影响;有关系;起作用 If you want to make a difference in the world, you should work hard at first.,Languag

32、e Point,Im interested in applying for the job you advertised in Sundays Washington Post. apply for: (正式)申请,求(职),要求(工作等); I want to apply for the sales representative position in your company.,Language Point,Ive been very satisfied with the job I hold now. be satisfied with: 对感到满意 The manager is very

33、 satisfied with the employees performance.,Language Point,Sorry, Ive been out of touch for so long. be out of touch: 失去联系;与.没有联系或接触 My sister has been out of touch with us for ten years.,Language Point,He hardly ever calls, and she cant get in touch with him. get in touch with sb.: 与某人取得联系;与某人接触 Now

34、adays, people find it easy to get in touch with others with phone.,Language Point,Anna is working against a deadline to finish a project. work against a deadline: 在期限之前完成工作 Im working against a deadline. I have to finish the work next Monday.,Language Point,for, because, since, as 引导的原因状语从句 because,

35、 as, for, since这几个词都是表示“原因”的连词,语气由强至弱依次为:because since as for;其中because, since, as均为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是并列连词,引导并列句。 1. because表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。常用来回答why的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。例如:,Grammar Focus(1),I stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我呆在家里。 Because Lingling was ill, she didnt come to sc

36、hool. 玲玲因病,没有上学。 Why is she absent? 她为什么缺席? Because she is sick. 因为她病了。 *:此外,在强调句型中,只能用because。例如: It was because I missed the early bus that I was late for school. 我上学迟到是因为我没有赶上早班汽车。,Grammar Focus(1),2. since侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比because稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。例如: Since he asks you,

37、 youll tell him why. 他既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧。 Since everyone is here, lets start. 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发吧! Since I understood very little Japanese, I couldnt follow the conversation. 我日语懂得不多,因而听不懂对话。,Grammar Focus(1),3. as是常用词,它表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不是很重要,含义与since相同,但语气更弱,没有since正式,常译为“由于,鉴于”。从句说明原因,主句说明结果,主从

38、并重。例如: We all like her as she is kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。 As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 因为我感冒了,所以没去上课。 As Xiaowang was not ready, we went without him. 由于小王没有准备好,我们只好不带他去了。,Grammar Focus(1),even though, although, as 引导的让步状语从句 although (though)(虽然),as(尽管,虽然),even if (though)(即使) although和thoug

39、h在意义上没有区别,但although语气上要强一些,所以更常用于句首。例如: Although he is poor, he is honest. 他虽然穷,但是诚实。,Grammar Focus(2),as引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序,可用though代替,但比though语气强,被倒装的部分可以是表语、状语和动词原形 Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.表语 Hard as/though he works, he makes little progress.状语 Hard as(或though)he works, he makes little

40、progress. 状语 Try as(或though)he might, he could not find a job.谓语,Grammar Focus(2),P 56 Ex. 5,wish & hope 的用法 hope表达实现的可能性较大的愿望,wish表达的愿望实现的可能性较小。因此,hope的宾语从句不用虚拟语气,wish的宾语从句可用宾语从句。 The student hopes that you can help him with his English. (can不用could代替) They hope that they will visit China some day.

41、 (will不用would代替) How I wish I were a bird and fly to the moon. (动词不用hope.),Grammar Focus(3),wish & hope 的用法 “希望某人干某事 ”应说:wish sb to do sth.不能说:hope sb to do sth. All parents wish their children to be happy. The girl wishes her boyfriend to be more patient with her. (动词不能用hope),Grammar Focus(3),wish

42、& hope 的用法 在祝语中常用“wish sb +宾语补足语 ”,而hope没有这样的句型。 I wish you a happy new year. I wish you a good journey. I wish you both a good trip.,Grammar Focus(3),在答语中常用hope so/hope not表达“希望如此”和“希望不是这样” 句型相同时可换用: They hope to visit China.= They wish to visit China. People should always hope/wish for the best an

43、d prepare for the worst.,Grammar Focus(3),Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of historys most famous child prodigies. 莫扎特将作为历史上最有名的神童之一永远留在人们的记忆里。 But the world recognizes him as one of the finest composers who ever lived. 虽然莫扎特逝世时还不满36周岁,但世人都公认他是有史以来最优秀的作曲家之一。 Success has not always

44、brought happiness to prodigies. 成功并没有总是给这些神童带来幸福。 suffered a serious mental crisis患上了一种严重的精神疾病 I seemed to have nothing left to live for,” he wrote years later. 我好象已经失去了活下去的目的。,Even though there has been a fascination with child prodigies for centuries, there has been little serious study of them un

45、til recently. 尽管几个世纪来人们对神童现象一直很着迷,对这方面的认真研究却是近年来才开始的。 ome surprising common characteristics have been identified. 研究发现了一些令人惊讶的共同特点。The Often, their parents are past the usual child-bearing age. Many are born by Caesarean section rather than by natural childbirth. 他们的父母在生育他们的时候往往已经超过了普通的生育年龄。许多神童不是通过

46、自然分娩而是通过剖腹产出生的。 They often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. 神童的父母往往是那些想通过他们神奇的孩子来实现自己愿望的人。,Those who have studied todays prodigies closely have observed that they often live under the great weight of their loneliness. 对现在的神童进行过仔细研究的人已经

47、发现,神童们往往陷入深深的孤独中。In school with children their own age they may become bored of frustrated, and simply turn off learning completely. 当他们在学校里和同龄的孩子在一起时,他们感到厌倦或是失落,甚至会完全放弃学习。 Many children, as they enter adolescence, begin to turn to other teenagers for affection, encouragement, and a sense of belongi

48、ng. 许多孩子在进入青春期时,就开始从其他青少年伙伴那里寻找友情、鼓励和归属感。This can be a very difficult time in the lives of prodigies. 对于神童来说,这一段日子会是非常难过的。They know theyre different, and other teenager know it, too. 他们知道自己与众不同,别的孩子也知道这一点。,Not all prodigies, however, fit this pattern. 然而,并不是所有神童都符合这个规律。Wang Yani, a Chinese girl, is

49、a painter of magical talent whose pictures of animals and landscapes are full of life and complex emotion. 中国女孩王雅妮是一位奇才画家,她画的动物和风景富有生机和复杂的情感。Yani began painting at the age of 2 1/2 and had her first exhibition, in Shanghai, when she was 4. 雅妮两岁半开始学画,4岁时在上海举办首次个人画展。By the time she was 6, she had done over 4000 paintings and had exhibitions around the world. 6岁时她已经画了4000多幅画并举办了多次国际画展。But her brilliance and fame have not kept her


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