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1、新思维综合英语(3) 课程辅导Unit 10(4650),巴州电大,Unit 10,How to imagine and talk about the future 想象和谈论未来 How to discuss possibilities 讨论可能性 How to express regret “后悔”的表达 How to write an argumentation 议论文的写作技巧,议论文的阅读思路,议论文是议论、分析问题、阐明观点的文章。一篇好的议论文应当观点清晰、具有一定的说服力。通常来说,议论文需要两个要素:论点和论据。 作者常在第一段或第一部分阐明自己的论点,比如第46课的第一部分

2、,作者首先抛出一个现象和传统观点,“Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury.”,然后对这个传统观点提出质疑,“Have they achieved the American dream are they on easy street?”,在第一部分的最后,作者提出自己的观点,“According to a sur

3、vey, most people who win keep their jobs, stay in their neighborhoods and keep the same friends, and theyre careful about how they spend their money.”。,光提出自己的观点是不够的,还要对读者“晓之以理,动之以情”,用一些事实材料或道理佐证自己的观点,这便是议论文的第二个要素:论据。 在第46课的第二部分,作者通过描述三个中奖人,Christene Cooper,Sheelah Ryan,Gloria Mitchem的生活,来说明一张彩票不太可能就

4、此改变一个人的生活。,Lesson 46 Winning the Lottery,Main Idea and Structure 这篇文章是典型的议论文,采取了“总-分-总”的结构,先展示一个总体印象,再用事实佐证,最后提出自己的观点。这篇文章分为三部分。 第一部分为前三自然段,作者一开始抛出一个传统观点:人们认为中了头彩后,就会彻底改变以前的生活,变得满足而快乐。在第一部分的末尾,作者指出其实大多数中大彩的人依然基本保持着原来的生活习惯,而且彩票为他们带来快乐也带来烦恼。 第二部分囊括第四到第六自然段,每一段都谈到了一个幸运的中彩人,对比了他们在中彩票以前和以后的生活,从这三个中彩人的身上,

5、可以体会到他们在中大彩后的快乐与烦恼,但我们也可以看出,他们基本上依然遵循自己原来的生活轨迹。 第三部分是最后一段,作者再次表明了自己的态度:一张彩票不太可能改变一个人固有的生活习惯和生活方式。,Focus Questions,1. According to the article, is winning the lottery an easy thing? 2. Was Gloria Mitchem very glad at winning the Florida lottery prize? Why or why not? 3. What does the author of this a

6、rticle think about winning the lottery?,Language Points in the Reading,第一部分(1-3自然段):许多人认为,中头彩会彻底改变一个人以前的生活,让一个人满足而快乐。但调查数据显示,大多数中彩人依然基本保持着原来的生活习惯。 第1自然段第1句:Most people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness an

7、d a life of luxury. 许多人察觉自己总是梦想着赢得百万钞票,总以为这样就能解决因为缺钱带来的各种问题,就能过上富足而快乐的生活。 1. to find oneself + 动名词/介词词组,“发现自己总在做某事或处于某状态中”,如: After her husband joined the army, she found herself expecting his messages all the time. 自从丈夫参军后,她发现自己一直就在期待着他的消息。 The hunter went into the forest and soon found himself in

8、danger. 猎人进入了森林,马上发现自己处在危险之中。,2. a solution to sth.,“解决某个问题的方法”,solution后跟介词to,常跟problem。同一句中的a path to sth.,“通往的路”,也是用介词to。如: The patient was dying from the strange disease, but the doctors just couldnt find any solution to it. 得了怪病的病人奄奄一息,而医生们无论如何也找不到治疗这种病的办法。 There isnt such a straight path to su

9、ccess. 没有直通成功之路。(成功路上曲折多) 第3句:The states view lotteries as a way to make money, since only about half of what they take in is given back as prize money. 各州把彩票业看成是一种赚钱的办法,因为收上来的钱只有一半是作为奖金返给获奖者的。,1. to view as ,“把当作”,学一个同义词组:to consider as 。如:Their missiles are viewed as a defensive force. 他们的导弹被看作是一种

10、防御力量。= Their missiles are considered as a defensive force. 2. since,“既然”,后面接显而易见、顺理成章的原因。如:Since it is late, I shall go home right now. 天色已晚,我得赶快回家了。 3. to take in,“吸收,接纳”。如:to get rid of the stale and take in the fresh,“吐故纳新”。,第2自然段第3句:In fact, you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to

11、become an instant millionaire. 实际上你一夜暴富的机会比被雷电击中的机会还要少。 1. in fact,“其实,事实上”,常有对前一句话进一步解释的作用。 2. to be likely to do sth.,“很有可能做某事”,如: Since youve got a high score, you are likely to be enrolled in the college. 既然你的分数很高,你很有可能被学校录取。 (According to the article, is winning the lottery an easy thing?No, it

12、 isnt. The odds of winning the lottery are very small. ),第3自然段第3句:Its fun to picture these winners quitting their jobs, going on a wild shopping spree, and spending a lifetime traveling around the world. 描述这些中奖者的生活是很有意思的,他们辞了职,疯狂地购物,一辈子周游世界。 1. Its fun to do sth.,“做某事很有趣”,中英文因为说话习惯不同,顺序不一样。类似的结构还有:i

13、ts interesting to do sth.,its difficult to do sth.,等。 2. to quit ones job,辞职。quit,辞去,戒除,如:quit smoking,“戒烟”。 3. to spend (on) doing sth.,花做某事,如: New employees in this company must spend a year (on) working at its branches. 这公司的新职员必须在分公司工作一年。 4. to travel around the world,环球旅行。,第二部分(4-6自然段):几个中彩人的经历。

14、 第4自然段第1句:When Christene Cooper won $19 million in the California lottery, she was a 20-year-old student working two jobs. 当Christene Cooper赢了190万美元的加利福尼亚州大彩,她还只是个打着两份工的20岁的学生。 1. she was a 20-year-old student working two jobs = she was a 20-year-old student who worked two jobs. 这里用了一个动名词,起到和定语从句相同的

15、修饰作用。如: People living in the village havent met their ends yet. = People who live in the village havent met their ends yet. 这个村的村民仍旧过着入不敷出的生活。 2. 20-year-old是一个复合词,起到形容词的作用,组合规律为:数字-单位-形容词。类似的结构还有:30-meter-long, 2-hour-long。中间的名词用单数。,第3句:Because they were able to afford to live on their own, she and

16、 her high school sweetheart got married. 因为他们从经济上自立了,她和高中时的男朋友结了婚。 1to afford to do sth.,“有(经济,时间,精力)能力做某事”。affordable,“支付得起的,有经济能力的”。 2to live on ones own,“独立,自力更生”。on ones own,“独自的”,常放在句尾。如: Youve been grown up. You should make decisions on your own. 你已经长大了,应该自己做决定。 3to get married,“结婚”,强调动作。to be

17、 married,“已婚”,强调状态。,第5段第2句:She replaced her trailer home with a beautiful house and bought a luxury car, but she also started a foundation in honor of her parents. 她把她的房车换成了一处漂亮的住宅,还买了一辆豪华汽车,但是她同时还为纪念她的父母创办了一个基金会。 1. to replace A with B,“把A换成B”。如: I replaced my old curtain with a new one. 我用新窗帘把旧的换了

18、。 2. in honor of,“纪念”。如: Athens was built in honor of the Goddess Athena. 雅典城是为纪念雅典娜女神而建立的。 第6自然段第1句:For Gloria Mitchem, winning the Florida lottery prize of $37.4 million was more of a problem than a blessing. 对Gloria Mitchem来说,赢得佛罗里达州3740万美元大奖,与其说是种福气,不如说是个麻烦。这里用了比较句的结构,表示“是而不是”:be动词 + more of + s

19、th. + than + sth.。通常than前后两个名词意思相反。如: Their relationship is more of competition than cooperation. 他们的关系说是合作,不如说是竞争。,第2句:She was living in a small town and working in a nursing home when she found out she was a winner. 她获悉中奖的时候,正在一个小城镇里的一所养老院工作。 1. 这句话用了过去进行时,结构是:were/was + doing,表示在过去某个时刻正在做某事,或者与“w

20、hen + 一般过去时”搭配,表示在某件事情发生之前一直在做某事。如: I was working in my office from 8 to 9 last night. 昨晚8点到9点间我一直在办公室里工作。 The students were talking about the exam when their teacher came in. 学生们一直在讨论考试情况,这时老师进来了。 2. to find out,“(花力气或经过探究)发现,打听到”,如: Go find out when the train is leaving. 去打听一下火车几点开。 (Was Gloria Mi

21、tchem very glad at winning the Florida lottery prize? Why or why not?No, she wasnt, because her life was disturbed after winning the lottery.),第三部分(第7自然段):一张彩票不太可能改变一个人固有的生活习惯和生活方式。 第7自然段第1句:Even the lottery agencies recognize that winning can open the door to worry as well as happiness. 即便是彩票代理处也认识

22、到中大彩既会带来快乐也会带来烦恼。 1. to open the door to sth.,“打开之门”,和我们之前学过的a solution to sth.和a path to sth.结构一样。 2. as well as,“和,以及”,相当于and。 最后一句:To win the lottery you only need luck, but to manage the changes in your life that come with the jackpot, you need lots of planning and good advice. 中彩票你需要的只是运气,但是随着这

23、一大钱的到来,如何把握你生活中出现的种种变化,你需要的却是精心的安排和良好的建议。,1.manage,“把握”,to manage to do sth.,“设法做成某事”。如: The surgeon managed to save his life. 外科医生设法保住了他的性命。 2. to come with sth.,“随某事而来”。如: Fortune often comes with misfortune. 好事总是随坏事而来。 (What does the author of this article think about winning the lottery?The auth

24、or thinks winning the lottery can open the door to worry as well as happiness, but it is not that easy to change ones life after winning. 论点),Answers to the Focus Questions,1. According to the article, is winning the lottery an easy thing? No, it isnt. The odds of winning the lottery are very small.

25、 2. Was Gloria Mitchem very glad at winning the Florida lottery prize? Why or why not? No, she wasnt, because her life was disturbed after winning the lottery. 3. What does the author of this article think about winning the lottery? The author thinks winning the lottery can open the door to worry as

26、 well as happiness, but it is not that easy to change ones life after winning.,Lesson 47 A Risky Business,Focus Questions Why does Julie choose the job of firefighting? 1. Where does Sam invest his money? 2. Why does Julie suggest Sam not to quit his job?,Language Points in the Dialogue,展望未来 1. 先来看一

27、般将来时。一般将来时的结构是:will (not) do sth.,用来表达将要做某事。课文中出现的几句话: Ill be honest with you, Julie. 我不会骗你的,Julie。 Well see about that, Sam! 那让我们看看吧,Sam! 2. 将来进行时的结构是:will (not) be doing sth.,表达将来要一直做某事。课文中出现的几句话: Five years from now youll be telling people, 五年后你将没完没了地跟别人说 In fact, pretty soon Ill be staying home

28、all the time, just counting my money. 其实,很快我就会整日呆在家里数钱。 I wont be risking my life fighting fires. 我将不会总得冒着生命危险去救火。 When I leave here, Ill really be making a lot of money. 当我离开这里的时候,我将没完没了地挣大钱,真的。 “要是就好了。”(表达后悔之意。),1. 对过去情况的假设,即“要是那时(没有)做过什么事情,早就(不会)怎样了”。结构是:if+过去完成时(if + had done),情态动词+现在完成时(would/c

29、ould + have done)。课文中出现的一句话: If Id finished, I would have made a lot of money eventually. 如果我那时完成了学业,早就挣大钱了。(言下之意:可惜当时没完成学业,没能挣大钱。) 再举一个例子: If Id had more money, I would have bought a house. 如果我那时挣多点,早就买一栋房子了。(言下之意:可惜当时没挣够钱,没能买一栋房子。) 2. 对现在情况的假设,即“要是(没有)做过什么事情,现在就(不会)怎样了”。结构是:if+一般过去时(if + did),情态动词

30、+动词原型(would/could + do)。如: If I had more money, I would buy a house. 如果我挣多点,这就买座房子。(言下之意:现在挣得不够多,买不起房子。),询问与澄清,Are you sure ? 你确定吗?如:Are you sure you belong in the program? 你肯定你要参加这次任务吗? Do you mean ? 你的意思是吗?如:Do you mean you invest your money in things like art? 你是说你要把钱投资在艺术品上? Dont take it the wro

31、ng way. 别误解我的意思。 Ill be honest with you. 我不骗你。/ 我跟你说老实话。 I mean 我的意思是。如:I mean real estate. 我是指房地产。,Answers to the Focus questions,1. Why does Julie choose the job of firefighting? Because she enjoys it. She feels as if shes doing something really important for the people of that city. 2. Where does

32、 Sam invest his money? He put his money into real estate. 3. Why does Julie suggest Sam not to quit his job? Because she considers real estate a risky business.,Lesson 49 On your own,Writing Skills 在这个单元中,我们来学习议论文的写法。议论文可以分三段,“论点-论据-结论”: 第一段提出论点,用一两句简单的语言说明这篇文章要说什么问题,你对这个问题持怎样的态度。 比如49课的问题:What life

33、 will be like in the new community in the future? 你可以这么写(用我们学习过的将来时态的结构):It will be more convenient and modern.,第二段列出论据,这部分一般都占较长的篇幅,是议论文的“重心”。这个部分应该用来证明论点,说明“为什么你会有这样的态度”。这就需要提出充分的论据,或摆事实或讲道理。比如上一段的论点,It will be more convenient and modern. 在这一段就可以从各方面说明为什么你会有这种观点,说明未来的新社区会是什么样子,从哪些方面体现了它的便利和时尚。可以用到

34、First, Second, Finally, 这样的列举结构。 第三段用一两句话来总结全文,主要和第一段你提出的论点相呼应。,Wrap-up tips,Learning Objectives How to imagine and talk about the future 想象和谈论未来 How to discuss possibilities 讨论可能性 How to express regret “后悔”的表达 How to write an argumentation 议论文的写作技巧,短语或词组,a solution to sth. 解决某问题的方法 a path to sth. 通

35、向的道路 to view as 把视为 to take in 吸收,接纳 to break sth. down 把分类 instead of 而不是 in reality 事实上 to be likely to do sth. 可能做某事 to spend sometime (on) doing sth. 花时间做某事 according to 根据 to afford to do sth. 有能力做某事 on ones own 靠自己 to get married 结婚 on ones honeymoon 在蜜月中,to continue to do sth. 继续做某事 to replac

36、e A with B 把A换成B Bin honor of 纪念 in addition 除此之外 to find out 发现,打听出 press conference 新闻发布会 to refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 as well as 也,和 to come with sth. 随某事物产生 by the way 顺便说一句 to put out fires 灭火 to see about sth. 查询,留意于 to drop out 退学 all the time 总是 to waste ones money on sth. 在某事上浪费金钱 to invest ones money in sth. 在某事上投资,


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