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1、Unit2 Wheres the post office?,Period 1(1a-1c),on the case,under the case,in the case,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its the case.,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the case.,near,There is an English book on the teachers desk.,What else(其它的) is on it?,There is a bag on the teachers desk. There is an Eng

2、lish book in the bag. There is an eraser under the book. There are three pens near here. There is an eraser and three pens near here. There are three pens and an eraser near the pencil-case.,There be结构: 表示 “有” 的意思; 只有 “There is, There are” 两种形式。,Is there a desk near here? Yes, there is. No, there is

3、nt.,post office,mail,pay phone,bank,The Bank of China,library,supermarket,shopping center (购物中心),hotel,restaurant,park,Beihai Park The World Park,bridge,street,river,post office 邮局 library 图书馆 restaurant 餐馆;饭店 bank 银行 supermarket 超市 street=St 街道 pay phone 投币式公共电话 park 公园 avenue=ave 大街;林阴道 bridge 桥 m

4、ail 邮件;邮政 center 中央;中心,你知道以下的单词是什么吗?,m_ _l l_br_r_ _ffi_ _ bri_ _e P_ _k cent_ _ str_ _t r_st_ _rant b_nk sup_ _m_ _ket,Match: 1. post office _ 2. library _ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. supermarket _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,f,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,Pair work: -Is there a/an near her

5、e? -Yes, there is. Its / No, there isnt.,Is there a bank near here?,Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.,RESTAURANT,Homework: 1.背诵P7 1c的对话,并默写. 2.抄写P7单词,并准备听写. 3.作业本(1).,Unit 2,Wheres the post office?,Period 2(2a-4),Pair work: -Is there a/an near here? -Yes, there is. Its / No, there isnt.,Is there

6、a bank near here?,Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.,RESTAURANT,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the case.,near,-Wheres the soccer ball?,-Its _ the case.,next to,用介词填空:,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the case.,behind,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the case.,next to,-Where is the soccer ball?,

7、-Its _ the case.,in front of,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _ the case.,across from,big,small,-Where is the soccer ball?,-Its _,between the big case and the small case.,big,small, Where is she?, Shes _,between the big box and the small box.,A is B.,A,B,behind,F is E.,G is H.,F,G,J,E,H,I,K,J is I _K

8、.,D,C,C is D.,next to,across from,in front of,between,and,school,book store,park,bank,post office,super- market,restaurant,hotel,library,payphone,school,library,bank,park,hotel,restaurant,book store,payphone,super- market,post office,Picture 1,Picture 2,Memory Challenge What are the differences betw

9、een the two pictures?,Look at the picture. Theres a school in the picture. Its_ School Street. The book store is_ the school. The bank is _ _ the school. The pay phone is_ the school and the hospital. Can you see the post office? Its_ _the school. There is a supermarket. Its_ _ _ the park.,in / on,b

10、ehind,next to,between,across from,in front of,1.The library is _ the restaurant _ the supermarket. 2.The park is _ the bank. 3.The supermarket is _ Fifth Avenue. 4. The pay phone is _ the post office. 5.The restaurant is _ the post office. 6.The hotel is _ the library.,2b Listening,between,and,acros

11、s from,on,next to,in front of,behind,问路的方法:,1.Where is the? 2.Is there a/annear here? Is there a/anin the neighborhood (临近的地方)?,go straight,turn left,turn right,on the left,on the right,Lets practice,Lets practice,G,B,F,D,C,E,A,PARK STREET,You are at A. Go straight down the Park Street. Its on the r

12、ight. Now you are at _. You are at A. Go straight and turn right. Its down the City Street on the right. Now you are at _. You are at A. Go straight and turn left and right. Now you are at _.,CITY STREET,B,C,F,_?,指路的方法:,just go straight Its down Street. turn right on the right turn left on the left,

13、restaurant,Pay phone,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,Where is the hotel?,restaurant,Pay phone,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,restaurant,Pay pho

14、ne,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood,restaurant,Pay phone,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,restaurant,Pay

15、phone,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,Wheres the bank?,restaurant,Pay phone,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,restaurant,Pay phone,park,MAP,Go str

16、aight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,Is there a post office in the neighborhood?,restaurant,Pay phone,park,MAP,Go straight,Turn left,Turn right,New street,Bridge street,Library,Bank,Post office,supermarket,Hotel,Where are Paul and Nancy? (P9

17、3a),Bridge Street,New Street,bank,hotel,supermarket,post office,park,restaurant,pay phone,3,2,4,1,Yes, there is. Go straight down New Street and turn right. There is a pay phone on the right. / The pay phone is on the right.,2. Go straight down New Street and turn right. Turn left at Bridge Street.

18、The bank is across from the street.,3. Yes, there is. Turn right, then go straight down Bridge Street. The post office is on the left. Its across from the restaurant, next to the supermarket.,P9 3b,A: ,Wheres the post office ? B: and right. Its Green street the left . Its a supermarket a bank. A: a

19、lot. B: Youre .,完成对话:,Homework: 1.背诵P8 2a的句子和P9 3a的对话. 2.抄写P8和P9单词,并准备听写. 3.作业本(2) 和(3).,Unit 2,Where is the post office?,Section B(1a-2c),There be 句型,1. There is / are . + 地点 某地有某物 2. Is /Are there. + 地点 某地有某物吗?,There _ a pen near the ruler.,2. There _ 2 books on the table.,3. There _ a pen and two

20、 books on the table.,4. There _ 2 books and a pen on the table.,is,are,is,are,用 be 的适当形式填空:,1. Thank you very much. _ . A. No,thanks. B. No,youre welcome. C. Youre welcome. D. Dont thank me. 解析:此题考查日常交际用语, 同时注意英语中的习惯用语。,C,2. My best friend sits next _ me. A. to B. on C. in D. beside 解析:根据介词的固定搭配,我们选

21、择next to。,A,3. Is there a fruit shop _ the neighborhood? Yes,its _ Center Street_the right. A. on;on;it B. in;on;in C. on;down;to D. in;down;on,D,4. Do you know these phrases? 麻烦您/请问 社区里面 直着走然后左转,Excuse me.,in the neighborhood,go straight and turn left,在左边 隔壁 不用谢。 沿着这条街下去在街的右边。,next to,You are welco

22、me.,It is down this street on the right.,on the left,_. Is there a post office in the _? Yes. Its _ Bridge Street _. _? Its down Bridge Street _.,Excuse me,down,on the right,Where is the hotel,on the left,neighborhood,dirty,clean,Revision,old,new,Revision,quiet,busy,Revision,small,big,Revision,Descr

23、ibe the following pictures using the correct words.,请描述描述吧!,a big supermarket,a small supermarket,old hotel,an,a new hotel,street,street,quiet,a,busy,a,a clean park,a dirty park,a busy man,a free man,big - small new - old clean - dirty busy(繁华的,拥挤的)-quiet(宁静的) busy(繁忙的) - free (空闲的),请记住以下几对反义词:,游戏:让

24、我反着说 S1: Theres a big park. S2: No, theres a small park. 1. There is a busy street. 2. There is a big supermarket. 3. There is an old house. 4. There is a quiet restaurant. 5. There is a dirty park.,Match the words with the pictures.,1a,a clean park e a new hotel a quiet street a big supermarket a d

25、irty park a small supermarket an old hotel a busy street,d,a,g,f,h,c,b,make sentences like this “Is there a busy street near your house? No,there is a quiet street near my house.”,1.a busy street,2.an old hotel,3.a big garden,4.a clean park 5.a small supermarket 6.a quiet library 7.an old post offic

26、e 8.a new bank,near your house across from the park behind the park next to the hotel near here in front of the hotel next to the school on the left,P102a:,a clean park a new hotel a quiet street a big supermarket a dirty park a small supermarket an old hotel a busy street,Bridge Street,Fifth Avenue

27、,hotel,supermarket,house,Michael: Hey, John! John: Hi, Michael! Michael: What are you doing? John: Reading a book. Michael: Do you want to come over to my house? We can watch video. John: OK. Where is your house? Michael: Its on Bridge Street. Its a quiet street off Fifth Avenue. John: Oh, OK. I kno

28、w where that is. Theres a new hotel on the corner. Michael: Yes. Theres a small supermarket on the street. Our house is across from the supermarket. John: OK, Ill see you at two-thirty.,Homework: 1.背诵1a的词组. 2.作业本4. 3.抄写P10, P12单词,并准备听写. 4.用There be结构至少写五个句子,请用上next to等介词. 例:There is a library in fro

29、nt of the school.,Unit 2 Wheres the post office,?,Section B(3a-4b),If (如果)there isnt a bus, you can take a _., ,taxi,If you want to take a plane(飞机) , you can go to the _. ,airport,airport,1.If you want to borrow a book, you will go to the _.,2.If you want to have fun, you will go to the _. ,3.If yo

30、u want to buy some food or household goods, you will go to the _.,4.If you want to have a meal, you will go to the _.,5.If you want to mail a letter, you will go to the _.,library,park/garden,supermarket/market,restaurant,post office,P11 3a Welcome to the Garden District,Turn left on First Avenue an

31、d enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks. Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. Across from the park is an old hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. This is the beginning of the garden tour.,请按照出现的先后顺序排列以下地点,park,First Avenue,Center Avenue,hotel,house,

32、garden.,The old hotel is_the park. The house with a garden is _the old hotel.,First Avenue,park,Center Avenue,hotel,house,garden.,across from,next to,Read 3a and circle the correct picture. A. B. C.,hotel,park,house,park,hotel,house,hotel,park,house,P11 3a Welcome to the Garden District,Turn left on

33、 First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks. Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. Across from the park is an old hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. This is the beginning of the garden tour.,Turn _ on First Avenue and _ the citys _stree

34、ts and _ parks. _ _ _ _ the park _ Center Avenue. Across from the park is _ old hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house _ _interesting garden. This is the _ of the garden _.,Welcome to the _ District.,Turn _ on First Avenue and _ the citys _streets and _ parks. _ _ _ _ the park _ Center Avenue. Ac

35、ross from the park is _ old hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house _ _interesting garden. This is the _ of the garden _.,Welcome to the _ District.,Garden,left,enjoy,quiet,small,Take a walk through,on,an,with an,beginning,tour,3b Come to visit Bridge Street,Bridge Street is a good place to have f

36、un. It is a very _street. You can play the guitar in the _. Its there, between the _ and the_. And if youre hungry, you can buy some food in the _. Its _the post office.,busy,park,restaurant,post office,supermarket,across from,Draw a map of where you live, then write it down.,画一画, 写一写:,Homework: 1.背诵P11 3a的短文,读3b5次. 2.抄写P11单词,并准备听写. 3.作业本5和6. 4.作文:在作文本上画一张学校到你家的地图,并进行介绍.,


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