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1、河南省淮阳一高 王清华 2010.8,词汇朗读,单词讲解,1. 游荡; 漫游; 闲逛; 流浪: wander through the countryside 在野外闲逛 * (fig 比喻) Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. 她思绪联翩, 回想到青春岁月. 2. (of a road or river) follow a winding path or course; meander (指道路或河流)蜿蜒, 迂回曲折: The road wanders (along) through the range of hills. 这条路在山丘间绕来绕去

2、. 3. (fig 比喻) Dont wander from the subject: stick to the point. 不要离题, 要针对这一问题谈. 4 (指人 思想等)走神, 胡思乱想, 神志昏乱: He realized his audiences attention was beginning to wander. 他意识到听众精神已不太集中了.,1. wander,1. allow 允许, 许可, 容许(某事物): We do not permit smoking in the office. 在我们的办公室里不准吸烟. * The council will not perm

3、it you to build here. 委员会不会允许你们在这一带搞建筑. 2. make (sth) possible 使(某事物)有可能性: Ill come tomorrow, weather permitting. 要是天气许可, 我明天一定来. * The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻. * The windows permit light and air to enter. 这些窗户采光及通风性能良好.,2. permit,ahead of:

4、earlier than planned or arranged I arrived at Jacks suite half an hour ahead of schedule. go ahead spoken used to tell someone they can do something Can I have the sports section? Yeah, go ahead, Ive read it. ahead of time/schedule: at an earlier time than was planned or arranged: The train had left

5、 five minutes ahead of time.,3. ahead,1raise from childhood;educate 抚育;教育 Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt. 她出生後不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。 2mention or present for attention or consideration提出(让人注意或考虑) These are matters that you can bring up in committee. 这些问题你可在委员会中提出。 3

6、vomit呕吐 *Martin has been bringing up all morning马丁整个早上都在呕吐。,4. bring up,1. 冒险,冒险精神U excitement associated with danger, taking risks, etc He is a man full of adventure. 他是一个充满冒险精神的人。 hair-raising adventure films惊心动魄的冒险电影 2.冒险活动(或经历)C dangerous experience They set out on a daring space adventure. 他们着手

7、进行一项大胆的太空探险。 3.激动人心的活动(或经历)C exciting experience The storm made our hike a real adventure. 暴风雨使得我们的徒步旅行成了一次真正令人难忘的经历。,5. adventure,author 泛指用自己名字或笔名发表过作品的人,不一定以写作为主职业。 writer 含义广泛,一般指以写作为职业的人。 (作家的)著作:Stephen King is an author Ive never read. Many American authors have been translated into Chinese.

8、许多美国作家的著作已译成中文。 著作,编写:He authored two best-sellers. 他写过两部畅销书。 co-author n. 合著者 vt. 合著,6. author,7. scene,另外,scene还有别的意思: on the scene the scene of the accident, crime, etc 事故 犯罪等的现场 The scene of the novel is set in Scotland. 小说中的事是在苏格兰发生的. situation or incident in real life (现实生活中的)情景, 事件: the horri

9、fic scenes after the earthquake 地震後的惨状,mistake词义最笼统, 可用於日常各种情况: Your essay is full of mistakes. 你的文章错误很多. * It was a mistake to go there on holiday. 跑到那儿度假真是失策. error较文: an error in your calculations 你计算中出现的错误 * a technical error技术性错误. *fault侧重於造成错误的个人责任: Whose fault is this? Mine, Im afraid. fault还

10、可指人或物的缺点: I like him despite his faults. 虽然他有种种缺点, 但我仍然喜欢他. * an electrical fault 电路的故障.,7. fault,scenic spot pick out (one person or thing from many); recognize; discover She spotted her friend in the crowd. 她在人群中认出了她的朋友 She has been spotted as a likely tennis star of the future. 她很有希望成为网球明星. He ke

11、eps his house spotless. 他把家里收拾得很整洁.,8. spot,即境活用,完成句子 (1)He _ (发现了一个严重的错误) in the accounts. (2)The night sky _ (繁星点点) (3)I was _ (在场) when the accident happened. 答案:(1)spotted a serious mistake (2)is spotted with stars (3)on the spot,open an account at/with that 在那个银行开帐户 Keep an account of your dail

12、y activities. 把你每天的活动都记下来. You left out an important detail in your account. take account of sth; take sth into account ; make allowances for sth; 计及; 斟酌; 体谅; 考虑: When judging his performance, dont take his age into account. 评定他的表现时, 不必考虑他的年龄. theres no accounting for taste (saying 谚) 人各有所好 Please a

13、ccounts for his absence. 对你的缺席请作解释.,9. account,seeking (for) solutions to current problems 寻找对目前问题的解决办法 seek happiness, comfort, wealth, etc 追求幸福 安逸 财富等 seek shelter from the rain 寻找避雨之处 seek safety in flight 逃生 seek help, advice, information, etc 请求帮助 徵求意见 寻找信息 * You must seek permission from the m

14、anager. 你需请求经理批准. They were seeking employment. 他们在找工作,10. seek,I warn you, Im beginning to lose (my) patience (with you 我警告你, 我(对你)已经渐渐失去耐性了. After three hours of waiting for the train, our patience finally gave out. 我们等了三个小时的火车, 最後再也没有耐性了 I must tell you that his patience has its limit. 我必须告诉你,他的耐

15、心是有限的。 She has reached the limit of her patience. 她已到了忍无可忍的地步。 out of patience with 对不能忍耐 受不了 He that can have patience, can have what he will.惟坚忍者方能遂其志。,10. patience,即境活用,5完成句子 (1)You must _ (对孩子们有耐心) (2)I warn you,Im beginning to _ (对你失去耐心),(3)She _ (无法容忍)people who are always grumbing. 答案:(1)be p

16、atient with the children (2)lose my patience with you (3)has no patience with,You didnt bother me. On the contrary, I like your company. 你没有打扰我,相反地,我喜欢有你作伴。 The results were contrary to expectation. 结果与预期的相反. * Contrary to the widely-accepted view, I think that- to the contrary 与此相反(的): I will go on

17、 with my work unless I get the order to the contrary. 我将继续工作直到我得到相反的命令。,11. contrary,The rope might break, but thats a chance well have to take. After losing $20,000 on my last business venture, Im not taking any chances this time. He was taking a chance on a relatively new young actor. He decided t

18、o take his chances in the boat.,12. take a chance: to do something that involves risks,I dont object to what she says, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it. 我不反对她说的话, 但她说这话的方式我很反感. * Do it in a businesslike manner. 要郑重其事做这件事. * He objected in a forceful manner. 他表示坚决反对. He has no s.他

19、没礼貌 Where are your s ?.你把你的礼貌丢到哪儿去了? 你没规矩! It is bad s to speak with your mouth full.满嘴食物时讲话是没礼貌的,13. manner: way,The fans screamed with excitement when they saw him. 球迷一看见他都激动得大喊大叫 The wind screamed through the trees. 风呼啸着穿过树林. * Racing cars screamed past. 汽车赛车呼啸而过. bring the bus to a screaming sto

20、p,14. scream: give a long piercing cry of fear, pain or excitement;,real; truly what it is said to be; not fake or artificial 真的; 名副其实的; 非伪造的; 非人工的: a genuine pearl 一颗天然珍珠. (fig 比喻) sincere; honest 真诚的; 诚实的: It appears to be genuine, but I have my suspicions (about it). 这看来好像是真的,不过我(对此)有怀疑。,15. genu

21、ine,1.发行;发布 The post office issued the stamps last week. 上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。 2.发出 The commander d several orders.司令官发出几道命令 The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。,16. issue,1. n object (eg a work of art) that seems genuine but is not 膺品(如伪造的艺术品): Thats not a real dia

22、mond necklace, its just a fake! 那不是真钻石项链, 是假的! 2. n 骗子; 冒充者: He looked like a postman but he was really a fake. 他看上去像个邮递员, 但实际上是假冒的. 3. adj not genuine 假的; 伪造的: fake furs, jewellery, etc 假的毛皮 珠宝等 * a fake policeman 假冒的警察. 4. v make (sth false) so that it seems genuine 伪造(某物): He faked his fathers si

23、gnature. 他伪造父亲的签字. * Her whole story had been faked,. 她的话全都是编造的.,17. fake,concerning;with regard to至于;就而言 *As for that man, he is not qualified for the job at all至于那人,他干这项工作根本不称职。 *He likes summer, but as for me, I like winter much better他喜欢夏天,但是对我来说,我则更喜欢冬天。,18. as for,bend the head or body as a si

24、gn of respect or as a greeting 鞠躬; 点头(表示尊敬或打招呼): The cast bowed as the audience applauded. 演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬. His back was bowed with age. 他因年老而驼背,19. bow,7.passage n. (1)process of passing/freedom or right to go through通行 机动车禁止通行。 The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 他们被禁止穿越占领区。 They were denied p

25、assage through the occupied territory.,课文理解,课文语言,1. Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet. Oliver believes that with a million pound bank note a man could survive a month in London.,I bet it will rain tomorrow. 我相信明天一定会下雨。 Lets make a bet on the next election. 我们就下次的选举打个

26、赌吧。 You bet!(口语)一定,的确,当然 “Are you going to the seaside?“- “You !“.“你要去海边吗?”“当然要!”,2. RODERICK: Young man, would you step inside a moment, please? HENRY: Who? Me, sir?,step onto/off the platform 走上下讲台 Kindly step this way (ie come here, follow me), please. 请往这边走 He stepped aside to let me pass. 他站到一边

27、让我过去 The police have not stepped in 警方尚未介入。 step up production 增加生产,3. RODERICK: I wonder, Mr Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions. HENRY: Not at all. Go right ahead.,Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind my opening the window? Not at all. Go ahead. Sorry, Id rather you didnt.,4

28、. (his eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner on table),Little remained of the house after the fire. Home improvements took what little there was of his spare time,5. towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.,near (a point in time) 接近(某一时间): Food shortages will

29、 probably get worse towards the end of the century. 食物短缺的情况到本世纪末可能更加严重. Towards the end of the term two or three boys caught scarlet fever. 快到学期结束的时候,有两三个男孩子得了猩红热。 The managers discuss the plan that they could like to see_ the next year. A.carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.to carry out,6. Id

30、just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。,(1)他刚上床,这时电话响了。(2)他正在看报,这时听到有人叫他的名字。 give sb up for dead/lost etc: to believe that someone is dead and stop looking for them The ship sank and the crew were given up for dead. The climbers were given up for los

31、t寻找失踪的登山者是没有希望了。 *Just as it had been given up for lost,the necklace turned up项链丢失了,正对它不抱希望时,却又找到了。,答案:(1)He had just gone to bed when the telephone rang. (2)He was reading newspapers when he heard his name called.,7. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts

32、for my appearance.,8. ODERICK: Patience, Mr Adams. If you dont mind, may I ask you how much money you have? HENRY: Well, to be honest, I have none.,none nothing,9. Now if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.,f youll excuse me 请见谅 Will you excuse me if I sit down for a minute?我可以坐一会儿吗? on ones/

33、the way in the process of going or coming 在来或去的行进中; 在路上: I had better be on my way (ie leave) soon. 我最好早点走. Ill buy some bread on the/my way home. 我要在回家的路上买些面包,10. HENRY: Oh, no. I dont want your charity. I just want an honest job. RODERICK: We know youre hard-working. Thats why weve given you the l

34、etter. James, show Mr Adams out.,We were shown into the waiting-room. 把我们带到了候客室. Please show this lady out (of the building). 请把这位太太送出去. Our trained guides will show you round (the museum). 我们这些训练有素的导游来带你们参观(博物馆). show sb the door 叫某人离开; 逐出: After having insulted his host, he was shown the door. 他侮辱

35、了主人, 结果被轰了出去,11. SERVANT: This way, sir. RODERICK: Mr Adams, not until 2 oclock. Promise? HENRY: Promise. Goodbye.,省略,12. OWNER: (seeing Henrys poor appearance) That ones reserved. This way, please. (to the waiter) Take this gentlemans order, Horace.,“Can I take your order now?“ said the waiter.,13.

36、 HENRY: Yes, thats right. (sees the look on the waiters face) Anything wrong? WAITER: No, not at all.,省略,14. WAITER: (in a rude manner) Whats there to wait for? OWNER: All right, Horace. Ill take care of this.,1take charge of;look after 照顾;照看 *The nurse takes good care of the baby保姆把婴儿照顾得很好。 2be res

37、ponsible for 负责 *Will you take care of buying the wine for tonights party?你负责为今晚的聚会买酒好吗? *Dont worry about thisIll take care of it这事不要担心,我会负责处理的。,15. OWNER: Yes, very interesting. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay your bill I can help the other customers.,将饮食品等 端给,劝取食to She ed me to some wine.她倒给我一些葡萄酒 h

38、elping (饭菜的)一份, 一客: take a third helping 吃第三份食物 She had two generous helpings of pie. 她吃了两客分量很足的馅饼. Hes been helping himself to my stationery. 他未经许可一直用我的文具。,15. OWNER: Yes, very interesting. Now perhaps, sir, if you pay your bill I can help the other customers.,not if I can help it spoken used to sa

39、y that you are not going to do something Are you going to watch the school play? Not if I can help it. it cant be helped spoken used to say that there is nothing you can do to change a bad situation She said she had to leave him for a while; it couldnt be helped.,16. OWNER: (to Henry) Im so sorry, s

40、ir, so sorry, but I cannot change this bank note.,get or give money in exchange for money, either because you want it in smaller units, or because you want the same value in foreign money: Could you change a ¥10 note (for two fives), please? Could you change a ¥5 note for me? I need to change my dol

41、lars for/into English money. break:兑开(大额钞票等) To exchange for smaller monetary units: break a dollar.,17. OWNER: Oh, please, dont worry, sir. Doesnt matter at all. Were so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. Indeed, sir, I hope youll come here whenever you like.,Peter was so exci

42、ted _he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. (重庆09,27) A. where B. that C. why D. when,18. ENRY: Forget it? Well . thank you very much. Thats very nice of you. OWNER: Oh, its for us to thank you, sir and I do, sir, from the bottom of my heart.,衷心地 The mother thanked the man from the bottom of her heart for saving her sons life. 这位母亲衷心感谢那位救了她儿子的性命的人。,课文朗读,课后作业,


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