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1、新课程 新中考 三明市教育科学研究所 蒋秋阳,课程标准目标:发展学生的综合语言运用能力,强调以“学生语言技能(language knowledge)、语言知识(language skills)、情感态度(character building)、学习策略(learning strategies)和文化意识(cross-culture awareness)的发展为基础”。,一、课程标准与测试内容,根据课程标准目标要求,命题在确定具体考试内容和标准时,应以课程标准中的“五级目标 ”规定的教学要求为依据,侧重考查学生的语言技能、语言知识,即听,说,读,写技能以及灵活运用语音知识、词汇知识和语法知识的能

2、力;同时突出学科特点,关注学生情感、态度、价值观,注重联系学生生活实际和学生创新思维能力的考查。,二、课程标准要求与中考命题探讨 (一)语言知识与技能 1.课程标准对“听”的5级要求和考查方式 能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图; 能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和 观点; 能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意; 能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的 因果关系; 能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应; 能针对所听语段内容记录简单信息。,各地采用的题型主要有: 看图听句子,听对话,听短文和完成表格等题型。 A.看图听句子,根据所听内容选择相应的图画(5分),目的是要考生把听到的语言与语言

3、所代表的事物直接联系起来。 B.听对话(15分),对话比例较大是因为对话的形式更能体现学生捕捉信息、瞬间加工信息的能力,更能考查学生在日常交流中理解或获取信息的能力。,C.听短文,一方面考查理解文章的主旨、大意的能力,因为任何一段听力材料都会是围绕一个主旨或中心思想展开的,要求学生在听的过程中归纳、概括材料的主旨和大意。同时也考查获取事实性的具体信息的能力,诸如时间、地点、人物、等具体信息,这些信息是理解和把握对话主旨必不可少的内容,也是听力考试的考点所在。,D. 听短文(对话),根据短文(对话)内容完成下列表格。,听力考查要引导学生将精力主要放在“听”上,放在“理解”上,突出强调“听力理解”

4、,达到有效地检测学生听力理解和获取信息的能力。防止不用“听”就能作答的题目。如: Xiao hui got a letter _her penfriend,John. The boy said he was_to China with his parents next _. They have_to each other for_years. But she saw him only in the pictures. At first she was weak in English and often_misakes in her letters. The boy has taught her

5、 a_. Now she does well in it and always helps classmates with_English. She knows John_animals very much and decided to make a cloth panda for him.,2. 新课标对“读”的五级要求和考查方式 能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; 能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; 能找出文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料; 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词

6、以上。,阅读理解部分主要考查学生对书面语言的理解能力,要求考生能读懂比较熟悉的日常生活方面的文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告,以及书刊杂志中一般性话题的短文材料。考试形式除了选出正确选项外还有将阅读与回答问题、翻译、写作结合起来的考查形式。阅读理解的考查内容主要集中在如下几个方面: 理解主旨和要义 理解文章中的具体信息(包括图文转换的信息) 根据上下文推测生词的意义 进行简单的判断和推理 理解作者的意图和态度,A few days later, Dr Rurner went to Thorby, and arrived at Dr Johnsons home early in the after

7、noon. Though old and a little deaf, Dr Johnson had a clever mind, He kept talking to the visitor about the town and its people. When they turned to the question about working together, it was already seven in the evening. Dr Johnson invited Dr Turner to have dinner with him in the restaurant before

8、Dr Rurner caught the train back to London. They had an expensive meal. When the bill was brought, Dr Johnson felt in his pocket,” Oh, dear,” he said.” I have forgot my wallet.” “Thats all right. Ill pay the meal” Dr Turner said. As he did so, he began to wonder whether Dr Johnson was worth trusting.

9、,63.After dinner, Dr.Turner would _. A. return to London by train B. keep talking with Dr Johnson C. stay in Thorby (具体信息) 64.Which of the following is TURE? A. Dr. J was worth trusting B. Dr T had to pay the bill at last. C. Dr.J hadnt got enough money to pay the bill. (推理) 65.From the passage we k

10、now that _ A. Dr.T thought highly of Dr. J B. Dr J was very famous in the town C. the two doctors would not work together (推理 判断),(07年三明卷阅读理解) 主旨大意( 65题) The best title for the passage is_. A. An Important Event B. An Exciting Visit C. A Charity Walk 细节理解(61,62,67,70) 推理判断 (63,64,66,68,69,71,73,74,7

11、5) 猜测词意(72),另外,阅读技能已经不局限于对文字的理解能力。以适当形式考查学生从图表等视觉材料中获取信息的能力,强调提倡阅读材料生活化、实用化,也成为一种趋势。 选用一些实用性的语言材料作为考题的载体,如,广告、说明书、时刻表、节目单、图书目录、指令等,代替千篇一律地使用故事和短文作为试题的载体,考查实际英语阅读能力,体现了英语学习与实际生活的联系,也已经为各省、市所认同。,例:,任务型阅读: 例1. 根据短文内容,用简洁的句子或短语完成下列表格。,例2,提倡任务型阅读的测试方式。文字、图表和表格等材料结合起来,要求学生在阅读的同时和阅读之后补全图画,填写表格等任务。,(3)课标对“说

12、”的五级要求和考查方式,能传递信息并就熟悉的话题表达看法; 能通过重复、举例、解释等方式澄清意思; 能有条理地描述个人体验和表达个人的见解; 能用恰当方式在特点场合中表达态度和意愿; 能使用恰当的语调、语气和节奏表达自己的意图。,各地大多采用书面的形式检测学生的口语应用能力。 题型主要有:句子匹配;用方框中所给句子完成对话;用适当的句子完成对话等。 I II ( ) 1.What makes healthy children overweight? A. Three years. ( ) 2.How long have you been learning English? B. Junk fo

13、od. . 1.When you hear one of your classmates is ell, you should say:_ A. How is he/she? B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Bad luck. D. Its a pity. 2. If someone says your handwriting is very good, your reply should be:_ A. Thank you B. I dont thank so. C. No, it is very poor. D. Oh, please dont say so.,A

14、: Do you mind if I sit here? B: _56_ Do sit down. Theres much room. A: Thank you. I guess you dont smoke , right ? B: No. A._57_ B: Go ahead. _58_ A: Of course. The weathers great today, isnt it? B: Oh, yes._59_ A: I hope so. But its changeable at this time of year. B: By the way, could you tell me

15、when the train from New York will arrive? A:_60_ B: Thats OK. Ill ask the front desk. (A.Do you mind my smoking here? B. May I open the window? C.Not at all. D.Sorry, I dont know. E.Yes, I do. F.I hope the good weather will stay. G.It doesnt matter.),(In a shop) Salesgirl: (96) _ Maria: Yes, please.

16、 Do you have any skirts like this? Salesgirl: Yes. Here they are! Maria: Mmm. I like this one. Can I try it on? Salesgirl: (97) _ The changing room is over there. ( Maria tries on the skirt.) Maria: It looks nice. (98)_ Salesgirl: These skirts are on sale for 30% off. This one only 60 yuan. Maria: I

17、ts a good price. (99)_ . Here is the money! Salesgirl: (100)_ Goodbye!,口语应用主要考查学生能否根据上下(句)文所提供的语境进行交流,测试学生基本的口语交际能力,检测学生在具体的语境中运用所学知识,解决问题的能力及对功能话题的掌握情况。对话中要求考生补全的内容应该是语言素材中的关键信息。,(4)新课标对“写”的五级要求和考查方式 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; 能独立起草短文、短信等; 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系; 能简单描述人物和事件; 能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。,例: (A)部分:以下是某

18、学校图书馆倡导文明的英文告示牌,请你用所给的提示词补充四条,使之完整。(4分) 提示词:keep.clean take care noise noise,假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Nancy想邀请你参加她的生日宴会,以下是她给你的邀请信。,Invitation Dear Li Hua, I would like to invite you to my birthday party at 6:00p.m. on July 5yh at my home. Hope to see you then!,请你写一封回复给Nancy,感谢她的邀请,并告诉她你会准时到达。,_ _ yours, Li hua

19、,Dear Nancy,B部分(15分):根据所提示的信息写作,有一定的写作要求,又有一定的开放性。鉴于当前初中生的实际水平和考试的时间限制等等因素,字数大多控制在80词左右。试题既不能设计成不交代情景的命题作文,又要尽量减少中英文提示,给学生提供更多积极主动的构思和创造性的自我发挥的余地。,(5)语言知识运用的考查 语言知识的考查一般包括单项选择、完形填空、词汇、完成句子等。单项选择是我国多年来中、高考考试中普遍采用的传统题型。它所考查的内容主要包括语法知识、词汇知识、习惯用语及日常交际用语等。 如:,1.-Excuse me, please look at the sign NO PHOT

20、OES! -Sorry, I _ it. A. dont see B. didnt see C. wont see 2.-Your e-mail address again? I_ quite catch it. -F A. dont B. Cant C. wont D. didnt 3.Sorry, I cant hear you clearly. Will you please _ your e-mail address? A. review B. recite C. report D. repeat,完形填空:完形填空是语言水平考试常用的题型。它要求考生从语篇层次上把握语言材料,在阅读理

21、解的基础上进行逻辑推理,综合运用所学语言知识。考查要点在以下几个方面; 对于上下文的理解和把握。 对词汇意义及其用法的理解。 能否根据生活常识进行判断。 是否具有一定的逻辑推理能力。 对惯用法和常用搭配的掌握程度。,例1. 关于蜜蜂的故事。考查全文的理解 ,要求学生在理解全文的基础上, 结合上下文,最终确定答案。As soon as he heard a strange noise from the_49_(front, middle, back, top) of the car, he got out to have a lookHe found the queen bee hidden n

22、ear the wheel at the back of the car Very_59_(helpful, thankful, kind, useful) to the driver, the bee-keeper took the queen and her followers home. Very grateful, too the driver_60_(ran, rode, drove, walked) away happily.,Happiness is important in our life. Are you happy every day? Follow me, 46 you

23、 will have a happy life. Believe in yourself. Every morning when you wake up and look at yourself in the 47 ,what will you do? If you want to be 48 in the following hours, please 49 “You are the best!” to yourself. Dont always think you are 50 than other students. In fact, you are excellent. You can

24、 give 51 courage. Just believe in yourself! 46. A. or B. but C. and 47. A. mirror B. bedroom C. uniform 48. A. helpful B. happy C. crazy 49. A. express B. explain C. say 50. A. cleverer B. better C. worse 51. A. yourself B. ourselves C. themselves,完型填空考点分布 (以下是三明07考点分布) 名词: 3个(47、52、57题) 代词:1个(51题)

25、形容词:3个(48、50、56题) 连词:1个(46题) 动词:(49、54、55、58、60题) 介词:1个(53题) 数词:1个(54题),词汇 词汇题要求学生具有单词的记忆能力以及在语篇中灵活运用词汇的能力。主要题型有:单词归类、根据首字母完成句(Its a good time to fly a k_);根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式填空 (I hope that my dream will_ (实现)in the future.) ;根据汉语意思用英语完成句子等。 本题侧重于语言基础知识和语言基本技能的综合考查。,(二) 情感态度 学习策略和文化意识 1. 情感态度: 课程标准在“情感


27、任心。如:,例1. Happiness is important in our life. Are you happy every day? Follow me,and you will have a happy life. Believe in yourself. Every morning when you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror what will you do? If you want to be happy in the following hours, please say “You are the best!” to

28、yourself. Dont always think you are worse than other students. In fact, you are excellent. You can give yourself courage. Just believe in yourself! Smile. When you meet some difficulties, what will you do? Are you often in a bad mood and disappointed when you are in trouble? If you want to cheer up

29、and be happy, please smile. Smile at yourself. Smile can make you strong, and smile can also make you happy. Talk to others. Dont live in a world where you are alone. Talk to others about your joys and also your trubbles. Its not hard to be happy. Open your heart to the world, and you will find the

30、world is more colorful than you can imagine. Keep doing the above three things every day. Remember to believe in yourself, to smile all the time, and to communicate with others. Wish you a happy life! ( 完形填空内容介绍如何使自己自信、快乐的方法,有助于学生树立自信心并快乐生活。对自己要有信心。),Kelly took part in a charity(慈善) walk last week.

31、The walk was organized by the local government. The purpose of the walk was to raise money for the children in poor areas. Kelly was very excited because this was her first time to join this kind of activity. One month before the walk, Kelly began to practice. She ran for 30 minutes and went to bed

32、at 9:00 p.m. every day, and climbed the mountains every Saturday and Sunday. She hoped that she could keep healthy. Finally the day arrived. When Kelly got to the place where they started, she was surprised to see over 1,000 people had been there. The walk started at 8:00 a.m. During the walk, peopl

33、e from local charities provided some food, drink and other help for the walkers. The walkers helped each other on the way. It was a good chance for them to learn how to work together. They reached the destination (目的地)at 6:00 p.m. Though all of the walkers were tired, they were very happy. They shar

34、ed success with each other. Kelly hoped to have more chances to join this kind of activity in the future. At the same time, she also hoped that more and more people would take part in more events like this.( 通过生动感人的事例,教育学生应关心帮助他人,让学生深刻感受到共创美好家园、和谐社会的内涵是帮助和关爱他人。对社会要有爱心。),例3同学们,暑假就要到了。爸爸妈妈为你们,忙碌了一年又一年

35、。为了表达对父母的感恩之情,你打算在暑假里做哪些家务来回报他们的辛劳呢?请谈谈你的具体计划和想法吧。(字数80左右)。 (15分) 温馨提示: summer holidays. cook, clean, shop. understand parents, take care of.,After thirty years of hard work, an old worker told his boss that he was too old to work and planned to (86) leave. His boss was (87) sorry to see his worker

36、go because he was good at his work and could (88) get along well with the other workers well. The boss asked the old worker (89) if he could build him just one more house as a favor. The worker said yes, but he was not really interested, and he (90) was tired of his work. So he used poor materials a

37、nd didnt work as (91) hard as before. When the work was finished, his boss came to see the new house. He (92)passed the front-door key to the worker, “This is your house, my (93) gift to you.” What a surprise! What a (94)shame! And what a pity that he hadnt done the work well! From the story, we lea

38、rn that we should (95) always do our best in everything.(短文填空故事生动有趣、寓意深远,读后给人留下深刻印象,让学生明白做任何事都应尽自己最大努力,有始有终。对事应有责任心。),例4. 用方框中所给词或词组的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、正确。,2. 学习策略 : 其中5级要求包括“善于记要点;善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题;借助联想,学习和记忆词语;对所学内容能加以归纳和整理”等。其中有些策略在试题中可以得到体现。例如,在阅读理解试题中设计一些考核总结归纳语篇整体大意、通过上下文推理判断或推断生词的题目,使学生在应答中用到以上策略

39、。,How to be a good learner,例(福州07试题):为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,新世纪英文报正在举办以”How to t be a good learner?”为题的征文比赛,请你踊跃投稿。 内容提示:,Habit, way,Get ready, listen,Go over, homework,Study in groups, help each other,Work hard, do sports,其他 12条,3. 文化意识: 课程标准在5级要求中,共列举了“体态语、称谓语、服饰、动植物、自然现象、文娱和体育活动、了解英语国家重要节假日及主要庆祝方式,对中国文化

40、的理解”等14项具体描述。要求学生具有接受外来文化的意识,能初步了解中外文化的差异。,试题还可以设置利用媒体或网络上与考生整体语言水平大致相当的语言材料作为阅读材料,或通过书面表达等形式,引导和拓展学生的文化知识,增强学生的文化意识。例如,2007年7月1日,正好是香港回归祖国10周年纪念日,而且中考英语考试恰好就在当天,我们便设计以下书面表达题:,A今年7月1 日是香港回归祖国10周年纪念日。学生会定于6月30 日晚上8:00-10:00在学校操场举行英语晚会,节目有歌舞、相声、魔术、乐器演奏 请你为晚会设计一张英文海报。(内容包括Place, Time, Programs)(5分),三、对

41、命题的思考建议,1. 依据课程标准目标要求进行命题。 用课程标准提出的教学理念及教学目标与要求指导命题。认真落实课程标准提出的语言能力要求,即对听、说、读、写的具体目标要求。关注课程标准关于情感态度、学习策略和文化意识方面的要求。 2. 关注课程标准与教学实际之间的差距。充分考虑课程标准要求与实际教学状况。,3. 重视话题。课程标准提示了24个话题项目,包括个人生活(个人信息、学校生活、兴趣爱好、个人感情、日常活动、计划愿望、购物、语言学习等),社会生活(家庭、朋友、人际关系、节假日活动、饮食健康、文娱与体育、旅游与交通、热点话题)等等。命题时可将课程标准中话题功能系统分类、整理,明确课程标准对于话题的具体要求。,4. 中考改革对听力理解、阅读和写作能力的考查已经成为主要内容,而语言知识的考查也已经突出语境化设计,所以,命题不可再在单纯的单项语言知识题上兜圈子,更不要在偏、难、怪题上耗费更多的时间和精力。结合英语新课程的特点和要求,积极探索能够体现新课程理念的考试题型和考查内容,充分发挥不同类型试题的功能。,Thank You,


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