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1、1,退货程序 Return Procedure,退货程序 Return Procedure,Boucle Complete 是 一个管理的工具 Boucle Complete is a management tool,2,Receiving Yard Manager Order Pool Manager,Update the theoretical stock in PIV system when goods are returned to the supplier. Reduce financial risk due to supplier bad debt.,Trainer,Duratio

2、n,At the end of this training you will be able to,Staff Concerned,Training Method,癡絤揭祘挡盢暗,闽,癡絤,癡絤,丁,Objective,At the end of this training you will be able to,Population,Training Method,Trainer,Duration,目的,训练课程结束时,你将有能力做到,参加人员,训练方式,训练者,时间,根据厂商退货数量,更新理论库存。 减少由于供应商呆帐造成的财务风险,熟悉退货相应操作方法,全体参加退货流程的员工,投影仪,收

3、货区主管 / OP 主管,60 分钟,All the employees involved in return operation,Projector,60 minutes,To know the basic return operation procedures,3,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描

4、退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,4,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the su

5、pplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,5,根据厂商退货数量,更新理论库存 Update the theoretical stock in PIV system when goods are returned to the supplier 减少由于供应商呆帐造

6、成的财务风险 Reduce financial risk due to supplier bad debt,目的 Objective,6,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount In

7、quiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,7,收货区 Receiving Yard: 在收货区附近,在食品处和非食品处各设立一个退货区 Arrange the Returning Area for the returning goods close to the Receiving Yard 放置一块计划板以便进行退货管理 Place a Returning Board for a good return organization,先决条件 Pre

8、requisites,营业部门 Commercial Team: 在每个部门设立退货准备区 Arrange the Returning Preparation Area in each department in the storage of both Food and Nonfood,退货区 Returning Area,退货计划板 Returning Board,8,先决条件 Prerequisites,IT: 为营业部门的电脑安装CPC网上查询软件 Install the CPC Web Inquiry function in one PC of Commercial Departmen

9、t,9,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 At

10、tachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,10,厂商到达前,1,2,3,11,Before supplier arrives,12,厂商到达后,厂商离开后,4,5,6,13,After supplier arrives,When supplier has left,14,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用

11、工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,15,RF枪使用 RF Terminal,使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scanning Returning List by RF Terminal,1. 输入供应商编号 Input supplier code,2. 扫描或直接输入条码号 Scan or key

12、in barcode,3. 输入退货数量 Key in Qty.,16,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打

13、印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,17,销售主管需在PIV系统中检查退货商品的进价。如果退货金额与进货金额不一致,需在退货清单(财务联)上写下正确的进价,以引起财务对帐人员的注意 The Sales Manager should be responsible for checking the purchase price for returning goods in PIV system. For any difference in price, he needs to mark down the rig

14、ht price on the Returning List accounting copy for the attention of accountants during invoice matching,98.2906,退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry,18,5. 订货作业,退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry,查询路径 Inquiry Screen,C. 退货数量维护,19,查询路径 Inquiry Screen,退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry,20,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequ

15、isites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :

16、,21,净付款查询 CPC网络 Supplier AP Inquiry - CPC Web,销售主管必须确定家乐福有足够的应付帐款来抵扣退货金额。在退货单上: The Sales Manager must make sure the Carrefour has enough account payable for return deduction. On the Returning list accounting copy: 计算并写下含税的退货总额 Calculate and write down the total return amount including VAT 在CPC网上查询,

17、写下应付帐款总额和Reject Fees Check in CPC Web Inquiry, write down the total Account Payable (AP) and the Reject Fees amount 写下最近的一次付款日 Write down the nearest payment due date 签名 Sign,规则 Rules: 如果净付款(应付帐款Reject Fees) 5000 RMB, it must be signed by Store Manager,22,CPC查询路径 CPC Inquiry Screen,http:/10.132.174.

18、29,23,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件

19、Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,24,5. 订货作业,D. 打印退货清单,打印退货清单 Print Returning List,打印路径 Print Screen,25,打印路径 Print Screen,打印退货清单 Print Returning List,26,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开后 When the supplier has l

20、eft 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,27,退货清单 Returning List,附件 Attachment,28,退货清单 (有图章) Returning List (with stamp),FAX OUT,附件 Attachment,29,订单 (有图章) Fax Order

21、(with stamp),附件 Attachment,30,退货报告 Returning Report,附件 Attachment,31,不连续退货清单 Non-continuous Returning RPT No. List,附件 Attachment,32,退货登记册 Returns Control Book,附件 Attachment,33,目的 Objective 先决条件 Prerequisites 退货的流程 Return Process 厂商到达前 Before the supplier arrives 厂商到达后 After the supplier arrives 厂商离开

22、后 When the supplier has left 实用工具 使用RF枪扫描退货清单 Scan Returning List by RF Terminal 退货金额查询 Returning Amount Inquiry 净付款查询 Net Payable Inquiry 打印退货清单 Print Returning List 附件 Attachment 测验 Test,内容 Content :,34,测验 Test,在退货前, 退货清单必须经哪几方确认后方可退货? Before returning, the Returning List has to be confirmed by wh

23、om? A. 订货小组 Order Pool Team B. 部门主管、处长 Sales Chief/Division Chief C. 财务主管 Business Controller D. 供应商 Supplier 退货清单超过多少金额需要店长签字确认后方可退货? Store managers signature is requested when returning amount including VAT exceeds: A. 1000RMB B. 2000RMB C. 5000RMB D. 10000RMB 满足以下哪些条件后, 收货区方可同意退货? Under what cond

24、itions below, Receiving Yard will authorize returning? A. 应付帐款退货金额 AP Return Amt. B. (应付帐款Reject Fees)退货金额 (AP Reject Fees)Return Amt. C. 收到订货小组转交的厂商同意退货书面协议复件(厂商确认回传的退货清单) Returning Agreement (copy of confirmed Returning List from supplier handed over by Order Pool) D. 退货清单打印日期在七天内 The Returning Li

25、st was printed within 7 days 收货区必须至少每日一次递交哪些文件给店Business Controller? Which documents should Receiving Yard turn over to Business Controller at least once per day? A. 退货清单 Returning List B. 退货报告 Returning Report C. 退货协议 Returning Agreement D. 退货登记册 Returns Control Book 订货小组必须每天删除几天前的退货清单? Order Pool should cancel Returning List days before? A. 3天 3 days B. 7天 7 days C. 1个月 1 month D. 2个月 2 months,


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