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1、人教版新高中英语教材透视与解析, 把握教材核心,灵活整合教材,人民教育出版社外语分社 肖菲,一、关于新课标教材的反馈和认识 二、新高中英语教材透视与解析 I Getting to know a coursebook II How to approach NSEC Previewing the whole unit 预览整个单元(模块) Focusing on vocabulary关注单元词汇,分门别类进行处理 Lesson planning (1)单元板块内容整合 Lesson planning (2) 课型设计(以阅读课为例) 阅读策略培养与活动设计 阅读篇章特色分析,Contents,一、

2、关于新课标教材的反馈与认识,培训目标: 通过第一部分培训内容的呈现和讲述,参加培训的教师能够:,发现英语教师常见提问中所隐含的关于教材和教师自身角色定位的误区; 说出教材所能囊括的内容,教材的优点及其局限性; 用若干动词来简述几种常见的教材处理方式。,Problems most frequently mentioned by English teachers,教材提供的话题太广,内容太多,教学任务繁重,课时紧张。 学生基础薄弱,拼读单词尚存在问题,词汇量不够,听力和口语水平较弱,无法实现新课标教材中的各项任务。 教材的词汇量太大,处理起来非常困难。,Questions most frequen

3、tly asked by English teachers,新课标教材一个单元要用几个课时来完成教学? 新课标教材要教完几册书才能达到高考的要求? 听说课/词汇课/语法课/写作课怎么上?,Questions for teachers to think about:,How do you define the role of your coursebooks? Whats in your coursebooks? How would you use the coursebooks? Why?,What coursebooks can offer,The syllabus Language pre

4、sentation material Language practice material Skills development material A sequence of work Recycling and review of language Additional material,Taken from Success in English Teaching, Oxford University Press,What a coursebook cannot provide,specific teaching conditions,specific learners interest,O

5、nly TEACHERS can respond fully to:,Taken from Success in English Teaching, Oxford University Press,Only TEACHERS Can: bring coursebook material to life and make it work in classroom motivate students respond sensitively to learners make language learning personal enjoyable and satisfying,Taken from

6、Success in English Teaching, Oxford University Press,Coursebooks Benefits Vs Restrictions,Shall I compare a coursebook to a piano?,About How to Use Coursebooks,Neville Grant: “omit, replace, add and adapt” R Acklam: SARS Select, Adapt, Replace, Supplement,普通高中课程标准(实验)中关于教材使用的建议:,对教材内容进行适当的补充和删减 替换教学

7、内容和活动 扩展教学内容或活动步骤 调整教学顺序 调整教学方法 总结教材使用情况,二、新高中英语教材透视与解析,培训目标: 通过第二部分培训内容的呈现和讲述,希望参加培训的教师能够:,在日常备课时,先预览整本教材或整个单元,对教材所提供的内容进行整体分析。 在完成单元整体分析后,列出对教材内容进行选择、删减、替换或补充的计划,并能说明原因。 针对各单元不同词汇的特点,整理出不同的处理办法,并将词汇的呈现、讲解、训练及巩固合理地安排在不同课时中。 根据语篇特点进行阅读活动设计,并将阅读策略培养渗透到活动之中。,A Marley: materials use is a “complex trade

8、-off(权衡,协调)between the three major elements in the equation: the materials, the teachers and the learners” Jeremy Harmer: “Using coursebooks appropriately is an art which becomes clearer with experience.”,I Getting to know a coursebook,the syllabus (objectives, content, sequence, lesson or unit divi

9、sions) the layout (typical organization of each lesson or unit, format and presentation of the main types of material, including activities and exercises) the proposed methodology and procedures (suggested use of the coursebook as indicated by the types of activity, instructions, TB) the supplementa

10、ry material (cassettes, WB, wall-charts, DVD, etc.),Taken from Success in English Teaching, Oxford University Press,II How to approach NSEC,教材解析思路与案例参考,目的: 了解各板块内容的特色以及蕴含的文化背景, 以便领会教学重难点,合理取舍,1 Previewing the whole unit 预览整个单元(模块),1) Preview the reading passages and listening scripts,目的: 比较分析语篇的内容、篇

11、幅与操作难易度 浏览单元语篇,了解话题和文化信息,Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists Topics (主题内容概况分析),跨学科知识(如右图),追求真理的精神 (Copernicus) 科学研究的步骤 (John Snow, Euler) 科学家应具备的素质和条件 (curiosity, responsibility, determination, bravery, good education, etc),SB: Reading 1: a brief introduction to the United Kingdom Reading 2: tourist attr

12、actions in London Listening: Tower of London and stories about the royal family,Book 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,WB: Listening: British citizenship Reading task: Guy Fawkes Day Listening task: Religious history in Britain,话题与文化信息,英国的地理名称、概况及其发展历史 专有名词和文化古迹(伦敦) 英国的宗教历史与焰火节,2) Previewing the word list

13、, contents and grammar items,目的: 浏览单元词汇表,简单总结单元词汇的特点。 浏览教材目录以及各单元的语法教学部分,了解该语法项目在整套教材中的编排顺序以及教学重点。,Book 5 structures(语法结构),Unit 1 (The Past Participle) as the Attribute & Predicative Unit 2 as the Object Complement Unit 3 as the Adverbial & Attribute Unit 4 Inversion Unit 5 Ellipsis,Revising the Pas

14、t Participle,选修8: Unit 3 as the Attribute, Predicative & Object Complement Unit 4 as the Adverbial 选修9: Unit 3 the Predicative Unit 5 the Object Complement 选修10: Unit 1 the Attribute Unit 2 the Adverbial,词汇: 名词较多,短语较多,非课标词汇包含的专有名词较多(学会读) 语法: 过去分词作宾补,篇章中的示例较少(需要补充,让学生大量接触相关的语法现象),Book 5 Unit 2 The Un

15、ited Kingdom,供教师参考的工具书,Grammar Books: Grammar in Context英语语境语法 English Grammar in Use 英语在用剑桥中/高级英语语法 Grammar Dimensions 汤姆森三维英语语法 English Grammar Tools for Life高中英语语法与词汇 薄冰新编英语语法张道真英语语法 Vocabulary Books: English Vocabulary in Use 英语在用剑桥中/高级英语词汇 A Dictionary of Current English Usage 现代英语用法词典 Longman

16、Dictionary of Contemporary English 朗文当代英语词典 Practical Vocabulary for Students 高中英语词汇实用手册,3) Previewing the speaking tasks and writing tasks,目的: 根据单元教学目标要求,权衡任务难易程度、学生兴趣及其实际英文写作水平等因素,选择适宜的口语和写作任务,并采取适当的补充调整策略帮助学生有效完成。,Book 5 Unit 1 SB Speaking,Book 5 Unit 1 WB Talking,Book 5 Unit 1 WB Speaking task,B

17、ook 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists Functional items(功能项目分析),Describing people: Appearance (WB talking) Character or personality (SB Listening and speaking, WB Speaking task) Characteristics and qualities (SB Listening and speaking, WB Writing task),思考题,除了教材中提供的句型以外,教师还可提供哪些资源以保证学生的口语活动得以顺利进行? 如何帮助学生有条理地进

18、行表达?,Describing peoples appearance,Height and build: tall, slim, short, fat, stout Hair: straight hair, wavy hear, curly hair, blonde hair Face: thin-faced, round-faced, long-faced Skin: white/dark skin, dark-skinned Special features: broad shoulders, beard, moustache General appearance: elegant, we

19、ll-dressed, good-looking, handsome, pretty, beautiful,Describing character and qualities,Ability: intelligent, bright, clever, smart, able, talented, simple, silly Attitudes towards life: optimistic, pessimistic, sensible, sensitive, relaxed Attitudes towards other people: sociable, easy-going, bad-

20、tempered, honest, reliable, sincere,Book 5 Unit 1 SB Speaking Your discussion may include:,Your job in the future Education Training / work experience Personality Problems,功能: Asking for repetition: http:/ Giving directions: http:/ 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,2 Focusing on vocabulary 关注单元词汇,分门别类进行处理

21、,guess from the context put forward, challenge, absorb, severe, link to, announce, blame, pollute Adjectives (to describe sbs character or personality) positive, (be) strict with, enthusiastic, cautious Important verbs and phrases conclude, draw a conclusion, defeat, attend, expose (to), cure, chall

22、enge, suspect, blame, pollute, handle, contribute, apart from, make sense, spin,Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists,word formation painter, scientific, conclusion, physician, neighbourhood, movement, backward, English Vs Chinese characteristic, radium, expert, victim, enquiry, pump, handle, firework, cha

23、rt, universe, construction Other verbs: analyse, foresee, instruct, construct, reject,I Matching (Form and Meaning) Useful verbs in the first reading passage: analyze to examine or think about something carefully defeat to win a victory over sb attend to look after sb expose to leave sb/sth unprotec

24、ted absorb to take sth in blame to say or think that it is sbs fault link to to make a connection between people or things announce to make known republicly instruct to give orders or directions to sb cure to make an illness go away,II Sorting (Classifying the words and phrases into groups),as a ver

25、b or a noun: defeat, blame, cure, pump, handle, link prefix or suffix: -tion: instruct instruction, -ment: announce announcement topics: Related to research or study: put forward, scientific, draw a conclusion, analyze Related to qualities or characters: positive, strict, enthusiastic, cautious ,III

26、 Completion (of sentences and texts),IV Use the dictionary,V Others,阅读部分(热身,读前,阅读,理解): 热身或读前时,利用图片和语境呈现: Province / counties, currency, institution, architecture, convenience, administration, clarify 读中让学生猜测词汇或用英文释义解释: Nationwide, accomplish, conflict, to their credit, roughly, attract 非课标专有名词需带读: U

27、nited Kingdom, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 不必处理: Unwilling, countryside, enjoyable, union, port, leave out,Book 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,语言学习部分: 学生查字典自学: Description, furnished, fax, possibility, quarrels, alike, wedding, fold 泛读部分: 大部分词汇都可用中文或英文释义呈现,或让学生完成词汇形义搭配(可重点讲解:thrilled),词汇课: 教师重点讲解

28、: to ones credit; attract; leave out; plus; take the place of; arrange; delight; thrill 总结归纳比较: consist of, divide into, be made up of . Break down, break away from, break . 写作课: 用英文释义呈现: Error, tense, consistent,3 Lesson planning (1) 单元板块内容整合,1)“热身”部分的整合案例参考,关注点: 科学家贡献学科领域 生词呈现 (characteristics, ra

29、dium, painter, put forward),Archimedes mathematician Charles Darwin biologist Thomas Newcomen inventor Gregor Mendel genetics Marie Curie physicist & chemist Thomas Edison inventor Leonardo da Vinci painter & inventor Sir Humphry Davy chemist, physicist Zhang Heng astonomer Stephen Hawking physicist

30、,(供参考)“热身”教学步骤:,堂上呈现人物图片和名字,提供正确答案,让学生课后自己搜集相关材料,利用下几节课daily report的时间,让学生自己组织语言完成简短的介绍(口头、笔头)。 节省时间,能激发学生学习兴趣,鼓励学生自主进行探索研究,进行合作学习,锻炼口语和笔头表达能力。,Project: a report of a great scientist,“Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the earth” Archimedes,热身或导入 (删减,调整) Using pics: How many countries does

31、 the UK consist of? What are they? Which is the national flag of the UK? Union Jack What currency is used in the UK? What do you know about British architecture? Can you name some of the famous buildings? Who rules the UK: the Prime Minister or the Queen? What are the provinces called in England? Ca

32、n you name some famous cities in Britain? What else do you know about British history?,Book 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,2)单元板块整合案例参考,第一课时:阅读课(Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending) (Homework: 记忆阅读部分词汇) 第二课时:语法课(Discovering structures, Using structures) (Homework: 语法练习, collect information

33、about tourist attractions in London) 第三课时:综合技能课(Reading 2, SB speaking) (Homework: 记忆Reading 2词汇,自学learning about language词汇),Book 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,第四课时:词汇课(Learning about language, Using words and expressions) (Homework: reviewing vocabulary) 第五课时:听说课(SB Listening/WB Listening, Speaking:

34、 making comparison) (Homework: collecting ads or posters about tourist attractions) 第六课时:写作课(SB Writing) (Homework: finalising the draft) 第七课时:评价综合课(Summing Up, Checking yourself, exercises or extensive reading),Book 5 Unit 2 单元整体课时设计,*每节课的容量均包括课外任务 Period 1-Warming-up; Pre-reading; Reading;Learning

35、 about language Ex.1 阅读课(微技能的训练,文章从浅层到深层的理解,生词的初步学习-音形意) Period 2- Learning about Language(1),P12 Ex. 2 Reading 中的词汇句型及拓展 Period 3- Learning about Language(2) 语法, WB Using structures-1(P50) 语法课 Period 4- Using Language; Learning tip(P8); 综合活动课 Period 5- P51-53 Reading Task-Writing Task Period 6-Revi

36、ew and practise useful language items (P50 Ex.2,3及自编练习或配套练习册) and Summing up(P8); Period 7-Quiz and evaluation (Checking yourself(P47),摘自 广州市第五中学 陈艳华老师培训讲义,4 Lesson planning (2) 课型设计(以阅读课为例),阅读理解活动设计,设计阅读理解练习和活动时,至少应该从以下多个角度考虑: 阅读策略 阅读体裁及其语篇特色 篇章(单元)结构 教学重难点 文化内涵与背景,Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists Pr

37、e-reading, Reading & Comprehending (1),1)阅读策略培养与活动设计,The stages of doing scientific research (How to describe the scientific research) Infectious diseases (Cholera) Predict what the reading passage is about (title, picture, map),Find a problem Make a question Think of a method Collect results Analyz

38、e the results Find supporting evidence Draw a conclusion,预读:提出若干问题,目的是启发学生预测课文内容。 预览:主要目的是帮助学生了解文章的主题思想和主要内容。 Title Sub-title Pictures The first paragraph The last paragraph The topic sentence in each paragraph Questions,阅读篇章的重点: How to do scientific research (How to describe the scientific research

39、) How John Snow traced the source of cholera,Reading and Comprehending,表层信息的理解(弄清段落的主要意思和文中的细节) 深层信息的理解 区分事实与观点 :作者所写的内容不一定全部是事实,作者既陈述客观事实也表达个人观点。 做出合理推理:读者能根据文章的细节材料推测出作者的言外之意、弦外之音,根据字面意思进行必要的推理、推论。合理的推理必须以文章中出现的事实为依据,同时需要学生的生活体验、阅历等背景知识的参与。 阅读内容的迁移应用 根据学生水平的实际需要, 教师可以在原来课本设计活动的基础上设计一些更加综合性的活动, 其目的

40、是为了让学生充分利用所学知识解决实际中的生活问题.,阅读活动(先整体,后细节 ),涉及整体理解的活动 1 概括文章大意 2 如无标题,补充标题 3 提问 4 信息转换,填表 5 排序 6 找关键信息 7 其他,涉及细节的活动(要有认知深度),1 问题的层次性 (字面理解、推断、应用或评估) 2 排列顺序及其他 3 猜测词义 4 语篇标记词 5 指代 6 长句和难句,阅读课建议步骤: 快速阅读,预测篇章大意和内容 仔细阅读,理解篇章信息:判断正误、回答问题或排序 (Comprehending Ex2, Q1-2 ;Comprehending Ex1) 梳理篇章结构(Pre-reading: Q1

41、) 理解词汇与句型(猜测词义,分析难句) 读后讨论 (Comprehending Ex2, Q3),Book 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending (1),预读/预览 (Pre-reading Q3) Read the title and pictures, predict what the author may talk about in the reading passage, then skim to check if you were right. 快速阅读 (Comprehending Ex.4)

42、 Skim the reading passage and divide it into three parts, matching the main idea with different parts (TB) (降低难度),Book 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,Paragraph 1-3: How The United Kingdom was formed Paragraph 4: Three zones of England (characteristics) Paragraph 5-6: Treasure in London and other things

43、 to see in Britain,仔细阅读 (Careful Reading),Part 1: Paragraph 1-3 Recalling details: Activity 1: Read part 1 and finish Ex. 1 in Comprehending. Activity 2: Look at the pics and write the correct names next to the pictures. (替换),英语听说 Book 5 Unit 2,Sequencing: Activity 3 Read part 1 and put all the even

44、ts in order, then match the flags with the countries. (EX. 2 Q1),England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island,13th century: England,17th century: Britain / Great Britain,20th century,Interpreting Meaning (bottom-up): Activity 4 Read the sentences be

45、low and use your words to explain the meaning. Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas, but they still have very different institutions.,Part 2: Paragraph 4

46、Guessing words from the context: Read paragraph 4 carefully and guess some new words based on the context: convenience, roughly, nationwide, attract. Making comparison: England can be divided into three zones. What are the characteristics of these zones? What are the differences if we compare it wit

47、h China? (增加难度),Part 3: Paragraph 5-6 Organizing information: Read the last two paragraphs and complete the table below.,Summarizing,Option 1: Get into groups of four and get ready to use your own words to summarize the reading passage. A: Part 1; B: Part 2; C: Part 3; D: what else you want to know

48、about the United Kingdom The maps, pics, tables can help you to make the summary. Try to use as many new words as possible. Option 2: Blank-filling,Homework,Review the new words you have learned from this lesson. SB Ex. 1-2 (reading aloud, classify words into different categories, word formation, tr

49、anslation, mind map, etc),主课文分析 题材: 介绍西方绘画史上最重要的几个历史时期,以及这些时期最具代表性的艺术风格、艺术家及其作品特色 体裁: 描写文(Description),Book 6 Unit 1 Art,2)阅读篇章特色分析,篇章结构,阅读教学建议: 根据篇章特点把握教学重点,可先整体阅读(快速),后分段阅读。 每个段落的教学过程中,既要捕捉关键内容信息,又要关注语言本身(猜词,难句解析),还有给予充足的文化背景补充。,难句解析,A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God.


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