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1、源数科技员工英语培训(二),英语邮件写作,Lucinda,1.目录 /CONTENTS,4. 英语邮件常用表达,3. 英语邮件礼仪,2. 英语邮件格式和内容,1. 邮件英语概述,1.英语邮件写作概述,常见的商务英语电子邮件包括以下五部分: 写信人Email地址、收信人Email地址、抄送收信人Email地址、密送收信人Email地址。 主题。 称呼、开头、正文、结尾句。 礼貌结束语。 写信人全名、写信人职务及所属部门、地址、电话号码、传真等。 主题应体现邮件主旨,要引人注目、意思明确,最好为名词或动名词短语;称呼礼貌得体,符合商务英语写作习惯,正文应结构清楚,便于阅读,如正文内容较长,可使用小

2、标题、小段落,或利用星号、下划线及段落间空行等方式使邮件眉目清楚、一目了然。 商务英语电子邮件写作应遵循的五C原则 商务英语电子邮件的正文写作应该遵循五C原则,即Correctness【准确】、Conciseness【简洁】、Complete【完整】、Clarity【清楚】和Courtesy【礼貌】,2. 英语邮件写作格式,Subject 简洁明了 慎用Urgent, Reply today 一般格式:项目名称功能模块具体问题关键词 Eg. AXN billing subscription error,Greetings 1st: Dear John,尊敬的 Unclear: Dear Sir

3、 or Madam, Hi sir, Hello/ Hey John To whom it may concern,Body=开头+内容+结尾,Principle:意图明确,简洁,层次清楚 开头: 1st email: brief self-introduction, e.g. 1)This is Lucinda, SA assistant for Auction Org.2) My name is *, responsible for 3) This is *, in charge of Regular email: 直奔主题 e.g. 1) This is to 2) Here is /

4、Below is 3) we have several questions regarding/ about as follow: Reply: 提及来信内容 e.g. 1) As for./ Regarding ;2) Thank you for,例句&练习,我是A项目组的开发人员Lee。 This is Lee, dev member for Project A. 以下是您要求提供的信息。 Below is the information you have requested. 写这封信是为了通知您项目将会延迟。 This is to notify you of / let you kno

5、w / inform the delay in our project. 我给您写信是想告诉您项目最新版本的发布计划。 I am writing with you about the latest project release plan version.,结尾,期待回复、反馈 Shall / If you have any problem/ suggestion/ comment/ about accessing the folders, please let me / us know. Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on

6、 the estimation and schedule. Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon What is your opinion on the schedule? What do you think about this? I look forward to hearing from you.,交待事情,询问建议。 Feel free to give your comments. Any question, please let us know. Please contact me if you have any qu

7、estions. Do you have any idea/ suggestion/ comment about this? 其他情况 I hope this helps. Please check it. 有附件的。【另说】,结束语,Regards, / Best Regards, Sincerely, / Sincerely yours, Wish All the Best, Respectfully, / Respectfully yours, Yours, 祝好!商祺!,附件,请见附件 Please see the attached file. 我将转发该附件 I will forwa

8、rd the attachment. 我附加了最新的RN. I am attaching the latest Release Note. 请告知我您是否能打开附件文件夹。 Please let me know if you can open the attached files. 我忘记在上一封邮件里添加附件了。 I forgot to attach the file in my previous e-mail. 附件是您所需要的文件 Attached is the file you requested.,Expressions related: Enclosure附件【常缩写为Encl.

9、Attachment 附件 A zip file 压缩文件 Zip the file压缩文件 Unzip the file解压文件,英语邮件礼仪,在商务交往中要尊重一个人,首先就要懂得替他节省时间。电子邮件礼仪的一个重要方面就是节省他人时间,把有价值的信息提供给需要的人。 1. 一封邮件尽可能的只针对一个主题,不在一封信内谈及多件事情,以便日后整理 2.回复邮件时,可以根据回复内容的需要更改标题,不要RE,RE,RE一大串 3.尊重对方,请、谢谢之类的语句要经常出现。礼多人不怪 4. email 正文多用1234之类的列表,以清晰明确 5. 一次邮件交待完整信息,不要过两分钟之后再发“补充”或

10、“更正”之类的邮件,6.尽可能避免拼写错误,注意使用拼写检查,在发送之前自己务必仔细阅读一遍,检查是否通畅,是否有歧义,拼写是否有错误,以及字体大小统一等细节问题 7. 合理提示重要信息,如大写,粗斜体,背景颜色等,但要适度 8.合理使用表格图片,如果图片较多时,尽量给图片加一个标签,更加清晰明了 9. 附件:如果来信没有附件,回复中加的,在邮件正文中要提示收信人查看;如果有多个附件,正文中应对附件内容做简要说明;附件不宜超过4个,数目较多时应打包压缩成一个文件;如果是特殊格式文件,在正文中说明打开方式 10. 英语邮件礼貌用语:please, sorry, thank you, I real

11、ly appreciate that,would you please.?,英语邮件常用表达,缩写 ASAP ATTN BTW MSG IOW FYI NRN TTYL,As soon as possible Attention By the way Message In other words For your information Not reply necessary Talk to you later,工作邮件中常用表达句型,I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you 我写信时要确认/询问/通知您 I am writing to follo

12、w up on our project. 我写信来追踪我们的项目。 With reference to our telephone conversation today 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话 In my/ our previous e-mail on October 5 先前在10月5日所写的信 As I mentioned earlier about 如我先前所提及关于 As indicated in my previous e-mail 如我在先前的信中所提出 As we discussed on the phone 如我们上次在电话中的讨论,按照您的要求 as you reques

13、ted/ per your requirement 回答您在4月1日写的信,我们决定 In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided 这是针对您今天早上来信的回复。 This is in response to your e-mail today. 如先前所述,我们认为这个产品 As mentioned before, we deem this product. 我们想要通知您 We would like to inform you that 我们希望通知您 We wish to notify you that,We would be grat

14、eful if you could 我们会很感激如果您可以 I could appreciate it if you could 我会很感激如果您可以 Would you please send us? 可否请您寄给我们? If theres anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time. 对于这件事,如果还有任何我能帮得上忙的地方,请不要客气,随时与我联络。 Please let us know if this is suitable/correct / right. 請讓我们知道這是否恰當、正确。,谢谢! THANK YOU!,


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