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1、Revision I the other, the others, another ,others, other the other (特指 ) (1) 指两者中的另一个,常与one连用。 如:There are two kinds music in the world one is written down and the other is not. 世界上有两种音乐,一种是用笔记录下来的,而另 一种则不是。 One flower is red, the other is white. 一朵花是红的 ,另一朵是白的。 (2)指“除去前者后,剩余的全部”,后可加复数名词 . 如:John di

2、d better than all the other players in the sport. 在那项运动中John比所有别的运动员都出色。 the others (特指 ) pron. 一定范围内的其余的全部人或事物。 如:I have three pencilsOne is long, and the others are short 我有三支铅笔,一支是长的,另外(两支 )是短的。(代词) Twenty of our classmates are boys, the others are girls. 我们班有20个男生,其余的 是女生。 another (泛指) 表示“再、又一个”

3、,也表示“ 别的、另一”。 adj.表泛指,后可加单数名词或加数词等+复 数名词 如:another car另一辆车 I need another two weeks to finish the work. 我还需要两周才能完成这项工作。 Have another cup of tea.再来一杯茶。 (2) pron. 泛指单数可数名词 如:I dont like this pen. Please show me another. 这支钢笔我不喜欢,请给我另外一 支。 others (泛指) pron. 指“不确定的其它(他)的事或人(复数)” 如:We must think of other

4、s. 我们必须多为 别人着想 。 注意:others和some对比使用时,是“有些” 的意思,而不做“其他”讲, 如: Some cleaned the windows, others mopped the floor.有的擦窗户,有的擦地板。 other (泛指) adj. 表示“别的”,“另外的”, 只能与复数名词连用, 是没有明确范围的“另外的 人或事物”。 如:This is a secret. Please dont tell other people. 这是个秘密,请不要告诉其他人。 其他习惯用法 one another 互相,彼此 the other day 前几天 every

5、other day/ week/year 每隔一天/周/年 some(some) others 有些有些 l after 与 in +一段时间用法 均可与一段时间连用,表示“在之后”, 但 after 通常与过去时连用;而 in 通常 用于将来时或含有将来意义的句子: My father came back after three days. 3 天后我爸爸回来了。 Its two oclock; Ill come in an hour. 现在是两点钟,我1小时后过来 after 除与一段时间连用外,还可与时间点 连用,此时可用于将来时. He will arrive after five o

6、clock. 他 5 点钟以后到。 l in +一段时间 how soon 多久以后,通常划线部分为 “in + 一段时间” how long 多久,询问时间,通常划线 部分为 “for + 一段时间”或者 “since + 具体时间点/句子” -_will you be away? -In a couple of weeks. A.What time B.How soon C.when D.How long in 表示“在某一段时间”,用于年份、月份、 某年某月、某季节、某世纪前. 如: in 2003 在2003年 in May 在五月 in autumn 在秋天 若笼统地表示“在早上(上

7、午),下午或晚上” 及“在白天”也用in。 如:in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/下午/晚上 in the day 在白天 。 lin, on, at +时间 on 用于指特定的时间,用于“在某年 某月某日,某月某日或某日,星期几 ,或某一天的上午、下午、晚上,节 日 ”。 如: on May 1st 在五月一日 on Monday 在星期一 on Saturday morning 在星期六的早上 on the afternoon of September 1st 在九月一日下午 on New Years Day 新年 at 常用来表示时间点,即表示“在

8、几点或 几点几分”。 如:at three oclock 在三点钟 at half past ten 在十点半 另外at还可用在某些固定短语中, 如:at noon(在中午),at night(在夜里)。 l 动词put构成的短语动词 put away 放好;收起来 Put the books away after reading put off 延期;拖延 The sports meet will be put off because of the bad weather. put up 张贴 to put up a notice 张贴布告 put out 扑灭 It took the fi

9、refighters four hours to put out the fire. put on 穿上 He put his coat on. l 动词turn构成的短语动词 turn on旋开(电灯等) Turn on TV please turn off关上(电灯等) Please turn off the light before you 1eave. turn down开小(音量) Would you mind turning down the radio? turn up开大(音量) 翻译下列句子. 1 我父亲将在一周后回来. 2 我们将在两点钟之后见面. 3 过了一年,这个年轻人

10、又回到村子里. 4 我哥哥比我大三岁. 5 我们的城市变得越来越美丽了. 6 天气越来越暖. 7 在一个寒冷的夜晚,这个可怜的老人去世了. 8 收音机太大声了.你能否把音量调低一点? 9 班长在黑板上贴了一张通知. 10 消防员终于把火扑灭了. 翻译下列句子. 1 我父亲将在一周后回来. My father will come back in a week. 2 我们将在两点钟之后见面. We will meet after two oclock. 3 过了一年,这个年轻人又回到村子里. The young man came back to the village after one year

11、. 4 我哥哥比我大三岁. My elder brother is three years older than me. 5 我们的城市变得越来越美丽了. Our city is getting more and more beautiful. 翻译下列句子. 6 天气越来越暖. The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 7 在一个寒冷的夜晚,这个可怜的老人去世了. The poor old man died on a cold night. 8 收音机太大声了.你能否把音量调低一点? The radio is too loud. Can you tu

12、rn it down? 9 班长在黑板上贴了一张通知. The monitor put up a notice on the blackboard. 10 消防员终于把火扑灭了. The firemen put out the fire at last. 用英语解释下列句子. 1 This is such a good book that most of us like to read it. 2 Please come to my office at once. 3 The boy apologized to his mother. 4 I have a brother called Ell

13、en. 5 The country is short of water. 6 Paris is well-known for its museums. 7 We need another two weeks to finish the work. 8 Please be quiet! 用英语解释下列句子. 1 This is such a good book that most of us like to read it. This is so good a book that most of us like to read it. This book is so good that most

14、 of us like to read it. 2 Please come to my office at once. Please come to my office immediately/ right now. 3 The boy apologized to his mother. The boy said sorry to his mother. 4 I have a brother called Ellen. I have a brother named Ellen. 用英语解释下列句子. 5 The country is short of water. The country do

15、esnt have enough water. 6 Paris is well-known for its museums. Paris is famous for its museums. 7 We need another two weeks to finish the work. We need two more weeks to finish the work. 8 Please be quiet! Dont be noisy, please! Revision II 1. cheat 2. crime 3. detective 4. criminal 5. pearl 6. neck

16、lace 7. admit 8.in a few years time 9. even more beautiful 10. on a cold morning 11. put away 12. put off 13. put out 14. turn off 15. immediately right away 16. say sorry to 17. three more 18. dont have enough 19. callfor short 20. be well-known for l Speak, talk, say, tell talk与with/to 连用。talk wit

17、h/to sb speak后加语言名词,或表示说话的方式 如:Please speak English. He speaks slowly. say后面一般接说话的具体内容 在书信、便条、海报上写着英文应为It says tell意为“告诉”,常用结构为 tell sb. sth, 或者 tell sb.to do sth. 但也有些特定的习惯用法,如:在作讲实话,讲谎言,表 示时间常用单宾语而不能换其它词。 如:My watch was broken. It couldnt tell time correctly 在作辨别不同讲时是tell,如:Can you tell me the dif

18、ference between the two? l 主语+系动词+表语 在英语中,除了be 动词和become 属于 系动词外,还有一些感官动词可以用作 系动词: feel 觉得 look 看起来 sound 听起来 smell 闻起来 taste 尝起来 l Not until “在以前“、“直到才“ 1. He didnt come until late in the morning. 他直到早上很迟才来。 2. He didnt arrive until the game had begun. 直到比赛开始他才到。 注意:主句为一般将来时,until 引导的从句用 一般现在时代替将来时

19、. 例如: He wont ride until he is fifteen years old. 他直到十五岁才骑自行车。 用于“not.until.“的句式可以转换成 after引 导的时间状语从句,但主句必须要用肯定形式。例 如: 1. They didnt get off until the train came to a complete stop. =They got off after the train came to a complete stop. 火车停了他们才下车。 2. The student wont come into the classroom until th

20、e teachers finish their work. =The students will come into the classroom after the teachers finish their work. 当老师们完成工作时,学生们将走进教室。 Its believed that _ you work, _ result youll get.(上 海1993) A.the harder,the better B.the more hard,the more better C.the harder,a better D.more hard,more better 答案A.此题考查

21、定冠词加比较级在特殊句型中的 用法.“the+比较级,the+比较级“表示“越,越 “. Im sorry(but) I wont be able to come tomorrow. 后面的but有委婉请求原谅的含义 翻译下列句子. 请叫他不要再欺骗别人了. 你能不能用法语讲这个故事? 当校长在会上发言的时候,很多学生在小声交谈. 这种水果闻起来很臭,但吃起来味道不错. 明天下午将有两场足球比赛. 他一直到他妈妈回来才停止玩电脑游戏. 你读的书越多,懂的就越多. 越快越好. 这个罪犯承认他从保险箱偷了金项链. 很抱歉, 但是我真的不能告诉你. 翻译下列句子. 1请叫他不要再欺骗别人了. Ple

22、ase ask/ tell him not to cheat others again. 2 你能不能用法语讲这个故事? Can you tell the story in French? 3 当校长在会上发言的时候,很多学生在小声交谈. While the headmaster was speaking at the meeting, many students were talking in a low voice. 4 这种水果闻起来很臭,但吃起来味道不错. This kind of fruit smells bad, but tastes good. 5 明天下午将有两场足球比赛. T

23、here are going to be two football matches tomorrow afternoon. 翻译下列句子. 6 他一直到他妈妈回来才停止玩电脑游戏. He didnt stop playing computer games until his mother came back. 7 你读的书越多,懂的就越多. The more books you read , the more you know. 8 越快越好. The faster, the better. 9 这个罪犯承认他从保险箱偷了金项链. The criminal admitted that he h

24、ad stolen a gold necklace from the safe. 10 很抱歉, 但是我真的不能告诉你. I am sorry, but I really cannot tell you. 用英语解释下列句子. 1 The basket is full of fruit. 2 I can paint the house by myself. 3 The watch is broken. 4 Where are you from? 5 My bag is not the same as yours. 6 The coat is similar to mine. 7 Mary is

25、 responsible for sales. 8 The girl is scared of cats. 用英语解释下列句子. 1 The basket is full of fruit. The basket is filled with fruit. 2 I can paint the house by myself. I can paint the house on my own. 3 The watch is broken. The watch doesnt work. 4 Where are you from? Where do you come from? 用英语解释下列句子.

26、5 My bag is not the same as yours. My bag is different from yours. 6 The coat is similar to mine. The coat is different from mine. 7 Mary is responsible for sales. Mary has the duty for sales. Mary is in charge of sales. 8 The girl is scared of cats. The girl is afraid of cats. Revision III 解释释句子 1

27、How tall are you? 2 If you run fast, you will catch up with your friends. 3 The schoolbag is so heavy that the girl cant carry it. 4 Jim is taller than any other boy in his class. 5 The house belongs to the man. The man has a house. l how often, how long, how soon, how far 1. “_have they studied Eng

28、lish?” “They have studied English for three years.” A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How soon 2. “_will he leave here?” “He will leave here in a month” A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How many times 3. “_does he watch TV” “Once a week.” A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How many

29、 A C C how long how soon how far how often how much how many how deep 1. - _ do you go to Beijing? - Once a year. 2. - _ is it from Nanjing to Beijing? - - - About 1,157 kilometers. 3. - _ have you been here? - Three years. 4. - _ will Mr Green come back ? - In three years. 5. - _ milk was produced

30、on the farm in 2007? - 48,400 kilos. How often How far How long How soon How much lSo +助动词+主语 与 so + 主语 +助动词 So +助动词+主语表示“也是这样”,用以 表示同意,而句型so代词助动词表示 “确实如此”(带有惊异的意味)。 “I like fish .“ “So do I .“ “我喜欢吃鱼。“我也喜欢吃鱼。“ “You like fish .“So I do .“ “你喜欢吃鱼。“正是如此。“ “Its her turn .“So it is .“ “该轮到她了。“确是这样。“ The

31、y went to the zoo yesterday. So did we. 他们昨天去了动物园,我们也去了。 “He is very strict with himself .“ “So he is .“ “他对自己非常严格。“是如此。“ “I have to start early .“ “So do I .” “我得早点出发。” “我也是” “Shes made a mistake about me .“ “So she has .“ “她误会我了。“她的确误会你了。“ “Li Ping speaks English very well .“ “So he does .“ “李平英语讲

32、得很好。“他确实讲得不错。“ arrive,不及物动词, 后面要跟in或at.表示到达大 城市或国家时要用in,而到达小城市、乡村、车站 等小地方则用at.如: We arrived in London last week. The doctor arrived at the village at last. reach,是及物动词, 直接跟宾语(地点名词)就行了. When did you reach the station? get to到达的地点是副词时, 就不带to,如: Ann got to the farm at six oclock. I got here early in th

33、e morning. 如果不指明到达的地点要用arrive.如: When I arrived, they werent there. 翻译下列句子. 1 他过多久才会回来?我不知道 从你家到学校有多远? 你不必告诉他你的真实姓名 他打字打得很快他确实是的 我喜欢收集硬币,我妹妹也是 我一到那里就给你发邮件 你的显示器暂时还不能用 警方根据这个抢劫犯所说的话找到了钻石 翻译下列句子. 1 他过多久才会回来?我不知道 How soon will he come back? I dont know./ I have no idea. 从你家到学校有多远? How far is it from yo

34、ur home to school? 你不必告诉他你的真实姓名 You neednt/ dont need to/ dont have to tell him your real name. 他打字打得很快他确实是的 He types very fast. So he does. 翻译下列句子. 我喜欢收集硬币,我妹妹也是 I like collecting coins. So does my sister. 我一到那里就给你发邮件 I will send you an e-mail as soon as I get / arrive there. 你的显示器暂时还不能用 Your monit

35、or cannot be used for the time being. 警方根据这个抢劫犯所说的话找到了钻石 The police found the diamond according to what the robber said. 用英语解释下列句子. 1 He is good at playing the piano. 2 I am keen on sports. 3 He can type very fast. 4 The group consists of five people. 5 Batteries are harmul to the environment. 用英语解释

36、下列句子. 1 He is good at playing the piano. He does well in playing the piano. 2 I am keen on sports. I am very interested in sports. I like sports very much. 3 The group consists of five people. the group is made up of five people. 5 Batteries are harmul to the environment. Batteries do harm to the en

37、vironment. Revision IV 解释句子 1 Whats the matter with you? 2. If you dont hurry up, you will be late for school. 3.I spent 2 hours in doing my homework. 4.I run faster than him/ he does. 5. I missed the early bus this morning. put on /wear/ dress/ be in put on 强调穿的动作,意思是“穿上,戴上” ,主要指穿戴衣服,鞋帽等 Its very c

38、old outside. Youd better put on your coat. The lady put on her hat before going out. wear 强调穿的状态,意思是“穿着,戴着”, 可以是衣物,也可以是饰物 Mr. Black often wears white trousers. Lily wears a pair of glasses. put on /wear/ dress/ be in be in 后接表示衣服或者颜色的词,着重于服装的 款式或颜色,意思是“穿着” He is in a black coat. The girl in red is m

39、y sister. dress 表示“给穿衣服” dress sb./ oneself be dressed in 穿着 dress up 盛装打扮 Can you help me to dress the children? He is not old enough to dress himself. The woman is dressed in a mink coat. must be, cant be, may be Mike must be in the classroom now. Mike 现在一定在教室 The man cant be a thief. He is an hon

40、est man. 这个男人不可能是个贼 There may be a doll in the box. 盒子里可能有个洋娃娃 have been to, have been in, have gone to have been to,曾经去过某地(说话人已经回来了) have been in 在某地 have gone to 去了某地,人没有回来 He has been to Beijing twice. 他去了北京2次 。 He has been in Beijing for three months. 他在北京呆了三个月了。 He has gone to Beijing 他去了北京。(人现

41、在在北京) find(形式宾语)itadj.to do sth. The man found it very hard to go to sleep. 这个人发现入睡很难。 She finds it very interesting to learn maths. 她发现学数学很有趣。 感叹句 What a clever boy he is! How clever the boy is! 1)_ food youve cooked! A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice 2)_terrible weather have to

42、day! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a So far so far = up to now “到目前为止”,常与现在完成时态 连用 Ive written two thirds of this book so far 到目前为止,我已完成了这本书的三分之二了。 1今年夏天到目前为止,一直很热。 The weather has hot this summer 2So far you have done very well at school (改为同义句) You have done very well at school now 1.那个穿着黑衣服的男子总

43、是戴着副 眼镜。 2.老师戴上帽子然后走出办公室。 3.这个小姑娘年纪太小,还不能自己穿衣服。 4.你辛苦干一整天,一定累了。 5.迈克现在不可能在家. 6. Alice到中国好几年了,她现在肯定是一个大姑 娘了。 7.如果你能找到正确的方法,你会发现打开这个 盒子其实很容易。 8.到现在为止,我还没有收到她的信。 9.多美的花啊! 10. 今天天气真糟糕! 1.那个穿着黑衣服的男子总是戴着副眼镜。 The man in black always wears a pair of glasses. 2.老师戴上帽子然后走出办公室。 The teacher put on his hat and w

44、ent out of the office. 3.这个小姑娘年纪太小,还不能自己穿衣服。 This little girl is too young to dress herself. 4.你辛苦干一整天,一定累了。 You have worked hard all day.You must be tired. 5.迈克现在不可能在家. Mike cant be at home now. 6. Alice到中国好几年了。她现在肯定是一个大女孩了。 Alice has been in China for several years. She must be a big girl now. 7.如

45、果你能找到正确的方法,你会发现打开这个盒子其实 很容易。 If you can find the right way, you will find it easy to open this box. 8.到现在为止,我还没有收到她的信。 I havent heard from her so far. 9.多美的花啊! What beautiful flowers( they are)!/ How beautiful the flowers are! 10. 今天天气真糟糕! What bad weather it is today! How bad the weather is today!

46、Revision V 1 Whats your dream?/ What do you want to do in the future? 2 If you arent careful, you will make a mistake. 3 Neither Jim nor Jack went home. 4 She sings (the) best in our school. 5 People are short of money. 解释句子 It is +adj+ for/of sb. to do sth. for sb. 通常用表示客观情况的形容词 easy, difficult, ha

47、rd, impossible, possible, interesting, important It is hard for him to say goodbye. It is difficult for us to finish the work without any help. of sb. 一般用表示主观感情 ,态度或人的品质的形容 词 good, kind, honest, rude, nice, wise, clever It is foolish of you to do that. It is kind of him to help us. It is careful _ him to do homework well every time. It is impossible _ him to look after his little child


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