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1、,UNIT 2,Color Idioms,English Idioms and English Culture,Unit one Color Idioms(1),颜色,红色(red) ,在中国文化中,常与喜庆、欢乐的事联系在一起或象征革命和共产主义等。如“披红挂彩,红喜事,开门红,大红人,红军,红色政权”等。英语中red也用于喜庆的场合,如“a red letter day“,指所期盼或值得纪念的日子,因此日历上也用红色标注节假日。但在部分句子的表达中, red并不总与欢乐、喜庆联系在一起。,黑色(black) ,在英汉语言中都有否定、反面的含义。如blacklist (黑名单) , blac

2、k - market (黑市) ,black - hearted (黑心的) , blackmail (敲诈) 。但有趣的是在英语中,“to run in the black”却指在经营中获利。,白色(white) ,在中西文化中都象征着纯洁、纯真,所以新娘都穿着白色婚礼服。英语中有“a white lie”指无恶意的谎言或善意的谎言。汉语中有清白无辜,清白做人;在西方文化中有“White Christmas“(有雪的圣诞) ,“Green Christmas“(无雪的圣诞) ,“a white - collar job“(收入地位高的工作) ,“a white hope“(有可能成功或成为有

3、才能的人) 。但白色在以下表达中却另有其意,如“a white elephant“(昂贵而无用的东西) ,“the white feather“(怯懦、胆小) ,“a white night“(不眠之夜)等,均含有贬义之味;在汉语中,白色往往与不幸、恐怖、丧事联系在一起,如“白事,白区,白色恐怖”以及白色的丧服。,黄色(yellow) ,在中国文化中,黄色有“污浊、淫秽”之意,另一方面在传统文化中又象征“王权、王室、皇家”。西方文化中,“yellow”并无此意。例如yellow pages (黄页)指电话簿或其它登记各种机构、商店、团体等的册子。Yellow journalism指以耸人听闻的

4、方式报道新闻消息等,蓝色(blue) ,在英美文化中常意味着“忧郁、伤感”。例如: in a blue mood, having the blues均指“忧伤”, a blue fit指极其愤怒;但“a blue film“中却并非伤感的影片,而相当于汉语中的“黄色影片”。蓝色在汉语中象征着温和、平静、清新、静谧,并无伤感之意。另外,在英语中,“blue - collar jobs“指体力劳动者; 而在“blue blood“(高贵血统) 和“bluebook“(有关贵人名人的书籍) 中“blue“又都有高贵、权贵之意。,1. Black and blue 字面意思:黑色和蓝色。,E.g. H

5、e slipped down the stairs one night. The next day he was black and blue.,Explanation Be covered with bruises (injuries).,Key 伤痕累累;青一块、紫一块。,2. Black in the face 字面意思:面孔变黑。,E.g. My father went black in the face when I told him that I had lost my key.,Explanation Become very angry.,Key 非常生气。变体:Go black

6、 in the face.,3. Black out 字面意思:看不到光亮,全黑。,E.g. The authorities ordered a black-out and soon afterwards we heard the bombers overhead.,Explanation (1) The keeping of houses and buildings dark in order to prevent light being seen from the air in wartime.,Key 过去在战争中,为对付空袭实行灯火管制而关闭照明灯。,E.g. We often had

7、 black-outs in our region during the 1960s.,Explanation (2) The sudden putting out of all lights.,Key 突然停电。,3. Black out 字面意思:看不到光亮,全黑。,3. Black out 字面意思:看不到光亮,全黑。,E.g. He must have had a black-out after the accident, for he could not remember anything until he woke up in the hospital.,Explanation S

8、udden loss of consciousness or memory.,Key 大脑突然失去知觉或记忆。,4. Give someone a black look 字面意思:给某人一个黑色面孔。,E.g. My wife gave me a black look and I decided not to raise the issue again.,Explanation Look at somebody angrily.,Key 瞪某人一眼;给某人一个生气的面孔;怒目而视。,5. In a black mood 字面意思:处于黑色情绪中。,E.g. You must give univ

9、ersity students more freedom. Dont try to prevent them from falling in love before graduation. You cant put the clock back!,Explanation Angry, silent and bad-tempered.,Key 生气、不说话、脾气不好。,6. In black and white 字面意思:以黑白形式。,E.g. Business is business; I prefer to have our agreement in black and white.,Exp

10、lanation Written down on paper (normally a legal contract).,Key 写在纸上;以书面形式(常指合同或协议等法律文件);白纸黑字。,7. In someones black book 字面意思:在某人的黑色笔记本中。,E.g. Tom did not come to school last week, so now he is in the teachers black book.,Explanation Thought as a faulty or badly-behaved person by someone.,Key 过错或不良行

11、为被某人记下来。,8. Know black from white 字面意思:知道黑白。,E.g. He is well traveled and very experienced, and he knows black from white. He is not to be deceived easily.,Explanation Know whats what; have proper knowledge of the world and of things in general.,Key 能明辨是非;精明、见多识广,不易上当受骗。,9. A bolt from the blue 字面意思

12、:蓝天闪电。,E.g. The news of her fathers death was a bolt from the blue, because the last time she saw him he was perfectly healthy.,Explanation Something sudden and unexpected.,Key 一般指“坏消息的突然到来,感到震惊“;“晴天霹雳“。说明:the blue指的是the blue sky.,10. Blue pencil 字面意思:蓝铅笔。,E.g. Several paragraphs in the play were bl

13、ue-penciled by the conservative editor.,Explanation Censor,Key 审查、删改文字等(删除字句、段落等常用蓝铅笔)。说明:这条成语用作动词。,11. Feel blue 字面意思:感觉蓝色。,E.g. I dont know why she has been feeling blue all these days.,Explanation Feel depressed.,Key 心情不舒畅;沮丧、压抑。,E.g. The news of his marriage came completely out of the blue. It w

14、as only last month that we learnt that he had broken with his girl friend.,Explanation Unexpectedly.,Key 突然;没有料到。常跟动词come连用。,12. Out of the blue 字面意思:来自蓝天;或出自大海。,13. True blue 字面意思:真正的蓝色。,E.g. He has supported the Qingdao Football Team for many years. He did not care whether they won or lost, for he

15、 was a true blue supporter.,Explanation (A) loyal and faithful (member).,Key 忠实、可信赖的(成员)。,14. Give somebody the blues 字面意思:给某人蓝色。,E.g. The boss is very cruel; he gives me the blues when he is not happy.,Explanation Make someone feel sad and miserable.,Key 使某人情绪低落、沮丧。不给别人好日子过。,15. In a brown study 字面

16、意思:在棕色的书房里。,E.g. He received two letters from his family. Both letters said that his parents could no longer support his studies. Then for the rest of the day he was in a brown study.,Explanation Thinking deeply, contemplating.,Key 沉思、苦思冥想。,16. Feel off-color 字面意思:感觉没有颜色。,E.g. She always panics when

17、ever her son feels a bit off-color.,Explanation Not feel well, slightly ill.,Key 身体欠佳,不舒服。,17. Come out with flying colors 字面意思:出来时彩旗招展。,E.g. She sat for the TOEFL test and came out with flying colors.,Explanation Very successful in something difficult.,Key 非常成功,顺利地度过了难关。变体:Come off with flying colo

18、rs. 说明:指战舰凯旋归来驶进港口时彩旗迎风招展的场景。,18. Between the devil and the deep blue sea 字面意思:在魔鬼与蓝色的大海之间。,E.g. Tom has been offered two jobs, but one is miles away and the other is badly paid. He is really between the devil and the deep blue sea.,Explanation Faced with having to choose between two courses of acti

19、on, both equally risky or undesirable.,Key 面临两种同样危险或为难的选择。跟汉语的“进退维谷“、“左右为难“相似。变体:Between a rock and a hard place(在岩石和硬地之间)。,19. Blue ribbon prize 字面意思:蓝带奖品。,E.g. He was greatly surprised when he was given the blue ribbon prize.,Explanation First prize; the highest prize.,Key 一等奖;最高奖。 说明:一等奖常用蓝色的带子包扎

20、;一等奖获得者常披挂蓝色绶带。,20. Drink till all is blue 字面意思:喝得直到一切都变蓝。,E.g. Whenever he goes out with his friends at weekends, he drinks till all is blue.,Explanation Drink till one is dead drunk,Key 喝酒喝得烂醉如泥。,21. Give color to something 字面意思:给某事以颜色。,E.g. The bruises on her face gave color to her claim that she

21、 had been belted by her husband.,Explanation Make something seem true or probable.,Key 使某事看起来更加真实可信。变体:Lend color to something.,I. 多项选择练习,1. He was black and blue the next day. A. He was covered with bruises the next day. B. He was blamed by everybody the next day. C. He was arrested the next day. 2

22、. Two paragraphs of the article were blue-penciled. A. Two paragraphs of the article were considered good. B. Two paragraphs of the article were plagiarized. C. Two paragraphs of the article were censored.,3. She was in a brown study. A. She was tired of her studies. B. She was bored. C. She was thi

23、nking deeply. 4. He often gives me the blues. A. He often makes me feel happy. B. He often takes me to the concert. C. He often makes me feel miserable.,5. She came out with flying colors. A. She was very successful. B. She was very embarrassed. C. She was very healthy. 6. He went black in the face.

24、 A. He was shocked. B. He lost his hope. C. He became very angry.,7. The agreement was in black and white. A. The agreement was revoked. B. The agreement was ratified. C. The agreement was in written form. 8. I am feeling off-color at the moment. A. I am feeling unwanted. B. I am feeling homesick. C

25、. I am slightly ill.,9. The news was a bolt from the blue. A. The news spread very quickly. B. The news was completely unexpected. C. The news was reported on the radio. 10. She knows black from white. A. She is very educated. B. She is not easily deceived. C. She is color blind.,找出下列成语的大概意思,1 in a

26、black mood. 2 true blue. 3 feel blue. 4 blue pencil 5 out of the blue. 6 feel off-color. 7 give someone a black look. 8 give somebody the blues. 9 in a brown study. 10 black out., make someone feel sad. slightly ill. censor. loyal and faithful. sudden loss of consciousness. look at somebody angrily. unexpectedly. feel depressed. thinking deeply. angry, silent and bad-tempered.,


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