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1、目 录,第32讲 Unit 1 Building the future 第33讲 Unit 2 People on the move,高 中 英 语 选 修 10,第34讲 Unit 3 Protecting ourselves 第35讲 Unit 4 Law and order,第32讲 Building the future,第32讲 unit 1 Building the future,第32讲 美文佳句,27,诵美文,第32讲 美文佳句,第32讲 美文佳句,第32讲 美文佳句,第32讲 美文佳句,From the picture, we can see that pollution i

2、s posing a threat to our earth, which comes in many ways. 从图中我们可以看到,污染从方方面面构成了对我们地球的威胁。 赏析 该句是图画作文的万能开篇句,用现在进行时形象地描述了图画的内容,为了提高句子的表达档次,还使用了一个which引导的非限制性定语从句。,第32讲 美文佳句,背佳句,1,A large amount of waste water from the factories pollutes water, making our rivers fishless and our water unfit to drink and

3、swim in. 工厂排出的大量废水污染了水源,使我们的河流里没有了鱼,我们的水不能饮用也不能在里面游泳。 赏析 该句使用了现在分词短语做结果状语,生动地描绘了污染的严重后果。,第32讲 美文佳句,2,Whats more, people should be further educated to realize the importance of environmental protection. 此外,应该进一步教育人们,使其意识到环境保护的重要性。 赏析 该句使用了含有情态动词的被动语态,使用了“educate sb. to do sth.”结构的被动语态。,第32讲 美文佳句,4,第3

4、2讲 课前热身,28,. 单词拼写,1Our contracts are (当前) under review. 2Millions of people were thrown into (失业). 3Cooking vegetables for too long lessens their n s value. 4They I their crops with water from this river. 5I lent him 5 yuan on condition that he would me today. 6We never (减弱) our efforts in face of d

5、ifficulties.,currently,unemployment,utritional,rrigated,repay,weaken,第32讲 课前热身,7Editors complain about the lack of (创造力) in the ideas put to them. 8This medicine is (有毒的) if taken in large quantities. 9“Good morning” is a (传统的) greeting. 10This problem calls for a longterm, openminded, s (系统的) searc

6、h. 11The earthquake c dozens of lives. 12His t is to save $100 a week. 13The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking.,creativity,poisonous,conventional,systematic,laimed,arget,第32讲 课前热身,14If you dont like the school lunch, you have the a of bringing your own. 15We (进口) a lot of car

7、s from Germany.,lternative,import,. 汉译英,1以非常快的速度发展 2给施加压力 3另外,此外 4根据 5处在抉择的关键时刻 6导致收成损毁 7毫无疑问,develop at a very fast rate,put pressure on,on top of,according to,at a crossroads,lead to destroyed harvests,without doubt,第32讲 课前热身,8为饥荒受难者募集资金 9一生填饱肚子 10集中于 11负债 12授人以鱼 13展示,炫耀 14将付诸实践 15处于危险状态 16努力争取 17

8、敲响警钟 18促成,导致,raise money for famine victims,fill ones belly for a lifetime,focus on,in debt,give a man a fish,show off,putinto practice,in danger,push for,set alarm bells ringing,contribute to,第32讲 课前热身,. 完成句子,19处于危险中 20在可预见的未来,1Many countries around the world are developing s . 世界上的许多国家以飞快的速度发展着。 2

9、Do you think that development may be bad for a country ? 你认为发展过速对一个国家在某些方面是有害的吗?,at risk,in the foreseeable future,at,a,very,fast,rate,in,some,ways,第32讲 课前热身,3In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which s destroyed harvests and . 1985年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,导致收成损毁、牛蓄死亡。 4The concert also received so

10、 much attention around the world that it politicians and statesmen. 音乐会还受到了全世界的极大关注,这给政客们施加了巨 大压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。 5On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year. 此外,据联合国的统计,饥饿和营养不良每年夺走1千万人 的生命。,led,to,killed,cattle,put,great,pressure,on,第

11、32讲 课前热身,6There is a “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” 有句俗语是这样说的:授人以鱼,三餐之需;授人以渔, 终生之用。 7Another important thing to remember is that the future for developing countries children. 需要记住的另一件重要事情就是发展中国家的未来在孩子 们的手中。,saying,that,goes,lies

12、,in,the,hands,of,第32讲 课前热身,8This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to s . 这是一个简单的想法,不过也是一个难于付诸实践的理念。 9This is why many people are the use of alternative energy sources. 这就是许多人强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。,put,into,practice,pushing,for,第32讲 单词点睛,28,v. 夺去,夺走(生命);声称,宣称;认领 n. 要求,主张;索赔,第32讲 单词点睛,(1)钱包已找到,可到经理办公室认

13、领。 The wallet has been found and at the managers office. (2)科学家们宣称治疗癌症已有重大突破。 Scientists are in the fight against cancer. (3)她因受伤向公司索要损害赔偿金。 She the company for the injury she had suffered.,【活学活用】,can be claimed,claiming a major breakthrough,claimed damages from,第32讲 单词点睛,(4)她终于成了那个队的队员。 She has fin

14、ally on the team. (5)那位歌手否认了那家杂志有关她要离开乐队的说法。 The singer denied the magazines that she is leaving the band. (6)他们无权索要那块被认为蕴藏丰富石油的土地。 They had no , which was believed to be rich in oil. (7)他声称有财产继承权。 He the property.,claimed a place,claim,claims on the land,laid claim to,第32讲 单词点睛,vt.付还,偿还;报答;报应,第32讲

15、单词点睛,(1)我下周还你借给我的所有钱。 Ill you lent me next week. (2)我要报答他对我所做的一切。 I want to for all that hes done. (3)债务必须在三十天内还清。 The debt is in 30 days. (4)我为索取债务而起诉她。 I took her to court for .,【活学活用】,repay you all the money,repay him in kind,repayable,repayment of the debt,第32讲 单词点睛,vt.& vi. (使)变弱,削弱,第32讲 单词点睛,H

16、is sense of duty never . Ato weaken Bweakening Cweaken Dweakens,【活学活用】,D,【答案】,第32讲 单词点睛,n.可供选择的事物 adj.可供选择的,第32讲 单词点睛,(1)你的工资可以按周以现金支取,也可以按月以支票支 取,二者可选其一。 You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the . (2)你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题? Do you have an the problem? (3)我们只好解雇乔治。 We had fire Geo

17、rge. (4)替代性能源是可再生能源,即他们是用之不竭的能源。 are renewable, which means they can be used without running out.,【活学活用】,two alternatives,alternative solution to,no alternative but to,Alternative energy sources,第32讲 单词点睛,adv.只有,仅仅;独自地 adj. 单独的, 独自的,第32讲 单词点睛,alone与lonely 这两个词都可作形容词用,有“单独”的含义,但用法有差异。 (1)alone 强调客观上独

18、自、独立的、单独一人,在句中作表语。如: He lives alone. 他一个人住。 alone还可作副词用作状语,修饰动词。如: He lives alone. 他单独生活。,【词语辨析】,第32讲 单词点睛,(2)lonely只作形容词,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,带有主观上的感情色彩,形容失去朋友,缺乏友爱和帮助,感到寂寞或悲哀。在句中作定语或表语。lonely还意为“荒凉的、偏僻的”。如: Do you feel lonely when you lived alone in the lonely house? 当你独自住在那个偏僻的屋子里时,你感到寂寞吗?,第32讲 单词点睛,【活学活用

19、】,(1)你不能仅靠面包维生。 You cant live on bread . (2)我独自在教室里。 I was in the classroom. (3)仅房租就三百美元。 The rent is $300. (4)玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。 For years Mary in New York.,alone,alone,alone,lived alone,第32讲 单词点睛,(5)连我们的地方都不够,更不必说六只狗和一只猫了。 There isnt enough room for us, six dogs and a cat. (6)我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更别说买好了。 I ha

20、vent decided on the menu yet, bought the food. (7)火车站可不是让儿童在晚上独自呆的地方。 A railway station is not a place for a child to s at night.,let alone,let alone,be left alone,第32讲 单词点睛,n.目标, 靶子 vt. 把作为目标; 把对准; 规定的指标,第32讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)他未击中靶子。 He . (2)他的目标是每周储存一百美元。 His is to save $100 a week. (3)他的建议成了批评的目标。

21、His proposal became criticism. (4)他打不中那么远的目标。 He wont at that distance. (5)公司已经规定了今年的利润指标。 The company has the year.,missed the target,target,the target of,hit the target,targeted a profit for,第32讲 单词点睛,adj.手边的, 就近的, 唾手可得的, 便利的, 敏捷的; 容易取得的,第32讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)多带几张旅行支票,度假时会有用的。 A few more travellers

22、cheques may on the holiday. (2)商店就在附近。 The shops . (3)他善于辞令。 He is words. (4)学校离我们家很近,所以孩子们上学很方便。 The school is close to our house, so it is quite s the children.,come in handy,are quite handy,handy with,handy for,第32讲 单词点睛,v.转换,转变;替换;使处于某位置 n突然的转变;开关,第32讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)你按错了开关。 You pressed the . (2

23、)咱们的玻璃杯对调了这个是我的。 Our glasses have been ;this is mine. (3)他打开灯。 He the light . (4)请不要挂断电话,我给你转接到经理那儿去。 Hold on, please. Ill the manager. (5)他们把列车转到另一轨道上。 They the other track.,wrong switch,switched,switched on,switch you to,switched the train to,第32讲 单词点睛,(6)他们把谈话转到比较有趣的题目上去了。 They a more interesting

24、 subject. (7)转到另一个频道看看。 the other channel. (8)我明天值班,我得和谁换一下班才能去参加你们的聚会。 I am on duty tomorrow. Ive to someone to go to your party.,switched the talk to,Switch over to,switch with,第32讲 短语储存,30,给施加压力,第32讲 短语储存,(1)我并不想催你做决定,只是我们剩下的时间已经不多了。 I dont want to you to make a decision, but we havent much time

25、left. (2)她经常压力很大,因而影响了健康。 She is constantly and it is affecting her health. (3)水压可能需要调整。 The may need adjusting. (4) 有些年轻人是在压力下才继续留在学校里上学的。 Some young people are staying on at school.,【活学活用】,put pressure on,under pressure,water pressure,pressured into,第32讲 短语储存,除之外,而且; 在上面,顶部; 控制,第32讲 短语储存,On top of

26、 borrowing $50 he asked me to lend him my car. 他借了50美元不算,还要我把汽车借给他。 Apart from French,I also learn English well. 除法语外,我英语也学得很好。 Except for a few spelling mistakes,your composition is very good. 除了几个拼写错误外,你的作文总体是很棒的。 In addition to his nephew,his other relatives have come to the party,too. 除了他的外甥外,他的

27、其他亲戚也都来了。,【例 句】,第32讲 短语储存,辨别on top of在下列句中的意思 (1)Tom, I put 19 dollars on top of the box. s (2)I believe that our monitor can be on top of the things easily. s,【活学活用】,控制,在上面,顶部,第32讲 短语储存,处于危险中,第32讲 短语储存,He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒着生命危险救了我的性命。 He was ready for any risks. 他准备冒一切

28、风险。 The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child. 那位勇敢的人冒着生命危险试图救那孩子。 They risked losing their jobs. 他们冒着失去工作的风险。,【例 句】,第32讲 短语储存,If your race car isnt insured, you may losing everything when it hits something solid. Adelay Bdeny Cavoid Drisk,【活学活用】,D,【答案】,第32讲 短语储存,毫无疑问,第32讲 短语储存,(1)我一

29、定会在星期五回来。 Ill be back on Friday . (2)对于他的话是否真实我有些怀疑。 I have some his words. (3)毫无疑问,他一定会成功。 his success. (4)他会康复,这是毫无疑问的。 ,he will recover. (5)那事件的原因依然尚未确定。 The cause of the accident is still .,【活学活用】,without doubt,doubt about,There is no doubt of,Beyond doubt,in doubt,第32讲 短语储存,炫耀,卖弄,第32讲 短语储存,(1)他

30、喜欢向人炫耀他法语讲得有多好。 He likes to how well he speaks French. (2)苏珊赶到了,并因迟到表示道歉。 Susan ,apologizing for her being late. (3)我们由一名学生带领,参观了校园。 We were the school campus by a student.,【活学活用】,show off,showed up,shown around,第32讲 短语储存,用完,第32讲 短语储存,(1)他总是去投靠他的律师。 He is always his lawyer. (2)我们开始负债了。 We . (3)他追求她终

31、于追烦了。 He finally became tired of . (4)闹钟终于停了。 The alarm clock finally .,【活学活用】,running to,ran into debt,running after her,ran down,第32讲 短语储存,努力争取,第32讲 短语储存,(1)你在花园里干什么?马上给我走开! What are you doing here in the garden? at once! (2)我们晚了,必须快点。 Were late;we must . (3)他们迫切要求改革选举制度。 They are electoral reform

32、.,【活学活用】,Push off,push on,pushing for,第32讲 短语储存,捐款,捐献;对作出贡献;投稿,撰稿;促成,引发,第32讲 短语储存,(1)她捐了很多钱给慈善机构。 She much money to the charity. (2)他是为本书撰稿的几个作者之一。 He is one of the several authors the book. (3)适量的运动有助于健康。 A proper amount of exercise good health. (4)陶行知对中国教育作出了巨大的贡献。 Tao Xingzhi Chinese education.,【

33、活学活用】,contributed,contributing to,contributes to,made a great contribution to,第32讲 短语储存,将付诸实施,第32讲 短语储存,(1)他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现。 His proposition is good in theory but cannot be s . (2)应该尽快实施这项法规。 The law should be as soon as possible. (3)这个计划很行得通。 The plan worked well . (4)她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。 She has been t

34、he piano for a whole year.,【活学活用】,put into practice,put into practice,in practice,out of practice on,第32讲 短语储存,察觉,意识到,第32讲 短语储存,(1)他自知有罪。 He was his guilt. (2)我得刻意约束自己不要对他粗鲁。 I had to not to be rude to him. (3)他伤得很重,但仍未失去知觉。 He was badly hurt, but he still .,【活学活用】,conscious of,make a conscious effo

35、rt,remained conscious,第32讲 句型透视,32,In the next several decades,it is believed that the worlds population will increase to about nine billion people.人们相信,在未来的数十年中,世界人口将增长到大约九十亿。,第32讲 句型透视,本句用的句型是“It is believed that从句”。it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。“It is believedthat从句”,相当于“People believethat从句”,可意为“人们相信,

36、据信”。如: It is believed that there is plenty of oil off our coast. 人们相信我国沿海有大量的石油。,【句型解读】,第32讲 句型透视,It is thought/said/reported that意为“据认为/据说/据报道”。如: It is thought that the team will certainly win the match. 据认为这个队肯定能赢得比赛。 It is said that the first printed book came out at this period. 据说第一本印刷书就是这个时期出

37、现的。,【相关拓展】,第32讲 句型透视,据报道,下周比尔克林顿要会见布莱尔。 Bill Clinton will meet Blair next week.,【活学活用】,It is reported that,第33讲 Unit2 People on the move,第33讲 Unit2 People on the move,第33讲 美文佳句,33,诵美文,第33讲 美文佳句,第33讲 美文佳句,Dear Peter, Im very glad to receive your email asking about something about the host family we h

38、ave arranged for you to stay with. Located in a beautiful and quiet neighbourhood,a large fullyequipped apartment answers all your needs. Apart from the convenient public transportation, the familys own car can also take you to some nearby places of interest. Because all the members of the family ca

39、n speak fluent English and have outgoing personalities,,第33讲 美文佳句,Im sure you will have no difficulty communicating with them. Above all,they hosted two American students last year,through which theyve gained lots of experience.In addition, the hostessexpert cooking can guarantee you a wonderful cha

40、nce of tasting delicious Chinese food. Now they are fully prepared to host you and make friends with you.And I hope you will have a pleasant time in China.See you soon. Yours, Li Hua,Im very glad to receive your email asking about something about the host family we have arranged for you to stay with

41、. 我很高兴收到你询问有关寄宿家庭的邮件,我们已经为你作了安排。 赏析 该句结构较为复杂:从主体上看,整个句式结构为:“I am glad to do sth.”结构;“asking about something”是现在分词结构作后置定语;“ we have arranged for you to stay with”为定语从句修饰先行词family。,第33讲 美文佳句,背佳句,1.,2. Because all the members of the family can speak fluent English and have outgoing personalities,Im sur

42、e you will have no difficulty communicating with them. 因为所 有的家庭成员可以讲一口流利的英语,性格外向,我敢 肯定,你与他们沟通不会有任何困难。 赏析 该句使用了because引导的原因状语从句,主句使 用了“have no difficulty (in)doing sth.”结构,大大提高了 句子的表达档次。,第33讲 美文佳句,3. Above all,they hosted two American students last year,through which theyve gained lots of experience.

43、 更重要的是,他们去年接待了两位美国学生,从中获 得了丰富的经验。 赏析 该句使用了“介词through which(which指代的 是前面所说的事情)”结构。,第33讲 美文佳句,第33讲 课前热身,听61,. 单词拼写,1I saw a report on cancer treatments on Thursdays e of the local news. 2In other words, they have become instinctively aware of changes in daily and (季节性的)variations in temperature. 3He g

44、ot a pretty good (退休金)from his old firm. 4We have very c weather here, especially in the winter.,dition,seasonal,pension,hangeable,第33讲 课前热身,5How much do I need to save for a comfortable (退休)? 6The (救护车) arrived and immediately poured ice cold water over the burns. 7We asked (业主)if they were aware of changes to the housebuying process and only 25% said yes. 8Please return your keys to the c at the front desk. 9My wife works as an (会计) in a school canteen. 10The library has a


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