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1、目 录,第20讲 Unit 1 Living with technology 第21讲 Unit 2 Fit for life 第22讲 Unit 3 The world online 第23讲 Unit 4 Public transport,高 中 英 语 选 修 7,第20讲 Unit 1 Living with technology,第20讲 unit 1 Living with technology,第20讲 美文佳句,听155,诵美文,第20讲 美文佳句,第20讲 美文佳句,第20讲 美文佳句,Many factors contribute to the popularity of

2、the game. To begin with, it enables students to experience the pleasure of farming, which is beyond their reach in reality. In addition, students are under great pressure and farming online is a good way for them to relax. It can also bring friends closer and closer. As far as I am concerned, though

3、 the game is really great fun, as senior students, we are supposed to focus on our studies. Also, I suggest schools starting afterschool farming activities. Only in this way can students experience real happiness in farming.,1To begin with, it enables students to experience the pleasure of farming,

4、which is beyond their reach in reality. 首先,它使学生体验到了农耕乐趣,这在现实中是无法实 现的。 赏析 该句解释的是这类游戏盛行的第一个原因,“To begin with”和后面的“In addition”的使用大大增加了文章的 逻辑性和层次性。此外,该句中使用了一个which 引导的 非限制性定语从句。,第20讲 美文佳句,背佳句,2As far as I am concerned, though the game is really great fun, as senior students, we are supposed to focus on

5、 our studies. 据我所知,虽然这游戏确实很有趣,但作为高中 生,我们应该专心学习。 赏析 该句是作者观点的阐述,用“As far as I am concerned”自然地引出了作者的观点,同时在观点的阐述中 使用了though引导的让步状语从句,主句中使用了“be supposed to do sth.”结构,以及短语高级词汇“focus on”。 3Only in this way can students experience real happiness in farming. 只有这样,学生才能真正体验到农耕的快乐。,第20讲 美文佳句,赏析 该句是一个“only 方式状

6、语”引导的部分倒装结构。用在文章的最后,升华了主题,有画龙点睛之效。,第20讲 美文佳句,第20讲 课前热身,听155,. 单词拼写,1This model is the newest and most up to . It only weighs 60 grams. 2That kind of dictionary is elegantly shaped, especially suitable for people with a reading disability. 3The latest models of mobile phones are on sale. Would you li

7、ke to me to have a look? 4Our electrical bikes have good quality and a oneyear .,date,electronic,accompany,guarantee,第20讲 课前热身,5 (无论如何),I appreciate your invitation. But Im too busy to go for it. 6I have great (信任) in you I know youll do well. 7The shop was so crowded that the (录音)made there was not

8、 very clear. 8The girl is so timid and shes (不愿意的)to speak in public. 9Im a stranger and not (熟悉的)with the local customs. 10He was charged for not having a (有效的)driving license.,Anyhow,faith,recording,unwilling,familiar,valid,第20讲 课前热身,11She said that she didnt like it, but (就个人 而言) I thought it was

9、 good. 12What (使高兴) me most was that they were singing for the pure joy of it. 13More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers (多样) of goods. 14Dont your skin to direct sunlight. 15Do you your fault?,personally,delighted,varieties,expose,acknowledge,第20讲 课前热身,. 汉译英,1combinewith 2

10、take over the market 3bring convenience to lives 4conduct a study/survey 5be used without caution 6be superior to 7spring up 8be capable of 9for the time being 10up to sb,与结合,占领市场,给生活带来方便,开展研究/调查,放心使用,比优越;超过,涌现;迅猛发展,能够,目前,暂时,由某人决定,第20讲 课前热身,11be familiar with 12be associated with 13apply to sb for t

11、he task 14come onto the market 15wind up 16a variety of 17in that case 18stand for 19not necessarily 20be based on 21have faith in,对熟悉,与有联系,向某人申请任务,上市,面市,给上发条,各种各样的,在此种情况下,既然那样,代表,未必,不一定,以为基础,基于之上,相信,信任;信仰,第20讲 课前热身,. 完成句子,1It took two decades, , until 1951, for colour broadcasts to begin in the USA

12、. 但是,直到1951年,花了二十多年时间,彩色电视节 目才得以在美国开播。 2Some consider digital TV satellite TV. 有些人认为数字电视要比卫星电视好。 3This the TV set the World Wide Web. 这个(机顶盒)将电视和万维网连接起来。,more than,though,to be superior to,combines,with,第20讲 课前热身,4The Walkman became Walkman the Oxford English Dictionary in 1986. 随身听变得如此受欢迎,以至于“Walkm

13、an”一词在 1986年被收入牛津英语词典。 5The popularity of MP3 has increased to a degree major corporations are the portable music player market with MP3 players. MP3受欢迎的程度高涨,各大公司便开始用MP3播放 器来占领便携式音乐播放器市场。 6Because of this, is still who invented TV. 因为这个,人们仍不确定是谁发明了电视。,so popular that,was added to,such,that,taking ov

14、er,it,uncertain,第20讲 课前热身,7However, one scientist has ,DNA has the same qualities in all animals, and if radiation affects the genes in mice, it could also affect human genes. 然而,正如一位科学家所指出的,所有动物的DNA特性都 是一样的。如果辐射对老鼠的基因有影响,那么,辐射同 样可能影响人类的基因。 8It was found that people who used mobile phones were two a

15、nd a half times have a brain tumor on the side of the head where they held their phones than people who did not use them. 调查发现,使用手机的人头部接触话机一侧患脑瘤的可 能性是那些不使用手机的人的2.5倍。,as,pointed out,more likely to,第20讲 单词点睛,听156,n度数,度;程度;学位;(罪行的)轻重,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句 】,The children have different degrees of ability. 孩子们的

16、能力高低各不相同。 To what degree can they be trusted? 对他们能信任到什么程度?,第20讲 单词点睛,(1)_ their friendship grew into love. ABy degree BBy degrees CTo degree DTo degrees (2)She received _ doctors degree from Oxford University in _ summer of 2010. Aa; / Bthe; the Ca; the Dthe; /,【活学活用】,【答案】 (1)(2) BC,第20讲 单词点睛,n尺寸;方法

17、;措施vt.测量,估量 vi. 度量,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句 】,I made a suit for you to your measure. 我按你的尺寸为你做了件西服。 Its hard to measure his ability when we havent seen his works. 我们没有见过他的作品,很难估量他的能力。,第20讲 单词点睛,This room measures up to 10 meters long. 这个房间长达十米。 Take measures, please.请采取措施。 She failed to measure the effect of

18、her actions on her family. 她未考虑其行为对家庭的影响。 Some measures must be taken to protect our environment from being polluted. 我们必须采取一些措施以保护环境不受污染。,第20讲 单词点睛,(1)The coat, which is surely not made _ your own measure, is much too loose for you. Ato Bby CIn Dfor (2)A fullygrown blue whale _ 110 feet in height a

19、nd _ several tons. Ais measured; weighs Bmeasures; weighs Cis measured; is weighed Dmeasures; is weighed,【活学活用】,【答案】 (1)(2) AB,第20讲 单词点睛,adj. 相等的;不相上下的 n. 相等的事物(或,数量);对手;匹敌 vt. 等于,比得上,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句】,He equaled the world record in the mile run. 他平了一英里跑的世界纪录。 Im not equal to the task. 我不能胜任这项任务。 Now

20、that she has been promoted she is on equal terms with her exboss. 她既然已升职,现在就和原先的上司平起平坐了。 On the whole, women are not equal to men in physical strength. 总体上说, 女性的体力不及男性。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,Fitness is important in sport, and of at least _ importance are skills. Afair Breasonable Cequal Dproper,【答案】 C,第2

21、0讲 单词点睛,adj. 有效的;有根据的,正当的;令人信服的,【例 句】,She had valid reasons for not supporting the proposals. 她有充分的理由不支持这些建议。 A cheque card is not a valid proof of identity. (银行发的)支票卡并非有效的身份证明文件。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)这一婚姻关系是有效的。 (2)她的借口不令人信服。,The marriage was held to be valid.,Her excuse was not valid.,第20讲 单词点睛,n保证

22、,保证书;担保,抵押品,vt. 保证,担保,【例 句】,The watch comes with a years guarantee,which means a promise to repair it free for a year after purchase. 这只手表保修一年,意思是承诺购买后一年内免费修理。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)保证书还有效,所以厂家会给修理的。 (2)不能保证她不会全盘否定。 (3)我们保证一周内交货。,Its still under guarantee, so the manufacturer will repair it.,Theres no

23、 guarantee she wont reject them all.,We guarantee to deliver the goods within a week.,第20讲 单词点睛,adj.较高的;出众的,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句】,The enemy forces were superior in numbers. 敌军在数量上占优势。 The match will show who is the superior player. 这场比赛能看出谁是出众的运动员。 Of the two books,I think this book is superior to that on

24、e.就这两本书而言,我认为这本比那本更好。 Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric. 合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。 The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees. 总裁的年龄甚至比他的一些雇员还小。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,In general, food made by hand is superior _ that made by machine _ taste. Athan; in Bin; to Cto; in Dthan; to,

25、【答案】C,第20讲 单词点睛,vt.上发条;缠,绕,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句】,The nurse wound a bandage around my finger so that bleeding could be stopped. 那位护士在我手指上缠了绷带来止血。 Remember to wind the clock up every night before you go to bed if you do not want it to stop. 如果你不想让你的钟停的话,你要记得每天晚上在你睡觉前给它上发条。 What time is it? I forgot to wind

26、up my watch. 几点了?我忘了给手表上发条了。,第20讲 单词点睛,It is one of those old gramophones that you have to wind up. 那是一台需要你手摇才响的老唱机。 In the event of failure we must wind up our business. 万一失败,我们必须将这事业停止。 If I work hard for years, what will I wind up withmoney, position or respect? 如果我连年努力工作,最后会得到什么呢?金钱、地位或他人的尊敬? Th

27、e stream wound its way through the village. 这条小溪弯弯曲曲地流过村庄。 Because he often drove carelessly, he wound up dead at last. 因为经常开车粗心,他最后以死亡告终。,第20讲 单词点睛,The proceedings began to wind down. 进程开始缓慢下来了。 We went to the pub to wind down. 我们去酒店放松一下。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,(1)They drove along with all the car window

28、s _. Awound up Bwinding on Cwinded up Dwind up (2)The little boy wound his arms _ his mothers neck to stop her leaving, who wound _ tearing. Aup; around Baround; around Cup; up Daround; up,【答案】 (1)(2) AD,第20讲 单词点睛,vt.&vi.申请;应用;涉及,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句】,Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial

29、 processes. 科学发现常被应用于工业生产。 The new technology will be soon applied in practice. 这项新技术不久就会被应用于实践。 I want to apply to the boss for this task. 我想向老板申请这项任务。 You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work. 你只有真正地专心学习,考试才能及格。,第20讲 单词点睛,This case does not apply to you.这事与你无关。 He ap

30、plied himself/his mind to the problem. 他专心思考这个问题。,【活学活用】,(1)Now a lot of new technology can _ problems in industry. Abe applied to solve Bapply to solve Cbe applied to solving Dapply to solving (2)Have you handed in your _ for a passport? Aappointment Bappreciation Capplication Dappliance,【答案】 (1)(2

31、) CC,第20讲 单词点睛,vi. 跳,跳跃;弹起 n春天;泉水;弹簧,第20讲 单词点睛,Shops selling souvenirs sprang up along the riverside. 沿着河边突然出现了许多卖纪念品的商店。 The branch sprang back and hit me in the face. 树枝弹回来打在我脸上。 He sprang from peasant stock. 他是农民出身。 After about 8 oclock the city springs to life. 大约8点后城市突然活跃起来。 I hate to spring th

32、is on you at such short notice. 很抱歉, 突然向你提出这件事。,【例 句】,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用 】,In the past few years, new buildings have _ like bamboo shoots after a spring rain in my hometown. Asprung up Bsprung back Csprung from Dsprung on,【答案】 A,第20讲 单词点睛,v. 假设,以为,(想当然地)认为; 承担,就任,取得; 呈现;装出,假装,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句】,We cant ju

33、st assume his guilt. 我们不能够就此假设他有罪。 I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。 The prince assumed power when he was only fifteen.王子在十五岁时就掌权了。 The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions.问题开始显出其严重性。 He assumed a look of surprise. 他装出一副吃惊的神色。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用 】,(1)我总认为她是英国人。 I have alw

34、ays assumed . (2)假定我们已经预测到G,就可以用试误法来解N。 we have predicted G, we can solve for N by trial and error. (3)普遍认为压力是由于工作过多所导致的。 stress is caused by too much work.,her to be British,Assuming that,It is generally assumed that,第20讲 单词点睛,vt. 陪同,陪伴; 随着发生,伴有;,使附有;为伴奏,为伴唱,第20讲 单词点睛,【例 句】,He wished her to accompa

35、ny him. 他希望她陪他。 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 闪电通常伴着雷声。 He accompanied his speech with gestures. 他演讲时附带着做手势。 The pianist accompanied her singing. 钢琴家为她的演唱伴奏。 Her mother accompanied her on the piano. 她的母亲为她作钢琴伴奏。 The man is a piano accompanist. 这个人是钢琴伴奏者。,第20讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】,With nobody _ her d

36、uring the festival, the old lady felt lonely. Aaccompanied Baccompany Cto accompany Daccompanying,【答案】D,1单项填空,2根据汉语意思完成句子,那位歌唱者由她姐姐用钢琴给她伴奏。 The singer the piano by her sister.,was accompanied at/on,第20讲 单词点睛,vt. 承认; 告知收到; 对打招呼; 答谢,第20讲 短语储存,I acknowledge that her criticism is just. 我承认她的批评是公正的。 I ac

37、knowledged her letter at once. 我马上告知收到了她的信。 I passed her in the street but she didnt even acknowledge me when I smiled. 我在街上遇到她,可是当我向她微笑时,她却连招呼都没有向我打一个。 The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd. 候选人挥手对群众的欢呼表示感谢。,【例 句】,第20讲 单词点睛,(1)她被公认为是世界最佳网球选手。 She the best tennis playe

38、r in the world. (2)他承认犯了错误。 He acknowledged having made a mistake. He he had made a mistake.,【活学活用】,is acknowledged as,acknowledged that,第20讲 短语储存,听160,上市,面市,第20讲 短语储存,When a new product came onto the market, it was soon out of stock. 新产品一面市,很快就脱销了。 We are in the market for a used car. 我们想买辆二手车。 Man

39、y kinds of seasonal flowers are on the market. 现货供应多种四季花卉。 They put the family business on the market. 他们出售家族产业。,【例 句】,第20讲 短语储存,The company has advertised for the new product _ onto the market next month. Awhich comes Bto come Ccoming Dcomes,【活学活用】,【答案】 B,第20讲 短语储存,要求做某事,第20讲 短语储存,There is much dem

40、and for fuels on the cars. 汽车燃料的需求量很大。 The workers demanded to get higher pay. 工人要求提高工资。 The work of a teacher demands great care and patience.教师的工作需要极大的细心和耐心。 She demanded (that) she (should) be sent to the flooded area.她要求被派到水灾地区。 She is in great demand as a singer. 她是个十分受欢迎的歌手。,【例 句】,第20讲 短语储存,Th

41、ere have been fresh demands for the Prime Minister to resign. 人们最近不断要求首相辞职。 It is impossible to satisfy all your demands. 满足你所有的要求是不可能的。,第20讲 短语储存,【活学活用】,(1)The workers will go on strike if the demands they _ put forward are turned down. Acould Bwould C/ Dhad (2)In our childhood, we were often _ by

42、Grandma to pay attention to our table manners. Ademanded Breminded Callowed Dhoped,【答案】 (1)(2) CB,第20讲 短语储存,被暴露在,第20讲 短语储存,When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth. 他笑的时候露出了一口漂亮的白牙。 The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot. 这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。 As a nurse in the war she

43、 was exposed to many dangers. 作为战地护士, 她置身于各种各样的危险之中。 This kind of paint can be exposed to all kinds of weather. 这种油漆能经受各种天气的考验。,【例 句】,第20讲 短语储存,Parents should not expose babies to strong sunlight.父母不应该让婴儿受到强烈日晒。 The paint came off as the result of exposure to the rain. 油漆因受雨淋而剥落了。 The newspapers exp

44、osure of their crimes led to their arrest. 报上揭露了他们的罪行,这些人因此被捕。,第20讲 短语储存,1单项填空 It is a journalists duty to _ the truth of the accident. Aexplore Bexpose Cexamine Dexploit,【活学活用】,【答案】 B,第20讲 短语储存,2同义句转换 Making you exposed to sunlight for about 1015 minutes early in the morning every day is beneficial

45、 for the health of skin and bones. to sunlight for about 1015 minutes early in the morning is beneficial for the health of skin and bones.,Daily exposure,第20讲 短语储存,代表,象征,【例 句】,The American flag stands for freedom and justice. 美国国旗代表自由和公平。,第20讲 短语储存,They stand against us, because we stand in their wa

46、y. 他们反对我们,是因为我们挡了他们的道。 How can you stand by and let him treat his dog like that? 他那样对待他那只狗,你怎么能袖手旁观呢? Ill stand by you whatever happens. 无论发生什么,我都支持你。 His height makes him stand out in the crowd. 他身材高大,因此在人群中很显眼。 You must stand up for your rights. 你一定要维护自己的权利。,第20讲 短语储存,(1)PLA (代表)the Peoples Liberation Army. (2)Always (支持)your friends.


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