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1、论证方法,1. 举例说明 2. 解释说明 3. 因果论证 4. 比较与对比 5. 让步与反驳 6. 分类及论证方法总结,举 例 说 明,一、分段方法 250字,4段至5段话,4段更容易操作。 第一段:2至4句 第二段:4至6句 第三段:4至6句 第四段:2至4句,4段式的结构,开头:一段 2至4句 主体:两段 8至12句 结尾: 一段 2至4句,句与句之间该体现的逻辑,需要做到整体把握: 仔细审题 分析写作重点(写几段话?从哪几个角度进行论证?举例子?理由?) Overall idea、general,结构及内容,Introduction: state your view Body: supp

2、ort your view with reasons, arguments, examples Conclusion: restate your view,分 段 方 法,1. Introduction: state your view 开头段落的组成: a. 改写题目内容,进行背景信息交待 b. 中心思想的写作,对题目一句话的回应,分 段 方 法,2. Body: support your view with reasons, arguments or examples. 主体段落:Topic sentence(主题句)+ supporting sentences(论证句),分 段 方 法,

3、3. Conclusion: restate your view 总结观点,再次阐述观点。 切忌不要照抄文章的开头。,主体段落写作,主体段落:Topic sentence(1句主题句)+ supporting sentences(3-5句论证句) 1. 主题句(针对题目,提出自己的观点) a. 主题句需紧扣中心思想,紧扣主题。 b. 各主题句之间应有鲜明的逻辑关系。 主体段落间关系:并列,递进,让步转折 故文章主体段落组织:并列,递进,对比 (让步反驳),三、Argumentative devices,Ways to develop a paragraph(论证方法) Supporting s

4、entences(3-5句论证句) exemplification(举例说明) explanation(解释说明) cause and effect(因果论证) comparison and contrast(比较与对比) concession and refutation(让步于反驳) classification(分类),exemplification,英语和汉语相比较来说,举例并不是简单的举个例子而已,从内容上来说,英语的举例要比汉语的举例要更丰富一些。 字典里面是这样解释的 example: a specific fact, idea, person, or thing that is

5、 used to explain or support a general idea, or to show what is typical of a larger group.,举例相关关联词:,For example For instance Take东西 (Consider人) - as an example A case in point: sth. / sb. is a case in point such as including,举 例 讲 解,Some people think that animals should be treated as friends. Yet oth

6、ers only consider animals as sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?,Sample Answer,There is a growing tendency nowadays for some people to treat animals as living meat and walking fur. This leads to the cruel slaughter of animals all over the world every year. Yet, in my opinion, instead of killing animals, human beings should treat them as friends.,主体段落可从2 - 3个方面进行展开 Yet, in my opinion, instead of killing animals, human beings should treat them as friends. = 动物对人类有用、有帮助。 - 物质方面、精神方面 或 直接帮助、间接帮助。,直接帮助,For thousands of years, many animals have given loyal service to humans.,


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