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1、雅思小作文总结,评分标准,(1)任务完成情况: 趋势描写,数据支持,不要画蛇添足 (2)关联词大量而准确地使用(连贯) (3)词汇 (4)句子结构,类型,Line graph Pie chart Bar chart 70% Table Flow graph/process diagram 20% Others 10%,写作方法,单图:,混合图:,首段常用句型:,1.The table/chart/diagram/graph shows (that). 2.The figures/statistics show (that). 3.The diagram shows/ describes/ il

2、lustrates how. 4.According to/As (is) shown in the/As can be seen from the table/chart, diagram, graph, figures 5.It can be seen/observed from the/ we can see from the 6.It is clear/ apparent from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures (that).,三种描述趋势的句式,1. There was/is/will be + a/an + 形容词 +变化名词 + in

3、 the number/percentage of + 被描述对象 + 时间 e.g. There was a sharp increase/decrease in the number of TV audiences from 12pm to 2 pm. 表示“上升、增加”的名词 increase, rise, growth 表示“下降、减少”的名词 decrease, decline, drop 表示“波动”的名词 fluctuation 表示“不变”的名词 no/little change, leveling off, leveling out 表示“快速、剧烈、显著的”的形容词 rap

4、id/sharp/dramatic 表示“逐步、适度、稳定、慢的、一点点的”的形容词 gradual, moderate, steady, slow, slight,2. The number/percentage of 被描述对象 + 变化动词 + 副词 + 数据 + 时间 e.g. The number of TV audiences rose sharply from 6am to 8am. 表示“上升”的动词 increase, rise, go up, climb 表示“下降”的动词 decrease, decline, go down, fall 表示“波动”的动词 fluctua

5、te 表示“不变”的动词 remain stable/steady/constant at, level off, level out 表示“快速、剧烈、显著地”的副词 rapidly/sharply/dramatically 表示“逐步、适度、稳定、慢地、一点点地”的副词 gradually, moderately, steadily, slowly, slightly,3. 时间段 + witness/see/experience + a/an + 形容词 + 变化名词 + in the number/percentage of 被描述对象 e.g. The period between

6、10am and 12pm witnesses a moderate growth in the number of people in the station, with the number reaching 280 at midday. The next hours see a dramatic rise in the number again.,描述最高点、最低点,1. 被描述对象 + reach its highest point /peak/bottom at + 数据 + 时间 e.g. At 4pm, the number reaches its bottom at 100.

7、At 8am, it reached its highest point at 25%. 2. peaking at/ bottoming at + 数据 e.g. After that, the number increased sharply until 1998, peaking at 20,700.,比较两个对象,The number/percentage of 被描述对象1 + was/is/will be + (much/slightly) + larger/higher/lower/smaller + than + that of 被描述对象2. e.g. The number

8、of business was higher than that for visits to friends and relatives. However, for the rest of the day, the percentage of radio was much lower than that of TV.,三个及以上的对象比较,被描述对象 + has/had/will have + the largest/highest/lowest/smallest + number/percentage of + 项目 + in/among 范围 e.g. USA had the highes

9、t quality of life in the five countries. Other reasons had the smallest percentage in the four reasons.,连接手段,1. Then/ from this time onwards/ from then on There was a rise. Then the number went down. 2. After/ before There was a rise, before the number went down. After a rise, there was a decrease,

10、before the number remained stable. 3. which was followed by/which led to/which preceded an increase/decrease There was a rise, which was followed by a decrease. 4. 上一句最后时间词,when. There was a rise in the number of teachers from数据in年份to数据in年份, when the number went down.,5. Again(第二次以后的上升/下降) There was

11、 a rise. Again, the number went down. 6. However.then.(上升和下降之间) There was a rise. However, the number then went down. 其他关联词:类比、对比、句子衔接 However/ compare to/ in contrast/ / similarly/ conversely/ / while Similarly/likewise As to/ in term of / as for,Line graph,1. 只有一条曲线:描述这个对象在这段时间的变化 2. 两条曲线:先用两段分别描述

12、各个对象在这段时间的变化,再用一段对各对象进行比较 3. 三条或以上的曲线:按描述对象分段,如果对象多于三个,把相似的对象合为一段来写。(同意适用于表格),Pie chart,1. 表示“占”的动词 account for, take up, constitute, hold 2. 百分比的表达 percentage, proportion 3. 约数的表达 about, under, above, around, nearly the majority of, less than, more than 4. 确切数字的表达 one third, two fifths, a half, a q

13、uarter of, decade double, triple fourfold (adj.), fivefold (adj.),Pie chart,5. 剩余的数据表达 the rest , the remainder 6. 分别的表达 respectively, differently 7. 句型 1). 被描述对象+占(v.) + 数据的百分比。 2). The percentage/proportion of 被描述对象 + was + %. 3). 被描述对象 + 占(v.) + the rest/remainder.,Bar chart,1. 趋势特征:线图(增加、减少、波动)

14、2. 数据对比:饼状图 3. 注意事项: 1) 不同颜色的柱状代表不同类型的数据 2) 比较柱与柱之间落差,突出极值 3) 5柱以上的,把最鲜明的几个柱子描述清楚,其他则可以一笔带过。,Table,1. 今昔对比的table 1) 先相减/相除,后分组 2) 哪些是增加,哪些是减少 3) 幅度大的与幅度小的分组 2. 各自为战的table 1) 找出不同类型(横轴和纵轴)的最大值和最小值 2) 可以找出存在倍数的数据 3) 从左至右的顺序逐一进行比较,其他则可以一带而过,Flow graph/process diagram,写作步骤,第一步:改写题目 第二步:分析时态 第三步:分析图中数字的含义以及单位 第四步:通过分析图表来确定主体段落需要描述哪些信息,并标注在图表上,Exercises,


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