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1、雅思阅读 - matching,Candy 薛,Page 2,Matching 考察内容及范围,事件和事件发展,原因和结果,概念和解释,标志性年代和事件,新产品和发明家,时间等,人名和理论,实验,论点和论据,Page 3,Matching 做题步骤,确定关键词,定位,找到原文出处,取舍读的内容,阅读理解其内容,备选项中筛选甄别,Page 4,读什么?怎么读?,在文章上做标记 观点,概念及标明观点的词后面内容重点读 Idea, thought, concept, view, opinion, perspective, explanation, prediction, result, conseq

2、uence, summary, aftermath(后果,余波) Notice, indicate, say, believe, suggest, allege, conclude, appear to, think, point out, argue, remark, note, report, reason, discover, propose, imply, study, refute, claim 在词上方做标记 (表示观点倾向性的词) Advantageous , pessimistic, positive, effectively, praise Strange, difficul

3、t, devastating, harmful, shameful Surprisingly, ironically, unfortunately, fortunately Ignore, blame, refute, reject, question/challenge, balk, cast doubt on/upon,Page 5,语言点考察层级,浅层考察,中层考察,对于小部分俗语和习语的理解,深层考察,阅读跨度较大,结合某段综合理解,Page 6,真题warm-up,C2T1Q28 (简单同义替换的配对) Q28, _is cited as famous in the field of

4、 psychology. 原文:one of the most eminent of psychologists, Clark Hull, claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the putting together of two behavior segments in some novel way, never actually performed before, so as to reach a goal.,Page 7,C2T3Q34,Page 8,C1T2Q1-7,Bryan Turner at Deakin Universit

5、y has studies the research literature on left-handedness and found that handedness goes with sidedness. He noted that this distinctive asymmetry in the human population is itself systematic. Q7 Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.,Page 9,According to Mr. Charles Moore, a writer and journ

6、alist, is the way the word “right” reinforces its own virtue. Subliminally he says, language tells people to think that anything on the right can be trusted while anything on the left is dangerous or even sinister. Q2 Society is prejudiced against left-handed people.,Page 10,Dr Brinkman, a brain res

7、earch at the Australian National University in Canberra, has suggested that evolution of speech went with right-handed preference. Q1 Human beings started to show a preference for right-handedness when they first developed language.,Page 11,She has observed that if a left-handed person is brain-dama

8、ged in the left hemisphere, the recovery of speech is quite often better and this is explained by the fact that left-handers have a more bilateral speech function. Q4 After a stroke, left-handed people recover their speech more quickly than right-handed people.,Page 12,Page 13,真题分布,C3 (P17, P22, P63

9、, P72, P86, P96) C5 (P47, P64, P91) C6 (P20, P43, P47, P50, P70, P73) C7 (P42, P52, P73, P77, P95, P100),Page 14,1. 仔细查看答题指引, 了解回答何种问题。 2. 查看例句,确定答题方式。 3. 弄清那些选项是同义选项,那些选项是反义选项, 那些选项是有关数字选项 4 . 根据在题目中自己划出的中心词在原文中寻找信息点, 注意以大写、斜体、括号和引号方式出现的概念。 5. 对于有关人名与理论、新产品和发明家、 时间的配对题,首先要快速找出人名、 公司名和时间,然后在附近的上下文中找答案。,matching做题技巧总结,Page 15,Thanks for your time,


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