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1、詩是什麼 What is Poetry,1. 為什麼要寫詩? 2. 詩有什麼功用? 3. 詩是怎樣寫的?,詩是什麼,夢與詩 胡適(1891-1962),都是平常經驗, 都是平常影象, 偶然湧到夢中來, 變幻出多少新奇花樣! 都是平常情感, 都是平常言語, 偶然碰著個詩人, 變幻出多少新奇詩句!,醉過才知酒濃, 愛過才知情重:- 你不能做我的詩, 正如我不能做你的夢。,詩是什麼,虞書:詩言志, 歌永言。 毛詩大序:詩者,志之所之也,在心為志,發言為詩。 陸機 (261-303)文賦:詩緣情以綺靡。,詩是什麼(續),辭海詩歌:它按照一定的音節、聲調和韻律的要求,用凝練的語言、充沛的情感、豐富的想像

2、,高度集中地表現社會生活和人的精神世界。(西歐詩) 按有無比較完整的故事情節,可分為敘事詩和抒情詩;按語言有無格律,可分為格律詩、自由詩和歌謠詩;按是否押韻,又可分為有韻詩和無韻詩。,詩是什麼(續),The Oxford English Dictionary, “a) With special reference to its form: Composition in verse or metrical language, or in some equivalent patterned arrangement of language; usually also with choice of e

3、levated words and figurative uses, and option of a syntactical order, differing more or less from those of ordinary speech or prose writing.,詩是什麼(續),c) With special reference to its function: The expression or embodiment of beautiful or elevated thought, imagination, or feeling, in language adapted

4、to stir the imagination and emotions, both immediately and also through the harmonic suggestions latent in or implied by the words and connexions of words actually used, such language containing a rhythmical element and having usually a metrical form; though the term is sometimes extended to include

5、 expression in non-metrical language, having similar harmonic and emotional qualities (prose-poetry).”,詩是什麼(續),Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834): Prose, -words in their best order; poetry, - the best words in their best order. (Table Talk),詩是什麼(續),Emily Dickinson (1830-1886): “If I read a book and

6、 it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only ways I know it. Is there any other way?,詩是什麼(續),Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935): “Poetry is a language that te

7、lls us, through a more or less emotional reaction, something that cannot be said.”,詩的功用,梅花十絕之九 方岳,有梅無雪不精神,有雪無詩俗了人。 薄暮詩成天又雪,與梅併作十分春。,詩的功用,論語陽貨:小子何莫學夫詩?詩可以興、可以觀、可以群、可以怨。邇之事父,遠之事君,多識於鳥獸草木之名。 論語季氏:不學詩,無以言。,詩的功用(續),John F. Kennedy (1917-1963): “When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of

8、 his limitations. When power narrows the areas of mans concern, poetry Reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.”,詩的功用(續),W.H. Auden (1907-1973): Now Ireland has her madness and her weather still,/ Poetry makes nothing happen. (In Memory of W.

9、B. Yeats),詩的功用(續),William Carlos Williams (1883-1963): “It is difficult / to get the news from poems / yet men die miserably every day / for lack of what is found there.”,詩是怎樣寫的,才性,曹丕典論論文: 文以氣為主,氣之清濁有體,不可力強而 致。譬諸音樂,曲度雖均,節奏同檢,至 於引氣不齊,巧拙有素,雖在父兄,不能 以移子弟。,才性(續),劉勰文心雕龍神思篇:人之稟才, 遲速異分。 嚴羽滄浪詩話:夫詩有別材,非關 書也;詩

10、有別趣,非關理也。,怎樣寫詩,黃庭堅病起荊江亭即事十首之七: 閉門覓句陳無己,對客揮毫秦少遊。,題詩後 賈島,二句三年得,一吟雙淚流。 知音如不賞,歸臥故山秋。,怎樣寫詩(續),Robert Frost (1874-1963): I have never started a poem whose end I knew. Writing the poem is discovering. (in New York Times 7 Nov. 1955),怎樣寫詩(續),William Wordsworth (1770-1850): “I have said that poetry is the sp

11、ontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” (Lyrical Ballades),怎樣寫詩(續),Robert Frost (1874-1963): “There are only three thingsthat a poem must reach: the eye, the ear, and what we may call the heart or the mind. It is the most important of al

12、l to reach the heart of the reader. And the surest way to reach the heart is through the ear.”,怎樣寫詩(續),Lord Alfred Douglas (1870-1945): “All good poetryis forged slowly and patiently, and link by link with sweat and blood and tears” Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980): “The fear of poetry is an indication t

13、hat we are cut off from our own reality.”,林蔭道 林泠 (1938-),是誰安排我足下的風景 這平原的廣袤,丘陵的無垠 哦,陽光鋪滿像荒草萋萋 我祇愛林蔭的小路 我祇愛迂廻幽曲和蔽天的覆蓋,-詩是林蔭的小路罷 回憶也是 我常常流連,雖然 也常常厭倦,Of Modern Poetry Wallace Stevens (1879-1955),The poem of the mind in the act of finding What will suffice. It has not always had To find: the scene was se

14、t; it repeated what Was in the script. Then the theatre was changed To something else. Its past was a souvernir.,It has to be living, to learn the speech of the place. It has to face the men of the time and to meet The women of the time. It has to think about war And it has to find what will suffice

15、. It has To construct a new stage. It has to be on that stage And, like an insatiable actor, slowly and With meditation speak words that in the ear, In the delicatest ear of the mind, repeat,Exactly, that which it wants to hear, at the sound Of which, an invisible audience listens, Not to the play,

16、but to itself, expressed In an emotion as of two people, as of two Emotions becoming one. The actor is A metaphysician in the dark, twanging An instrument, twanging a wiry string that gives Sounds passing through sudden rightnesses, wholly,Containing the mind, below which it cannot descend, Beyond which it has no will to rise. It must Be the finding of a satisfaction, and may Be of a man skating, a woman dancing, a woman Combing. The poem of the act of the mind.,


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