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1、外研社三上册英语Im Ms Smart教学设计教学目标:1学习目标语句Hello, Ms Smart.Im Daming.How are you?Im fine. And how are you?2.能口头运用Hello, Ms Smart. Im Daming.这类语句 向新老师介绍自己的名字。3.能在图片提示下整体识别单词boy, girl, too, Ms.教学重点:1.能口头运用Hello, Ms Smart. Im Daming.向新老师介绍自己的名字。2.能在图片提示下整体识别词汇boy, girl, Ms, too.教学难点:To act the conversation.To

2、speak and act fluently.教具准备:Pictures, cards, tape, recorder, masks.教学过程:一、 Warmer.1.T: Hello. Im Ms Han.Ss: Hello, Ms Han. (Show the card and teach Ms。2.让学生用 Im句型作自我介绍,全体学生用Hello.同他打招呼。二、Presentation1.T: 看到我们学得这么热烈,有几个小朋友也跑来和大家一起学习了。Please say hello to these friends. (Take out the masks of Sam, Dami

3、ng ,Amy and Lingling.)Ss: ( Say hello to them)T: Look! Sam and Daming are boys. ( Point to a boy and say) You are a boy, too. ( Teach the word boy)T: ( Touch a boys head )Boy. ( Touch two boys heads ) Boys. ( Point to many boys ) boys( With the same method teach girl and girls。)T: ( Take up the mask

4、s ) They are boys and girls. ( Stress boys and girls. Then teach and )T: Team 1, please stand up.Ss: ( The students of Team 1 stand up)T: They are boys and girls. Team 2, stand up, please. Are you boys and girls?Ss: Yes.T: Sit down, please. Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3, boys hands up.Ss: ( Boys hands u

5、p.)T: Team 4, girls say How are you?。Ss: ( Girls are saying it.)Then play a turtle game and practice boy , girl, boys and girls.2.T: Boys and girls , are you tired ? Lets sing asong , OK ? ( 设计意图:1. 因为学生年龄比较小,注意力保持的时间不会太长,所以唱首歌放松一下。2. 引出How are you句型。)(The teacher say How are you to individule stude

6、nt then lead out Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, too. Thank you.)Then play a chain game.三、The text1.T: ( Show the mask of Ms Smart) Oh, here is a new face. 她是谁呢?Ss: Ms Smart.T: You are right. Read after me please. ( 3 times)T: ( Put the mask on my head) Good morning, boys and girls. Im Ms Smart.S

7、s: Good morning , Ms Smart.T: Ms Smart 是 Sam和Amy的母亲,也是书中四位主人公的英语老师,她和全家人从英国到中国来工作学习。现在我们一起来看一看课堂上的情景吧。3.Look at the picture and listen.T: Do you know? This is Ms Smarts first English class. Listen and watch it. What happened?T: Is this boys name Ming?Ss: No.T: whats his name?Ss: Daming.T: Yes. Ms Smart called the wrong mane. He is not Ming. His mane is Daming. So the other boys and girls all laugh.4.Listen, poit and repeat.5.Review the words.四、Practice戴头饰分角色表演五、 Homework1.Listen and repeat the tape four times2.Prepare Unit2


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