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1、北京市第五届初中“课程德育”说课展示说课稿课题名称:Unit 10 Section B Reading 教材版本:人教版Go for it 8年级上册 (2013年出版)教师姓名: 李蕊 学校: 北京市第二十中学 教师年龄: 32 教龄: 10 职称: 中教一级教学指导思想与理论依据英语课程标准明确指出:英语教学应以学生为本,面向全体学生,不断激发学生的学习兴趣,采用活动途径,倡导体验和参与,注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力,使学生初步形成有效的学习策略。图示阅读理论指出读者的阅读能力由语言图示、内容图示和形式图示三种形式来决定。在阅读过程中,读者大脑中的这三种图示与文章的语言、内容和形式


3、通过完成不同的任务,在学生学习体验交流合作的过程中,使得英语学科本质在这一节课中落实下来。教学背景分析学习内容分析:1. 本课教学内容源自人教版教材八年级上册第10单元SectionB的第二部分。本部分在SectionA的基础上,围绕青少年生活中的问题,进一步谈论对事情结果的预测,引导学生正视困难,学会与人沟通,寻求帮助,解决问题。2. 本单元的阅读语篇通过女孩Laura的故事,探讨了青少年如何解决生活中的问题,并给出了相关专家的建议。本节课让学生抓住文章主线,并将课文内容与自己生活相关联,懂得面对问题烦恼困扰时,要拥有一个比较积极的人生态度,学会并感悟出解决问题的正确方法。3. 本节课是一节

4、阅读课。讲授这一课时,通过寻找主旨大意、让学生自己设计问题,描述主线,完成思维导图等方式,使学生更好地理解文章和掌握语言,即:遵循了“语境导入-语篇输入-阅读理解-语言内化-口语输出”的过程。通过“Worry Jar”这一首尾呼应的活动,为学生提供了一个真实情境,并借文章“talking with others”这一观点,对学生在面对问题或困惑时进行引导,留作业时将本课内容延伸到改善家庭亲子关系中,并为下一节写作课做了话题和语言上的铺垫。4. 课标对于读的要求是学生能根据不同的阅读目的,运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。本部分教材中安排了三个阅读任务:读前问题讨论,你有什么烦恼,通常怎么解决;读中选

5、择主旨大意;读后回答问题。教材所预设的目的是让学生在思考如何解决生活中的问题的同时,语言综合运用能力也得到提升。学生情况分析:1授课对象为普通校实验班初二学生,30人。英语有一定基础,学习兴趣较高。2. 学生对话题“worries”比较熟悉,并能简单谈论。3. 学生已有的知识水平:本课共有21个新单词,学生已认识teenager, normal, certainly, wallet, mile, angry, understanding, careless, mistake, himself, advise, solve, trust,其它为新词汇,重点处理keep to oneself; u

6、nless, in half。已学过worries, 但对于用丰富的语言表达观点及如何解决困扰或问题并不熟悉。学生已初步具备了运用略读,寻读技巧获取信息,但是对于复杂文章的阅读梳理能力有待提高,策略需要培养,对所读内容进行分类筛选及明晰文章结构有待提高。学生关注所读文本的语言,并能对如何解决生活中的问题有所思考,形成比较积极的生活态度,是本节课所关注的。4. 学生的学习困难:词汇量大、语篇偏长、文章脉络不够清晰,每段主旨句位置不明确,段落大意需要自己概括。教学方式与教学手段:1 通过“WorryJar”的情境设置,把自己的困惑放入分忧虑瓶中,通过阅读总结出解决问题困惑的方法,再拿出困惑一起分享

7、解决的这一过程,让阅读内容为学生所用。2 课程标准的基本理念指出,有效的英语学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿与记忆。自主学习与合作交流是学生学习英语的重要方式。3 采用引导式;任务型教学;合作、交流的教学方式:4 多媒体辅助教学 教师板书作为教学手段:5 所用课件努力做到为学生完成任务做好铺垫,发挥多媒体课件在学生完成读写任务中的辅助作用,真正达到服务于教学的目的.教学目标知识目标:词和词组 unless, keepto oneself, cut in half,If从句的使用能力目标:谈论生活中的困扰及解决策略;掌握阅读的策略;写出与话题相关的句子过程与方法:运用skimming 和scannin

8、g的阅读技巧,完成表格,总结出文章的主线。通过合作学习,同伴交流,使用目标语言汇报问题的解决方法。情感态度:引导学生在面对问题时,要善于与人分享,形成积极健康的生活态度。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养小组合作精神,发展学生积极的情感态度学习策略:通过语境的方式学习词汇;利用阅读策略快速获取文章大意。文化知识:了解中西方青少年生活中常见问题,以及心理专家的建议。教学重、难点及突破措施教学重点:获取文章的主旨大意以及分析出总结主旨大意的策略。突破措施:引导学生分层次、分任务阅读 ,通过读大意、读细节多种阅读方式帮助学生理解文章、获取信息。教学难点: 生词词汇量大。突破措施:根据词汇对文章理解的重要性

9、进行分散处理、通过多种方式引导学生猜测和学习单词,以及在语境中使用生词。教学流程图教学过程Lead-in: Worry JarTeaching proceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesResourceTimeStep 1Ask questions: Do you have any worries in your life? What kinds of things do you worry about?Answer the questions.Have a free talk.PPT2Step 2Ask Ss to write down

10、two biggest worries and put the note into the worry jar.Write down two biggest worries on the note and fold it. The last one of each roll collects them into the worry jar.Notes for SsWorry JarPPT5Purpose: Make Ss engage in the topic and prepare for the final activity.Pre-readingStep 31. What will yo

11、u do if you have problems?1. If I have problems, I will.PPT1Purpose: Give the ideas of solving problems and get to know the three choices of the main idea.While-reading: Reading for gistStep 41. Ask Ss to read the passage and find out the main idea.2. Ask Ss to tell the reason why they choose b. Lea

12、d Ss to list the main thread of the passage.1. Read the passage and give the feedback.2. Tell the reasons and the main idea of each paragraph.TextPPT7Purpose: Help students experience the reading strategy of finding out the main idea and list the main thread of the passage.While-reading: Reading for

13、 detailStep 51. Ask Ss to read again and fill the chart.2. Ask them to retell it.1. Read and fill in the chart. 2. Try to retell it. Text Learning plan5Step 6Group work1. Divide Ss into three groups and ask each group to make questions from different paragraphs.1. Make questions2. Ask and answer que

14、stionsTextLearning plan5Purpose: Try to make Ss understand the passage better.Post-reading: DiscussionStep 7 Discussion1. Ask the students to underline and share the sentences that they like in the passage.2. Give the pattern of the sentences.1. Underline the sentences.2. Use the pattern to repeat t

15、he sentences and translate new ones in EnglishTextPPT5Step 8Group work1. State the ideas about how to solve problems2. State Einsteins proverb. Make Ss understand that we need to share our problems with others if we cant solve by ourselves.3. Ask Ss have a talk show to talk about the problems they h

16、ave.1. Fill in the blanks and understand the ways of solving problems2. Try to have a talk show to help other students using the sentence structures. (worries in the jar)PPT Learning plan10Purpose: Make Ss understand the reason why we should talk with others about our worries. And make a scaffold fo

17、r the next period of writing.Homework Try to exchange(交换) your worries with your parents. And you can sit together to talk about them. If you cannot find the solutions, put the problems into a jar.Purpose: Improve the relationship between the students and their parents. Give them the idea that they

18、can rely on their parents and talking about worries with their parents.Blackboard Design 学习效果评价内容 完成情况 A B C我能根据语境猜出生词的意思。完全能部分能不能我能通过阅读选择文章主旨,并能补充思维图示完整。完全能部分能不能我能用文章中的句子来描述如何解决生活中的问题 能说出3条以上能说出2条能说出1条教学设计的特点本课运用思维导图的方式引导学生阅读,利于培养学生阅读策略,明晰文章结构,以及作者行文的主线。这节阅读课设计重视创设情境,重视学生的阅读过程。随着阅读的深入,由学生自己分析每段段意,从

19、而形成文章主旨,他们还能拎出文章主线,了解作者行文意图。这一过程既是他们阅读过程的展现,也是阅读课的一个重要环节,变老师帮助学生处理阅读材料为学生自主阅读的过程。 此外,本节课的情境设置使学生能够置身于阅读话题和材料中,而爱因斯坦的名言和教师的引导,对学生情感态度价值观也有积极的影响。 最后,通过阅读语料的学习,把所学用于解决自己的问题,让阅读与学生生活联系起来,使阅读变得更加有意义,不再是为了读而读,而是在读的过程中培养学生思维品质和积极向上的生活态度,学会处理生活中的问题。 本节课在语言上也有所侧重,读中活动有学生自己设计问题,读后活动,不仅交流观点,而且有语言的落实和产出。初中英语阅读课

20、既要重视词汇、阅读策略的学习,也要重视培养学生正确处理阅读材料的能力,对学生进行学法指导。改变以前老师先处理完材料后,带领学生完成阅读任务的方式。把阅读时间还给学生,通过学生自主阅读,体验阅读学习过程,掌握阅读方法,突显过程性学习,培养学生自主学习能力。附1:文本Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Passage:Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and

21、 sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees. ”Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone, well certainly

22、 feel worse.”Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didnt have any money. She just kept thinking, “If I tell my parents, theyll be angry!” In the end, she talked to her parents and they

23、 were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says.Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. He feels the same ways as Laur

24、a. “It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesnt need to be an expert like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more experience than them, and are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!7


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