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1、捷达超级驾校在线真人秀第二季传播方案 Jetta CDB Online Reality Show Season 2 Proposal 2014.10.15,目录 Contents 第一季回顾 Season 1 Review 下阶段传播目标 Objective for Next Step 下阶段传播规划 Communication Plan 第二季内容与创意 S2 Content and Creative 所需客户支持 Client Support 项目时间表 Timeline,Communication Objective:1. increase traffic and promote sal

2、es 2. Show FAW-VW responsibility and promote brand image.,Result 1.Views: 7.23-9.21 89,101,544 views and counting 2.Jetta Sales Success: Showroom Traffic increased by 24% in August and sales increased by 8% 3.Brand Image Promotion: Showing Jetta selling points and FAW-VW social responsibility.,140 M

3、ILLION CARS 4.7 MILLION ACCIDENTS EACH YEAR IN CHINA,Road Stats in China,Role of Jetta,Jetta Target Group,China Drive Better,Jetta CDB S1 Strategy Orientation and Communication Result,Jetta has been in China for more than 20 years. The great market volume of Jetta makes it the perfect car for drivin

4、g schools.,80% of the Jetta buyers are first time car buyers,传播目标:1.增加终端集客,促进销售 2. 展示企业责任感,拉升捷达品牌形象,Result 1.播放量: 7.23-9.21共计播放89,101,544 2.销量与进店量: 8月,进店量增长24% ,销量增长8% 3.品牌形象的提升: 捷达产品及卖点的露出,并体现出捷达及一汽-大众的企业社会责任感,140 MILLION CARS 4.7 MILLION ACCIDENTS EACH YEAR IN CHINA,中国道路交通安全现状,捷达重要社会角色,捷达目标消费群体,捷达

5、超级驾校在线真人秀,捷达真人秀第一季策略出发点与播放效果,捷达进入中国20多年,中国汽车市场巨大的保有量及在驾校教学车辆中的广泛应用,捷达是80% 车主的“第一辆车”,Jetta CDB S1 Platform,Jetta China Drive Better,5.New Media: Bond together with Driving tests and aim accurately.,2.PC and mobile mass coverage. three special sites and 87 key words.,1.Video Websites and Auto portal s

6、ites releasing.,3.National Driving School Media Coverage,4.TV program cooperation,捷达真人秀第一季传播平台,捷达超级驾校 在线真人秀,5.新媒体: 与驾考类游戏的精准捆绑,2.PC和移动端全方位覆盖:3个专区和87个关键词,1.视频网站与汽车垂直网站的广泛投放,3.全国驾校媒体的全面覆盖,4. 电视栏目合作,CDB makes Jetta more fun, relaxed and innovative 捷达超级驾校能够增加“创新的,令人放松的,及有趣的”元素到捷达品牌中,CDB S1 - Entertainin

7、g & Real 第一季-娱乐性&真实性,Driving safety is a real problem in China. FAW VW helps to solve this problem in an engaging and amusing way. Increasing FAW sales while increasing safety. Doing good and selling cars. Clever marketing perfect for a digital dominated Jetta consumer and sales process. 中国在驾驶安全方面存在

8、比较严重的问题。一汽大众采用寓教于乐的方式帮助解决此问题,既提升道路安全又提升了一汽大众的销量。,Charming Believable Drivers 真实的司机,Real Driving Problems 真实的驾驶问题,Confident Competent Teacher 自信的教练,Valuable Satisfying Conclusion 驾驶技巧的提升,Summary for Season 1,Value Created S1,Future Value,Engaging video content platform : This is the 1st reality show

9、communication in auto industry, as this new formation attracts attention. Driver relevant emotional connections : The content is focused on the most common and crucial problems that increases target audiences understanding. Digital presence & Fun: Relaxed and humorous, teaching with a fun way to com

10、municate via internet. Intelligently supports core FAW VW values : Soft implantation of product features reveals functions in a smart way, effectively generate new sales lead,Data Support: data from internet needs further and deeper dig for better support of next step. Viewer data collection can be

11、improved. Options for viewer feedback can be extended. More Professional and Practical skills: The team of instructors make the lessons more vivid and practical. Topic and Interaction: User generated content can be integrated (videos and photos). Interactive invitation process.,第一季经验总结,第一季产出价值,Jetta

12、 CDB下一阶段的思考,形式新: 中国家轿行业的首次真人秀尝试,形式新颖吸引关注 找准点: 内容聚焦消费者最为常见及普遍出现的问题,与受众形成共鸣 欢乐多: 轻松、幽默,寓教于乐的方式,适合网络载体传播 软露出: 巧妙与一汽大众核心价值相联接,软性结合剧情,产品卖点巧妙露出,并有效提升进店量与销量,大数据支持与挖掘: 网络数据有待深层挖掘,以便对下一阶段进行策略指导 用户访问的详细数据 增加与用户的喜好的互动 更专业与实用的驾驶技巧: 教练团队的专业性以及教学内容更加生动及实用 话题性与互动性: 激发消费者互动并转发,调动受众的热情并参与其中。增加用户UGC的内容分享以及网络邀请车主参与,Pr

13、omote Brand Image Keep China Drive Better a long term brand logo for Jetta and maintain the finer image of FAW-VWs social image and responsibility. This is a smart way to keep the awareness and continue favorable impression amongst consumers. Promote Showroom Traffic and Sales Volume Product feature

14、s are naturally revealed in the show, thus showroom traffic increase and sales volume growth follows.,China Drive Better Objectives,China Drive Better “A Platform That Cares”,品牌形象的提升 将“捷达超级驾校”打造成捷达产品的品牌标签,长期持续的打造捷达及一汽-大众的良好形象,体现企业社会责任感,提升消费者对捷达品牌的熟悉度与好感度 展厅进店量及销量提升 增加产品卖点曝光,从而增加展厅进店量,促进捷达销量,“捷达超级驾校”

15、下阶段传播目标,捷达超级驾校- 关注驾驶的平台,Season I,Season II,Season III,Season IV,Q2-3 2014,Q4 2014,Q1-Q2 2015,Q3-Q4 2015,China Drive Better Communication Plan for Next Step,Contents,Formats,Real Life Training Camp+Driving Experience Skill Development Responsible improvement,Enhance involvement and interaction. Add a

16、 Host. Dynamic Driving Tips.,Build a platform that increases user involvement, teaser recruiting and UGC sharing.,Add in celebrity drivers and instructors. Develop online show into a TV show that lasts for years.,Improving driving skills ands habits to create responsible drivers. Emotional connectio

17、ns to situations, drivers, teachers and host. Fun, educational, exciting.,Media,Focus on Internet Driving Schools,Mainly online, driving school media platform and cooperate with portal sites,ATL and BTL interactivity and increase user action.,TV, Website and mobile cooperations.,Objective,Drive Bett

18、er,Smart Driver,Interactive Driver,VIP Driver,Season I,Season II,Season III,Season IV,Q2-3 2014,Q4 2014,Q1-Q2 2015,Q3-Q4 2015,“捷达超级驾校”下阶段传播规划,内容,形式,模块化 真人街拍+训练营培训+驾驶技巧/文明提升,话题性与实用性相结合,并增强带入感与互动性。加入主持或令动感有趣的驾驶窍门,打造一个平台,增强用户参与度,前期招募征集,鼓励用户UGC分享,引入明星学员/教练,更加娱乐化,优选全国知名场地,做成一个年终的TV show,提升驾驶技巧、习惯,培养有责任感的

19、驾驶员 内容丰富,让受众与情节、驾驶者、教练、主持人产生情感的共鸣 寓教于乐、轻松有趣,传播 渠道,以网络平台与驾校相关媒体为主,以网络平台与驾校相关媒体为主,与垂直媒体合作,线上网络平台、线下活动联动,增强受众的互动。,三屏合力,电视、网络、移动全面铺开 电视平台合作,任务,打基础,扩影响,建平台,树标杆,Season 2,Plan A,Plan A,A计划:,形式: 邀请有影响力的网络红人(中国人+外国人,寓意中外合资)来担任主持人,引出现实生活中发生的驾车问题,向当事人发出邀请卡,进入捷达超级驾校。 tone&manner:轻松风趣、网络流行语 卖点: 1.加入主持人,并且外国人元素会增

20、加看点,类综艺节目的真人秀非常具有娱乐性,更容易吸引眼球,将大大提升自传播力。 2.强调驾驶技巧的实用性,将同一技巧进行细分,在不同的场景下应地制宜,对症下药,更详尽更实用。,Plan A,Formation: Invite internet celebrities (Chinese + Foreigners) to be the host of our show. They show audience daily driving problems and send out invitation card. Tone & Manner:Relaxed and fashionable, buzz

21、-worthy online Selling Point: 1.Add in host and foreigner elements to increase fun. This style of show is quite popular and entertaining, which will boost the communication effect. 2.Focus on practical skills and examine the details of those specific skills under different circumstances.,架构,主持人:捷老师+

22、达老师 环节一:捷达“驾”到 (主持人探讨社会现象,以轻松调侃的形式引出本集主题。) 环节二:现场传真 (跟随镜头去发掘、追踪遇到驾驶问题的目标) 环节三:超级邀请卡 (主持人亲临现场发出邀请卡,引领当事人进入捷达超级驾校进行培训) 环节四:约“驾”直播 (将驾校训练成果应用到实战当中,PK过程中,主持人与当事人进行视频互动),Structure,Host: Mr. Je + Mr. Tta Round 1:Jetta Arrives (Host leads audience into social phenomena discussion. Dig out the theme in a fu

23、n and relaxed way.) Round 2:Live Search (Using onsite cameras, audience finds and track the driving problem) Round 3:Invitation Card (The Host hands out invitation at the scene and leads the invitee to the training camp.) Round 4:Live Driving Show (Show the training result through driving lesson sce

24、nes and challenges. Interactions will be made with the host and the trainees via camera.),架构,Structure,Round 1,Round 2,Round 3,Round 4,Jetta Arrives,Live from the scene,Invitation Card,Live from driving lessons,Die hard in the parking lot,Die hard in the rain,Fuel efficiency challenge,Driving in the

25、 snow,Dont be late!,Drive with your fat friend,Silent night, lonely night,Traveling in the road,Episode 1,Episode 2,Episode 3,Episode 4,Episode 8,Episode 7,Episode 6,Episode 5,Thinking,Round 1,Round 2,Round 3,Round 4,Problem Found,Problem Analyzed,Problem Solved,Test,Studio: the host digs out the da

26、ily driving problems in a funny and entertaining way.,On location: get to the spot, speculate reasons and make analysis.,Give invitation card to the person with driving problem,Solve the problem in practical situations. Increase difficulty and present a challenge.,捷达“驾”到:主持人调侃引出停车问题 现场传真:摄像头偷拍,每天早上,

27、写字楼下的停车场都是一场抢车位的战争。我们发现某红色车总是抢车位失败。 超级邀请卡: 1、主持人赶到现场出示邀请卡,当事人进入捷达驾校。 2、针对停车问题,设计多种停车位(平行、垂直、倾斜、港湾式)专业教练诀窍指导 约“驾”直播:重返停车场实战,红色车抢车位成功。,第一集主题:决战停车位,示例,Jetta Arrives: Host makes an entertaining opening. Live Report:Camera hidden, record every morning by an office building. The “war” for paring spaces be

28、gins. Our hero, the little red card, always fails. Super Invitation Card: 1. The host gets to the scene to hand out invitation and lead the invitee to Jettas training camp. 2. Focus on parking problem, design a parking lot set and provide professional instructions. Training Result Live: Get back to

29、the parking lot and check the training results of the hero-finally, he got a parking space!,Episode 1: Die Hard in The Parking Lot,Sample,捷达“驾”到:主持人通过扫街镜头,发现雨天转弯刮蹭纠纷,双方各执一词,但其实都有责任。 现场传真:出外景,主持人紧急直奔现场,找出双方驾驶问题。 超级邀请卡:主持人向当事人发出超级邀请卡,进入捷达驾校进行雨天湿滑路面的特训。 约“驾”直播:两人一起挑战湿滑路面测试,赢者获得一年全车险(捷达品牌赞助提供)。,第二集主题:穿梭

30、风雨中,示例,Jetta Arrives:The host finds a small accident on the road while its raining. Both parties are responsible for the accident, yet others think its the other guys problem. Live Report:On location, the host rushes to the spot and discovers the real problem. Super Invitation Card :The host gives t

31、hem the super invitation card and gets them into the training school. Focuses on driving in the rain. Training Result Live: Two drivers in the group get into the rainy road challenge, the winner will get a reward (Jetta Sponsor),Sample,Episode 2: Driving In The Rain,示例:,捷达“驾”到:主持人引出普遍关注的问题:省油。 现场传真:

32、高阶车友正在交流省油秘诀与大招儿,争执不下。出外景,主持人亲临现场。 超级邀请卡:现场选拔3-5名车友,发出超级邀请卡,进入捷达驾校与教练共同研讨省油秘籍。 约“驾”直播:完成同一段路程,挑战省油极限(如预算允许,可一箱油穿越无人区),比赛过程中,主持人、教练,轮流与驾驶者进行视频互动,增加看点。加油卡为赢者奖品(捷达品牌提供)。,第三集主题:省油PK赛,Sample,Jetta Arrives: The host talks out the problem: fuel efficiency. Live Report:Senior drivers are discussing how to b

33、e more fuel efficient. The host arrives and joins them. Super Invitation Card: Selects 3 - 5 drivers and send out invitation cards to them. They learn fuel saving techniques with professional driving instructors. Training Result Live: Finish the challenge and check to see who is the most fuel effici

34、ency driver. The instructor and the host discuss behind the scenes and interact with the drivers. Drivers will win awards after the challenge.,Episode 3: Fuel Efficiency Challenge,本身我们希望短片具有一定的风格化和区分性,所以不能完全程式化。 The film should have its own style. Not like other film. 主持人作为串场的知心大哥 知心大姐出现,是根据剧情和人物来定义

35、的。 The host show up as a good brother/sister is based on the setting of drama and characters. 有的集中作为串场,在事件发生时进入。 有的集从叙述开始到访谈结束作为一条主线贯穿情节的走向。 In some episode, he could be apart in the beginning. In some episode, he could be a clue with all story around. 我们的节目核心是驾驶和故事,所以主持人只是一种我们可以控制的辅助。 主持人本身的风格和当集的风

36、格要统一这样可以相互加分让短片更好看。 This show is about driving and story. So host just a aid for that. The style of host should match with the style of the story so it could makes the film better.,主持人推荐 Host Recommendation,主持人推荐:,王自健,男,北京人,民间相声团体“相声第二班”公司及品牌创始人,被媒体封为“相声时评人”。相声师从侯耀华,评书师从评书名家马增祥。 代表作:今晚80后脱口秀,Host Re

37、commendation,Wang Zi Jian, the most famous talk show host in China. Masterpiece:Talk Show of the 80s,主持人推荐:,Mike隋:中文名隋凯,中美混血儿。 英文教师、歌手、主持人、演员。 代表作: 【Mike隋出品】老外屌丝中文哥超强模仿 (1人分饰12角),Host Recommendation,Mike Sui:Chinese name Sui Kai English Teacher, Singer, Actor. Masterpiece: (1 person acting 12 roles)

38、,李嘉佳 本身作为北京交通广播中最重要节目一路畅通的主持人,对交通问题以及交通状况是非常熟悉的,同时作为一个主持经历丰富的女性主持人,她在栏目中更多是知心大姐的角色,通过女性自身的细腻和本身的经验给学员进行辅导。 北京交通广播 一路畅通(最受欢迎与影响力的节目) 北京文艺广播 早安北京 天下行 艺海藏家 北京城市服务管理广播 家家会生活,主持人推荐,Li Jia Jia Host for go smoothly all the way which is the most important show of Beijing Traffic Radio. She Is very familiar

39、with the traffic problems. She could help the driver with her experience and her female charm。 Beijing Traffic Radio Yi Lu Chang Tong (Most popular programme) Beijing Art Radio Morning Beijing Traveling around the world The Artists Beijing City Radio Live as we live,Host Recommendation,主持人晓航 具有时尚诙谐的

40、特色,都市潮男,风格也是偏轻松搞笑,通过耍宝或观点言语上的不同给人耳目一新的感觉。 北京文艺广播FM87.6 环球旅行家; 北京体育广播FM102.5 数码天下、时尚玩家,主持人推荐 Host Recommended,Xiao Hang Urban metrosexual, humor with stylish, easy going and very funny. Beijing art radio World Traveler Beijing Sports Radio The Digital World 、Fashion Icon,主持人推荐 Host Recommended,主持人李琦

41、本身是音乐广播和外语广播的主播,酷爱汽车,并与北京跑车俱乐部有合作。自身就是时尚运动的城市白领男性,他的主持风格自然更国际化和偏“酷”,更多的是发挥他在汽车爱好方面的经验和经常接触国外文化之后的感悟。 北京音乐广播 北京外语广播主播 公路赛爱好者,主持人推荐 Host Recommended,Host: Li Qi He is host for music radio and English radio. Big fan of car and have cooperated with Beijing sports car club. His style is more internationa

42、l. Beijing Music Radio: Sunday Groove Beijing English Radio:The Morning Beats Road racing fan,主持人推荐 Host Recommended,嘻哈包子铺成员 相声演员 Comic actor 在第一季上路慢跑哥中友情客串,第二季中讲述以他为主线的故事,人物与第一季产生关联性。 Made a guest appearance in last season. In this season, he will be in a leading role, connecting the audience with

43、the previous season.,特邀人物建议 Special guest,80后乐队 电台三好坏男孩 80s Band Host of 3 Nice Bad Boy Radio 他们是荔枝电台上最贫的北京组合,一群玩音乐的北京80后,他们之间的对话只有调侃。 They are a very funny band from Beijing. They have their own channel on LiZhi Radio.,特邀人物建议Special guest,B计划 Plan B,B计划 Plan B,形式:将驾驶技巧编成简单易记的口诀操,发现现实中的驾驶问题,进入驾校进行针对

44、训练,解决问题,最后完成另类有趣的超级驾驶任务。 tone&manner:轻松俏皮,另类有趣,通俗易懂 卖点: 1.口诀操的形式,新颖有趣,琅琅上口,记忆度与传播度都将得到提高,将激发观众的好奇心与模仿力。而另类任务的有趣设置,非常具有娱乐性,符合观众的普遍口味。 2.大大提升驾驶技巧的实用性,口诀操+超级任务,正好是理论与实践的巧妙结合。,B计划,Form: Teaching driving skills through choreographed performance, find common problems, solve problem by training, and finish

45、 with a Jetta funny driving challenge. Tone & Manner:Easy/nifty, interesting, easy to understand Highlights: 1. Choreography is very interesting and easy to remember, which is beneficial for communication. Also, it can stimulate audiences curiosity. Audience will also like the entertaining and funny

46、 task. 2. Driving skills get enhanced by choreographed performance and funny challenge. It is a great combination of theory and practice.,Plan B,思路,口诀操+驾校训练+超级任务 一:复习驾驶技巧 (口诀操:针对目标人群“菜鸟司机”,提炼出简 单易记的驾驶诀窍,帮助他们温故知新,相当具有实用性) 二:现实问题 (出外景:教官出动,直击现场,还原事件并予以解决,向当事人发出超级邀请卡,进入驾校进行针对性训练) 三:超级任务 (综合能力实践:根据训练主题进

47、行具有娱乐性的设置和干扰,运用学到的技巧完成任务),Flow,Choreographed Performance +Training + Super Task 1:Review Driving Skills (Choreographed performance: make driving skills simple and easy to remember. It is very particular for the new drivers. 2:Problem (Outdoor scene: The coach shows up and point outs driving problem.

48、 He invites driver to join the Jetta Super School to harness his skills.) 3:Super Task (Practice: Driver participate driving challenge to showcase newly learned skills. Task is fun and engaging.),架构 Frame,传播驾驶技巧,解决现实问题,综合能力实践,第一部分:超级口诀操 Part 1: Choreographed Performance,传播驾驶技巧 Propagate Driving Skil

49、ls 口诀操:针对目标人群“菜鸟司机”,提炼出简单易记的驾驶诀窍,帮助他们复习在驾校里学到的技巧,温故知新,相当具有实用性 Choreographed Performance: Make driving skills simple and easy to remember, particularly useful for beginner drivers.,参考 Reference,第二部分:超级教官出击 Part 2: Super Coach,现实问题 Problem 教官出动,直击现场,还原事件并予以解答。 向当事人发出超级邀请卡,进入驾校进行针对性训练。 The coach shows up and points out driving problem. He invites driver to the Jetta Super School to promote his skills.,第三部分:捷达超级任务 Part 3 : Super Task,综合能力实践 Practice 经过驾校专业训练的主角,运用学到的驾驶技巧,去完成综合任务 Finish with a driving challenge, trained


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