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1、 作 者: 唐纳德 J. 鲍尔索克斯(Donald J.Bowersox), 戴维 J. 克劳斯(David J.Closs), M.比克斯比库珀(M.Bixby Cooper), 马士华 著 唐纳德 J鲍尔索克斯(Donaold J Bowersox),唐纳德J鲍尔索克斯是密歇根州 立大学约翰H麦克康奈尔学院的教授,同时他 还担任过该校商学院的院长。鲍尔索克斯教授获 得博士学位后,一直在行业内从事研究。他撰写 了大量文章,常发表于哈佛商业评论、市 场营销、商业物流通讯和供应链管理研 究等著名期刊上。2008年与人合著最新力作 Start Pulling Your Chain:Leading

2、Responsive Supply Chain Transformation鲍尔索克斯博士在 行业内进行了大量的调查研究,分析了物流运作 在北美地区和全世界范围内的最佳应用。 戴维 J克劳斯(David JCloss),戴维J克 劳斯是密歇根州立大学约翰H麦克康奈尔学院 工商管理系的教授,他获得博士学位,研究方向 是市场营销和物流。克劳斯博士参与撰写了世 界一流的物流:进行持续变革中存在的挑战与 21世纪的物流:使供应链的一体化成为现实 等著作。克劳斯博士经常在行业和学术会议上发 表演讲,同时他也是教学实施项目的负责人。此 外,他曾是商业物流通讯杂志的编辑,现任 物流季刊执行编辑。 M比克斯比

3、库珀(MBixby Cooper ),M比克斯比库珀是密歇根州立大学 市场营销与供应链管理系的副教授。他参 与撰写了三部著作中的分销和物流部分, 如世界一流的物流:进行持续变革中存 在的挑战与战略的市场营销渠道管理 。他在国际客户服务协会的执行委员会 工作了4年,担任研究和教育委员会的负责 人。 contents Part 1 supply chain logistics management Part 2 supply chain logistics operation Part 3 supply chain logistics design Part 4 administrative ma

4、nagement contents Part 1 supply chain logistics management Supply chain, logistics, customer service, information technology, integrated operation Part 2 supply chain logistics operation Inventory, warehousing, transportation infrastructure , transportation management, contents Part 3 supply chain l

5、ogistics design Integration, Part 4 administrative management Financial and social performance , Supply chain risk Transport fundamentals Transportation usually represents the most important single element in logistics costs for most firms. Freight movement has been observed to absorb between one-th

6、ird and two thirds of total logistics costs. The focus is on the facilities and services that make up the transportation system and on the rates (costs) and performance of the various transport services that a manager might select. Service choice and their characteristics Five basic modes: water. Ra

7、il, truck, air and pipeline. The five modes may be used in combination. (e.g., piggy back or container movement). From among these service choices, the user selects a service or combination of services that provides the best balance between the quality of service offered and the cost of that service

8、. Characteristics( to decision maker) Price Average transit time Transit time variability Loss and damage Price (cost) Shipper Line-haul rate + any accessorial or terminal charges for additional service Hire service The rate charged for the movement of goods between two points plus any additional ch

9、arges, such as for pickup at origin, delivery at destination, insurance, or preparing the goods for shipment. Price (cost) Owns the service (e.g., a fleet of trucks) The cost of service is an allocation of the relevant costs to a particular shipment. Relevant costs include items such as fuel, labor,

10、 maintenance, depreciation of equipment, and administrative costs. Cost of service varies from one type of transport service to another. We give approximate cost per ton-mile for the five modes of transportation. Table 1 average freight ton-mile transportation price by mode modePrice, /ton- milea ba

11、sed on average per ton-mile Rail2.28bClass 1 Truck26.19cLess than truckload Water 0.74dBarge Pipe 1.46eOil pipeline air61.2fdomestic Airfreight is the most expensive, and pipe and water carriage are the least costly. Trucking is about ten times more expensive than rail, and rail is about four times

12、as expensive as water movement. Transit time and variability Delivery (transit) time is usually referred to as the average time it takes for a shipment to move form its point of origin to its destination. Door-to-door Air (airports), water (seaports). Local pickup and delivery are often made by truc

13、k. Variability refers to the usual differences that occur between shipments. Moving on the same mode are not necessarily in transit for the same length of time due to the effects of weather, traffic congestion, number of stop offs, and differences in time to consolidate shipments. Transit time varia

14、bility is a measure of the uncertainty in carrier performance. Loss and damage Product condition, reasonable dispatch, reasonable care. An act of god, default by the shipper, or other causes not within control of the carrier. Transport cost characteristics Variable costs: vary with service or volume

15、; Line-haul costs such as fuel and labor, equipment maintenance, handling, and pickup and delivery. Fixed cost: do not vary with. Roadway acquisition and maintenance, terminal facilities, transport equipment, and carrier administration. All costs are partly fixed and partly variable. Line-haul trans

16、portation rates Distance Shipper volume Common or joint costs Many shipments in different sizes and weights move jointly in the same haul. Should the costs be assigned based on shipment weight to total load, on the proportion of total cubic footage used, or on some other basis? There is no simple fo

17、rmula for cost allocation. Back haul (forward haul) A byproduct, main product. Cross-haul traffic(对流运输) Cost characteristic by mode Rail High fixed costs and relatively low variable costs. Railroad own their roadways, terminals and switching yards, and equipments. High terminal costs (loading, unloa

18、ding, billing and collecting, and yard switching of multiple- product, multiple-shipment trains). Roadway maintenance and depreciation, terminal facility depreciation, and administrative expenses also add to the level of fixed cost. Lower per-unit costs for increased per-shipment volume Variable cos

19、ts Wages, fuel, oil, and maintenance. Variable costs vary proportionately with distance and volume. Variable costs per unit will decrease slightly. It has been taken as one-half to one-third of total costs. highway Their fixed costs are the lowest of any carrier because motor carriers do not own the

20、 roadway over which they operate. Variable costs tend to be high because highway construction and maintenance costs are charged to the users in the form of fuel taxes, tolls, and weight-mile taxes. Trucking costs Terminal expenses Pickup and delivery, platform handling, and billing and collecting. 1

21、5%-25% Line-haul expenses. 50%-60% It is not clear that per unit line-haul costs necessarily decrease with distance or volume. However, total-unit trucking costs do decrease with shipment size and distance. water Transport equipment and terminal facilities. Waterways and harbors are publicly owned a

22、nd operated. (no charge to water carriers) The predominant fixed costs are associated with terminal operations. Terminal costs include the harbor fees, and loading and unloading cost. High stevedoring cost make terminal costs almost prohibitive for all but bulk commodities and containerized freight

23、where mechanized materials-handling equipment can be used effectively. These typical high terminal costs are somewhat offset by very low line-haul cost. Without user charges for the waterways, variable costs include only those costs associated with operating the transport equipment. With high termin

24、al costs and low line-haul costs, ton-mile costs drop significantly with distance and shipment size. Thus, water is one of the least expensive carriers of bulk commodities over long distances and in substantial volume. air The same with water. Do not own the air space and the air terminals. Airlines

25、 purchase airport services as needed in the form of fuel, storage, space rental, and landing fees. Ground handling, pickup, delivery are terminal costs for air transportation. In the short run, influenced more by distance by than by shipment size. It has greatest inefficiency in the takeoff and land

26、ing phases. Variable costs are reduced by the length of haul. Volume has indirectly influenced variable costs. We can use larger aircraft. pipeline Pipeline parallels the railroad in its cost characteristics. Pipeline companies own the pipelines, own the pipe, terminals, and pumping equipment. So it

27、 has highest ratio of fixed cost to total cost. Need work on high volume Variable costs Power to move the product and costs associated with the operation of pumping stations. Power requirements depends on the line throughput and the diameter of the pipe. Large pipe, cross-sectional area, frictional

28、losses, costs per ton-mile decreases. Transport decision Mode selection Carrier routing Vehicle scheduling Shipment consolidation The carry-all luggage company produces a line of luggage goods. The typical distribution plan is to produce a finished-goods inventory located at the plant site. Goods ar

29、e then shipped to company-owned field warehouse by way of common carriers. Rail is currently used to ship between the east coast plant and a west coast warehouse. The average transit time for rail shipments is T=21 days. At each stocking point, there is an average of 100,000 units of luggage having

30、an average value of C=30 per unit. Inventory-carrying costs are I=30 percent of unit inventory value per year. The company wishes to select the mode of transportation that will minimize total costs. It is estimated that for every day that transit time can be reduced from the current 21days, average

31、inventory levels can be reduced by 1 percent, which represents a reduction in safety stock. There are D=700,000 units sold per year out of west coast warehouse. Procurement costs and transit time variability are assumed negligible. Cost type Transportation In-transit inventory Plant inventory Field

32、inventory The entire annual demand (D) spends some time in transit; this fraction of the year is represented by T/365 days, where T is the average transit time in days. The annual carrying cost of this in-transit inventory is ICDT/365. The average inventory at both ends of the distribution channel c

33、an be approximated as Q/2, where Q is the shipment size. The holding cost per unit is IxC, but the item value C must reflect where the inventory is in the channel. For example, the value of C at the plant is the price, but at the warehouse, it is the price plus the transportation rate. The transport

34、ation rate applies to the annual demand such that RXD represents the total annual transportation cost. Trade-off Inventory-carrying cost may be in trade-off with lower cost for the transportation service. An appliance manufacturer located in pittsburgh purchases 3,000 cases of plastic parts valued a

35、t 100 per case form two suppliers. Purchases are currently divided equally between the suppliers. Each supplier uses rail transport and achieves the same average delivery time. However, for each day that a supplier can reduce the average delivery time, the appliance manufacturer will shift 5 percent

36、 of its total purchases, or 150 cases, to the supplier offering the premium delivery service. A supplier earns a margin of 20 percent on each case before transportation charges. Supplier A would like to consider whether it would be beneficial to switch from rail to air or truck modes. Vehicle routing Separate and single origin and destination points Multiple origin and destination points Coincident origin and destination points


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