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1、如何备考英语专业四级(TEM-4), 听写、小作文篇,听 写,历年题目分析 听写中的辨音 英音与美音 音与形 同音,英音和美音-音,advertisement direct either laboratory leisure tomato schedule,英音和美音-形,-our和-or拼写不同 behaviour-behavior colour-color favour-favor honour-honor neighbour-neighbor,-ce和-se拼写不同 defence-defense licence-license offence-offense pretence-pret

2、ense practice-practise,英音和美音-形,-xion和-tion connecxion-connection inflexion-inflection reflexion-reflection,-ll和-l cancelling-canceling counsellor-counselor jeweller-jeweler marvellous-marvelous,英音和美音-形,-tre和-ter centre-center fibre-fiber metre-meter theatre-theater litre-liter,-ise和-ize advertise-ad

3、vertize characterise-characterize emphasise-emphasize realise-realize,同音词,all together altogether band banned bare bear cell sell cent sent compliment complement floor flaw flour flower,同音词,fourth forth hare hair hole whole hour our heal heel past passed peace piece,同音词,rose rows site sight steal st

4、eel storey story weight way wood would worn warn,便条八大类型,约会 留言 道歉 致谢,邀请 请求 祝贺 慰问,便条写作八大类之约会篇,结构: 因事与收信人约定面谈的便条,一般包括三个方面 约会事由 建议时间和地点 期待对方回复,并表示感谢,便条写作八大类之约会篇,便条日期 称呼, Id like to discuss with you 约会事由. Could we see each other 约会时间和地点? Please 给予回复 if you find the time/place is not convenient to you. 署名

5、,便条写作八大类之留言篇,结构: 写信人给对方礼物时的附言,或离开某地时书面形式留下的话,或转述电话留言。 内容多变,格式不一。 两方面内容:想要告诉对方的事或者要求对方完成的事;向对方表示问候或祝愿。,便条写作八大类之留言篇,便条日期 称呼, 某人wishes to see you 在某时 to talk about 某事. You are requested to see 某时、某地见某人. 某人 called at 时间 and said that 传达打电话人所述内容. 署名,便条写作八大类之道歉篇,结构要点 向收信人表示歉意,一般应包括三个方面的内容: 1. 说明为何事而道歉 2.

6、解释造成过失或不能履约的原因 3. 再次道歉或提出解决方案,便条写作八大类之道歉篇,便条日期 称呼, Im sorry that 说明为何事而道歉,解释造成过失或不能履约的原因,提出解决方案. With many apologies. 署名,学以致用,You failed to meet your friend, Greece, because you had attended Professor Smiths lecture which lasted longer than you had expected. Write her a note, apologizing to her and

7、explaining why.,Reference Answer,July 20, 2012 Greece, I am sorry that I failed to meet you at the gate of the auditorium this morning. Professor Smiths lecture lasted much longer than I expected. I will come over to your apartment at 5 oclock this afternoon if it is convenient for you. With many ap

8、ologies. Your sincerely, Tom,便条写作八大类之致谢篇,结构: 就某事向收信人表示感谢的便条,包含三个方面内容: 1.对对方提供的帮助、给予的接待或赠送的礼物表示衷心感谢 2.说明对方帮助所起的作用或赠送的礼品非常好 3.再次表示感谢或问候对方,并希望回报,真题再现,The winter vacation was over,and you came back by train yesterdayYour friend (Michael or Lucy) went to the railway station to meet you and helped cleanin

9、g your dormNow,write him/her a note,expressing your gratitude and offering your help in return,便条写作八大类之致谢篇,便条日期 称呼, It was very kind of you to take so much trouble to 指出对方所提供的帮助或给予的接待. Please accept my warmest thanks. I should be very happy to return your 帮助或接待等,and 提出回报对方的方式. Please call me if you

10、同意我提出的回报方式. 署名,便条写作八大类之致谢篇,非常感谢您 Many thanks for your 请接收我对真挚的感谢。 Please accept my sincere appreciation/thanks for 为了,我真心感激您。 I am truly grateful to you for 承蒙好意 It was nice/good/thoughtful of you to 承蒙好意送来 You were so kind to send,便条写作八大类之致谢篇,再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久能见到您 Thank you again for your wonderful

11、hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 我觉得普通一句感谢完全不足以表达我对您多么地。 I find an ordinary “thank you” entirely inadequate to tell you how much 我衷心的感谢。 I sincerely appreciate 我对深表谢意。 I wish to express my profound appreciation for 我必须为感谢你。 I must thank you for ,便条写作八大类之致谢篇,对于您的帮助,我万分感谢。 I am

12、 most/entirely grateful to you for your help. 对您所做的一切,我表示衷心的感谢。 I want to thank you heartily for what you have done. 再次感谢您的好意。 Thanks again for your courtesy. 对于您的帮助和鼓励,我万分感激。 A thousand thanks for your help and encouragement.,Reference Answer,April 21, 2012 Dear Michael, The excitement and gratitud

13、e I had when I met you in the railway station is beyond my expression. And your helping me clean my dorm is really offering me the help in need, which proves you are my friend indeed. And I sincerely would like to repay your kindness by doing something for you. Thank you again! Yours, Li Lei,学以致用,Yo

14、ur friend, Shanshan, helped you to find the book written by Xia Xiaohong. Write her a note to show your gratitude and invite her to dinner as return for her help.,Reference Answer,July 20, 2012 Shanshan, It was very kind of you to take so much trouble to find me the book written by Xia Xiaohong. Please accept my warmest thanks. I should be very happy to return your help and invite you to dinner at my apartment on Sunday. Please call me if you could come. Tom,


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