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1、中国国际统计工作实践 及对促进大都市统计国际交流的建议 The Experience of Chinese International Statistical Works and the Suggestion to Promote International Exchange in Metropolitans Statistics,国家统计局国际统计中心 International Statistical Centre of National Bureau of Statistics of China 2008-10-19,前言 Preface,在世界经济一体化日趋显著的今天,国际大都市起着越

2、来越重要的作用。但要对其发展变化进行国际比较分析却十分困难,因为大都市的统计数据难以获得。 International metropolitans play important role in the process in world economy integration, but the international comparison and analysis for them are difficult because getting the data is not easy.,国家统计局国际统计中心于1988年成立。经过20的发展,目前,已拥有6个处室,26人,主要从事国际统计数据的

3、搜集和交换,提供统计信息咨询服务,分析世界经济形势,研究国际统计制度方法,开展国际比较项目调查等。 International Statistical Centre (ISC) of National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of China was established in 1988. There are 6 divisions and 26 staff after 20 years, undertaking international data collection and exchange, providing statistical informati

4、on consulting services, analyzing world economic situation, researching international statistical system and joining ICP.,前言 Preface,前言 Preface,鉴于世界各大都市的统计业务都是在本国的统计制度框架内开展,我们认为在从事国际统计工作的过程中遇到的问题、解决的办法、积累的经验,对于开展国际大都市统计工作具有重要的借鉴意义。 Statistics of international metropolitan are conducted within the fr

5、amework of domestic statistical system, the problems existing in international statistics, the methods for solving the problems as well as the experiences will be made use of in international metropolitan statistics.,一、搜集、整理和使用国际统计数据的基本要求 Basic requests of collecting, compiling and using internation

6、al statistical data,(一)国际统计数据的可比性 For comparability of international statistical data 一是要求统计指标的口径在时间上保持相对稳定; 二是在空间上可比; 但对国际统计数据而言,做到在空间上可比则比较困难。 Mainly includes two requests: one is comparability in time series, another one is comparability in space among countries. The latter is more difficult than

7、 former.,(二)国际统计数据的准确性 For accuracy of the international statistical data 应重点考虑以下几个方面:一是数据源尽可能锁定国际组织;二是对于非官方机构的数据,要考证该机构的权威性及其信誉;三是认真研究统计指标的内涵和外延,尽量避免理解误差。 Following aspects should be highly considered: Data sources are locked to international organizations as much as possible. Data from unofficial

8、institutions, we should pay attention to the authority and prestige. Studying the connotative and denotative scope of statistical indicators seriously.,一、搜集、整理和使用国际统计数据的基本要求 Basic requests of collecting, compiling and using international statistical data,(三)国际统计数据的时效性: For timeliness of internationa

9、l statistical data 国际统计年度数据往往滞后半年到一年左右的时间, 进度数据往往 滞后1-3个月的时间。时效性比本国数据要差许多。 Lagging around one year (annual data) Lagging one to three months (monthly and quarterly data) Therefore, the timeliness is weaker than that of domestic data.,一、搜集、整理和使用国际统计数据的基本要求 Basic requests of collecting, compiling and

10、using international statistical data,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(一)年度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of annual data 1、数据源繁多。既有本国官方统计机构公布的数据,也有国际组织公布的数据,还有非官方机构的数据。由于数据源比较多,反而为选择数据增加了困难。 Various data sources. National sta

11、tistical organization International organizations Unofficial institutions That brings more difficulties to choose data.,(一)年度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of annual data 2、指标口径不统一。由于各个国家的调查方法、指标口径不一样,如果不对指标进行认真、仔细的研究,极容易造成数据不可比的情况。 Connotative scopes are different for o

12、ne indicator from country to country because the survey and coverage differ from each other. Without carefully study that will be incomparable.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(一)年度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of annual da

13、ta 3、本国统计指标与国际通用指标不接轨。但有一些特殊的指标,只有本国统计制度方法中使用,国际通用的统计指标中没有,这些数据需要经过特殊的处理才能使用。 Some domestic statistical indicators are not brought in line with international standards. These data are needed to be processed before using.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,

14、(一)年度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of annual data 4、信息多、变化快、工作量大。国际统计数据数出多门,经常更新,数据量大,却没有统一的权威机构负责整理和提供。 Huge amount of data Frequently updating Heavy workload 联合国统计司是一个权威的机构,但它的数据远远不能满足需要。我们需要的数据分散在30个左右数据库中。 United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) as an authoritativ

15、e organization, the data it has are far short of needs, data are distributed over about thirty databases.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(二)进度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of monthly and quarterly data 1数据来源更加复杂。有各国统计部门,有国

16、际组织,有非官方机构,还有数据使用者。 More complex data sources. National statistical offices International organizations Unofficial institutions Data users,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(二)进度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of monthly and qu

17、arterly data 2同一国家同一指标因为依据基础数据不同而有不同的数据。如GDP数据,有初步数、估计数、最终核实数和预测数。 According to the released time, the data will be revised gradually. Take GDP data as an example, there are advanced data, preliminary data, final data and predicted data.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international s

18、tatistical works,(二)进度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of monthly and quarterly data 3同一指标因统计方法不同,而有不同的内涵。如世界经济增长率,一是IMF按购买力平价法汇总;二是世界银行按汇率法汇总。 An indicator has different connotations as a result of the different statistical methods. For instance, there are two global econ

19、omic growth rates, one is from PPP method and another is from exchange rate method.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(二)进度数据搜集、使用中存在的问题 Problems existing in the collection and usage of monthly and quarterly data 4一些国家和区域性国际组织地理范围不同,导致指标前后不一致。比如欧元区,1999年成

20、立时仅有11个成员国,后经数次扩大,目前已包括15个成员国。 Geographical areas of some countries and regional international organizations have been changed. These changes result in inconsistent indicators. There were only 11 member countries in 1999 which expanded to 15 for the moment in euro zone.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problem

21、s existing in the international statistical works,(三)国际比较项目(ICP)活动中存在的问题 Problems existing in the International Comparison Program (ICP) 从2003年开始,中国参加了世界第七轮国际比较项目活动。通过参加该项目,了解了在进行国际比较时存在的问题。 China had taken part in the 7th round World ICP from 2003. Through this project we have met some questions.,二

22、、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(三)国际比较项目(ICP)活动中存在的问题 Problems existing in the International Comparison Program (ICP) 1、可比性问题:该项目最重要的工作就是选择各国之间有可比性的代表规格品。由于经济体制、结构、发展水平及消费习惯等的不同,在不同国家间选择有可比性的代表规格品非常困难。 Comparability: the most basic and important task of

23、 the project is to choose comparable representative items among each country. It is very hard to do so because of the different economic system, structure, development level and consumption habits.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(三)国际比较项目(ICP)活动中存在的问题

24、Problems existing in the International Comparison Program (ICP) 2、代表性问题:代表性要求经常与可比性要求矛盾。因为有代表性的产品经常没有可比性,而有可比性的产品经常没有代表性。 Representatively: It is usually in contradiction to the comparability. Regularly, representative items are not comparable, and comparable items are not representative.,二、国际统计工作中存

25、在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(三)国际比较项目(ICP)活动中存在的问题 Problems existing in the International Comparison Program (ICP) 3、国际比较项目与本国统计工作相结合的问题:对于各个国家的统计工作来说,ICP活动是一项额外的工作。如何把两者结合起来,对大多数发展中国家来说,仍然是一个迫切需要解决的问题。 Combination between ICP and domestic statistics: in term

26、s of domestic statistics, ICP is an extra job. How to combine ICP and domestic surveys is a challenge for developing countries.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(四)国际统计报表工作中存在的问题 Problems existing in filling of international statistical questionnaires 1、

27、行业分类不同。中国目前的国民经济行业分类与联合国ISICIV相比,在架构上基本相同,但一些细类上仍有较大差异。 Difference in industry classifications. “Chinese National Industry Classification” is different from UN ISICVI.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(四)国际统计报表工作中存在的问题 Problems existing in filling of int

28、ernational statistical questionnaires 2、指标口径不同。如联合国统计司需要中国填报工业生产指数数据,但我国采用的是工业增加值指数。 Different connotations of indicators. The questionnaire of UNSD needs Chinese industrial production index, but we only have value added index.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical

29、 works,(四)国际统计报表工作中存在的问题 Problems existing in filling of international statistical questionnaires 3、专业统计指标分类粗、数量少。如联合国统计司的人口统计年鉴调查表100多页,指标很多,而我们可填报的数据很少。 Small amount of detailed classification of Chinese statistical indicators. UNSD demographic questionnaire has more than 100 tables and plenty of

30、indicators, but the data we can fill are very few.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,(四)国际统计报表工作中存在的问题 Problems existing in filling of international statistical questionnaires 4、有些统计工作起步较晚,落后于国际需求。如OECD、ITU和UNCTAD共同发出的“ICT统计调查表”包括信息化方面的指标,我国目前没有统计。 Some s

31、tatistical surveys are lagging the international demand. Such as “ICT questionnaires“ issued by OECD, ITU and UNCTAD, more data are limited to be filled in.,二、国际统计工作中存在的主要问题 Main problems existing in the international statistical works,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(一)解决年度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法

32、 Methods for annual data l、筛选数据源。首先考虑可比性,以国际组织的数据为佳。其次是筛选指标。第三,国际组织数据库缺少的某国特定数据,一般来自本国的官方统计机构。 Filtration of data sources Giving priority to comparability, the first choice is from the database of international organizations. Filtration of indicators. For a countrys particular data, the first choice

33、 is from the country itself.,(一)解决年度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法 Methods for annual data 目前,国际统计中心已与27个国际组织和65个国家和地区建立了数据交换关系,这种交换关系是搜集国际统计数据的有效途径。 At the present time, ISC has established relations of data exchange with 27 international organizations and 65 countries and territories. This relationship is an e

34、ffective way to collect international statistical data.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(一)解决年度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法 Methods for annual data 2、认真研究统计指标内涵。一是指标名称近似,如外汇储备与国际储备等就很容易搞混。二是指标名称相同,但内涵却不同。 Studying the connotation of statistical indicators seriously. Indicators have similar name. Such a

35、s international reserve and foreign exchange reserve are easy to be confused. Indicators have a same name, but different connotations.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(一)解决年度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法 Methods for annual data 3、理清对特殊数据的处理。如我国的“粮食产量”在国际组织数据库中没有,只有近似指标“谷物产量”,这就要凭经验搞清楚它们之间的特殊关系。 Processi

36、ng special data well. Some Chinese indicators have not been found in the database of international organizations but only similar indicators.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(二)解决进度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法 Methods for monthly data 4、随时关注相关信息的变化。国际统计数据的搜集一定要随时注意与数据有关的信息。如某国汇率改革、某年欧元区新成员加入等。 Concerni

37、ng correlative information at any time, such as a countrys exchange rate reform, a new country to join the euro zone, etc.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(二)解决进度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法 Methods for monthly data 由于生产频率较快,加上基础数据的限制,进度数据的准确性不如年度数据。但进度数据对于时效性的要求

38、更高。 Due to the quick production frequency and limitation of essential data, the accuracy of annual data is better than monthly data which has higher request on timeliness.,(二)解决进度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法 Methods for monthly data 解决进度数据搜集和使用过程中存在问题的方法,基本与年度数据相同,也是确定数据源、掌握好指标口径等。但进度数据搜集的频率更高,使用弹性也更大。 Methods

39、 to solve the problem for monthly data are almost the same with annual data, which are confirming data sources and commanding scope and coverage, etc. However, more frequency and larger flexibility show in it.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(三)从事国际比较项

40、目得到的经验 Experience from ICP 1、项目本身的价值决定着项目能否进行并持续下去。 用PPP方法测算的GDP数据在反映各国经济增长、研究综合国力比较、国际竞争力比较等方面都有重要作用。 The value of the project itself determines whether it could be carrying out. The GDP data calculated by PPP play an important role in reflecting country development, studying the comprehensive nati

41、onal strength comparison and international competitiveness.,(三)从事国际比较项目得到的经验 Experience from ICP 2、建立项目管理机构。国际比较项目工作之所以能在全球范围内开展,一个重要的保障是它有一个专门的管理机构。 Establish project management organization. The project of ICP is able to work in worldwide, a special management organization is an important safeguar

42、d.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(三)从事国际比较项目得到的经验 Experience from ICP 3、充分利用现有的统计调查体系。国际比较项目通过充分利用现有的CPI调查体系和GDP调查体系,使调查项目安排、调查人员及数据质量都可以得到较好保证。 Combine ICP survey and existed statistical surveys by large extent. The arrangement, survey staff and data quality of ICP project have pretty goo

43、d guarantee because of using existed CPI and GDP surveys.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(三)从事国际比较项目得到的经验 Experience from ICP 4、统一方法、步骤和操作。按照世界银行统一的,国际比较项目方案以及详细的“操作指南”,参加国采用统一的调查目录、频率、方法和数据处理软件等。 Unify survey methods, approaches and operations. According to the World Banks “the project of

44、the ICP“ and detailed “hand book“, the participating countries adopt a unified survey catalogue, frequency, methods and data-processing software.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(三)从事国际比较项目得到的经验 Experience from ICP 5、建立数据联合审核制度。采用多种方式对数据进行审核,大大提高了数据的准确性和可比性。 Establish a data joint audit syst

45、em. Using various methods for data auditing has greatly enhanced the accuracy and comparability of data.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(三)从事国际比较项目得到的经验 Experience from ICP 6、促进各国统计能力建设。国际比较方案对各国的统计能力建设都做出了重大贡献。 Promoting construction of member countries statistical ability. ICP makes great

46、 contribution to all countries statistical ability.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(四)开展国际统计报表工作经验 Experience in filling of international statistical questionnaires l、建立和完善国际统计报表工作制度。国际统计报表的工作制度应包括填报制度、联系人制度、工作量化考评制度等,以确保工作顺利完成。 Construct and improve

47、the system of international questionnaires. The system of international questionnaires should contain a series of detailed and specific arrangements to make works completed successfully.,(四)开展国际统计报表工作经验 Experience in filling of international statistical questionnaires 2、加强国际统计制度和方法研究。找出需填报指标与国内统计指标口

48、径的不同之处,分析不能填报的问题及原因等。 Strengthen international statistical system and methods study,find the difference between the indicator scope and coverage, analyze the problems and reasons of lost data, etc.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,(四)开展国际统计报表工作经验 Experience in filling of international statist

49、ical questionnaires 3、加强与国际组织及相关单位的交流合作。掌握国际通用的标准、指标体系及新的进展情况。同时,加强与国内各部委的联系,减少数据重复报送和不一致性。 Strengthen the communication with international organizations and other domestic providers. It is necessary to learn international standard and new development and reduce repeated data submitting and inconsistency.,三、解决问题的方法 Methods to solve the problems,四、对促进大都市统计发展和国际交流的建议


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