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1、正道 英 语 辅 导 之 不定词,正道,段中华,中级语法,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,To buy things in a flea market must be fun.在跳蚤市场买东西一定很好玩。 I have a lot of things to buy. 我有很多东西要买。 I went there to buy notebooks. 我去那儿买笔记本。,to +动词原形,不定词(to+动词原形),其身份不再是动词,它在句中扮演名词、形容词、副词的功能。,1.名词用法:作主语、宾语、表语,2.形容词用法:修饰名词,3.副词用法:表目的、原因等,正道英语,Part

2、 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,不定词当主语,主语,动词,The work,To travel around the world,is,is,fun.,fun.,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,1.To answer this question is difficult for me. 对我而言,回答这个问题是困难的。 不定词放在句首当主语时,视为一件事,其后须接单数动词。 2.To solve pollution problems is difficult for people in China. =It is difficult f

3、or people in China to solve pollution problems. 对中国民众而言,要解决污染问题是困难的。 不定词为首的主语,可用it(假主语)代替,再将此事件放置在后说明。,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,例:,不定词当主语,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,3.To be patient with others is best for you. =It is best for you to be patient with others. 你对别人有耐心是最好的。 4.To learn English well is necessary.

4、学好英语是有必要的。,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,例:,不定词当主语,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,Its+形容词(修饰事物)+for+人+to+动词原形. Its+形容词(修饰人)+of+人+to+动词原形. 修饰“人”的形容词: good,nice,kind,brave,clever,careless,smart,honest, bad,stupid,silly,selfish,polite,impolite,modest. 例:Its kind of you to help me.你真好帮我的忙。 Its stupid of him to speak ill

5、 of others.他说别人坏话是愚蠢的。,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,句型:,不定词当主语,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,不定词当宾语,主语,动词,I,I,like,like,football.,to play football.,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,1. I decided to buy a dog.我决定了买只狗。 2.He hoped to be there on time.他希望准时到那里。 有些动词必须用不定词作宾语: want,decide,hope,expect,voluntee

6、r. 3.I want (would like) to see a movie this week.我想要本周看场电影。 4.You neednt go if you dont want to.你不许要去,如果你不想去的话。 to后面的动词和前面的相同时,则动词可省略。,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,例:,不定词当宾语,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,不定词当补(表)语:当主语补语,放在be动词或联系动词之后,补充说明主语。,主语,动词,主语补语,My work,My work,is,is,the thing.,to prepare

7、 dinner.,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,不定词当补(表)语:a.当主语补语,放在be动词或联系动词之后,补充说明主语。,主语,动词,主语补语,My work,My work,is,is,the thing.,to prepare dinner.,例:,1.My aim in life is to become a famous singer.我的人生目标是成为名歌手。,2. To see is to believe.眼见为实。,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,不定词当补(表

8、)语:a.当宾补,即主语+动词+宾语+补语。,主语,动词,补语,He,He,calls,wants,Jack.,to do it.,例:,1.He told me to give up smoking.他告诉我要戒烟。,2. She got her husband to clean up the house.她叫她先生打扫房子。,宾语,me,me,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,有些动词如want,ask,teach,tell,get,show等, 用不定词作宾补。 3.He asked me not to tell her the truth. 他要求我不要跟她说实话。

9、比较:He didnt ask me to tell her the truth. 他没要求我跟她说实话。 否定不定词:not+to+动词原形,不定词(to+动词原形)的名词用法,不定词当补(表)语:a.当宾补,即主语+动词+宾语+补语。,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词当形容词修饰名或something.等代名词时, 采用后位修饰。 即: 名词/something.+to+动词原形,不定词的形容词用法,不定词的形容词用法,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,1.I have homework to do. 我有作业要做。 2.My mother ha

10、s a lot of housework to do every day. 我妈妈每天有很多家事要做。,不定词的形容词用法,修饰名词,例:,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,1.I will give you something to eat. 我会给你东西吃。 2.Do you have anything to read? 你有什么东西可读吗? 有些不定词之后会伴随着介词 如:They have a lot of things to talk about.他们有很多事要谈。 Please give me a ball-point pen to write with.请给我一

11、支原子笔写字。,不定词的形容词用法,修饰something.等,例:,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,不定词可以用来修饰动词、形容词、副词, 能够表示目的、原因等。,不定词的副词用法,不定词的副词用法,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,1.She went to London to study English. =She went London in order to study English. 她去伦敦学英语。 come 和 go通常其后不接不定词,而用and连接。 例:Come and see me. 来看我。,不定词的副词用法,表目的,可用in o

12、rder to +动词原形代替。,例:,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,1.I am glad to see. 很高兴见到你。 2.We are sorry to hear the new. 我们听到这消息很难过。,不定词的副词用法,表原因,跟在表感情的形容词之后。,例:,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,too+形容词+to动词原形/too+副词+to动词原形 1.You are too young to understand the whole thing. 你太年轻无法了解整件事。 2.The water is too hot for me to d

13、rink. 对我而言水太热无法喝。 3.He worked too slowly to finish it. 他工作得太慢无法完成这件事。,含不定词的句型,too.to.:太.而不能.,例:,正道英语,Part 1,Part 1,不定词的功能,形容词+enough+to动词原形/副词+enough+to动词原形 1.My younger brother is old enough to go to school. 我弟弟年龄够大可以上学。 2.Bob worked hard enough to pass the exam. Bob够用功可以通过考试。,含不定词的句型,.enough to.够可以,例:,任君遍试百家培训,,最后仍需正道辅导!,电话:13802583127(段老师) QQ:1961735686 Email:,


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