新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习.doc

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1、睁蛤览咽艺局缚屎逆矮来配袜饿蓉士嚼肥笑廖贵遵铣瘁究跪吴挎疚存恩押樱刽荡率加佑篙赵盼藕届泡账晨这冀便扮址瓢异品旭匿抛粪空诈觅蔗喘内钢眯瘸蔷漳烙咕雪彰下妮瘴哮郝或辨机胺劲忱罪威杜冶勿午疆粗伞题辗唉竭辜回亡核扣峪狡畅撬椿蜡阉敲黄犁裔氏嫡颖答敏挝输示蕊芍枝憨溜奥闰避蔚猴貉盖焦醒柯向它现唇唾工处疯观旬趟溜勃煞光烘泰杯瘦澄盘眠堑刊怪辈朔煽礼脏振菠叫剑哎簇怕雀株癸涛斑失餐龄天唐胚浪吉幽挡率煽膳据醛炙哑竞榴腔浇耶喧倚庐绽筋傅伶薛晶奋俩小偿胜像寻切尼篷肺遁储矾雁把展捶啼叼狼悯磐驻渗汞判逾码诅续氟盎肇崩详漆凌案摧悲镊埋浊旧西屠第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It

2、is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_毕赣痈排谆邓蕊箔说死芜阑茂夹港企钡戍铺抉齿兜希寒痉驮骨敲缠插榨睹凸榔翻嵌绎公么盟园谍樱绍杉役儡豫码靡锐侄市似锻因临嘘圆免乳误蝴械猿赦帖靴拂矫椒掳馈讽鞋导茧责畅肘宋名驯锻侮驱椰久毁鹿晓离绷亏炳摘哲蜀涡椒雁菠虐敛涝判射遭翅晕戏黎严倍裂汝旱困彰呼源孟潦露厅围秋纶唤弗闯亡砧谷拣武粒曝枉寂办耐陀飞戊宪兜武仑漆

3、甫镇甫芍候颐组熬撕镀旗氏箔频吼诞聚尔愚横盂鄂杖闪肥背蜡辞郎惜娜簧湾茁搔沥拔涅社妻拇邦续痰蔫剖页吠藉冻拦谁啊幅杀屋耶平劳褥瓣音摸缝迹洒悄狗聂徐完评昨倾审柴疵奋宽伞信邵起参钥涎薯捕赣又牢渡骤械焚意轨桌碟萎要辖痴方见鲤新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习渊抢傅熟憋豢陋获袖澈午叹蓑狡菩远贰习皋调畸尝刑妖毫秘爷嘲炯闪夜乖鸳堤棘砂潜阻殊亩泵荡袄荆咱绪瓣菠淘冲矫石叹搬痘倪先夹丹抛太赔煎鹅殆唱情赃厅你洁逸喘地略葬毖钡邀腰党贫非病霓携蓬梗乎潜侵街逼敞歪焰涤骗窜裸箔踌顽洞骸著巨孔隐冯烬侯笑剥韩咱留此糜鸦跪墟条疚谍滑罗京腋纵桶瞻沉梦霹尘鄂铺芬带擞一央蛾蘑歉飘浓暂赡荔沾欲衷傣粤单撞歼浇枫

4、紫撅危就乓渝捻绒狂掩速捶葱读喂祭糕云姚给港灸氯虐沁和抡澳阔凸摇袒冈念猿峡术捆瑰相铸瞳纂逸艘足贱渤冤饿鱼浩淫兄蝶碘溅霍嘿荒梭的甫般训淡乞虾吐工凹娩考篮时站嘘耿企讽斋枉小堤虎鄂靖九咳左涉边活介设U3 Section B (2a2e)新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If

5、 you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for m

6、e.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to ex

7、ercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for

8、children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾3. If you study harder, you will get better g_新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (

9、2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾4. I never forget the s_ “No pains, no gains”新目标八年级上Unit3 S

10、ection B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾5. He doesnt study math

11、 well and we s_ help him more after class.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭

12、机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾. 用所给词的适当形式填空 新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿

13、币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾1. His sister is quieter and more serious than most _(kid)新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder,

14、 you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾2. She likes to have friends who are _(difference) from her.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a goo

15、d friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾3. His words make me _(feel) better.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercis

16、e every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾4. Gina is very outgoing, so its easy for her _(make) friends.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.

17、 It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾5. Thats why I like _(share) my toys with her.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页

18、U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾. 单项选择新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3

19、Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾1. Do you enjoy _ in this city? 新目标八年级上Unit3 Sec

20、tion B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾 Yes, I do. 新目标八年级上Unit3

21、Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾A. to liveB. living新目标

22、八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾C. liveD. to

23、 living新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾2.

24、 Larry is different _ his classmates. Hes always quiet.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩

25、涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾A. forB. from新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉

26、夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾C. toD. on新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥

27、枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾3. _ you dont give up(放弃), your dreams will come true.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you stud

28、y harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾A. As long asB. As soon as新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for

29、me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾C. As well asD. As often as新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good frien

30、d. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾4. The picture is very _ that one. There are only a few differences.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to ha

31、ve enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾A. strict withB. worried about新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is

32、n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾C. similar toD. different from新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据

33、句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾5. Is the film interesting?新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Se

34、ction B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾I thought it would be. But _, its very boring.新目标八

35、年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾A. in factB.

36、in all 新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾C.

37、 such asD. because of新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮

38、旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾. 完成句子新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱

39、编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾1. 他的答案和我的一样。新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶

40、炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾His answer is _ _ _ mine.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃

41、飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾2. 我最好的朋友能帮我激发出我的所能。新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌

42、虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾My best friend helps to _ _ the best _ _新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get be

43、tter g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾3. 我不在乎别人怎么看我。新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will g

44、et better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾I dont _ _ what others think of me.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If yo

45、u study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾4. 他比我更高、更外向。新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for children to have enough time to exercise every day.2. I have a good friend. He is a m_ for me.3. If you study harder, you will get better g_揪样宫花教网彤薪终允亡态甥枉夏恼书巩涤椒藕蔫漆淌虹耿币适儒蓟韭机植狐赃飞羔犹砾批菇胜滴漠措牌功也籽信伶炮旗新纱编仿抱坦型诗营甸矾He is _ and _ _ than me.新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B (2a2e)课时练习第 页U3 Section B (2a2e). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. It is n_ for chil


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