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1、,Chinese Ancient Weeding,The Ancient Concept of Marriage,In the ancient chinese weeding, the bridegroom went to the brides home to escort(迎接) her to the weeding at dusk and this tradition-“男以昏时迎女,女因男而来“ is the origion of “昏因“.,1、Concept 婚姻=昏因,2、the understanding of marriage in confucians classics Th

2、e marriage is the begining of human relations, the essence of courtesy; Social status of marriage concerns to the society security and marriage is the foundation of the relationship between the upper and lower level relation. 婚礼是人伦之始;婚礼是礼的根本;社会婚姻状况关涉到社会治乱,婚姻关系是构成尊卑上下等级关系的基础。,Compared with todays age

3、 of marriage, the ancient one is much younger. People usually get married at seventeen years old.中国古代的婚龄相对于今天的结婚年龄来说普遍较早,一般十七八岁就结婚成家了。,1. Marriageable age,The Ancient Institution of Marriage,2.matchmaker 嫁娶有媒,Before the engagement, the matchmaker (媒人)would go to the two families to communicate the c

4、onditions of both, such as the family estate, family members, the appearance, age, etc.,3. No marriage within the samefamily name 同姓不婚,The Western Zhou Dynasty pursued the policy that marriage between people bearing the same surname was forbidden to ensure the hierarchical relationship and successio

5、n of power attribution; The so-called “surname“ in the Tang Dynasty refered to the same emperors offsprings, namely the same surname and clan; The law in Ming and Qing also prohibited the clan marriage, while the same surname in different cases was allowed. 西周即推行同姓不婚政策,以保证宗法等级关系和权力继承归属的明晰以及优生;唐代所谓的“

6、同姓”指同一高祖的后代,即同姓共宗;明、清法律也严禁同宗婚配,对同姓不同宗者则予允许。,4. Concubinage可纳媵妾,The past marriage policy was the implementation of a monogamy system under patriarchal and meanwhile the “polygamy“ was allowed. Therefore the monogamous marriage norm was only for women. For most of men, the policy is the polygamy in th

7、e name of monogamy. 历代婚姻政策既推行父系家长制下的一夫一妻制,又允许男子“一夫多妻”,因此一夫一妻只是针对女子的婚姻规范,对大多数男子而言,实行的是以一夫一妻为名义、以纳妾为表现的多偶制,Ancient Weeding Procedure,纳采Proposing,古时婚礼之首,属意女方时延请媒人做媒,问名 birthday matching,男方探问女方之姓名及生日时辰,纳吉 Presenting betrothal gifts,问名若是吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,纳征 Presenting wedding gifts,奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等,即正式送聘礼,请期 Pick

8、ing auspicious wedding date,由男家请算命先生择日,亲迎 Picking auspicious wedding date,新郎乘礼车,赴女家迎接新娘,Chinese Traditional Wedding Taboo,1.The night before the wedding, it was a must to pick a young boy to sleep with groom together in bed. 到新婚前夜,要找一个未成年的男童和新郎一起睡在床上(因为传统认 睡空床,不死夫也死妻) 2.People whoes zodiac is tiger

9、should not attend the weeding. 婚嫁忌生肖虎的人观礼。 3.The aunt sister-in-law should not escort the bride. 结婚之日新娘出门时姑姑嫂嫂不能相送。 4.When the bride left her family on the wedding day, she should cry and the more powerful the better. 成亲日新娘离开娘家时,哭得愈厉害愈好.,5.Avoid people sitting in the new bed on the wedding day. 婚礼当日

10、,忌让人坐在新床。 6.On the third day after the marriage, the couple brought the gift back her family, that was Guining. 结婚后第三天,新婚夫妇携礼回娘家,即为归宁。(但切记当天需在天 前赶回夫家,不能在娘家过夜) 7.Within four months of the wedding, unless necessary (eg Honeymoon), the bride also should avoid a sleepover. 新婚四个月内,除非必要(如蜜月旅行),新娘也忌在外过夜。 8.Four months after marriage, the bride can not take part in any wedding and funeral ceremonies, lest it avoid joy. 结婚后的四个月内,新娘不可参加任何婚丧喜庆的仪式,以免冲喜。,Ancient Wedding Dress,周 制 婚 服,男 玄衣纁裳 /女玄色深衣,黼领(巳形花纹的领),纁色蔽膝(或围裙),唐制婚服,男 公服(绛纱袍)/ 女 青色的花钗连裳,革带袜履,或称钗钿礼衣,明制婚服,男 盘领九品官服 / 女 凤冠、盘领或直领大袖衣、霞帔,THANKS,


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