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1、VS,中国宗教,西方宗教,BY 第五小组,宗教风云,Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism formed the chinese religious systems. 中国 儒释道 (即:儒家、佛家、道家),The most important religion in west is Christian 西方 基督教,There are many differences between chinese and western religious , we will compare it in 5 main area .,1 建筑 Architectural featu

2、res,2 占卜 Divination methods,3 宗教节日 Religious Festivals,4 宗教理念 Religious ideas,5 宗教音乐 Music,Chinas main religious architecture is temples, Taoist temple, Confucius temple. Architectural features: in the construction pattern has a deep Cosmological concept of Yin and Yang。Advocating symmetry, order, s

3、tability Like to build them in the mountains which is lonely and have beautiful scenery. 中国的主要宗教建筑是寺庙、道观、孔子庙。 建筑特色:在建筑格局上有很深的阴阳宇宙观,崇尚对称、秩序、稳定的审美心理,喜欢建在人迹稀少、风景优美的山中。,Western main religious architecture is Church Architectural features: Tall arched dome, heavy and complicated steeples and painted wind

4、ows, all around are wall formed a closed space, curved wall surround close formation dome, minaret straight channels. Usually built in the city centre. 恢弘。高大拱型穹顶、繁复的尖塔及彩绘玻璃窗、四面皆壁的封闭空间、弯曲的围闭形成的穹顶、尖塔的笔直通道 通常耸立于闹市中心。,Taiji vegetarian,tarot,Crystal ball,constellation,witch,Buddha birth festival 佛诞节,Budd

5、ha complete festival 佛圆满节,Becomes enlightened festival 成道节,Goddess of Mercy commemoration day 观音纪念日,农历四月初八,农历4月15,农历12月初八,受难节 Suffering quarter,Christmas 1225,升天节ascends to heaven festival,万圣节 111,复活节,Buddhism religious doctrine: The life is the samsara , . The soul meets the metempsychosis, samsara

6、 rebirth 。 Good is rewarded with good evil will be requited with evil. This life makes the misdemeanor , next life will receives the penalty.,佛教教义 人有前世有今生。 人死后灵魂会投胎,轮回重生 善有善报恶有恶报 此世所造业,下一世受报,Christianity religious doctrine: God created the world theory 、the pardoned crime redeemed theory 、the heaven

7、 and hell theory. The life hope lies in believes in Jesus Christ primarily, because he makes reparations on the cross, and he after third reactivates from dying, causes to repent believed that his person all crimes all remit, and obtains forever life that can exceed the devil and the death.,基督教教义:上帝

8、创世说,原罪救赎说,天堂地狱说 人生的希望在于信奉耶稣基督为主,因他在十字架上赎罪,并且在三日后从死里复活,使悔改相信他的人一切的罪皆得赦免,并得到能胜过魔鬼与死亡的永远生命。,Choir 唱诗班 The choir mostly is composed of the church warm-hearted letter audiences, his main purpose is charge for the church poem on Sunday and lead to worship. 唱诗班大多由教会热心的信众组成,他的主要目的是负责教会礼拜日的崇拜唱诗及带领敬拜。,The Buddhism song mainly uses in propagandizing the ancestor religious doctrine principle, the stimulation religion emotion 佛教歌曲主要用于宣传宗教义理,激发宗教情感,The End Thank for watching,


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