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1、,同心济世 祝贺同济大学一百零三华诞,上海海事大学 上海科技翻译学会 左飚 上海建桥学院,庆贺同济大学103华诞!,同济大学1907年始创于上海,至今一百零三年。 世界是一片海,同济是一艘船。 一百零三年高教生命, 一百零三年风雨兼程。 有多少可歌可泣的人物, 有多少可吟可颂的故事, 有多少可圈可点的创造! 这些人物、这些故事、这些创造, 汇成一句话: 同心同德同舟楫,济人济事济天下 !,环性与线性: 中西文化比较 Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures (Part I),同心济世 祝贺同济大

2、学一百零三华诞,上海海事大学 上海科技翻译学会 左飚 上海建桥学院,This lecture is based on an article of mine Lines and Circles, West and East published successively in English Today (Cambridge University Press), Asian Studies (Oxford University Press), The Quest (An American philosophical journal) and Social Sciences (A Chinese j

3、ournal).,Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures,This lecture is based on an article of mine Lines and Circles, West and East published successively in English Today (Cambridge University Press), Asian Studies (Oxford University Press), The Quest (An American philosoph

4、ical journal) and Social Sciences (A Chinese journal).,Lines and Circles: A Contrastive Study of Western and Chinese Cultures,该讲座以本人的一篇同名论文为基准。这篇论文的英文版及中文版曾先后发表或转载于英国剑桥大学出版社的今日英语、英国牛津大学出版社的亚洲研究、美国哲学刊物求索及中国刊物社会科学。,环性与线性 中西文化比较 左 飚,A Risky and Controversial Topic. 这是一个容易引起争议的话题,Culture is a pervasive

5、concept. 文化是一个极为宽泛的概念。,Culture is a dynamic process. 文化是一个动态的过程。,Cultural difference is relative. 文化差异是相对的。,w,What is culture? 文化的定义,What is culture?,Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a m

6、ember of society. Edward Tylor (1871) (a British anthropologist),文化是一个错综复杂的整体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、习俗以及作为社会成员的人所获得的其他一切能力和习惯。 爱德华泰勒 (1871) 英国人类学家,Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of hum

7、an groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values. Culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other hand, as conditioning elem

8、ents of future action. Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn (two American anthropologists, 1961),What is culture?,文化是由通过符号所获得并传播的显性及隐性行为模式所构成,这种行为模式形成人类群体的特征,包括它们在人工制品中的体现;文化的核心部分是传统的(源于历史并经历史选择的)观念,尤其是价值观。文化系统,一方面可被视为人们行为的产品,另一方面又可被看作是规约未来行为的条件。 克洛依伯、克勒克荷恩 美国人类学家,文化的定义,What is Culture?,Culture is the

9、 acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and to generate behavior. J. P. Spradley (Psychologist),文化是后天获得的知识,人们用这种知识来解释以往的经验,生成未来的行为。 斯普拉德莱(心理学家),What is Culture?,Culture refers to the total pattern of human learned behavior transmitted from generation to generation. Salzmann (Soci

10、ologist),文化是指人们学得的行为的总体模式,这种行为模式代代相传 。 萨尔斯曼(社会学家),What is culture?,Culture is the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group. CED,文化是具有共同传统的群体的活动和观念的总和,这些传统为这一群体的成员加以传播并加强。 剑桥英语词典,Culture is the total p

11、attern of human behavior and its products embodied in thought, speech, action and artifacts.,Culture is a complex of typical behavior or standardized social characteristics peculiar to a specific group. WNID,文化是人类行为及其产品的总和,表现为思想、言论、行动及制成物品。,文化是某一群体所特有的典型行为或规范化的社会特征的综合。 韦氏新国际词典,Characteristics of Cul

12、ture 文化的特征,Characteristics of Culture,Non-natural (非自然性) Non-individual (非个人性) Non-innate (非先天性) Regional and trans-regional (地域性与超地域性) Epochal and trans-epochal (时代性与超时代性),Essentials of Culture,External (外在文化 / 有形文化) *behavior language, gestures, customs 行为 语言、手势、习俗等 *products literature, art, musi

13、c, artifacts 产品 文学、艺术、音乐、人工制品、建筑等 Internal (内核文化 / 无形文化) *ideas beliefs, values, morals 观念 信仰、价值观、道德观等,Essentials of Culture 文化的要素,Essentials of Culture,Dead (死文化 ) *products (achievements) literature, art, music, artifacts, architecture 产品 文学、艺术、音乐、人工制品、建筑等 Living (活文化 ) *ideas beliefs, values, mor

14、als 观念 信仰、价值观、道德观等 *behavior language, gestures, customs 行为 语言、手势、习俗等,Layers of Culture 文化的层次,产品/符号Products/Symbols,Behaviors 行为,Values/Ideas 价值观念,Assumptions 对宇宙、人性的基本看法,Layers of Culture,Cultures: Universality and Individuality 文化的共性与个性,Commonality of human nature 人性趋同,Penetrativeness and fusibili

15、ty 渗透性及可融性,Accumulation and tradition 积淀与传统,Linearity and Circularity 线性与环性,钱钟书:东海西海,心理攸同; 南学北学,道术未裂。,My idea about the contrastive study is based on a western diagram and a Chinese picture.,Plato 柏拉图,The development of western philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato. - Whitehead 西方哲学的发展是对柏拉图的一

16、系列注脚。 怀特海,gnosis / knowledge,noesis / reason,dianoia / idea,pistis / faith,eikasia / imagination,Platos divided line of knowledge,A line of abstraction,中华第一图太极图 环性中国文化的象征,Contrast in respect of :,Worldview (宇宙观) Core values (核心价值观) Outlook on time (时间观) Modes of thinking (思维模式) Linguistic expression

17、 (语言表达) Outlook on Arts (艺术观),How is the world observed and viewed in both cultures? 在中西两种文化中 人们是怎样看待世界的?,Man and Nature,人 与 自 然,1. Worldview 宇宙观,Linear division and circular enclosure (线分环合),Western: one dividing into two (一分为二) Chinese: two combining into one (合二为一),Opposites: Western: independenc

18、e and opposition Chinese: interdependence and integration,西方文化呈线性,人与自然、凡与神均一分为二,界线分明,强调二元的并存与对立; 中国文化呈环性,人与自然、凡与神均合而为一,环抱涵容,注重二元的依存和统一。,To the Asian, the world is a complex place, composed of continuous substances, understandable in terms of the whole rather in terms of the parts, and subject more t

19、o collective than to personal control. To the Westerner, the world is a relatively simple place, composed of discrete objects that can be understood with undue reference to context, and highly subject to personal control. Very different worlds, indeed. The Geography of Thought,Richard E. Nisbett,对于亚

20、洲人(主要指中国人),世界是复杂的,由连续混沌的物质构成;而对于西方人,世界相对简单,由可分离的物体构成。,Western Linear division (线分),One dividing into two (一分为二),Ancient Greek Philosophers 古希腊哲学家,Heracleitus 赫拉克利特 (540 480 BC),Plato 柏拉图 (427 347 BC),Aristotle 亚里士多德 (384 322 BC),Linear dividing philosophy,Matter Vs Mind Element Vs Energy Body Vs Sou

21、l God Vs Man Subject Vs Object,柏拉图 Plato (428 -347 B.C.),赫拉克利特Heraclitus (540-480 B.C.),Linear dividing philosophy,Heracleitus, one of the founders of dialectics 赫拉克利特辩证法的奠基人,Strife is justice.,All things come into being by conflict of opposites, and the sum of things (ta hola, “the whole“) flows li

22、ke a stream. 世间万物由对立双方的冲突而产生,事物的总和犹如溪水一样向前流动。,赫拉克利特Heraclitus (540-480 B.C.),Platos distinction between the sensible world and the ideal world 柏拉图关于感觉世界与理念世界的区分,Platos Theory of Forms contrasts reality with phenomena; soul with body; knowledge with opinion; reason with sensation; and rationality wit

23、h emotion. 柏拉图的理念论把实在和现象、灵魂和肉体、知识和意见、理性和感觉、理智和激情相对应。,柏拉图 Plato (428 -347 B.C.),Aristotles dualistic cosmology 亚里士多德的二元宇宙论,Aristotelian cosmology is based on the principle of the mover and the moved. It is dualistic: God, the immovable Mover, who transcends cosmic reality; and cosmic reality, consist

24、ing of the heavens which rotate around the earth. 亚里士多德的宇宙论以移动者与被移动者的原则为基础。它是二元的。上帝是不可移动的移动者,超越宇宙实体;宇宙实体包括天地,天围绕着地旋转。,Modern Philosophers 西方近现代哲学家,Descartes笛卡尔 (1596 1650),Kant康德 (1724 1804),Spinoza斯宾诺莎 (1632 1677),Philosopher: Descartes (笛卡尔 French),Father of Modern Philosophy Hegel (黑格尔),Je pense,

25、 donc je suis. I think, therefore I am. I am thinking, therefore I exist.,我思故我在。,Substance dualism (实体二元论):,The body works like a machine, with the material properties of extension and motion, and it follows the laws of physics. The mind (or soul) is a nonmaterial entity that does not follow the law

26、s of physics.,Descartes divided the world into extended substance (matter) and thinking substance (mind), and these two have mutually incompatible properties. Accordingly the soul is entirely distinct from the body. 笛卡尔把世界划分为广延的实体(物质)和能思维的实体(心灵),这两种实体的性质是不相容的。因此,灵魂与身体是截然区分的。,Philosopher: Descartes (

27、笛卡尔 French),Spinoza (斯宾诺莎, Dutch-Jewish),Psycho-physical Parallelism (心物平行论): The mental realm and the physical realm do not affect each other. They are independent of each other and run parallel paths.心理领域和物理领域并不互相影响,它们互相独立,走的是平行之道。,Kant (康德, German ),Phenomenal world vs. noumenal world (现象世界与本体世界)

28、,“What is” (reality) and “ought to be” (value) are independent of each other, like two closed circles. 存在和价值是截然分开的。,Exceptions to Western Division Worldview,Reality is one, and existence is timeless, uniform, and unchanging. The way of Truth 实体归一,存在是永恒、始终如一、不变的。,Parmenides 巴门尼德 (c. 500 BC),Exception

29、s to Western Division Worldview,Emerson believed in the harmony and beauty of man and nature. 埃默森相信人与自然的和谐与美。,Ralph Waldo Emerson 埃默森 (1803-1882),As a supporter of transcendentalism, Emerson emphasized the souls inborn knowledge of ultimate realities of the universe. 作为先验主义的支持者,埃默森强调人心具有认知宇宙终极实体的内在能

30、力。,Christianity and Bible,God occupies a dominant position.,Theme of Bible: Human redemption 圣经主题:人的灵魂拯救,Christianity: God and Man God creates Man and Man sins against God. 基督教:上帝创造人,人违抗上帝而犯罪。 Seven deadly sins: G G S W L E P,West: linear division,Scientist: Archemedes (阿基米德),Give me but one firm sp

31、ot on which to stand, and I will move the earth. 只要给我一个稳固的立足点,我就能移动地球。,Archemedes (287212 BC),Scientific discovery is not a creative process, it is merely an “uncovering” of distinctions that were waiting to be observed. 科学发现并不是创造过程,而只是揭露那些等待着被观察的事物的差异。,Isaac Newton 1643 1727,Scientist: Isaac Newton

32、 (牛顿),Classical science begins by making as precise as possible distinctions between the different components, properties and states of the system under observation. 经典科学始于观察系统中的不同成分、不同性质和不同状态,并尽可能精确地找出它们之间的差异。,Francis Heylighen (1960 ),Scientist: Francis Heylighen (海利根),翻,译,欢迎光临,Western Worldview:

33、Relatively Linear One dividing into Two,Chinese circular enclosure(环合),Two combining into one (合二为一),八卦图 The Picture of Eight Trigrams,The Picture of Eight Trigrams 八卦图,乾卦卦辞:元亨利贞 元者善之长也, 亨者嘉之会也, 利者义之和也, 贞者事之干也。 周易乾卦文言,The Qian Trigram Statement Origination is the top of all virtues, Prosperity the b

34、lend of all excellencies, Harmony the fusion of righteousness, Integrity the fundamental principle of things.,The Picture of Eight Trigrams 八卦图,乾卦总说: 首出庶物,万国咸宁。 周易乾卦彖传,A Summary of the Qian Trigram The origin of all things is in peace and harmony.,大人者与天地合其德,与日月合其明,与四时合其序,与鬼神合吉凶。 周易乾卦文言 A great man i

35、dentifies with heaven and earth for virtues, with the sun and the moon for brightness, with four seasons for order, and with gods and spirits for luck.,Three Pillars of Traditional Chinese Culture,Confucianism 儒家,Buddhism 佛教,Bodhidharma 达摩(禅宗祖师),Lao-tzu 老子,Confucius 孔子,Taoism 道家,周易:一阴一阳之谓道。 Tao cons

36、ists in Yin and Yang. The Book of Changes (600 BC),Chinese: circular enclosure,Philosophical Concept: Tao (道),Taoism 道家,Man and Nature Are One,Taoism,Tao gave birth to the One; the One gave birth successively to two things, three things, up to ten thousand. These ten thousand creatures cannot turn t

37、heir backs to the shade (Yin) without having the sun (Yang) on their bellies, and it is this blending of the breaths (Yin and Yang) that their harmony depends. Translated by Arthur Waley,道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。 道德经第42章,Lao Tzu 老子 (571- 471 BC),天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。 Heaven and earth co-exist with m

38、e, and I am identified with everything in the universe. 庄子齐物论,庄子 (369 286 BC),故其好之也一,其弗好之也一。天与人不相胜也。 Nature and Man are unified as one whether you like it or not. They are not in conflict.,Man and Nature Are One,Taoism,Man and Nature Are One,Confucianism 儒家,能尽人之性,则能尽物之性;能尽物之性,则可以赞天地之化育,则可以与天地参矣。 中庸,

39、The full play of human nature brings about the full play of the nature of things, which in turn contributes to the evolution of the universe and thus human nature identifies with the universe. The Doctrine of Mean,Zi Si 子思/孔伋 (BC 483-402),Man and Nature Are One,Confucianism,尽其心者,知其性也;知其性则知天矣。 孟子尽心上,

40、The full exertion of human mind results in the knowledge of human nature; the knowledge of human nature leads to the knowledge of the universe. Mencius,Mencius 孟子 (BC 372-289),Man and Nature Are One,Confucianism,天地之气,合而为一,分为阴阳,判为四时,列为五行。,The energy of heaven and earth is a unified one. It consists i

41、n Yin and Yang and manifests itself in four seasons and five elements.,董仲舒 西汉 179 104 BC,天亦有喜怒之气,哀乐之心。以类合之,天人一也。,Heaven also has feelings like delight and anger, joy and sorrow. Heaven and Man can be classified under the same category.,Man and Nature Are One,Confucianism,Zhang Zai 张载 (北宋 10201077),故

42、天地之塞,吾其体;天地之帅,吾其性;民吾同胞,物我与也。 西铭,My body is part of Heaven and Earth; my nature is guided by the universe; people are my siblings and things are one with me.,The founder of Qi School of Thought 气学派奠基人,Qi,Man and Nature Are One,Confucianism,The founder of Li school of thought 理学派奠基人,Chen Hao 程颢 (北宋 10

43、32-1085),仁者,以天地万物为一体。 河南程氏粹言,A man of high character thinks of himself as integrated with the universe as a whole.,Li,Man and Nature Are One,Confucianism,Lu Jiuyuan 陆九渊 (南宋 1139-1193),宇宙便是吾心,吾心便是宇宙。 陆象山语录,The universe is my mind and my mind the universe.,Xin,The founder of of Xin school of thought 心

44、学派奠基人,Man and Nature Are One,Buddhism (佛教 Zen School 禅宗),tat tvam asi. (Sanskrit 梵语) You are that (the universe). (English) 你是那个(即宇宙)。 (Chinese),梵(brahman) 天(heaven) 梵我一如 天人合一,佛经云:“一切色心,即是一体,心必具色,色必具心” A Buddhist scripture says, “Matter and mind are all in one. Matter must be in mind, and mind in ma

45、tter.”,Bodhidharma 达摩(禅宗祖师),Schools of Thought,Manifestation,Three Pillars of Chinese Culture,Exceptions to Oneness Worldview,制天命而用之。 Master the law of nature and make use of it.,Xun Zi 荀子 (BC 340-278),Zhu Xi 朱熹 (南宋 1130-1200),一分为二,节节如此,以至无穷,皆是一生两尔。 One dividing into two applies to everything. Thing

46、s are continuously divided to infinity.,Chinese Circularity:Idioms,天人感应 Heaven and Man interact with each other. / Natural phenomena and human affairs find response in each other. 天理人情 The law of nature and feeling of Man are in unison.,Chinese Circularity:Idioms,天从人愿 Heaven accords with human wishe

47、s. 天怒人怨 Nature is angry while people resentful.,天意人缘 Heavens will brings about human affinity. 天与人归 Nature and Man turn to one.,Chinese Circularity: Literature,Poetic lines: 花迎喜气皆知笑,鸟识欢心亦解歌。 王维,Flowers smile on the happy occasion; Birds sing with the joyful congregation.,Chinese Circularity: Literat

48、ure,Poetic lines: 高树多悲风,海水扬其波。 曹植,Trees sway in a mournful gale; Waves surge like hill and dale.,Poetic lines 山河破碎风抛絮,身世浮沉雨打萍。 文天祥,Catkins scattered by wind, My motherland is being disintegrated; Rain striking duckweed, I sink against the tide, broken-hearted.,翻,译,欢迎光临,Chinese Worldview: Relatively Circular Two Combining into One,牟宗三:中国哲学是圆盈之教。,The Advantages of Each Worldview The one-dividing-into-two linear worldview contributes to the development of science and technology in exploring natur


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