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1、,Lucky Number & Taboo Digital in Chinese and Western,中西方的幸运数字和忌讳数字,by 11会一卢育斌 11会一陈韵芝,中国的幸运数字,在中国,幸运数字有2、6、8、9 “2”意味着“和谐”,“6”寓意“顺利”。最大的个位奇数“9”代表了“长久”。而“8”则被认为是最为吉祥的数字。 “2”意味着对立而统一的两方面的平衡、和谐, 事物的成双成对被看成是一种美。反映在日常生活中, 人们喜欢办事两全其美, 生活讲究双喜临门。中国的古诗歌、对联讲究对偶、对仗、对称。,“6”在中国文化中属于阴性, 代表大 地,而大地既是繁衍和滋养万物的母亲, 又是一切

2、事物的最终归宿。所以, “6”是个充盈着吉祥、圆满、顺利、平安、兴盛等美好意愿的数字。中国人自古以来就对“6”情有独钟, 如亲属称“六亲”, 妇女怀孕称“身怀六甲”, 六部儒家经典被称为“六艺”, 民间有“六六大顺”的吉语, 农历带“六”的日子, 如: 初六、十六、二十六视为吉日。,“8”意味着圆满、祥和、尊贵。比如中国人把坐8 个人的桌子叫“八仙桌”, 招待客人要上8 道菜, 形容人有才干是“ 才高八斗”, 功名显赫的人要坐“八抬大轿”以显“八面威风”, 会办事的人总是“八面玲珑”, 而关系密切的朋友称为“八拜之交”。随着中国的改革开放, “8”和“发”谐音, 所以就更得到想发财的人的青睐。

3、人们喜欢自己的房间、门牌、车牌和电话号码里含有“8”, 特别是组成18 ( 要发) 、168( 一路发) 、918( 就要发) 、518( 我要发)等数字时, “8”更是身价不菲, 中国人对“8”近乎迷信的程度已成为汉文化一道独特的风景线。,在古代, 人们认为“9”为阳数之报, 象征极限。素文中说: “天地之数, 始于一, 终于九”、“九九为一”、“九九归原”, “九”在阴阳五行中是最大的阳数, 象征着天, 由此引伸出“神圣”之意。于是中国古代帝王为了表示自己神圣的权力为天赐神赋, 便竭力把自己同“九”联系在一起, 皇帝称为“九五之尊”。故宫的房间有9999 间, 天安门城楼面阔九间, 门上的

4、铜钉有九行, 每行有九颗, 中国版图称“九州”, 北京天坛顶层铺墁九道扇形石板, 每道石板皆为“9”的倍数。同时, 因“九”谐音“ 久”, 许多老百姓喜欢选择两个“9”的日子作为喜日。,双喜临门:Double celebration 六六大顺:All the best 才高八斗:of profound learning 八面玲珑:Be smooth and slick 九五之尊:imperial throne 三六九等:various grades and ranks,相关成语翻译,中国的忌讳数字,“4”在我国古代是吉数, 如四面八方,四平八稳, 一年四季等。但随着时代的变迁, 因“四与“死”

5、谐音, 有的人认为它很不吉利, 是个忌讳词, 与四相连的数字让人退避三舍, 如14、24 等,海外华侨和港澳同胞中的广东籍人, 尤其忌用“4”。一些人在建楼或者编号的时候,甚至特地避开“4”。,四大皆空:nothing being done 四面楚歌:facing hostility on all sides 家徒四壁:as poor as a church mouse 目空四海:arrogant 张三李四:Tom, Dick and Harry 朝三暮四:blow hot and cold 不三不四:not this and not that 丢三落四:absent-minded 三从四德:

6、the three obedience and the four virtues 文房四宝:the Four Treasures of a study,Idiom related to Four,Lucky,Number,In,Western,Western culture is generally considered 7 lucky , while Lucky 7 saying. People are fond of this number “seven“ , and give it a rich cultural connotation , meaning to the “ lucky

7、“ , “ happy “ , “ most“ . “7“ is a sacred and mysterious figures have had a profound impact , it is the Western culture and the whole world culture .It can be reflected in the diary life. In America, most casino slot machines , 777 combination is considered a good digital . July 7, 2007 by the Ameri

8、cans as the most auspicious day of the century , hundreds of thousands of American men and women choose to get married on this day .,在西方文化中,7普遍被视为幸运数字,而有 Lucky 7 的说法。人们对“七”这个数字情有独钟,并赋予它丰富的文化内涵,用它来表示“幸运”、“美满”、“多数”等意义. 。“七”是一个神圣而又充满神秘色彩的数字,它对西方文化乃至整个世界文化都产生了广泛而深刻的影响。在日常生活中可以体现,2007年7月7日被美国人视为本世纪最吉祥如意的

9、日子,成千上万对美国男女选择在这天结婚。,The reason why number 7 in the eyes of foreigners means luck and happiness is mainly about its religious overtones .7 is a life number, God spent seven days to create the world , having seven angels around him. A week has seven days , Greece had Seven Sages, and Egyptian thought

10、 the Day 7 powerhouse have 7 layers. there are seven Big Dipper star , the rainbow has seven colors ,scale consists of seven notes , the human body has seven chakras , Buddhist 7 Wisdom column . The list goes on with the law number 7 .,为什么在西方人眼里,数字7意味着幸运与幸福?这主要是由于它的宗教色彩。7是一个命数,上帝用7天创造世界,身边有7个天使。一个星期

11、有7天。希腊有七贤,埃及人认为天有7重地有7层。北斗有七星,彩虹有赤橙黄绿青靛紫七个颜色,音阶由七个音符组成,人体有7个脉轮,佛家有7根智慧柱与数字7相关的定律举不胜举。,Taboo Digital in Western-13,Originated in the Christian legends -the Last Supper of Jesus. Jesus disciple Judas betrayed Jesus to the Roman authorities. Jesus and his 12 disciples, a total of 13 individuals with ea

12、ting the Last Supper, after Jesus was arrested executions. 13 on behalf of the traitor Judas, on behalf of Good Friday. Therefore, the Christian national general disgust 13, dinner, parties, things are not like 13 people together to do some of the streets on the 13th, do not have 13-story buildings.

13、,最早起源于基督教传说耶稣最后的晚餐。耶稣的门徒犹大向罗马当局出卖了耶稣。耶稣和他12个门徒一共13个人一起吃了最后的晚餐,之后耶稣就被逮捕处决了。 13代表叛徒犹大,代表耶稣受难。因此,基督教国家一般厌恶13,吃饭、聚会、做事都不喜欢13个人一起做,有的街道没有13号,楼房没有13层。,Triskaidekaphobia may have also affected the Vikings-it is believed that Loki in the Norse pantheon was the 13th god. More specifically, Loki was believed

14、to have engineered the murder of Balder, and was the 13th guest to arrive at the funeral. This is perhaps related to the superstition that if thirteen people gather, one of them will die in the following year.,在北欧神话中,火神洛基(Loki)是诸神中的第13位,他本身邪恶而狡诈。他欺骗并唆使黑暗盲神Hoder害死了自己的兄弟、光明之神 Balder,又成为葬礼上的第13位吊唁者。此后西

15、方就有迷信:如果葬礼中有13个人出席,那么其中一人会在第二年死去。这也是“恐数字13症”的一种由来。,Ancient Persians believed the twelve constellations in the Zodiac controlled the months of the year, and each ruled the earth for a thousand years at the end of which the sky and earth collapsed in chaos. Therefore, the thirteenth is identified with

16、 chaos and the reason Persians leave their houses to avoid bad luck on the thirteenth day of the Persian Calendar, a tradition called Sizdah Bedar.,古代的波斯人相信天空中的黄道十二星座掌控着一年的十二个月,而每个星座会统治地球一千年。等到十二个轮回结束,天空和大地就会崩塌。因此,第十三就和混乱联系了起来。波斯人在波斯历上的第十三天会外出、以避免厄运,这个传统被称为“Sizdah Bedar”,意思是“十三户外”。,For taboo, wester

17、ners leave no stone unturned to avoid and “13“ contact. In the Netherlands, it is hard to find the 13th floor and the number of 13. They use “12 a“ replaced 13. In British theatre, you cant find 13 and exhaust and 13 seat. The French clever, theater 12 exhaust and 14 between lines are usually pedestrian passageway. Besides, people also taboo 13th to have atravel, 13 people dining table, 13 dish is not accepted.,因为忌讳,西方人千方百计避免和“13”接触。在荷兰,人们很难找到13号楼和13号的门牌。他们用“12A”取代了13号。在英国的剧场,你找不到13排和13座。法国人聪明,剧场的12排和14排之间通常是人行通道。此外,人们还忌讳13日出游,更忌讳13人同席就餐,13道菜更是不能接受了。,


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