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1、长难句分解(二),主讲:孙雨辰 微博:今天的孙老师也很机智,修饰成分,定语:修饰名词、代词或其他名词性质的 词。 状语:修饰动词,形容词,副词或整句话 补语:补充说明宾语或主语。补充说明主语的补语即表语,补充说明宾语的补语叫宾补。 同位语:两种成分表达同种概念。 插入语:对所表达的意思的补充,强调,解释或说话的态度,常用“,”或“”与其他成分隔开,语法不影响其他成分。,定语,修饰名词、代词或其他名词性质的词,一般翻译为“的”,表示事物的性质或状态,分为前置和后置。,一般为前一个名词修饰后一个名词,作修饰成分的名词一般多为单数。,information technology 信息技术 infor

2、mation center 信息中心 credit card 信用卡 generation gap 代沟 beauty contest 选美比赛 peace talks 和平谈判 information age 信息时代 service industry 服务性产业 water scarcity 水资源短缺 survival skills 生存技能 life insurance 人寿保险,safety standard 安全标准 science fiction 科幻小说 reception desk 前台 body guard 保镖 heart attack 心脏病 department st

3、ore 百货商店 stock market 股市 office building 办公大楼 weather forecast 天气预报 communication skills 交流技能 knowledge economy 知识经济,v-ing,若为单个词,一般放被修饰词前,相当于形容词。 例如:a learning experience 若为现在分词短语,则需要后置。例如:a boy learning English 动名词:相当于名词,不可后置,一般修饰物, 表用途。 e.g. a sleeping bag 一个睡袋 现在分词:类似形容词,可后置,一般修饰人, 表示主动的、正在进行的动作。

4、 e.g. a sleeping boy 一个正在睡觉的男孩,v-ed 若为单个词,可前置可后置,后置居多;若为过去分词短语则需要后置。 一般修饰人,表示被动的、已经完成的动作。,须后置的定语成分,to do There is no time to lose. 介词短语(介词+n./代词) 典型代表:of e.g. a man of good temper 其他:in,under,with,about,during等 e.g. the table in the room the girl under the tree the woman with a baby in her arms a fi

5、lm about flowers 定语从句,长难句中定语的位置 Some of these causes are reasonable results of social needs.Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being self-accelerating. Creating a “European identity“ that respects the different cultures which go to make up the connecting fabric of t

6、he Old Continent is no easy task. Australias Northern Territory became the first legal authority to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.,小结: 找谓语,把句子分为三大模块。(在没有连词出现时) 在大模块中找名词,名词后出现了一段内容,且这些内容符合作定语的几大成分,通常暂定这是修饰该名词的定语成分。 若定语出现在谓语前,则一般定语从名词开始,到谓语结束。 若定语出现在谓语后,则一般定

7、语从名词开始,到句末结束,但有连词时例外。 每个小定语都应该到下一个名词后结束,但是要注意固定搭配。,并列结构: and/but/or(三大基本并列连词)的前后连接对等的单词、短语或句子: 连接相同词性的词 It bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one other. 连接固定搭配 It depends upon your parents and upon yourself. 连接两个句子并列句 Problems never

8、stop but people stop problems.,状语,修饰动词,形容词,副词或整句话,按功能可分为:时间、地点、目的、原因、结果、方式、条件、让步、比较、伴随、评注等11种。,介词短语: In Beijing, I am now working. I am now working in Beijing. I am now in Beijing working. 副词: He completely supports me. One should have clearly defined goals. He studies very hard. Clearly, ones fate

9、is in his/her own hands.,非谓语: 1)v-ing/v-ed Lacking a clear world outlook, life becomes a kind of burden. Followed by his students, the professor walked out of the room. 2)to do 表目的 To associate with friends, one should be honest and open. 表结果 He searched the room only to find nothing. He is old enou

10、gh to make a trip alone. 表原因 Im glad to see you.,状语从句/状从省略结构: When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. I will never give up as long as there is a ghost of hope. If possible, go after your dream forever.,补语,主补=表语 adj. 宾补 补充说明宾语的状态或性质 to do 结构:主语+谓语+宾语+adj./to do 例句: Love makes th

11、e world more colorful for all. Motive urges one to make progress.,同位语,名词 同位语 从句 例句: Never give up your dream, the source of happiness. Sunny, my sister, is a beauty. The fact that you have tried your best is in itself a big victory.,插入语,副词:undoubtedly, indeed, surely, obviously, briefly, actually, f

12、urthermore, besides, additionally, similarly, exactly 介词短语:for my part, from my perspective, in short, on the contrary, in other words, in a/some sense,in general, in ones opinion, in conclusion, in reality, as a matter of fact, to be sure, in a addition, in return, as a consequence/result 不定式:to be

13、 frank, to tell you the truth, to be honest, to be sure, to make the matter worse,插入语,形容词/形容词短语:true, wonderful, excellent, strange to say, most important of all, sure enough 现在分词:honestly speaking, generally speaking, strictly speaking 分句: I believe, I suppose, Im afraid, whats more, you know, that

14、 is (to say), as far as I know,as far as Im concerned,believe it or not,句子的分类,简单句:主谓宾、主系表 并列句:并列连词连接的两个简单句。 复合句:简单句+从句(名从、形从、状从) 并列复合句:在并列句中出现了复合句。,简单句,一主一谓 The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing. 多主一谓 He and I enjoy singing. 一主多谓 Everyone influences someone and is influenced by someone.,并列句:

15、常用的并列连词:and/but/or/so/for 句子+连词+句子 In a full heart there is room for everything and in an empty heart there is room for nothing.,复合句,简单句+从句 Whether he will come remains to be seen. I wonder how they will solve that problem. The present moment is the best gift that you give yourself. I fell in love with Lee Pace when I saw him in The Hobbit.,并列复合句,在并列句中出现了复合句 We are natures greatest miracle and we have dreams and ambitions which are important to everyone.,


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