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1、The Society and Culture of Major English-speaking Countries,英语国家概况(2),主讲教师:姚翥 E-mail: ,Chapter 1 American Beginnings,USA Regions,The full name of America is the United States of America. 美国的全称是美利坚合众国。 Now it has 50 states and some other territories. All these 50 states,with each represented by a sta

2、r on the national flag, “united” under the Federal Government which is the central government. With the exception of Alaska and Hawaii, all the other 48 states are on the mainland and border on each other. 现在,它已有50个州及其他一些地区,是在中央政 府联邦政府下联合起来的。在国旗上,每颗星代表一 个州。 A state is the largest administrative unit

3、 in the country. It is something like a province in some other countries. Each state keeps the basic powers of government for itself within its own territory.州是这个国家最大的行政区,就像一些国家的省一 样。每个州在其自己范围内具有管辖当地事务的基本权利。,Map of the United states of America,Whats your idea of the U.S.?,1.American is a new nation

4、and the product of the Western Civilization. 美国是一个新民族,是西方文明化的产物。 2.In fact, the American continent was first discovered by an Italian sailor called Christopher Columbus in 1492. 事实上,美洲大陆是1942年由意大利航海家克里斯朵夫.哥伦布首先发现的。 3.The U.S. was not officially founded until 1776 when 13 former British colonies rose

5、 up against the British Empire and fought a war for their independence. 1776年美国成立。13个前英殖民地联合一致反抗当时的大英帝国,通过战争赢得了他们的独立。,Whats an American?,J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur (settled in Pennsylvania in the 18th century) 赫克托.圣约翰.德克雷夫科尔(18世纪移居宾西法尼亚地区) Letters from an American Farmer美国农人书简 “He is an Americ

6、an, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds.” 这就是美国人,他把所有过去的偏见和习俗抛在脑后,而从他所热爱的新的生活方式,他所依附的新政府,他享有的心地位中接受新的一套。 “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a n

7、ew race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.” 来自各个种族的人,在此熔化为一个新的民族,他们的劳动及他们的后代必将给世界带来巨大的变化。 “The American is a new man, who acts upon new principles; he must therefore entertain new ideas, and form new opinions.” 美国人是一种新型的人,他们按新的原则办事,他们因此必然吸取新的思想,形成新的见解。,

8、A New Land,The first long-continuing immigration 第一次人口迁移运动 Time: 25 000 years ago 25000年前 People: Siberians from Asia 亚洲西伯利亚人 Route: across Bering Strait 越过白令海峡 Results: later called Indians developed their own culturethe Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas 后来被称为印第安人 的人们发展了自己的土著文化阿兹台克文化(墨 西哥地区)、印加文化(秘鲁地

9、区)及玛雅文化(中 美洲)。,The Brilliant civilizations,The Aztecs 阿兹台克文化,The Incas 印加文化,The Mayas 玛雅文化,A New Land,The second long-continuing immigration 第二次人口迁移运动 Time: from 16th century on, with the Expansion of Europe 从16世纪欧洲扩张运动开始 People: Europeans and Africans 欧洲人和非洲人 (notably Christopher Columbus) (特别是克里斯朵

10、夫.哥伦布) * Why did Europeans came to the New Land? 为什么欧洲人要来新大陆?,Columbus“discovery” of America,Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailor, believed that by sailing west from Europe he could reach the far East.克里斯朵夫.哥伦布是一个意大利航海家,他相信从欧洲一直向西航行他就可以到达远东地区。 In 1492, he persuaded the Spanish monarchy to support

11、 his voyage. He landed on one of the Bahama Islands in the Caribbean Sea and thus “discovery” the New World.在1492年,他说服了西班牙皇室支持他的航行。他在加勒比海巴哈马群岛中的一个岛上登陆,这就是“发现新大陆”。 Based on his voyage, the Spanish King claimed the territory of the Americas and established a huge empire, grabbed enormous wealth from t

12、he Indians.在他此次航行的基础上,西班牙国王宣称美洲为其领土,并建立强大的西班牙王国,从印第安人那剥夺巨大财富。,John Cabot,John Cabot, another Italian sailor, who served English King Henry VII, arrived in todays Canada and the English King claimed that the whole of the territory of North America belonged to England. 约翰.卡伯特,意大利航海家,效力于英王亨利七世。他航行到达了今天

13、的加拿大,于是英王宣称整个北美大陆属英国所有。 Enforcing this claim, the Englishmen began to establish permanent settlement in North America by the beginning of the 17th century. 为强调此声明,英国人从17世纪开始在北美建立永久殖民地。,Social Backgrounds in Europe,Great social changes in Europe (end of the Middle Ages and Feudal System) 欧洲巨大的社会变化(中世

14、纪和封建制度的消亡) 1. Economic changes- the development of capitalism and emergence of new social groups 经济变化 资本主义的发展和新的社会力量的出现 2. Cultural changes- the Renaissance 文化变化 文艺复兴 3. Spiritual changes- the Religious Reformation 精神变化 宗教改革运动,The development of capitalism,The growth of capitalism produced two new c

15、lass 资本主义的发展及两大阶级的产生,The bourgeois class 资产阶级,The working class工人阶级,Increasingly powerful in politics and economy在政治经济领域力量日渐强大 Eager to share more power with feudal lords希望能与封建主分享更多的权利,The Religious Reformation,Three pioneers in the Religious Reformation 宗教改革中的三个领袖,Martin Luther 马丁.路德,John Calvin 约翰

16、.加尔文,King Henry VII 英王亨利七世,The Protestant Reformation,In 1517, Martin Luther, a German theology professor, started to reform the Catholic Church which had dominated Europe for centuries. He challenged the authority of the Pope and attacked the practice of the sale of indulgences. He believed that pe

17、ople could be saved only by their faith in Jesus Christ and through a direct contact with God. The Religious Reformation, which was capitalistic in nature, had great impact on the modern development of Europe and north America. 马丁.路德,德国神学院教授,在1517年,他对统治欧洲数世纪的罗马天主教进行了改革。他对罗马天主教皇的权威提住质疑并且反对赎罪券的出售。他认为对

18、人类灵魂的救赎只能通过对基督耶酥的信仰,通过个人与上帝的直接联系获得拯救。宗教改革在本质上资本主义的,对欧洲和北美大陆的发展起到重大推动作用。,The Renaissance,The Renaissance was marked by a changing outlook on life. The God-centered world was challenged by the great progress in natural and social science. People began to be more confident in themselves and show more i

19、nterest in the world about them. Many challenged the authority of the Bible and were willing to observe, experiment and test truths for themselves. This attitude pushed the development of technology. 文艺复兴的显著特点是人们的人生观变化。随着自然和社会科学的发展,人们对以上帝为中心的世界提出了质疑。人们变得更加自信并对世界周遭的事物越来越有兴趣。许多人向圣经的权威发出了挑战,并愿意为此亲自观察实验

20、,甚至牺牲生命。就是这种态度推动了科技的发展。,The significance of reformation,These reforms reflected the rise of nationalism in Europe, represented the demand of the bourgeois class for free development and expressed the desire of ordinary working people, especially the serfs, for the liberation from the feudal control.

21、 Therefore, the Protestant Reformation was welcomed by leaders, middle class and working people in Europe, especially in Western European countries. As a result, the Protestants and their denominations spread far and wide. Against the background of those emerging new forces, the 13 English colonies

22、that would become the United States of America were planted in North America. * plant: set up; establish,宗教改革的重要性,A protestant church,这些改革反映了欧洲高涨的民族主义情绪, 代表了资产阶级要求自由发展的呼声,表 达了普通劳动者,特别是农奴们要求从封 建统治中获得解放的愿望。同时它受到了 欧洲尤其是西欧一些国家的领导、中产阶 级和工人阶级的欢迎。因此新教徒和他们 教派的影响是深远的。根据那些新兴力量 出现的背景,13个英国殖民地深深植根在 北美大陆上了。,Seve

23、ral Patterns of Settlement,Virginia Puritan New England Catholic Maryland Quaker Pennsylvania,The Settlement in Virginia,The settlement in Virginia was founded by the London Company in 1607. 弗吉尼亚殖民地在1607年由伦敦贸易公司建立。 Why called Virginia as Jamestown?为什么称弗吉尼亚为詹姆士镇? 100 survivors landed by the side of a

24、 river. James River, named after their King and began to build a town called Jamestown. 100个幸存者在河边登陆。这就是詹姆士河,它以英国国王的名字命名,后来这些幸存者就在次建立了詹姆士镇。 How did the settlers managed to survive? 殖民者是如何得以生存的? The second group survived by imposing strict discipline on themselves and by transplanting tobacco into th

25、e colony of Virginia. 第二批到达殖民地的人强制实行严格的纪律(人人都工作)并且在弗吉尼亚成功种植烟草。,The Settlement in Virginia,Two events which influenced the shaping of American culture: In 1619, the settlers elected their delegates and set up the House of Burgesses. They bought and enslaved black servants.,The two events combined con

26、stituted a unique American phenomenon.,Puritan New England,Puritans were those who followed the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the church of England. 清教徒追随的是约翰.加尔文的教义,他们想“纯洁”英国教会。 Puritans believed that human beings were predestined by God before they were born. Some were Gods chosen p

27、eople while others were predestined to be damned to hell. No good works could save anyone. 清教徒深信人的命运是生前就由上帝注定的。一些人是上帝的选民,而另一些则注定进地狱。任何公德不可能拯救人。,3. The sign of being Gods elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling. 上帝选民的标志是一个人工作上的成功或事业的兴旺。 4. Every Puritan must read the Bible

28、in order to find Gods will and search for ones individual contract with God. 清教徒必须人人读圣经,从中探索上帝的意志,建立自己与上帝的联系。,Catholic Maryland,Founded by Lord Baltimore 由巴尔的摩男爵创立 The feudal system in Maryland 马里兰地区的封建制度 Lord Baltimore wished to introduce a feudal system similar to the manor system in Europe to his

29、 colony.巴尔的摩男爵希望在自己的殖民地建设类似于庄园经济的封建规划。 The failure of the feudal system 失败的封建制规划,*indentured servant: 白人契约奴 。北美殖民地初期,一些英国穷人家贫困而无力移居北美,北美的有钱人家为他们支付路费,这些人卖身成为契约奴。根据契约,他们必须为有钱人家无偿劳动5-7年,在这期间他们没有自由。不久,白人契约奴被黑奴取代。,Quaker Pennsylvania,What are Quakers? Quaker were a group of Protestants.贵格派由一群新教徒组成的. What

30、 did they believe? They believed that people could communicate with God because Gods divine light was in everys heart. They believed in God through faith without the help of church or priests. Those religious beliefs taught them that people were born equal, and not sinful. They worked hard and lived

31、 a simple life in order to please God. 他们相信人们可以和上帝交流,因为每个人都有灵光,上帝就在每个人的心中.他们通过真诚来信仰上帝,而不需要求助于教堂或是牧师.这样的信仰告诉他们人生来就是平等的,无罪的.为取悦上帝他们努力工作过非常朴素的生活. Who is William Penn? William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania was such a Quaker. William Penns legacies: the spirit of liberty and equality 自由和平等的思想 a liber

32、al self-government 自由的政府体系 separation of state and church 政教分离,The American Revolution,The situation before the revolution: The 13 colonies readiness for separation from the old world (the Europe) 13个殖民地做好了与旧世界决裂的准备 British vs.French for the control of the new land 英法对于新大陆统治的争夺 The British rules in

33、the colonies 殖民地的英国统治制度,“tax stamps” 印花税 the Quartering Act 军中食宿法,“No taxation without representation” “没有代表权就不纳税”,The American Revolution officially proclaimed the birth of a new nation of Americans. 美国革命正式宣布美国人作为一个新民族的诞生。,考点,the course of the American Revolution,Boston Tea Party 波士顿茶党 the First Co

34、ntinental Congress 第一次大陆会议 the first shot on April 19, 1775 1775年4月19日美国革命的第一声枪响 the Second Continental Congress 第二次大陆会议 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 the Treaty of Paris 巴黎和约,波士顿倾茶事件,第一次大陆会议,第二次大陆会议,巴黎和约,Forebears of the New Nation,George Washington 乔治.华盛顿 Thomas Jefferson 托马斯.杰弗逊 Benjamin Franklin 本杰明.富兰克林,


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