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1、关于在中新广州知识城建设国家知识产权 运用和保护综合改革试验区的情况汇报,The presentation about construction of national comprehensive reform area of intellectual property use and protection in Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City,目 录,广州开发区及中新知识城概况 开发区知识产权发展概况及争取改革试点历程 综合改革试点建设战略目标与主要内容 与新加坡下一步合作重点,contents,General situation of GDD

2、 and Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City,GDD general situation of evolution in intellectual property area and the route map of pilot reform declaration,The strategic target and Main content of pilot reform,The next step priority cooperation with Sino-Singapore,广州开发区及中新知识城概况,第一部分 Part1,General si

3、tuation of GDD,广州开发区概况,广州 开发区,广州开发区位于广州市东部,属首批国家级开发区,成立于1984年,总面积393平方公里。,GDD located in the Eastern part of Guangzhou , which is the earliest national development district. Found time :1984 Gross area :393square kilometers.,General situation of Guangzhou Development District,广州开发区概况,2013年GDP 2110亿元

4、,工业总产值5116亿元 ,财政收入543亿元。,信息技术,平板显示,新材料,精细化工,生物医药,现代服务业,重点培育六大千亿级产业集群,经济发展,Information technology,panel display,new material,fine chemicals,bio-pharmaceutical,modern service industry,Economic development,In 2013, GDP of GDD reached 211 billion Yuan, total industrial output value reached 511.6 billion

5、 Yuan, fiscal revenue 54.3 billion Yuan.,The six major industrial clusters,General situation of Guangzhou Development District,中新知识城概况,知识城位于开发区北部, 规划面积123平方公里,于2010年6月30日正式签约奠基建设。已启动市政基础设施及公共服务配套设施项目共计152个,总投资额约430亿,累计引进各类项目96个,其中国家知识产权局审协广东中心、中山大学国际健康医疗研究中心、中国电信创新孵化南方基地项目腾飞科技园等15个项目已开工建设。,General s

6、ituation of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City,Knowledge city located in north of Guangzhou Development District. Planned area of the Knowledge city is 123 square kilometers. In June, 2010 the knowledge city signed up and start construction.Knowledge city has started 152 municipal infrastructur

7、e and public service facilities projects, the total investment of these projects are about 43 billion,96 projects have been introduced. The Patent Examination Cooperation Center of the Patent Office, SIPO, Guangdong、International Health Research Center of SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY、the project of Innova

8、tion Incubation southern base of China Telecom TENGFEI Technology Park,etc. There are 15 projects have started construction.,第二部分 Part2,Guangzhou GDD general situation of evolution in intellectual property area and the route map of pilot reform declaration,开发区知识产权发展概况及争取改革试点历程,广州开发区知识产权发展概况,2009-201

9、3年开发区专利增长情况,2009-2013年,申请量年均同比增长40%,授权量年均同比增长54%,2013年分别达到4988件和3150件。,2014年1月开发区被授予“国家知识产权示范园区”,Patent growth of development zone,GDD became “The National Intellectual Property Demonstration Area ”in Jan 2014.,2009-2013, The patent application grow 40% and Patent licenses grow 54% year by year. In

10、2013 patent application became 4988 and Patent licenses became 3150.,general situation of evolution in intellectual property,广州知识城知识产权保护和服务的重大基础设施 Major infrastructure on intellectual property protection in Guangzhou Knowledge City,国家知识产权局专利审查协作广东中心 Patent Examination Cooperation Center of SIPO, Gua

11、ngdong,国家知识产权局直属单位,2000名硕士以上人才组成的专利审查员队伍,承担发明专利实质审查、PCT国际专利申请的国际检索和国际初步审查、出具实用新型专利检索报告、提供技术和法律咨询服务等业务。中心建筑面积11.5万平方米,已于2013年7月24日奠基动工,预计2015年投入使用。,Project introduction: As a subordinate unit of the State Intellectual Property Office, the center employs over 2,000 competent patent examiners; most of

12、them are master-degree holders. The center will deal with a wide range of businesses, including substantive examination, international search and international preliminary examination of part of the PCT international applications, issuance of the search reports on a utility model patent, as well as

13、technical support and legal consultation. Covering a total area of 115,000 square meters, the center broke ground on July 24, 2013, and is expected to be operational in 2015.,广州知识产权法院 Guangzhou intellectual property court 作为全国第一批知识产权法院,广州知识产权法院预计会在12月挂牌成立,最终落户知识城 。法院有30名主审法官名额,10名技术调查官名额 。 As the fi

14、rst batch of intellectual property court, Guangzhou intellectual property court is expected to be established in December, eventually settled in the city of knowledge. The court has 30 presiding judge places, 10 technical investigation offer places.,开发区争取知识产权保护和服务综合改革试点过程,2013年9月 新加坡副总理、中新联委会联合主席张志贤

15、考察知识城,2013年4月 中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记胡春华同志视察知识城,2013年10月 中新知识城管委会与新加坡知识产权学院签署合作备忘录,The Poliburo member Chunhua Hu visited Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge city.,The Vice Prime Minister of Singapore-Zhixian Zhang visited Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge city.,China and Singapore signed a cooperation mem

16、orandum.,The route map of pilot reform declaration,2014年4月 国家知识产权局申长雨局长考察广州开发区,4月15日 广东省政府将试点方案上报国务院,The director of State Intellectual Property OfficeChangyu Shen visited Guangzhou Development District,The Guangdong Provincial Government has reported the pilot program to The State Council,中新知识城知识产权

17、综合改革试点工作上升为国家重点项目 The comprehensive reform pilot of intellectual property rights of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Rise as national key project,10月27日,中国政府与新加坡政府在苏州签订知识产权领域合作谅解备忘录,确定“将中新广州知识城作为双方知识产权领域合作的示范区,在中新广州知识城积极探索开展知识产权运用和保护综合改革试点工作”。,In October 27th, the Chinese government and the S

18、ingapore government signed memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of intellectual property in Suzhou, Determine that“Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City will be as the Intellectual Property Cooperation Demonstration Zone of both sides, actively explore to carry out the pilot wor

19、k of the use of intellectual property rights and protection of the comprehensive reform in Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City.”,综合改革试点建设战略目标与主要内容,第三部分 Part3,The strategic target and Main content of pilot reform,知识城开展综合改革试点的战略定位与目标,战略定位,“立足广东、辐射华南、示范全国”,四大目标,国际知识产权保护样板区,中国知识产权运营业发展先行区,知识产权引领型产业高

20、端发展示范区,国际知识产权制度创新实践探索区,Four major goals,Strategic positioning,“Based on Guangdong, take effect in southern China and become a model in nationwide”,Strategic positioning and goal of pilot reform,A model area of international protection of intellectual property rights.,A pioneer of intellectual proper

21、ty rights in China.,A explorer of International Intellectual property system innovation.,Intellectual Property Industry Development Demonstration Area.,主要任务一(1/2):深化知识产权管理体制改革,建立优质高效知识产权新型政务服务体系,Deepen reform of the Intellectual property management system, establish a quality and efficient service s

22、ystem of Intellectual property.,Establish a unified, efficient administrative system.,Release a administrative responsibility list,Establish a department of intellectual property management,Establish a coordination mechanism for important issues,设立一站式综合服务中心,提供申请、缴费、投诉、法务等一站式服务,开展知识产权公共服务,为企事业单位提供专利导

23、航、挖掘、布局等服务,建设知识产权信息大数据库,集成专利、商标、版权、科技、产业等基础信息,建立优质 高效服务体系,Establish high quality and efficient service system,Establish one-stop comprehensive service center,Provide application, payment, complaints, legal service,etc.,Provide Intellectual property public service,provide Patents navigation, mining,

24、layout services and etc for the enterprises and institutions,Construct a large database of intellectual property information,Integrated patent, trademark, copyright, technology, industry and other basic information,主要任务一(1/2):深化知识产权管理体制改革,建立优质高效知识产权新型政务服务体系,Deepen reform of the Intellectual property

25、 management system, establish a quality and efficient service system of Intellectual property.,主要任务二:改革知识产权保护体制机制,构建立体化的知识产权强保护体系,构建知识产权 保护体系,推进知识产权司法改革,改革知识产权执法保护体制,创新多元化知识产权纠纷解决渠道,建立企业知识产权保护诚信评级系统,构建多层次知识产权维权援助体系,constructing protection system of Intellectual Property right,Promote judicial reform

26、 of intellectual property,Reform the Law enforcement and protection system of intellectual property,Diversify the resolution channels of intellectual property dispute,Construct the multi-level maintenance aid system of intellectual property,Establish Credit rating system of enterprise intellectual p

27、roperty protection,Reform intellectual property rights protection mechanism, Establish a intellectual property rights protection system.,主要任务三(1/2):创新和完善知识产权运用机制,使知识产权成为市场配置创新资源的根本手段,培育多元化知识产权金融服务市场,打造知识产权国际交易中心,知识产权银行,知识产权众筹,知识产权质押处置平台,风险补偿基金,知识产权金融衍生品,知识产权国际交易中心,Intellectual Property Bank,Intellec

28、tual property crowdfunding,intellectual property mortgage,Risk compensation fund,Financial derivatives,International Trading Center,Improve the mechanism of intellectual property rights, make intellectual property rights become an important tool when market allocate innovation resources.,Cultivate a

29、 diversified intellectual property financial services market.,Establish a International center for intellectual property rights business.,培育知识产权高端运营机构,建立激励协同创新的知识产权权益分配机制,建设中国专利华南运营中心,完善知识产权共享和收益分配机制,开展知识产权处置权与收益权制度改革试点,推动建设以市场为导向协同创新体系,利益分配 benefit distribution,制度改革 system reform,协同创新 synergetic in

30、novation,develop a Intellectual property rights distribution mechanism to encourage collaborative innovation.,Establish a high quality institutions for intellectual property rights.,Establish South China Patent operation center.,Improve the mechanism of intellectual property rights share and profit

31、distribution.,Develop a model for Intellectual property rights disposition and usufruct system reform.,Develop a market driven Collaborative innovation system.,主要任务三(1/2):创新和完善知识产权运用机制,使知识产权成为市场配置创新资源的根本手段,Improve the mechanism of intellectual property rights, make intellectual property rights becom

32、e an important tool when market allocate innovation resources.,主要任务四(1/2):探索知识产权引领产业高端发展新机制,服务经济转型产业升级,鼓励企业建立专利导航创新机制,设立知识产权风险投资基金,创建拥有完全经营权的专利组合,推动形成专利生产和经营产业链,明确创新方向和重点,对重大科研项目开展知识产权评议,The pilot project of patent navigation,Explore a new way to develop innovative industries,risk investment fund,pa

33、tent portfolio,Patent industry chain,Understand the stress and orientation,Launch Intellectual property review.,Encourage the establishment of patent navigation mechanism,Explore a new mechanism for intellectual property development. Serve for economic transition and industrial upgrading.,培育发展全链条知识产

34、权 服务业,建立知识产权导向的 创新驱动评价体系,Establish a Intellectual property rights driven innovation evaluation system,Establish a Intellectual property rights driven innovation evaluation system,主要任务四(2/2):探索知识产权引领产业高端发展新机制,服务经济转型产业升级,Explore a new mechanism for intellectual property development. Serve for economic

35、 transition and industrial upgrading.,与新加坡下一步合作重点,第四部分 Part4,The next step priority cooperation of Sino-Singapore,合作构建知识产权国际智库,创新知识产权国际交流合作机制,合作构建知识城知识产权国际智库,创新知识产权国际交流机制,Establishing an international think-tank of intellectual property rights,Innovate intellectual property rights international comm

36、unication mechanism.,Establishing an international think-tank of intellectual property rights,Innovate intellectual property rights international communication mechanism.,将中新广州知识城作为知识产权领域合作的示范区,Listing the SSGKC as a model zone for the intellectual property cooperation between China and Singapore,20

37、04.02 双方签署两国知识产权局合作备忘录 MOU between SIPO & IPOS,2013.05 双方签署“专利审查高速路”试验计划 Patent Prosecution Highway between IPOS & SIPO,2013.09 双方签署数据交换协议 Data Exchange Agreement between IPOS & SIPO,2014.10 双方分别代表中国政府与新加坡政府签署两国知识产权领域合作谅解备忘录Sino-Singapore inter-governmental MOU Framework of Cooperation,加强中国国家知识产权局与新

38、加坡知识产权局的战略合作,强有力的知识产权保护机制将吸引众多投资,交流并借鉴新加坡经验Sharing experience and replicating the Singapore experience,2014.12 双方将召开高级别工作小组会议探讨知识城项目High level Working Group Meetings between IPOS & SIPO on GKC Project,新加坡是中国最大投资来源国,2013年在华投资总额超70亿美元,投资项目多达700个 Singapore was the largest foreign investor in China Over

39、 US$7 billion covering 700 projects in 2013,Leveraging on strong cooperation between SIPO and IPOS,A strong IP regime attracts investments,深化中新知识产权战略合作,加强相关载体建设,知识产权研究教育培训基地(研修院),中新知识产权商学院,知识产权博物馆,知识产权图书馆,文化长廊,互动展馆,合作 共建,合作 共建,引进新加坡知识产权学院办学模式和研究力量,加强知识产权文化建设,Cooperation,Cooperation,intellectual prop

40、erty museum,Cultural corridor,Interactive exhibition hall,intellectual property library,Training base,commercial college,Introduce a Singapore style intellectual property rights education and research mode,To strengthen the development of intellectual property culture,Strengthening the cooperation of intellectual property strategy between China and Singapore. Establish relevant carrier.,


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