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1、尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位新闻界的朋友, 女士们、先生们: 下午好! 非常感谢大家能在百忙之中莅临中远集团,参加2007年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会,见证中远集团为承担社会责任所做出的努力和工作。 Honorable leaders, guests, friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon! Thank you for presenting at the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release and Communi

2、cation Conference to witness the efforts and achievements COSCO has made to shoulder its social responsibilities.,首先,请允许我介绍参加发布会的各位嘉宾: 国务院国资委研究室彭华岗主任 交通运输部水运司宋德星司长 First of all, please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests today: Peng HuaGang, Director of the Research Office of the State-ow

3、ned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council Song DeXing, Director of the Department of Water Transportation of the Ministry of Communications of the Peoples Republic of China,联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士 联合国全球契约办公室高级官员刘萌女士 挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生 中国船级社李科浚总裁 Chen Ying, member of the United Na

4、tions Global Compact Board Liu Meng, Senior Advisor at the United Nations Global Compact Office Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas Li Kejun, President of China Classification Society,出席今天仪式的领导和贵宾还有:中国安全生产科学研究院、中国可持续发展工商理事会等部门和协会的领导;中国化工集团、国家电网等公司的大客户代表和供应商代表,以及来自新闻界的朋友们。 Other l

5、eaders and guests present include officials from the National Institute of Safety Science and Technology and China Business Council for Sustainable Development, representatives from a variety of large customers and suppliers such as ChemChina and State Grid, and friends from the media.,中远集团魏家福总裁及在家的

6、集团领导,总公司各部门及在京单位的相关人员也参加了今天的会议。 让我们以热烈的掌声对各位领导和各位嘉宾的光临表示欢迎! Capt. Wei Jiafu, President of COSCO, leaders of the group, as well as related persons from all units affiliated to COSCO Group headquarters and other units in Beijing, also attended the meeting. We welcome all the leaders and distinguished

7、guests here! (Applause),中远集团在2005年和2006年发布全球契约可持续发展报告的基础上,履行承诺,承担社会责任,今天又向社会郑重发布中远集团2007 年可持续发展报告。 After issuing the Global Compact Sustainable Development Reports in 2005 and 2006, COSCO has fulfilled its commitment to shoulder social responsibilities. Today, the Group publicizes the COSCO Group 20

8、07 Sustainable Development Report.,一年来,在国资委的正确领导下,在联合国全球契约办公室的指导、帮助下,中远集团全面实施全球契约,积极履行社会责任,在可持续发展管理体系建设方面有了进一步的提高,获得了国内外多家机构的认可和好评。 Propelled by the UN Global Compact Office and led by the SASAC, COSCO has, over the year, carried out the Global Compact, performed its social responsibilities, and mad

9、e great progress in the construction of the management system of sustainable development. It has gained the approvals from dozens of social responsibility organizations home and abroad.,今天,我们举行中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会,正式发布中远集团不断推进可持续发展管理体系建设,努力承担社会责任的2007年度可持续发展报告,希望在座的各相关方能够针对此报告提出意见和建议。 Today,

10、we held the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release and Communication Conference to release the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report, which shows COSCOs efforts to promote construction of sustainable development management system and shoulder social responsibilities.

11、 We hope that all participating guests and related parties could give their opinions and suggestions to the report.,下面我宣布发布会正式开始: Now I announce the beginning of the press release:,首先向相关方代表发布并介绍中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告。为了让大家能够多方面和更加直观地阅读中远集团可持续发展报告,本着节约资源、保护环境的精神,我们将报告进行了网络化和影视化等多种模式的处理,下面我们就以影视方式发布中远集团200

12、7年可持续发展报告。 First of all, the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report will be presented and introduced to all the representatives. To provide a multi-dimensional and intuitive presentation of the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report, and to save the energy and protect the environme

13、nt, we will present the Report in the form of video.,中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告是按照全球公开报告倡议组织GRI的报告新版指南编写的,为保证报告的可靠性,挪威船级社和中企联全球契约推进办公室联合对中远集团可持续发展报告及管理体系进行了第三方审验。 The COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report is compiled according to the latest guidelines in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). To en

14、sure the reliability of the Report, Det Norske Veritas and the Global Compact Promotion Office of the China Enterprise Confederation, as third parties, have monitored and assessed COSCOs reporting system and the Report.,下面请挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审验意见。 Next, lets welcome Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland,

15、Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas to deliver a speech and read the assessing opinions for the COSCO Group Sustainable Development Report.,尊敬的中远集团总裁兼首席执行官魏家福先生,朋友们,女士们,先生们, 下午好! Distinguished President and CEO Captain Wei Jiawei, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!,我非常荣幸地作为中远可持续发展报

16、告第三方验证机构的代表来参加中远集团年度可持续发展报告发布会,并代表第三方宣读验证结论。本验证是与我们的合作伙伴中国企业家联合会全球契约推进办公室联合进行的。 Its my great pleasure to attend this event in connection with the release of COSCO Groups 2007 Sustainable Development Report and to represent the independent report verification body and to announce the verification con

17、clusion and recommendation. The verification has been done in good collaboration with CEC (China Enterprise Confederation) Global Compact Promotion Office.,我方认为,中国远洋运输(集团)总公司2007年可持续发展报告对该公司可持续发展和企业责任方针(由中远制订)执行状况的描述是基本准确的和客观的,我方未发现任何系统性的或实质性的错误。 2007年可持续发展报告是中远第三年的可持续发展报告,和前两年的报告相比,中远对可持续发展的管理有了比较明

18、显的进步,如: In our opinion, the Report provides a fair representation of the level of implementation of sustainability policies, and DNV has not found any systematic or major errors. The report is the COSCOs third sustainability report. Comparing with the first and second sustainability report, this rep

19、ort has been improved in the performance of sustainability management in the following areas:, 可持续发展报告数据搜集和信息处理系统已经全面投入使用,提高了可持续发展相关数据收集的效率和准确性; 在中远总部的要求下,所有的20个二级公司都已经开始可持续发展管理体系的建立和完善工作; Web-based data and information collection system has been operated, and the efficiency and accuracy of data and

20、 information collection have been improved. COSCO head office requested all first layer subsidiaries should establish sustainability management system., 更多的员工接受了可持续发展的意识和知识培训; 积极在“全球契约”等国际组织的平台上与利益相关方沟通 对可持续发展进行承诺和实践。 More COSCO employees have been trained in sustainability awareness and knowledge.

21、COSCO has communicated actively with stakeholders over the world for its commitment to sustainable development through UN Global Compact and other international initiatives.,我借此机会向魏总裁及其团队为你们在企业可持续发展方面取得的成就表示衷心的祝贺! I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Captain Wei and your team for yo

22、ur further solid and successful step on the sustainable development path! 中远集团年度可持续发展报告的发布表明中远集团已经将企业可持续发展纳入企业的正常经营和管理范畴。 The release of the 2007 Sustainable Development Report marks COSCO Groups continuous and long-standing commitment to a sustainable development.,受全球化发展、公众对环保的日益关注、油价的日益攀升等因素的驱动,可持

23、续发展已经成为当今世界的主旋律! Driven by the rapid globalization, increasing concern on environmental protection, high oil price etc, sustainable development has been a main theme in todays business world.,我们非常高兴地看到,中远集团在魏总裁的领导下,在促进和贯彻企业可持续发展方面一直起着先锋表率作用。魏总裁和他的管理团队多年来致力于管理体系的创新,紧紧跟踪世界最先进的管理标准,积极构建具有中远特色的经营管理运行体系。

24、 Led by Cap Wei, COSCO Group has been playing a leading role in promoting and implementing enterprises sustainable development. Cap Wei and his management team have committed to establishing enterprises sustainable development management system by integrating quality, environment and occupational sa

25、fety management systems.,中远集团结合质量、环境和职业卫生等三个管理体系,建立了企业可持续发展的管理体系!中远集团现代化的企业管理体系也成功地通过了DNV、中国船级社、中国安全生产科学研究院的联合认证。 The modern enterprise management system of COSCO Group has also successfully passed the joint certification by DNV and our strategic partner CCS and China Academy of safety science and t

26、echnology.,中远集团自2005年起每年发布与联合国全球契约和全球报告倡议组织要求一致的年度可持续发展报告,向各利益相关方展示中远集团在可持续发展经营业绩、环境保护业绩和社会影响等三个主要方面的发展情况。 COSCO Group has since 2005 compiled and released annual sustainable development report according to the United Nations Global Compact Initiative. The sustainable development report presents COS

27、COs performance to its stakeholders on three critical aspects of sustainability-economic performance, environmental protection performance and social impact.,这是中远在可持续发展中取得的巨大成就。在 这个意义上,中远集团为其他企业的可持续发展树立了卓越的典范,提供了最佳的企业实践范例。 This is a great achievement and COSCO Group has taken the lead, made an excel

28、lent example and shared best practices to other companies on their pursuit for sustainable development.,我注意到最近中远集团被金融时报列入世界500强排名,并大大提前了在 财富杂志的全球500大企业排名,这是对中远集团在成功运营和在可持续发展方面的贡献的认可。中远在中国和世界航运界已被公认为是公司的典范。 I have noted that COSCO Group recently has been ranked at the Financial Times Global 500 compa

29、nies and done a great leap forward from previous rankings at the Fortune 500 companies. This is a solid recognition for COSCOs successful, fast growing operation and for their contribution to the worlds sustainable development. COSCO is today perceived as a model company in China as well as in the w

30、orld shipping community.,最后我祝愿 中远集团在可持续发展道路上取得更大成就,祝愿中远集团为世界的可持续发展做出更大贡献! Please accept my congratulations and my best wishes for COSCO Group in their development for a sustainable future! Thanks!,感谢毕浩然先生的专业意见和中肯的评价。 Thank you, Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland for your professional opinions and pertinent evalu

31、ations.,中国船级社是中远集团长期以来共同推进管理创新的合作伙伴,作为国内的专业检验认证机构,在中远集团推进全球契约工作中起着积极的作用。下面请中国船级社总裁李科浚先生发表讲话。 China Classification Society has been one of COSCOs long-term partners in the promotion of managerial innovation. As a provider of professional assessment and evaluation in China, the CCS plays an active rol

32、e assisting COSCO to promote Global Compact. Now lets welcome the President of CCS, Mr. Li Kejun to give us a speech.,尊敬的中远集团魏家福总裁,尊敬的国资委研究室彭华岗主任、交通部水运司宋德星司长,尊敬的联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士、办公室特使刘萌女士,尊敬的挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生,尊敬的女士们、先生们: 大家下午好! Dear Capt. Wei Jiafu, President of COSCO Group, Mr. Peng Huagang, Director o

33、f the Research Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Mr. Song Dexing, Director of the Department of Water Transportation of the Ministry of Communications, Ms. Chen Ying, member of the United Nations Global Compact Board, Ms. Liu Meng, Advisor from the UN Global

34、 Compact Office, Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!,值此中国远洋运输(集团)总公司召开2007年度可持续发展报告新闻发布会暨相关方沟通会之际,我谨代表中国船级社对中远集团在贯彻落实科学发展观、践行企业社会责任、坚持可持续发展方面所取得的成就表示衷心的祝贺!并对其在这一历程中所发挥的表率和推动作用表示敬意! On the occasion of the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Deve

35、lopment Report Press Release and Communication Conference, I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations on behalf of China Classification Society to COSCO Group for its achievements in practicing the scientific outlook on development, fulfilling corporate social responsibilities and upholding

36、 the sustainable development initiative. COSCO has set an excellent example for other enterprises, which is worthy of respect.,中远集团作为特大型航运企业,长期以来始终注重管理创新,在履行企业社会责任、推进可持续发展等方面进行了卓有成效的探索,在国内较早地推行了质量、环境、职业安全健康管理体系。 As a super-large shipping enterprise, COSCO attaches great importance to managerial inno

37、vation, and its work in the fulfillment of social responsibilities and the realization of sustainable development has yielded fruits. COSCO is one of the earliest enterprises to promote the quality, environment and career safety and health management systems.,其后以此为平台,按照全球契约企业社会责任管理体系导则、GRI可持续发展指南、中央

38、企业全面风险管理指引、关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见的要求, Based on these systems, and working in accordance with the requirements in Global Compact Guidelines for the Management System of Corporate Social Responsibilities, GRI Sustainable Development Guide, Guidelines for the Overall Risk Management of Central Enterprises,

39、and Guidelines for Central Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibilities,在国内企业中率先建立了可持续发展管理体系,建立了防范风险、履行全球契约和社会责任的长效机制,中远集团在可持续发展管理体系方面取得的成就得到了国资委及联合国全球契约推进办公室的充分肯定,企业自身承担社会责任的能力和无形资产的获利能力也得到快速提升,已经成为中远集团核心竞争力之一。 COSCO took the lead to establish a sustainable development management system, a long-t

40、erm mechanism for risk prevention and the fulfillment of the Global Compact and social responsibilities. COSCOs achievements in terms of sustainable development management system are highly regarded by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the UN Global Compact Promoti

41、on Office. The Group has improved rapidly its abilities to shoulder social responsibilities and to gain intangible assets, which forms an important aspect of COSCOs core competitiveness.,正是这高尚的发展理念、科学的管理模式、不断创新的船舶技术共同推动中远集团快速发展成为船队规模位居中国第一、世界第二,总资产超过2100亿元,跻身世界500强的航运业超级航母,成为了跨国经营度最高、在全球享有良好声誉的中国企业,

42、为在世界范围内树立中国民族航运业的品牌发挥了巨大的作用。 It is such respectable development philosophy, scientific management mode and ever-renewing shipping technology that propel COSCOs rapid development. The Group operates the largest vessel fleet in China, and the second largest in the world. Its total assets exceeding 210

43、 billion yuan, COSCO ranks 405th among the Global Fortune Top 500. As the most outstanding and prestigious transnational corporation in China, COSCO has contributed significantly to the brand building of Chinese shipping industry in the world.,中国船级社作为中远集团密切的战略合作伙伴,多年来见证、参与了中远集团这一不平凡的发展历程,双方在新船型开发、船舶

44、技术维护和应急响应、船舶节能减排等方面有着众多成功的合作,相信在不远的将来,我们在船舶新能源开发利用等领域将有更多卓有成效的合作。 As one of COSCOs closest strategic partners, China Classification Society has witnessed and participated in COSCOs unusual development over the years. The two parties have cooperated successfully over vessel development, maintenance t

45、echnology, energy and emission cutting, and so on. We believe we will make greater achievements cooperating in such areas as the development of new energy, etc.,作为国家专业船舶检验认证机构,中国船级社始终致力于为国内外航运、造船、能源开发及相关制造业、保险业提供专业的技术服务和风险管理服务,包括为船舶和海上设施提供合理和安全可靠的入级标准,提供独立、公正和诚实的入级及法定检验服务,同时也为国内企业提供管理体系认证服务。 As a pr

46、ofessional ship testing organization, China Classification Society is committed to provide professional technology and risk management services for the shipping, shipbuilding, energy developing, and related manufacturing and insurance industries home and abroad. The services provided include rationa

47、l, safe and reliable classification standards for ships and ocean facilities, independent, just and honest classification and tests, and management system evaluation for domestic enterprises.,这些服务活动的共同主旨就是:促进和保障海上人命和财产安全、防止水域环境污染,促进航运技术和企业管理创新,共同推动相关行业的可持续发展。 These services are aimed at promoting an

48、d ensuring the security of lives and properties, preventing the pollution of water and environment, driving the innovation of shipping technology and corporate management, and propelling the sustainable development of all related industries.,近几年来,伴随着中国造船业、航运业的高速增长,中国船级社业务和规模得到了快速发展,这离不开政府、社会各界的大力支持,

49、在此,谨向交通运输部、中远集团及在座各位的大力支持表示衷心的感谢! In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of the shipbuilding and shipping industries in China, the business and scope of China Classification Society has been expanding quickly. CCS would not have achieved such great development without the supports from the government, the society and COSCO Group. Here I would like to thank the Ministry of Communications, COSCO Group and all of you present today for your consistent supports!,为贯彻落实科学发展观,推进中国船级社的自身建设,中国船级社正在推进可持续发展管理体系建设,计划用2-3年时间加入全球契约并发布可持


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