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1、电解质紊乱与心律失常处理,北京医院 杨杰孚,心肌动作电位的产生过程,电解质对心电及心律的影响,主要影响心肌动作电位 对心肌应激性及传导性也有影响 严重电解质紊乱 激动起源异常 传导异常 心脏停搏 室颤,电解质紊乱对心肌动作电位的影响, 项目 高钾 低钾 低钠 高钙 低钙 静息电位 + - 动作电位时程 - + - - + 动作电位幅度 - 或+ - 传导速度 - 不应期 - + - + 阈电位 应激性 + - - + ,高钾血症(5.5mmol/L)心电图表现,T波高尖 QRS波振幅降低、时间变宽、S波加深 ST段下移 P波减小,甚至消失 各种心律失常(缓慢型为主) 窦缓、窦性静止; 传导阻滞

2、:房内、房室、室内 交界区心动过速、 心室自主心律、 室颤 、心室停搏,高血钾的ECG改变,高钾的处理,纠正原发病及诱发因素 促进钾排泄 输液+利尿 促进钾转移 葡萄糖+胰岛素 对抗严重心律失常 钙剂 透析,低钾血症-心电图表现,U波增高 T波振幅降低、平坦或倒置 ST段下移 各种心律失常:以快速性心律失常为主 窦性心动过速 早搏,尤其是室早 交界区心动过速、 室速、 室颤,低血钾时心电图U波改变,随着血钾降低,U波不断增大,低钾血症-治疗,纠正病因及诱因 摄入不足 丢失过多 分布异常 补钾 静脉 口服,镁离子异常-低镁血(0.75mmol/L),原因(大致同低血钾) 摄入减少 营养不良 消化

3、系统疾病 吸收不良 排除增加 肾脏疾病 排泄增加 其它 利尿剂的使用等,镁离子异常-低镁血(0.75mmol/L),直接效应 对窦房结有直接变速效应 降低细胞内钾 镁是激活Na+-K+-ATP酶 缺镁该酶活性下降细胞内缺钾 增加细胞内钙 镁为钙离子拮抗剂,镁离子异常-低镁血(0.75mmol/L),镁离子异常通常合并钾离子异常 低钾血症低镁血症,镁离子异常-低镁血(0.75mmol/L),心电图异常 易诱发洋地黄中毒 QT间期延长 各种类型的心律失常(类似低钾) 室早 室上性及室性心动过速 尖端扭转室速、室颤,镁的抗心律失常作用,主要适应症: 洋地黄中毒性心律失常 尖端扭转性室速 急性心肌缺血

4、导致的严重室性心律失常 慢性充血性心力衰竭性心律失常,镁与心力衰竭,慢性心力衰竭患者均存在血镁降低 利尿剂的使用:排出增加 消化道淤血:镁吸收降低 RAAS系统激活:醛固酮增加排镁 洋地黄类药物:抑制肾小管对镁的重吸收,镁的抗心律失常作用,用法: 急性快速性室性心律失常 25%硫酸镁10ml静脉注射或加入5%GS2040ml稀释后注射 门冬氨酸钾镁:10ml 静脉注射 非快速性心律失常(频发早搏、短阵室速等) 门冬氨酸钾镁:1:10稀释后静脉点滴 口服:2-4片,3次/日 其它:口服门冬氨酸钾镁2-4片,3次/日,高钙血症(3.0mmol/L),原因:少见 甲状旁腺机能亢进、骨髓瘤或骨转移瘤

5、心电图表现: ST段缩短或消失(R波后即出现突然上升的T波) QT间期缩短 严重时 PR延长 房室阻滞 早搏、心动过速等,高钙血症(3.0mmol/L),治疗: 重点是原发病 骨髓瘤、甲旁亢等 常合并低血钾,低钙血症(1.75mmol/L),原因 慢性肾脏疾病:肾衰、肾小管酸中毒等 甲状旁腺机能降低 心电图异常及机制: 主要影响动作电位2相:延长2相复极时间 心电图表现 ST段平直延长 QT延长:由ST段延长所致(T波不宽),血钙异常的ECG改变,低钙血症(1.75mmol/L),治疗:原发病 慢性肾脏疾病:肾衰、肾小管酸中毒等 甲状旁腺机能降低 补钙 当使用洋地黄类药物时不宜同时用钙盐,电解

6、质对心电及心律的影响,临床特点(1) 多数非单一电解质紊乱 如低钾常伴随低镁 常伴有酸碱失衡 高钾酸中毒 低钾碱中毒 掺杂因素多 本身疾病 肝肾功能 药物,电解质对心电及心律的影响,临床特点(2) 以钾离子对心肌细胞影响最明显 其次 钙离子 镁离子 钠离子,电解质紊乱所致心律失常,心电图案例分析,Case 1:Which electrolyte problem is this tracing suggestive of?,Hyperkalemia,Hyperkalemia Discussion As the tracing shows, this patient has a regular r

7、hythm at a rate of 101/min. The QRSs are very wide; wider than those seen with ordinary bundle branch block. T-waves are tall in V1-3. These findings are all characteristic of hyperkalemia. The serum potassium level was 7.2 mEq/L. The rhythm may be sinus with the P-waves hidden in the ST segment or

8、sino-ventricular rhythm if P-waves are truly not present. Atrial muscle is more sensitive to hyperkalemia than the specialized conduction system is. At certain levels of hyperkalemia, the atrial muscle becomes inexcitable (“paralyzed“) while the special internodal conduction system is still excitabl

9、e. Then, the sinus impulses will conduct to the ventricles through the conduction system without the atria being depolarized thus referred to as sino-ventricular rhythm.,尿毒症高钾-窦室传导,窦室传导ECG表现: 1.p波消失 2.QRS宽大畸形 3.T波高尖对称 4.ECG表现为QRS-T序列,CASE 2:Anteroseptal Infarct or Pseudoinfarction Pattern From Hyper

10、kalemia?,Which of the following conditions is responsible for the ST elevation in leads V1-2? Choose from the list below. A) Acute anteroseptal infarct B) Pseudoinfarction pattern from hyperkalemia,Pseudoinfarction pattern from hyperkalemia,Pseudoinfarction pattern from hyperkalemia is correct.Sinus

11、 tachycardia at a rate of 130 beats per minute is present. The ST segment is elevated in V1 and V2, raising the possibility of acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction. However, the T wave is very tall, narrow, pointed, and tented; and the QRS is wide, measuring 140 msec. These findings are characte

12、ristic of hyperkalemia. It is well known that hyperkalemia can cause ST-segment elevation (pseudoinfarction pattern or “dialyzable current of injury“). This tracing is from a patient with a serum potassium level of 7.5 mEq/L during diabetic ketoacidosis, who also is in renal failure and taking an an

13、giotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor,CASE 4,Hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia,Hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia is correct. Discussion The QT interval is long. When the long QT interval is due to a long ST segment with a delayed onset of the T wave, it is specific for hypocalcemia. Besides, the T waves are

14、 tall, narrow, and pointed and are highly suggestive of hyperkalemia. This combination of electrolyte problems is common in patients with chronic renal failure, which this patient has. The serum potassium level was 8.2 mEq/L and calcium 5.4 mg/dL at the time.,CASE 5,病史患者 女 26岁 全身紧缩感12年,间断抽搐发作 以“癫痫”收

15、住神经科多次 查体:神经肌肉应激性 紧张、恐惧、反射亢进 “面神经征+ “束臂试验+” ECG:QT明显延长 怀疑长QT综合征收住心内科,QT/QTc:528/561,化验检查,生化: URIC:109umol/L CK:1056u/L LD:564u/L HBDH:299u/L CA:1.09mmol/L IP:2.27mmol/L 余无异常 CK-MB TnT正常 血清Mg:0.7mmol/L,化验检查,血清PTH3ng/ml 24小时尿 Ca 1.708mmol (2.5-7.5) 尿IP23.884mmol (16-42),诊断:甲状旁腺功能减低,确诊标准: 临床表现 神经肌肉应激性增

16、高 “面神经征+,“束臂试验+” ECG QT延长(由ST段平直延长所致) 化验 血钙降低 血磷升高,治疗,补充钙剂 一周后临床症状明显改善 二周后临床症状基本消失 典型的体征消失 心电图恢复慢,此病例经验及教训,误诊误治12年 误诊为癫痫 长QT综合征 分科细,不注重科间疾病,CASE 6,Hypokalemia is correct. Discussion In leads V1-3, the T waves are shallowly inverted and are followed by a prominent U wave. These findings are highly suggestive of hypokalemia. The serum potassium was 2.2 mEq/L at the time.,Thanks,


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