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1、,粉体制备 成型 烧结,关键: 高纯、超细、组分均匀分布和无团聚的粉体,机械制粉 化学制粉,纳米材料是纳米科技的基础,而纳米粒子的制备及其表征工作是纳米材料研究领域中的最基本、最重要的研究工作。目前,纳米粒子的制备方法很多,根据不同的分类标准,可以有多种分类方法。根据反应环境可分为液相法、气相法和固相法;根据反应性质可分为化学制备法、化学物理制备法和物理制备法。不同的制备方法可导致纳米粒子的性能以及粒径各不相同。,液相法(Solution-based method)制备纳米微粒是将均相溶液通过各种途径使溶质和溶剂分离,溶质形成一定形状和大小的颗粒,得到所需粉末的前驱体,热解后得到纳米微粒。 液

2、相法具有设备简单、原料容易获得、纯度高、均匀性好、化学组成控制准确等优点,主要用于氧化物系超微粉的制备。,1 化学沉淀法,特点:简单易行,但纯度低,颗粒半径大。 适合制备氧化物。 (1)共沉淀法 (2)均相沉淀法,(1)共沉淀法 通过化学反应将溶液中的金属离子共 沉下来。先将金属盐类按比例配好,在溶液 均匀混合,再用强碱作沉淀剂,将多种金属离子共同沉淀下来。,Fabrication and Characterization of BaCO3 Nanostructures,BaCO3 Ba2+ + CO32-,思路:,BaCl2 Ba(NO3)2 Ba(CH3COO)2,Na2CO3 NaHCO

3、3 (NH4)2CO3,BaCO3纳米结构的制备及表征,In a typical experiment, barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2) (0.261 g) and ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3)(0.096 g) or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) (0.106 g) or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (0.084 g) were dissolved in deionized water (20 mL) in a flask under magnetic stirring for 30 min

4、at room temperature. The product was separated from the solution by centrifugation, washed with absolute ethanol and dried in vacuum.,TEM micrographs of the samples prepared using NaHCO3 as the CO32 source for different time:(a-c) 30 min; (a) A typical TEM micrograph; (b) an individual nanorod and t

5、he corresponding SAED pattern of the individual nanorod before and after exposure to electron beam irradiation, respectively;(c) the rod assembled from nanoparticlesand the corresponding SAED pattern. (d-h) 30 s.,TEM micrographs of the sample prepared using Na2CO3 as the CO32 source. (a) A typical T

6、EM micrograph; (b) an individual nanorod and the corresponding SAED pattern. (c) the rod and the corresponding SAED pattern taken after exposure to electron beam irradiation.,SEM micrographs of the sample prepared using (NH4)2CO3 as the CO32 source. (a) A typical SEM micrograph; (b) an individual fl

7、ower-like structure.,Synthesis of Needle-like and Flower-like Zinc Oxide by a Simple Surfactant-free Solution Method,思路:,ZnCl2 Zn(NO3)2 Zn(CH3COO)2,NaOH 尿素 六次甲基四胺,一种简单液相法制备针状和花状氧化锌,n2+OH-,温 度,In a typical experimental procedure,Zn(CH3COO)22H2O or Zn(NO3)26H2O was dissolved in deionized water to form

8、 0.13M solution. Excess NaOH was dissolved in the above solution at room temperature by a magnetic stirrer (NaOH = 1.3 M). A white precipitate occurred immediately but it was dissolved by further stirring. The above solution was heated by an oil bath at appropriate temperature for a certain time. Th

9、en the heating was terminated and the solution was allowed to cool to room temperature. The products were separated by centrifugation, washed with absolute ethanol three times, and dried at 60C in a vacuum. White powders were obtained.,a) Sample 1 and b)Sample 2*Zn(OH)2;ZnO Samples 1 and 2 were prep

10、ared at 50 and 90C for 30 min in an oil bath, respectively. Zn(NO3)26H2O was used as the zinc source;,c) Sample 3 prepared at 90C for 30 min. Zn(CH3COO)22H2O was used as the zinc source; d) Sample 4 prepared at 120 C for 30 min. Zn(NO3)2.6H2O was used as the zinc source;,e) Sample 5 and f) Sample 6.

11、 Samples 5 and 6 were prepared at 50 and 90C for 90 min, respectively.Zn(NO3)26H2O was used as the zinc source;,TEM micrographs of two as-prepared ZnO samples. a)c) Sample 7 prepared at 90C for 90 min in an oil bath. Zn(CH3COO)22H2O was used as the zinc source;,d)f) Sample6 prepared at 90 C for 90 m

12、in. Zn(NO3)26H2O was used as the zinc source.,()均相沉淀法 一般的沉淀过程是不平衡的,但如果控制溶 液中的沉淀剂浓度,使之缓慢地增加,则使溶液 中的沉淀处于平衡状态,且沉淀能在整个溶液中 均匀地出现,这种方法称为均相沉淀。 通常通过溶液中的化学反应使沉淀剂慢慢生 成,克服由外部向溶液中加沉淀剂而造成沉淀剂的 局部不均匀性,造成沉淀不能在整个溶液中均匀出 现的缺点。 例如,随尿素水溶液的温度逐渐升高至70附 近,尿素会发生分解,即 (NH2)2CO + 3H2O 2NH4OH + CO2,生成的沉淀剂NH4OH在金属盐的溶液中分布均匀,浓度低,使得

13、沉淀物均匀地生成。 由于尿素的分解速度受加热温度和尿素浓度的影响,可以控制这两种因素使尿素分解生成NH4OH的速度降得很低。 有人用低的尿素分解速度来制得单晶微粒,用此种方法可制备多种盐的均匀沉淀,如锆盐颗粒以及球形A1(OH)3粒子。,用电子分析天平准确称量0.8302g十二水合硫酸铝钾以及0.2102g尿素,加入盛有35mL蒸馏水的烧杯中,在磁力搅拌器上搅拌使其完全溶解,然后倒入反应釜中,180oC加热反应3个小时,然后自然冷却至室温,分别用蒸馏水洗涤3次,再用无水乙醇洗涤1次,最后在60oC烘箱中干燥。,羟基氧化铝的制备过程,羟基氧化铝的XRD图谱,以氯化铝为铝源,以硫酸钾铝为铝源, 化

14、学还原法,(1)水溶液还原法 采用水合肼、葡萄糖、硼氢化钠(钾)等还原剂, 在水溶液中制备超细金属粉末或非晶合金粉末,并利 用高分子保护剂PVP (聚乙烯基吡咯烷酮)阻止颗粒团 聚及减小晶粒尺寸。其优点是获得的粒子分散性好, 颗粒形状基本呈球形,过程可控制。,实例:氧化亚铜的制备(Cu2O),思路:,Cu2+还原剂+OH- Cu2O,水合肼、葡萄糖、硼氢化钠(钾) 抗坏血酸、亚硫酸钠、乙醛等,Sample 1 was prepared by following process: 0.05 g d- glucose was dissolved in 50 mL 0.01 M CuCl2 aque

15、ous solution, and 5 mL 0.1 M NaOH aqueous solution was added under magnetic stirring. The solution was heated to 95 C by oil bath. Then, 10 mL 0.1 M NaOH aqueous solution was added dropwise and kept at 95 C for 5 min. After the mixture was cooled to room temperature, the product was separated by cen

16、trifugation and washed with deionized water three times and dried at 60C in vacuum.,(2)多元醇还原法 该工艺主要利用金属盐可溶于或悬浮于乙二醇(EG)、一缩二乙二醇(DEG)等醇中,当加热到醇的沸点时,与多元醇发生还原反应,生成金属沉淀物,通过控制反应温度或引入外界成核剂,可得到纳米级粒子。,In a typical experiment, 0.443 g SeO2 and 40 ml EG were mixed and placed in a 100ml round-bottomed flask and h

17、eated to 195 C and kept at this temperature for 30 min by microwave heating. The black suspension solutions were obtained after microwave heating. The products were separated from solutions by centrifugation, washed by ethanol several times and dried at 80 C in vacuum. Finally, black powders were ob

18、tained.,注意:EGethylene glycol,(3)气相还原法 本法也是制备微粉的常用方法。例如,用H2还原制备金属氧化物等。 (4)碳热还原法 碳热还原法的基本原理是以炭黑、SiO2为原料,在高温炉内氮气保护下,进行碳热还原反应获得微粉,通过控制工艺条件可获得不同产物。目前研究较多的是Si3N4、SiC粉体及SiC-Si3N4复合粉体的制备。,3 水热与溶剂热合成方法,水热法(Hydrothermal Synthesis),是指在特制的密闭反应器(高压釜)中,采用水溶液作为反应体系,通过对反应体系加热、加压(或自生蒸气压),创造一个相对高温、高压的反应环境,使得通常难溶或不溶的物

19、质溶解,并且重结晶而进行无机合成与材料处理的一种有效方法。,溶剂热法(Solvothermal Synthesis),将水热法中的水换成有机溶剂或非水溶媒(例如:有机胺、醇、氨、四氯化碳或苯等),采用类似于水热法的原理,以制备在水溶液中无法长成,易氧化、易水解或对水敏感的材料。,如III-V族半导体化合物、氮化物、硫族化合物、新型磷(砷)酸盐分子筛三维骨架结构等。,水热与溶剂热合成工艺,水热与溶剂热合成的生产设备,高压釜是进行高温高压水热与溶剂热合成的基本设备;,高压容器一般用特种不锈钢制成,釜内衬有化学惰性材料,如Pt、Au等贵金属和聚四氟乙烯等耐酸碱材料。,简易高压反应釜实物图,带搅拌高压

20、反应釜装置图,水热与溶剂热合成的一般工艺是:,水热与溶剂热合成存在的问题,无法观察晶体生长和材料合成的过程,不直观。 设备要求高耐高温高压的钢材,耐腐蚀的内衬、技术难度大温压控制严格、成本高。 安全性差,加热时密闭反应釜中流体体积膨胀,能够产生极大的压强,存在极大的安全隐患。,In a typical procedure, 0.25 g cobalt acetate (Co(CH3COO)24H2O) was dissolved in 30 ml mixed solvents of deionized water and glycerol with a volume ratio of (3:1

21、) at room temperature, and then the solution was transferred into a Teflon-lined autoclave of 40 ml capacity, and maintained at 200 C for 10.5 h, followed by cooling to room temperature, this sample was denoted as sample 1. The product was then collected by centrifugation and washed with deionized w

22、ater and absolute ethanol repeatedly, then dried in air at 60 C.,Co(OH)2纳米结构材料的表征,Co(OH)2纳米结构材料的表征,水/丙三醇1/3 Co(OH)2,(a),水+ 乙二醇,Co(OH)2纳米结构材料的表征,(a),Co(OH)2纳米结构材料的表征,-Co(OH)2,-Co(OH)2和CoOOH,CoOOH和Co3O4,照 射 时 间 逐 渐 延 长,(e),Co(OH)2纳米结构材料热分解转化为Co3O4,作 业,1、什么是化学共沉淀法? 2、什么是均相沉淀法? 3、什么是水热法?溶剂热法?, 微乳液法,概念 组

23、成 表面活性剂组成及分类 临界胶束浓度 微乳液法的特点 应用实例,两种互不相溶的溶剂在表面活性剂的作用下形成乳液,在“微泡”中经成核、聚结、团聚、热处理后得到纳米粒子。,微乳液是热力学稳定、透明的水滴在油中(WO)或油滴在水中(OW )形成的单分散体系,是表面活性剂分子在油水界面形成的有序组合体。,微乳液概念,1943年Schulman等在乳状液中滴加醇,首次制得了透明或半透明、均匀并长期稳定的微乳液。 1982年Boutnonet等 首先在WO型微乳液的水核中制备出Pt,Pd,Rh等金属团簇微粒,开拓了一种新的纳米材料的制备方法。,水滴在油中(WO)反相胶束 油滴在水中(OW ) 胶束型,微

24、乳液 表面活性剂 水 油,微乳液通常是由表面活性剂、助表面活性剂(通常为醇类)、油类(通常为碳氢化合物)和水组成的透明、各向同性的热力学稳定体系。,微乳液组成,常用的油-水体系有:,常用的表面活性剂有:,例如:正己烷-水,环己烷-水等,十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、 十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS); 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB);,常用的溶剂为非极性溶剂,如烷烃或环烷烃等。,表面活性剂一端是非极性的碳氢链(烃基),与水的亲和力极小,常称疏水基;另一端则是极性基团(如OH、COOH、NH2、SO3H等),与水有很大的亲和力,故称亲水基,总称“双亲分子”(亲油亲水分子)。,疏水基,亲水基,表面活性剂

25、组成及分类,表面活性剂(surfactant)是指具有固定的亲水亲油基团,在溶液的表面能定向排列,并能使表面张力显著下降的物质。,表面活性剂组成,分类,阴离子表面活性剂: 十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)、 十二烷基苯磺酸钠(DBS), 双2乙基已基磺化琥珀酸钠(简称AOT) 阳离子表面活性剂: 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB) 非离子表面活性剂: TritonX 系列(聚氧乙烯醚类),临界胶束浓度 (critical micelle concentration CMC),表面活性剂在溶液中超过一定浓度时,会从单体(单个离子或分子)缔合成为胶态聚集物(分子有序组合体),即形成胶束。表面活性剂分子在溶剂

26、中缔合形成胶束的最低浓度即为临界胶束浓度。,亲油端在内、亲水端在外的“水包油型”胶束,叫“正相胶束” 。 亲水端在内、亲油端在外的“油包水型”胶束,叫“反相胶束”。,胶束的形成过程,胶束的变化过程,介孔结构的制备,1、粒径分布较窄,粒径可以控制;,2、选择不同的表面活性剂修饰微粒子表面,可获得特殊性质的纳米微粒;,3、粒子的表面包覆一层(或几层)表面活性剂,粒子间不易聚结,稳定性好;,4、粒子表层类似于“活性膜”,该层基团可被相应的有机基团所取代,从而制得特殊的纳米功能材料;,5、表面活性剂对纳米微粒表面的包覆改善了纳米材料的界面性质,显著地改善了其光学、催化及电流变等性质,微乳液法制备的纳米

27、材料的特点,试剂 正硅酸乙酯( TEOS) 氨水 环己烷 正己醇 壬基酚聚氧乙烯(10) 醚(NP210),非离子表面活性剂,1、利用W/O 微乳液制备具有规则介孔结构的单分散球形纳米SiO2,采用Schulman 法制备微乳液。 将一定量的NP210 、环己烷和氨水混合成乳状液, 在搅拌下滴加正己醇, 至体系变透明为止, 得到W/O微乳液。 将所得W/O微乳液在30 恒温, 搅拌下加入定量的TEOS,水解5 h。然后加入少量乙醇, 使SiO2形成絮状沉淀。 离心分离, 固体物用乙醇洗涤5 次, 于60 真空干燥至恒重, 得到白色疏松粉末; 再高温焙烧2 h , 得到纳米SiO2 。,制备过程

28、:,2、有序多级孔硅酸盐介孔中空球的制备,Figure 1. Scanning electron micrograph showing the morphology of the calcined sample,3、微乳液法制备纳米钴颗粒,Reverse micelles of 5X10-2 M Co(AOT)2 form an isotropic phase. The amount of water added in solution is fixed to reach a water concentration defined as w =H2O/AOT=32. Sodium borohy

29、dride, NaBH4, added to the micellar solution reduces the cobalt ions. The sodium borohydride content changes by varying the volume of a fixed concentration solution (NaBH4 ) 1 M) added to the micellar solution. R, the NaBH4 content, is defined as R=NaBH4/Co(AOT)2. Immediately after NaBH4 addition, t

30、he micellar solution color turns from pink to black, indicating the formation of colloidal cobalt particles.,Figure 1. TEMimages of cobalt nanocrystals made at various sodium tetrahydroboride concentrations, R: (A) R=0.5, (B) R=1, (C) R=2, (D) R=4, (E) R=6, and (F) R= 8. The inserts show TEM images

31、obtained at a lower magnification.,4、ZnO六边形盘和环的制备,For the preparation of ZnO discs and rings, a NaAOT microemulsion was first prepared by adding an aqueous solution of Zn(NO3)26H2O (0.025m) to a solution of NaAOT (0.10m) in 1-butanol and vigorously stirring for 2 h. The volume ratio of the aqueous p

32、hase to the organic phase was 10:1. Then a concentrated aqueous solution of NH3H2O (17.65m) with 4:1 molar ratio to Zn(NO3)26H2O was added dropwise to the well-stirred microemulsion. After addition was complete, stirring was continued for 3 h at room temperature. The resulting milky white mixture wa

33、s subsequently kept at 70 or 90C for 5 days.,油-水体系: 丁醇水 表面活性剂: 琥铂酸二异辛脂磺酸钠(AOT),影响因素温度,影响因素AOT/丁醇,1) No hexagonal ZnO disks were produced in the absence of NaAOT or when NaAOT was replaced with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS).,2) The use of n-butanol is also crucial to the formation of shape-controlled

34、ZnO disks . No hexagonal ZnO disks are produced in the reaction if only water is used as solvent to dissolve NaAOT, or n-butanol is replaced with octane.,影响因素Zn2+/NH3H2O,Hexagonal disks and rings are produced at Zn2+/NH3H2Omolar ratios of 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, and 1/6, but no ZnO particles were observed in a reaction carried out at a molar ratio of 1/2.,


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