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1、组织课堂教学、 营造趣味教学课堂气氛,复旦大学 吴晓真,Our headache: Large classes,We cant choose class sizes The larger the class, the more necessary to have activities! Activities are the only way to give all Ss time to speak.,Students concerns:,When I speak English I feel stupid because I make lots of mistakes. My vocabula

2、ry isnt large enough to join activities I dont want to speak English until my English is much better. I dont want to listen to other students speak incorrect English. My teacher speak the best English. I just want to learn from my teacher.,The Student-Centered Classroom,Its not a place where Ss deci

3、de what they want to do Instead the teacher plans a learning process tailored to the group and then Ss implements Therefore the teacher is more like a facilitator than an instructor,组织课堂教学活动时可以借鉴的几条原则,围绕同一主题的反复输入和输出(结合both texts, warm-up questions, discussion topics, poem/quotations 及教师用书) 任务学习法(tas

4、k-based learning)(用语言完成有意义的任务可以提高学习效果) 建构主义(学习者并非被动地接受灌输,而是在一定社会文化背景下,借助他人教师和学习伙伴的帮助,利用必要的学习资源,主动地建构知识),Working Alone,Prepare ideas or make notes before a discussion Do a listening task Do a short written assignment Do grammar or vocabulary exercises,Working in Pairs or Groups,Compare and discuss an

5、swers to working-alone exercises Read and react to one anothers written work Discussion Role-plays Share ideas, opinions and experiences,Working as a Class,Lectures are still necessary Q & A Brainstorming Ss presentations,As a result, Ss will:,Talk more Share ideas Learn from each other Get more inv

6、olved Feel more secure and less anxious Use English in a meaningful, realistic way Enjoy using English to communicate,Use of Modern Technology,更多同主题的阅读材料可以挂在网上 更多同主题的视频、音频资料可以挂在网上 更多练习可以挂在网上 讨论可在网上实时/延时进行 学生佳作/错句可在网上/教室电脑屏幕上点评,Choice of Activity Topics,If topics are interesting, Ss are more likely t

7、o be motivated. We cant interest all Ss all the time, but with each topic we engage as many as possible. Popular topics may have been used by previous teachers, so we have to introduce new angles.,e.g. Topics of Book V, New College English Integrated Course,Love of Reading Diet Lying Unforgettable T

8、eachers The American Civil War Marriage Machine Translation Gambling Addiction,Because theyre important topics,Its easy to find complementary materials!,Not only texts,But also audio-visual materials!,Unforgettable Teachers,Dead Poets Society 1989死亡诗社 Mr. Hollands Opus 1996生命因你而动听 Good Will Hunting

9、1997心灵捕手 The Choir Boy 放牛班的春天 A Beautiful Mind 2001美丽心灵 Mona Lisa Smile 2004蒙娜丽莎微笑 TV series: Boston Public 2000-2004 All Things Fair教室别恋 The Sound of Music音乐之声 A Note on Scandal,Marriage,Love Actually Bridges of Madison County When Harry Meets Sally Sleepless in Seattle Closer Match Point A Good Wo

10、man Seven Years Itch Sideways Some episodes from Friends, Sex and the City Kramer vs. Kramer,Case Study,Using Book V, New College English Integrated Course,Grouping of Students,We pick 7 topics out of 8 Ss volunteer to join one team focusing on one topic (interest, comfort of an old friend, exciteme

11、nt of interaction with Ss from other departments) Usual group size: 5-7 Each group present on one topic for a maximum of 60 minutes, everyone must present,Supplementary Materials,1. Extra readings: e.g. for Unit 4 -姚老师致学生的一封信 -Teachers Manual, University of Oregon 2. Video Clips: e.g. for Unit 4 - M

12、ona Lisa Smile 3. BBS discussions,Our Website,考虑到课堂讨论时间有限,而且部分学生尽管有想法也不愿在课堂上发言,用英语发言更让他们生畏,所以有必要建立一个课外交流的渠道。,V-campus (=欢迎进入网络课堂=.htm),-额外阅读材料和每次课前布置的讨论题均可在“课程资源”中下载 -一个主题上完后教师和课题小组的ppt也可以在这里找到。 -学生可以通过“答疑区”向教师提问。,Project Questions,- - What is the student/teacher relationship like at Chinese college

13、s? - Whats your comment after reading “姚燕瑾老师致学生的一封信”? - Survey students and teachers around you to find out their expectations of each other. - How can college students and professors get closer to each other? - How do Ss evaluate their professors?,What follows are slides used by Ss on this topic,Th

14、e truly great teachers are remembered not so much because of a congenial personality or even because of mastery of subject matter and reason, but rather because they helped individuals grow and become more than their students ever dreamed they might be. University of Oregon,Give a person a fish and

15、he eats for one day. Teach a person to fish and he eats for the rest of his life.,Good teachers tell you this:,“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.“ - Francis Bacon,Possible Relationships between Teacher and Students,Friends Parent-child Teach

16、ing and learning Boss-employee Enemy Romantic,Two Kinds of Teachers at the Wenchuan Earthquake,范跑跑 严蓉,After the earthquake:,The Greek Method,How did Socrates teach students? (“I cant teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.”) Raise questions(teacher) Discussion(students) Let students see

17、the conflicts (teacher) Conclusion(students),Relationship in Confucius Era (learning through imitation, reflection, experience),Confucius disciples followed him as he journeyed to several neighboring states. They studied through their experience and talked with their teacher. It can be regarded as a

18、 kind of practical learning. Obviously, it is more efficient than just reading books in the classrooms.,“是故学然后知不足,教然后知困。知不足然后能自反也,知困然后能自强也。故曰教学相长也,” 学记 “弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。” 韩愈师说,Relationship in the Old China,Boss-employee?,In the end of 2004, 8 Ph. D candidates at Jiao Tong University refused the guid

19、ance of their advisor, claiming the latter, a 66-year old professor, neglected his duty as a professor and made them work for his family business. The professor argues that the work is related to their major. But then there is the issue of profit distribution,科技界政协委员讨论不喊老师喊老板之怪现象 来源:科技日报 作者:张晔,老板们的关

20、心:项目有多少利润 现在无论是学校还是科研院所,科研项目都与经济利益挂钩,这是我国探索科技体制改革过程中的一个产物。 一些科研人员把项目争取来,然后交给学生做,项目的副产物就是奖金,学生因此直呼教授们为老板。 老板们的考虑:怎样能多揽项目 许多科技人员每年都要用很多时间争取立项,为了能争取到项目,大家都想方设法提炼出很多创新性思想,编制出很多预期的成果,但是当项目批下来后却像泄了气的皮球,作些报告敷衍了事。 老板们的影响:科技界跟风浮躁 蔡自兴委员在讨论中干脆自曝内幕,他带的博士、硕士研究生最多时达60多个。有时给研究生上课,经常是200人的大阶梯教室座无虚席,点一次名就得四五分钟。究其背后的

21、原因,还是科技人员的业绩评价和收入分配机制在作怪。,On the other hand,These days students pay tuition, and sometimes regard professors as peddlers of their own courses They evaluate professors like customers Therefore, professors may be employees and students may be bosses,The proper things for professors to do:,Never abuse

22、your power Give students credits for insight, lab results, papers Never kill creativity/innovation by assumed “authority”: the one correct answer Respect and cultivate students independence & autonomy Treat each student fairly Watch your language (In 2006, President Lawrence Summers of Harvard Unive

23、rsity had to resign after remarking that women may not have the same innate abilities in math and science as men.) Some form of social interaction (keep up with fashions among students, emails better than office hours),From Legally Blonde,Not like this: “I am the correct answer!”,Back,The proper thi

24、ngs for students to do:,Earn your credits through real learning Participate Discuss your problems with professors in a candid way Respect,大陆女博士生香港行贿案始末,2006年12月, 由武汉来港入读香港城市大学的25岁女博士生,为求在考试取得好成绩,竟将一万元现金放在教授的信箱,意图行贿老师取得试题和答案。廉署接获城大举报后,安排该教授与女生见面交易,当场把正抄写试题答案的女生拘捕。原定明日参加考试的女生,昨日被判即时入狱六个月及充公一万元贿款,前途尽毁。

25、,Comment by a foreign student at Fudan,Back at home, if we dont like a course or a professor, we simply dont go to his/her class. But here its common to see students attending classes without heeding the professor, instead they eat, sleep, talk to each other or use the mobile phone.,北京海淀区艺术职业学校辱师案,I

26、t happened in May 2007 The 4-minute video clip was uploaded onto the Internet In the video, no one listened to the teacher. Instead they talked, flirted, walked around, ate, drank. “耳钉男”grabbed the teachers cap to expose his baldness,学校的管理软弱,最后受损害的是谁?,现在对教师体罚学生之类管得很严,但对学生的管理却束手无策. 可能是为了不将矛盾激化 但师道尊严受

27、损,学校教育秩序不被尊重,破坏了其他学生应有大良好学习环境. 2007.5.30,名教授与逃课女生肢体冲突(1),2008年1月4日晚,中国政法大学杨帆教授在上“生态经济与中国人口环境”选修课的最后一节课时,发现缺课人数太多,骂他们没道德欺骗老师,要让他们全部不及格 签到后杨帆继续讲课,门外有敲门声也不理。一男生踢门,杨打开门破口大骂:“是谁踢的门给我站出来,扰乱课堂,混蛋,畜生!给我站出来,属老鼠的啊!”无人反应。 杨帆对教室内学生说:不要这样的学生,合起伙来跟老师捣乱。一女生背起书包走向门口。,名教授与逃课女生肢体冲突(2),杨:我还没讲完呢!你干吗去? 女生:老师,上课讲这些你不觉得很无

28、聊吗? 杨:你才无聊呢!你叫什么名字? 女生:我又没选你的课! 杨:滚出去! 女生:干吗要滚啊!(往外走) 杨:站住!带你去保卫处!(抓住其书包) 女生:一点为人师表的样子都没有。(扭打,踢),杨帆:师生一团和气是伪现象,老师现在是校园里的弱势群体。师生之间并非一团和气。一团和气,也就是老师得容忍学生逃课,老师商品化、工具化。一团和气是一种伪现象。学生可以给老师打分,老师就得宠着学生,让他们高兴,容忍学生的毛病,完全没有师道尊严。,学生:逃课不等于不尊师,首先在于高校缺乏师生沟通渠道,很多学生一时难以跟上大学的教学节奏 其次,一些课程设置不合理,教师授课方法不当,也是逃课率高的重要原因 再次,

29、大学生已学会计算成本,并已具备一定的自我规划能力,会在一堂不好的选修课与一个精彩的讲座之间做出自己的选择,from Worship of the teacher To Worship of the GPA,RP means whether the teacher is willing to give out more As. HD means that the teacher always give good marks. 关公,灭绝师太,CD刻录机, 名捕, Dove, CDMA?,But what about the Teachers who are not HD?,今天我们拿什么来爱学生

30、? 新闻学院张志安老师,1/17/2007,这是令人心寒的一天。 这个事情给我这样一名青年教师的刺激在于:我们拿什么来爱自己的学生?拿好看的成绩,还是拿严格的要求?拿更多的A或B,还是拿真知、真理?拿无原则的同情,还是拿有原则的公正?拿讨好式的心态,还是拿有尊严的关系?拿理想主义、公共精神的价值追求,还是拿功利主义、实用主义的人生哲学?,成绩公布后不久,张接到四五位同学的邮件,有的质疑为什么分数这么低,直接要求“给个说法”;有的说自己要出国,学分低很不利,希望补救或改分数。 张一个也没改 后来在BBS上出现了对张的“声讨”,2005年9月,清华博士生王垠退学,师生之间、研究生之间缺乏沟通和交流

31、,大家只是忙着发表论文和参加国际会议,不考虑文章本身的质量、创造性和应用性 导师带学生只是为了带来财源,而拼命要求学生发表文章也只是为了取得基金 “还是出国找个好导师,进行真正的研究吧。”,Reactions from schools and teachers,王垠在四川大学读本科时曾因为军训艰苦和宿舍条件差两次想退学 带王垠的洪教授是非常优秀的老师,他带的课题是同国际水平最接近的。此外,学校对王也比较宽容,当初他在确定课题时,由于他本人觉得不适合或没兴趣,我们也为他换了好几个题目。 清华并没有扼杀王垠,而是为他创造了条件。古今中外心高者并不少见,但真正要有真才实学还得靠自己的努力奋斗。,中国

32、政法大学学生菜刀砍死教授,2008年10月28日晚6时43分,法学院教授程春明正准备开始上“比较法总论”,该校一名大四学生突然手持菜刀冲入教室,向他颈部砍了两刀,随后走出教师,掏出手机报警 据传嫌疑人的女友与程春明有暧昧关系,Arguments against T/S Dating,Teachers may abuse their power over students. Relationship may not be consensual Incest (teacher=parent) Might affect grading fairness Traumatize other studen

33、ts/family members The student may still be a minor (statutory rape) Age difference, passion may not last long,高校教师承诺不搞师生恋,武汉科技大学城市学院要求辅导员签学生管理教育承诺书,其中一条“不以任何理由与学生谈恋爱或超出正常的师生关系”,引起各方热议。武科大学工部副部长毕东岭说,禁止“师生恋”是为了更好地保护学生的利益。 长江商报2007年11月16日,Love your students, but dont love your student.,最重要的是我们的“讨论区” (浏

34、览 第1-1页 - 影视与英美文化讨论论坛.htm),在这里我们就每个主题进行BBS式的讨论,每个学生都必须“灌水”,并且可以互相辩论。所有“帖子”必须用英文(浏览帖子 s-t relation comments here - 影视与英美文化讨论论坛.htm)。 课堂上“害羞”的学生很会“灌水”! 有更多用英语思辩的机会(精华区浏览reply to The most familiar strangers.htm;精华区浏览Replysome opinion at MsYaos case.htm) 同学关系更为融洽,However, its not the end yet.,Feedback i

35、s important!(1),Comment on fluency: - Fluency doesnt mean speaking really fast without hesitating - Its being able to express oneself despite the gaps in knowledge, the mistakes on make, the vocabulary one might not know -Speaking is better than being tongue-tied or too embarrassed to speak!,Feedbac

36、k is important!(2),Comment on accuracy: - Expressing an idea in English so that others can understand is better that saying a sentence without any mistake in it. - As Ss becomes more fluent, they might make more mistakes, since theyre experimenting with the language. - T make notes on mistakes, and

37、comment later, only on major mistakes (confidence is key).,Feedback is important!(3),Comment on team spirit: - The importance of learning from each other - An essential skill for future career - A better insight into human nature (who I am? How am I different from others? How to take advantage of our differences?.),Feedback is important!(4),Comments on PPT-making (another essential skill for future career) Comments on BBS discussion (no Ts direct participation),Thank you! Questions?,


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