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1、Organizational Behavior,,Organizational behavior,Organizational Behavior,,Behavior,Explain,Predict,Control/ Maneuvre,Organizational Behavior,,The Way of Thinking Statistic Thinking Academic Schools Perception Open ended issues The best answer? Value System,Organizational Behavior,,System vs.Culture,

2、Organizational Behavior,,Whats System?,Organizational Behavior,,Whats Culture?,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,People share values.,People care about the opinions of those matter us .,Explicit Soft-C,Implicit Soft-C,People do not shared values.,Culture as Social Control,Organizatio

3、nal Behavior,,Control function of culture,Socialization Process Social Control System Stability of the System Culture Change,Organizational Behavior,,Ideology,Behavior,Organizational Behavior,,Paradigm,Stories,Symbols,Rituals & Routines,Power Structure,Control System,Organization Structure,Organizat

4、ional Behavior,,?,Organizational Behavior,,Discovery of Org. Culture,Stories Rituals Symbols Language Stucture & Process Power Structure,Organizational Behavior,,Managerial Control System,Organizational Behavior,,Setting up a new system,Organizational Behavior,,Motivation,Organizational Behavior,,Hi

5、erarchy of Needs Theory,Abraham Maslow, 1954 Physiological Safety Social Esteem Self-actualization,Lower - order needs,Higher - order needs,Organizational Behavior,,ERG Existence Relatedness Growth,McClelands Theory Achievement Power Affiliation,Organizational Behavior,,Theory X vs. Theory Y,Forced

6、to work Keen to work,Organizational Behavior,,Reward System,Intrinsic reward Extrinsic reward,Organizational Behavior,,Motivation-Hygiene Theory,Organizational Behavior,,Cognitive Evaluation Theory,Allocating extrinsic rewards for behavior that had been previously intrinsically rewarded tends to dec

7、rease the overall level of motivation,Organizational Behavior,,Goal-Setting Theory,Specific and difficult goods lead to higher performance Special Cases in your workplace?,Organizational Behavior,,Reinforcement Theory,Behavior is a function of its consequences,Organizational Behavior,,Equity Theory,

8、Individuals compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond so as to eliminate any inequity,Organizational Behavior,,Expectancy Theory,Individual effort Individual performance Organizational rewards Personal goals,Organizational Behavior,,Integrated Theories,P234,Organiza

9、tional Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,Power and Politics,Organizational Behavior,,Power: the last dirty word,People who have it deny it who want it try not to appear to be seeking it who are good at getting it are secretive about how they got it,?,Organizational Behavior,,Power corrupt,and absol

10、ute power corrupts absolutely,?,Organizational Behavior,,Power,Power is the capacity to influence the behavior of others The capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B does things B would not otherwise do A,B: individuals groups/ teams organizations countries,Organizational Behavio

11、r,,Sources of Power in Organizations,Interpersonal Sources of Power Coercive power Reward power Legitimate power Expert power Referent power,Structural Sources of Power Networks as power Knowledge as power Resources as power Decision making as power,Organizational Behavior,,Power,A capacity or a pot

12、ential One can have power but not impose it The greater Bs dependence on A, the greater is As power in the relationship Dependence is based on alternatives that B perceives and the importance that B places on the alternatives that A controls A person can have power over you only if he/she controls s

13、omething you desire The Assumption: B has some discretion over his/she own behavior,Organizational Behavior,,The Key to Power,Importance Scarcity Non-substitutability Elasticity of power,Organizational Behavior,,The Key to Power:,Dependency,Organizational Behavior,,The Key to Power:,Exchange,Organiz

14、ational Behavior,,Power Structure,Where the power is What the leverages are What the trade-off is,Organizational Behavior,,Politics: Power in Action,Those with good political skills have the ability to use their bases of power effectively. When employees in organizations convert their power into act

15、ion, we describe them as being engaged in politics.,Organizational Behavior,,Political Behavior,Those activities that are not required as part of ones formal role in the organization, but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organizatio

16、n. The use of power to affect decision making in the organization or on behaviors by members that are self-serving and organizationally non-sanctioned.,Organizational Behavior,,Example: Model of Lower Level Employee Power,Power of Employee,Access to Information Access to Resources Access to Networks

17、 Access to Decision making,Position Characteristics,Relative Expertise Relative Effort,Organizational Behavior,,Leadership,Organizational Behavior,,Leadership,The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals,Organizational Behavior,,Leadership VS Management,Leadership,Management,Orga

18、nizational Behavior,,Leadership Theories,Trait theories Behavioral theories Contingency theories Fiedler Model Situational Theory Leader-Member Exchange Theory Path-Goal Theory Leader-participation Theory New approaches,Organizational Behavior,,Trait Theories,Personality, social, physical or intelle

19、ctual traits that differentiated leaders from nonleaders. Charismatic, enthusiastic, and courageous Ambition and energy, the desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, job-relevant knowledge High self-monitoring,?,Some traits increase the likelihood of success as a leader, but none of t

20、he traits guarantee success,Organizational Behavior,,Behavioral Theories,Specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders Initiating Structure, Consideration ( Development) Employee-oriented and Production-oriented Managerial grid Scandinavians Development-oriented,Leadership styles need to

21、change with the situation changing,Organizational Behavior,,Contingency Theories,Fiedler Model Situational Theory Leader-Member Exchange Theory Path-Goal Theory Leader-participation Theory (Victor Vroom, Phillip Yetton, 1973) Leader must adjust behavior to reflect the task structure,Organizational B

22、ehavior,,Fiedler Contingency Model,Identifying leadership style Defining the situation Leader-member relations Task structure Position power Matching leaders and situation,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,Situational Leadership Theory,Focusing on followers readiness,Organizational B

23、ehavior,,Organizational Behavior,,Leader-Member Exchange Theory,Higher performance, less turnover, greater satisfaction in in-group,Organizational Behavior,,Pathgoal Theory,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,能力 躯体能力 心理能力 实际能力 潜力 一般潜力 特殊潜力 社会能力 社会网络与社会资本 人格/个性,智力,Organizational Behavio

24、r,,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,讨论: 智力是由遗传起决定作用还是由后天起决定作用?,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,Rosnthal & Jacobson, 1966,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,社会网络与社会资本理论,Organizational Behavior,,Organizational Behavior,,Burd, S

25、.R. 1992. Structural holes: an competitive analysis, Harvard Business School Press. Burd, S.R. 2001. Social Capital and Human Resource, Academy of Sociology Review, 16:461-482.,Organizational Behavior,,利润 = 投入 x 产出率,资金 与 人力资本是生产过程的 投入,社会资本决定投入机会,Organizational Behavior,,人力资本: 工作能力 社会资本: 为工作增值的机会,Org

26、anizational Behavior,,Personality Determinants,Heredity Environment Situation,Organizational Behavior,,Personality Traits -Big 5 Model,The big 5 model extraversion agreeableness conscientiousness emotional stability openness to experience,Organizational Behavior,,Personality Traits -MBTI The Myers-B

27、riggs Type Indicator,Reserved Less intelligent Affected by feelings Submissive Serious Expedient Timid Tough-minded Trusting Practical Forthright Self-assured Conservative Group-dependent Uncontrolled Relaxed,Outgoing More intelligent Emotionally stable Dominant Happy-go-lucky Conscientious Ventures

28、ome Sensitive Suspicious Imaginative Shrewd Apprehensive Experimenting Self-sufficient Controlled Tense,Organizational Behavior,,Major Personality Attributes,Locus of control Internals Externals Machiavellianism Self-esteem Self-monitoring Risk taking/Risk averse Type A Personality Dogmatism Authori

29、tarian,Organizational Behavior,,Personality Traits -MBTI The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,Introverted Intuitive feeling Judging,Extroverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving,Organizational Behavior,,绩效,激励,能力,机会,Organizational Behavior,,SAS Company,Organizational Behavior,,Portman,Organizational Behavior,,群

30、体与团队,Organizational Behavior,,群体类型,正式群体 非正式群体 友谊型群体 利益型群体,Organizational Behavior,,群体特性,Organizational Behavior,,Synergy,1+1=?,Organizational Behavior,,Research 1,Organizational Behavior,,Research 2. a=b?,Organizational Behavior,,Research 3,Organizational Behavior,,您会怎么做?,Organizational Behavior,,Gr

31、oup Dynamics,Social Loafing(-) Synergy (+,-) Social facilitation effect (+, -) Groupthink (-) Group shift (-),Organizational Behavior,,Is it true that everyones responsibility is, in reality, nobodys responsibility?,Organizational Behavior,,The Disadvantage of Group Decision: Time consuming Conformi

32、ty, Groupthink Domination of discussion, Groupshift Ambiguous responsibility, Social loafing,Difficult in a highly individualistic societies,The Disadvantage of diversity on team Ambiguity Complexity Confusion Miscommunication Difficulty in reaching a single agreement Difficulty in agreeing on speci

33、fic actions,Organizational Behavior,,Why Team Work?,Organizational Behavior,,Insights from the History,Organizational Behavior,,Why Team Work?,Micro level, Teams typically outperform individuals when the TASKS being done require multiple skills, judgment, and experience. Macro level Teams are more f

34、lexible and responsive to changing events than than are other structure else. Teams have the capability to quickly assemble, deploy, refocus, and disband. As organizations have restructured themselves to compete more effectively and efficiently, they have turned to teams as a way to better utilize e

35、mployee talents and to be more responsive to a rapid-changing ENVIRONMENT .,Organizational Behavior,,Building Teamwork in the Clinton Administration,One of the first things Bill Clinton did when he took over the U.S.presidency was to have his key administrative group go through some team.building ex

36、ercises. At Clintons first cabinet meeting, which took place at a retreat in the woods at Camp David, two professional facilitators were brought in to help the new cabinet members learn to work more effectively with each other. Cabinet members were asked to bring their re-sum-s and be prepared to ta

37、lk about the passions in their lives.At the Saturday night session,they were also asked by the facilitators to talk about significant personal events they hadnt mentioned in their resumes. Clinton got the ball rolling by saying he had been fat as a boy, and the other kids had teased him. The object

38、of these team.building exercises is to get people to understand how they can use their own personal characteristics to con.tribute to the group.Since these cabinet members will be working closely together to solve numerous problems,Clinton and his staff decided they needed to learn more about each o

39、ther and move from being just a group of people toward a coordinated team.This initial team-building experience was followed up by another four month later, then regular sessions every six months after that. Using professional facilitators to make group meetings run smoother and to faci1itate teamwo

40、rk isnt new in the federal government. The Internal Revenue Service and the army have used them for years. But this is the first time this has been tried at the very top level of government.,Organizational Behavior,,1+12,How,Organizational Behavior,,Organizing & Organization Design,Organizational Be

41、havior,,Mary Kay Cosmetics, INC.,美凯琳化妆品公司的组织形式,Organizational Behavior,,1963-1968, family-owned & family-run 1968-1980, published, Simple structure with family-run basis,Organizational Behavior,,1963-1968, family-owned & family-run 1968-1980, published, Simple structure with family-run basis,Organizational Behavior,,顾客成为销售人员,Organizational Behavior,,销售皇后,Organizational Behavior,,Change Management Organizational Learning,Organizational Behavior,,,Change Management,Organi


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