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1、1,自動化資料擷取與監控發展簡介 蔡 明 忠 國立台灣科技大學 工程技術研究所 自動化及控制學程/自動化及控制中心 副教授 TEL:02-27376286 FAX:02-27376799 E-mail: mjtsaimail.ntust.edu.tw,2,Communication, network,Development of sensing and control,Centralization control,DCS, PLC, Remote I/O,Communication, network Distributed, Open architecture,Intelligent, Sma

2、rt I/O,3,4,傳統分散式控制架構,5,以個人電腦及控制網路為基礎之控制架構,6,Remote Data Acquisition,. Intelligent sensor to controller / computer . Built-in RS-232/RS-485 . Built-in Microprocessor . Programmable I/O . Wireless - Radio modem module . Network - Ethernet, control area network(CAN), Lonwork, . Open architecture - . Fr

3、iendly MMI (HMI: Human Machine Interface),7,OPEN I/O Architecture,8,Open_Control is a programmable controller which is designed based on the LonWorks communication technology.,9,Field Bus systems in open network,1.ARCNET(Attached Resource Computer Network) 2.PROFILBUS(PROcess Field Bus) 3.Interbus S

4、 (EN50254) 4.SERCOS (Serial Realtime Communication System)- www.sercos.org 5.CAN(Control Area Network) www.can-cia.de 6.IEEE1394(Firewire) - www.1394ta.org 7.Industrial Ethernet 8.EIB (European Installation Bus) 9. Lon work(Local Operating Network) 10.others - Controlnet, WorldFIP, AS-interface,10,F

5、uture Development,.Powerful faster host CPU and accessories .Friendly MMI(HMI), PC-based, Window-based .Opened Communication , Network , shared database .Reliability Hardware/ software .Low cost competitive, compatibility .Smarter intelligence( Intelligent ) I/O, DSP, distributed .Smaller Micro sens

6、or, Micro-mechatronics,11,智慧型I/O與傳統I/O最大的區分,在於它具有類似控制系統 之運算、控制及通訊功能以及處理能力,而非只是結合了 驅動器及感測器或是結合多種感測器在一起的轉換器。,智慧型I/O簡介,12,A smart sensor module,13,資料擷取系統簡介 1.何謂資料擷取系統? 2.資料擷取系統的發展歷史 3.資料擷取基本原理 4.資料擷取軟硬體系統 6.PC-based Control Net,14,廣義的資料擷取系統:量度、控制與通訊 量度系統:將感測器送來的信號作轉換及前置處理 ,化作類比數位轉換電路所能處理且解析度最佳的信號, 透過電腦

7、運算出量度物理量的數值, 透過人機介面或輸出介面送出訊息。 控制系統: 可能接收到的是反饋信號,除了與量度系統同樣進行感測之外,電腦的軟體還必須負責控制器的功能,決定適當的輸出,驅動致動器來進行控制。,資料擷取系統簡介,15,資料擷取是為量測真實訊號(物理現象),如透過電壓將訊息帶入電腦中來處理、分析、儲存或者做其他處置。 物理現象:如速度、溫度、濕度、壓力、流速、酸鹼值、啟動停止、放射能、光度等 轉換器與感測器:物理現象-電子訊號,如熱電偶為一轉換器,將溫度轉換呈電壓大小,即可以類比-數位轉換器量測,或如應變錶、流速儀與壓力錶等轉換器,分別可以量測力量、流速與壓力。,資料擷取用途,16,資料

8、擷取系統與時代潮流 過去的量測元件原理限於機械電磁的運作,整體的 量測必須在獨立的儀器上進行 數位技術發展,除了使儀器上能進行分析外,在整合 性上也有了很好的進步,產生了儀器與儀器或電腦 相連接的自動化量測系統(如RS232或GPIB) 後來則有AD/DA 卡為中心的量測控制系統,而更進 步的資料擷取系統,則是如 VXI的高級量測系統作 為代表。,17,Evolution of Instrumentation,PC,TV,Radio,Clock,Time,Flexibility,Scope(Digital),CRT,Transistor,Vaccum tube,IC/ASIC,VI,Analo

9、g,Electronic,18,以下為各時代的資料擷取特色: 1.類比儀器(所有功能在單一機體) 2.IEEE 488介面及可擴充的儀器(數位化、儀器之間的通訊、資料傳輸) 3.AD/DA 、GPIB卡加上電腦軟體 4.VXI系統(儀器插卡化、電腦本身規格的提昇、免去連線的問題、通訊速率的提昇),19,資料擷取基本原理 類比到數位的轉換中有兩個重要的參數: 解析度(Resolution)及取樣率(Sampling Rate) 。 解析度 : 即為經過數位轉換後所造成的量化誤差,因為在電腦中紀錄資料的位元組是 有限的,以MIO卡的類比數位轉換埠而言,如10V的輸入電壓可以12Bits來紀 錄,意

10、即它的精確度的極限是: 10/212=0.224mV,20,資料擷取基本原理 與解析度相關的前置處理是放大倍數,通常會將輸入信號放大轉換區間,如信號大小為0.1V,而類比數位轉換埠最大輸入為10V,則可放大100倍,以減少誤差(提高解析度)。 取樣率: (信號的頻率)(點數/一週期波形)取樣率 Nyquist Theorem :取樣率至少為信號頻率大小兩倍.,21,Sampling Rate, Determines how fast A/D conversions take place Signals must be sampled fast enough to properly reprod

11、uce the signal Aliasing signal is undersampled,Aliased due to undersampling,Adequately sampled,22,Simultaneous Sampling,For applications where the time relationship between signals is important Instrumentation amplifier and sample-and-hold circuitry for each channel Mux connects channels to the ADC

12、Example Four 50 kHz signals sampled at 200 kHz,23,High speed sampling rate,Some digitizing oscilloscopes can use equivalent-time sampling to capture very fast repeating signals. Equivalent-time sampling constructs a picture of a repetitive signal by capturing a little bit of information from each re

13、petition 1G Hz * 1/1000 = 1MHz。 即1MHz取樣率可擷取 1G Hz 訊號(週期性訊號),24,High speed sampling rate,25,Elements of an Instrumentation System,26,Signal Classification,27,28,29,30,資料擷取系統- Signal Conditioning,31, Amplification Maximizes use of ADC range and increases accuracy Increases SNR,Signal Conditioning,32,C

14、ommon Types of Signal Conditioning,Thermocouples,RTDs,Strain Gauges,Common Mode or High Voltages,Loads Requiring AC Switching or Large Current Flow,Signals with High Frequency Noise,Transducers/Signals,Amplification, Linearization, and Cold-Junction Compensation,Current Excitation, Four Wire and Thr

15、ee Wire Configuration, Linearization,Voltage Excitation, Bridge Configuration, and Linearization,Isolation Amplifiers (Optical Isolation),Electromechanical Relays or Solid-State Relays,Lowpass Filters,Signal Conditioning,DAQ Board,33,Transducer Excitation External voltage or current applied to trans

16、ducer Provided by signal conditioning hardware Linearization Most transducers are not linear Can be done in hardware or software Isolation Protects hardware from high voltages Used in systems with high common-mode voltages Filtering Remove noise or unwanted signals 4 Hz filter (SCXI-1121) optimum fo

17、r removing 60 Hz AC noise from slowly sampled signals Antialiasing filters,Signal Conditioning,34,Signal Sources and Measurement Systems,Grounded Signal Source Plug-in instruments with non-isolated inputs,Floating Signal Source Thermocouples Signal conditioning with isolated outputs Battery-powered

18、devices,Grounded Floating,Differential Referenced Single-Ended(RSE) Non-Referenced Single-Ended (NRSE),Rs,Vs,Vm,Measurement System,+,-,Signal Grounding and Measuring Techniques,35,Differential,RSE,NRSE,Floating,Grounded,Signal Connections,36,=,+,-,+,-,Vm = Vs + DVg,* Ground loops: Difference in pote

19、ntial between source ground and measurement system ground Often appears as 60 Hz noise,Best method differential Can also use NRSE (uses fewer channels) Both methods avoid ground loops*,Incorrect,Correct,Measurement System Ground,Source Ground,Ground referenced measurement system,Grounded signal sour

20、ce,=,+,-,+,-,Vm = (Vs + DVg) - (DVg) = Vs,Nonreferenced or differential measurement system,Grounded signal source,DVg,DVg,Vs,DVg,Vs,DVg,+,+,+,-,-,-,Vs,+,-,Vs,+,+,-,-,Measuring Grounded Sources,37,Measure with differential, RSE or NRSE Differential or NRSE Use bias resistors (10 kW to 100 kW) Ensure

21、common-mode voltage does not exceed board limits RSE or NRSE Use when signals are high and noise is low All signals should be commonly grounded at the source,Resistors (10 kW R 100 kW) provide a return path to ground for instrumentation amplifier input bias currents. Only R2 is required for DC-coupl

22、ed signal sources. For AC-coupled sources, R1 = R2.,Measuring Floating Signal Sources,38,39,40,41,資料擷取提高效率要訣,1.使用高效能界面硬體/驅動程式 2.使用個人電腦/標準的作業環境 3. 使用適當的儀控軟體 4. 使用具彈性的儀控架構 5. 與資訊網路結合,42,模組化的軟體架構,重覆使用率,80%,90%,50%,43,LabViEW可以控制DAQ卡讀取類比輸入訊號,讀取或送出數位訊號和安排內建計時器來量測頻率、產生脈衝等,對於類比輸入訊號而言,來自感應器的電壓資料透過即插式DAQ卡將訊息

23、帶入電腦中來處理、儲存或做其他處置。,DAQ系統實現,44,PC-based DAQ架構,GPIB Instruments,Serial Instruments,DAQ Products,Unit to be Tested/ measured,Process- sensor, Actuators,VXI Instruments,Application Software,PC or Workstation,硬體及驅動程式,控制及應用軟體,45,Application Software,Interface Software,DAQ solution 軟體支援,LabVIEW LabWindows/

24、CVI MATLAB Visual Basic C/C+.,DAQ Board,PCI/ISA,Driver(NI-DAQ),Mac, DOS, Win 95/98/ NT,Data In/Out,46,電腦控制量測儀器 簡化儀控流程(儀器驅動程式) 數據收集及測試決策可同時進行 人機 Remote Access,量測自動化利器 IEEE 488.2,Desktop PCI ISA MAC SUN,Portable PCMCIA Parallel Serial,Ethernet,Wireless,GPIB,Digital Scope,Plant Device,47,選擇DAQ卡考慮項目 Tes

25、t & Measurement World Survey,0%,10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,60%,70%,80%,90%,硬體可靠度 準確度 軟體可靠度 使用容易 整合性 技術支援t 先進技術 價格 價值 長期成本 廠牌 產品選擇性,Test & Measurement World 1995 PC-Based Test Market Insight Study,48,資料擷取與電腦技術發展,CPU,硬體,軟體,網路,LANs,Internet,MITE,49,Case Study: Ford In-Vehicle Field Prototype Testing,需求:可攜帶牢固、

26、耐溫的測試系統 挑戰:需要以多種儀表清楚顯示數據 方案:工業級可攜帶電腦、 LabVIEW軟體及資料擷取介面卡,50,Case Study: Design Verification 用影像量測半導體溫度變化,需求:要達到 micron 解析度的溫度量測 挑戰:非接觸式量測半導體零件溫度分部 方案: LabVIEW-based 液晶感測系統加上 IMAQ PCI-1408 影像擷取卡及辨識軟體,51,Case Study: Traulsen NSF 規格冷凍庫測試,挑戰:附合NSF規格測試冷凍庫 方案: LabVIEW資料擷取介面卡, SCXI 前端處理硬體,52,Reference,(1.)

27、“次世代自動化技術趨勢與應用”, 中華民國自動化協會 研討會, Feb. 1997 (2.) . 蔡明忠,” Automated Sensing and remote control”,1997生產自動化與控制之教學與訓練研討會, 國立台灣科技大學自動化及控制中心, 03/1997 (3.) .“新世代PC-based控制技術發展研討會”, 中華民國自動化協會 研討會, 05/1998 (4.) Lonworks seminar, Echelon, 知業科技, 1996 (5.) ANCO Inc. (OPEN AUTOMATION),”OPEN-IO introduction” ; http:/.tw/ (6.) 葉文彬, “整合控制網路與智慧型I/O在非集中式控制系統之開發研究”,國立台灣科技大學 工程研究所 自動化及控制學程碩士論文, 06/1998. (7.) NI day 19 98,


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