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1、Unit 1 Nothing ventured, nothing gained,教材课文读写,一、课文概要 技巧点拨:故事、经历类文章的概要写作时,要弄清并抓住“起因经过结果以及事情意义”进行概括。,请用一个句子概括本课故事的起因、经过、结果和思想意义。 (1)Beginning: (2)Development:,The sailors were left on the Elephant Island.,They managed to overcome a lot of difficulties.,(3)Ending: (4)Moral:,Eventually they were rescue

2、d/saved.,Optimism and perseverance helped them survive and succeed.,整合句子,概括要点:,The story tells us that the sailors were left on a deserted island(起因), but with their optimism and perseverance(教育意义,思想意义), they managed to overcome lots of difficulties(经过)and were eventually rescued(结果).,二、任务写作 阅读Readi

3、ng 2 “Optimism Helped us Persevere.” (Page 9),完成任务写作。 写作内容 请以约120词谈谈你的观点,内容要点包括: 1.你从这个故事中学到什么道理? 2.以你自己或他人的经历阐明这种道理。,Greatly inspired by the story, I realize that perseverance can give us impetus, propelling us to go forward and achieve our ambition. There goes the saying that constant dripping wea

4、rs away a stone. Therefore, faced with difficulty, a person with perseverance is able to fight for his goal and realize his dream.,My classmate Jane came from a poor village. With a strong local accent, she was poor at oral English and therefore was laughed at for her poor pronunciation. However, sh

5、e did not lose heart. Every day she got up before daybreak and read after the tape in the corridor in the dim light, which lasted for three years.,With perseverance, she finally became a world-famous English interpreter after graduation. In brief, perseverance makes a difference, for it prepares us

6、on the way to success.,语言知识讲练,1. As I think of this, a black blanket drops and covers me, almost blocking out the memories of happier times. (P2) 正想到这儿,一条黑毛毯掉下来把我盖住,几乎把美好时光的记忆封闭住了。 解析:block out不去想(回忆),理解:理解下列句子中划线部分的意思。 (1) Wed better buy a heavy curtain to block out the strong light. (2) Ill just b

7、lock out the design of the building rather than work it out in detail.,草拟,画的简略图,挡(光),2. He was always honest with us (as in the advertisement) and never gave way to disappointment, even when the ship sank. (P3) 他对我们总是坦诚相待(就像广告中那样),他从不灰心丧气,从不放弃,甚至当轮船沉下去也是如此。 解析:give way to被(某事物)制服,理解:理解下列句子中划线部分的意思。

8、(1) Faced with the enemies, we must not give way to their demands. (2) In some countries, people are supposed to give way to the traffic coming from the right. (3) The storm gave way to bright sunshine.,被代替了,向让步,妥协,让在先,让出,3. Soon Shackleton set out the framework for our life here: no differences in

9、rank or in social status; everyone to keep busy; a fair division of food and bedding; and a concern for all. (P3) 不久,沙克尔顿给我们这里的生活列出了规矩:取消级别和社会地位上的差异,每个人都得忙起来,公平分配食物和卧具;关心每一个人。,解析:set out(清楚而系统地以书面或口头形式)陈述,阐明,(1) She set out the dinner on the table and waited for her husband to return home. (2) The c

10、aptain and his crew set out for their ideal island.,她在桌上摆好了晚餐,等她丈夫回家。 (set sth.out 按顺序摆放,安排,陈列),船长和他的船员朝他们梦想的岛屿出发。(set out for 动身出发去某地),(3) He kept practicing every day and set out to beat his opponent.,他每天坚持训练,决心要打败他的对手。 (set out to do sth.为达到某个目的而开始做某事,着手进行计划),4. This kept us cheerful and encourag

11、ed harmony in the group. (P 9) 这让我们保持振奋的情绪,并且增进了团队和谐的气氛。 解析:harmony(感情、兴趣、意见等)相符,一致,运用:请用所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。 (1)他的爱好与我的相同。 His tastes are_ mine.,in harmony with,(2)如果我们能使目标和措施协调起来,那就很明智了。 It would be sensible if we could _ our goal_ our measures. (3)他出生在一个和谐的家庭。 He was born in a_ (harmony) family.,harm

12、onious,harmonize,with,原句:There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin and some dynamic music to make a man feel more cheerful again. (P9)除了美味的企鹅餐和动感音乐外,没有其它东西能再让人感到愉快了。,句型:There is nothing like.什么都比不上 提示:There is nothing like后接名词成分,该句可用于强调事物重要性。,仿写:根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 (1)金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。(谚语) _home.,There

13、 is nothing like,(2)晚饭后散步是维持健康的最佳方法。 _ taking a walk after dinner as a means of keeping fit. (3)天气如此寒冷,什么都比不上喝杯热咖啡。 There is nothing like_ _in such cold weather.,There is nothing like,(drinking) a cup of hot coffee,基础知识检测,1. succeed v.成功 (1)_n.成功 (2)_adj.成功的 (3)_adv.成功地,success,successful,successful

14、ly,2. inspire v.激励,鼓舞 (1)_adj.品质优秀的 (2)_adj.鼓舞人心的 (3)_n.灵感,inspiration,inspired,inspiring,3. continue v.继续;不断发生;不停地做 (1)_adj.不断的,连续的 (2)_adv.不断地,连续地 (3)_n.连续性,持续性,continuity,continuous,continuously,4. communicate v.交流;沟通 (1)_n.表达,交流 (2)_adj.健谈的 (3)_n.交际者,交流者,communication,communicative,communicator,

15、5. survive v.生存;存活 (1)_n.存活;幸存的事物 (2)_n.幸存者;生还者,survivor,survival,6. appear v.显得,看来;出现 (1)_n.外表,外观 (2)_v.消失,disappear,appearance,7. dream n.梦,梦想 (1)_v.做梦,梦想 (2)_n.梦想家,做梦的人 (3)_adj.做白日梦的;心不在焉的 (4)_adj. 如梦的 (5)_adj.无梦的;酣畅安宁的,dream,dreamer,dreamy,dreamlike,dreamless,8. encourage v.鼓励,激励 (1)_adj.鼓励人的,令人

16、乐观的 (2)_adv.表示鼓励地 (3)_n.鼓励,鼓舞,encouraging,encouragingly,encouragement,9. describe v.描述,形容 (1)_adj.可描述的,可描绘的 (2)_n. 描写,形容 (3)_adj.描写的;描写性的,describable,description,descriptive,10. caution n.谨慎,小心 (1)_adj.小心的,谨慎的 (2)_adv.小心地,谨慎地 (3)_n.小心,谨慎,cautiousness,cautious,cautiously,1. She drives very_ .(caution

17、) 2. The change in her _was extraordinary. (appear),cautiously,appearance,3. She has a _romantic nature. (dream) 4. He is the only_ of the plane crash.(survive),dreamy,survivor,5. A _ businessman must be aggressive. (succeed) 6. The brain needs a _ supply of blood.(continue),successful,continuous,7.

18、 This girl gave a vivid_ of the event. (describe) 8. I cant _ with them; the radio doesnt work.(communicate),description,communicate,9. The audience was carried away by his _ speech.(inspire) 10. You will never know how much your_ meant to me. (encourage),encouragement,inspiring,1.处理;应付 _ 2.被理解,给人以印

19、象_ 3.让路;让步 _ 4延迟做某事 _ 5.发出(蒸汽、光等) _,deal with,come across,give way to,delay doing sth.,give off,6.go through _ 7.block out _ 8.hold on _ 9.take advantage of sb./sth. _ 10.if it had not been for. _,仔细察看,详细研究;经历;用完,挡住;忘掉,坚持住;别挂断电话,利用的机会;欺、占的便宜,若不是;要是没有,作者是一个爱书的人。在一次打扫房间时,偶然看到了昔日买的书,每一本书都给使作者回忆起一个难忘的故事。 1. B。推断题。文中的old friends和第三段的拟人用法说明了作者对书有着不寻常的感情。 2. A。推断题。作者用艺人的写法说出自己的心声,用于所“说”的语言回忆每一本书的故事。,3. D。主旨题。从文章第四段可以看出,作者见到叔叔时的高兴的样子,用整个段落以书回忆过去美好的时光。 4. A。猜义题。根据前一句和本段的第一句,可以看出书就是作者的个人成长(史)。 5. A。推断题。作者用切断路面的岩层比喻人生的发展经历。,


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