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1、1 (2009山东) 假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。 你想联系你的美国老师Mr.Smith,但没有其联系方 式。请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom写一封信: 1.感谢Tom对你英语学习的帮助; 2.询问Mr.Smith的近况并索要其联系方式; 3.邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。 注意:1.词数120150; 2.可适当增加细节。,三、写作,【参考范文】 Dear Tom, It has been half a year since we parted last time.Now Im getting on well with everything and have bee

2、n missing you all the time.Ive been missing the days in America when you helped me a lot with my English study.Thanks to your kind help,I have improved my English a lot.But to my regret,I have lost contact with my teacher Mr.Smith.Would you please tell me som-ething about him and tell me how to get

3、in touch with him?,In addition,it would be a great honour for me to invite you to my country during the Spring Festival when you will experience colorful Chinese culture. Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua,2 (2009浙江) 5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和 Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动

4、(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100120个词的新闻报道。 1.时间、地点、人物、活动; 2.老人们的反应; 3.简短评论。 注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计入总 词数)。,Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly By Chen Jie,School Newspaper 【参考范文】 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day,Li Yue and Zhang Hua,students from Clas

5、s Three,Grade Two,went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival,Li Yue and Zhang Hua were,warmly welcomed,and respectfully,they presen-ted the elderly with flowers and fruits.Then,they started working at once,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor.Everything done

6、,they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, The elderly thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.What they did has brought joy to others and enri

7、ched their own lives. By Chen Jie,School Newspaper,3 (2009江苏) 鼠标是计算机时代最佳的人机交互工具之一。它极大地方便了人们的计算机操作。但是,过分依赖鼠标的习惯也会带来一些不利影响。请你以鼠标为切入点,根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇短文。,注意:1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单 翻译。 2.词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer. 【参考范文】 The

8、 mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer. For most people,its almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse,let alone,surf the Internet.A well-chosen mouse is really handy,flexible and convenient in controlling the screen.With the functions of inserti

9、ng,deleting, moving and copying,it enables us to edit text, browse web pages and download what we want. It can also help us email people,shop online and find friends around the world.A simple click can even bring us a flood of music,movies and PC games.Just imagine,all this can be done with a cute m

10、ouse.,A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier,but it doesnt always help in a posi-tive way.Too much ready information on our fin-gertips leaves little room for knowledge pursu-ing. Too many ready answers make us less exc-ited in finding truth.Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us

11、lazier and less creativeboth mentally and physically.,4 (2009北京) 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为响 应绿化祖国的号召,你班四月十二日去郊区植树。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍植树活动的全过程,给某英文杂志的“绿色行动”专栏写一篇以 “Green Action in Our Class”为题的英文稿件。 注意:词数不少于60。 提示词:郊区suburbs,【参考范文】 Green Action in Our Class April 12 is memorable because our class had a meanin

12、gful experience on that day.In the morning,we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees,talking and laughing all the way.Upon arri-val, we began to work immediately.Some were digging holes.Some were carrying and planting young trees.Others were watering them.After getting the work done,we put up a boar

13、d rem-inding people to protect the trees.Before leaving,we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees,we all had a sense of achievement.We feel its our duty to protect and beautify our environment.,书面表达按体裁一般分为记叙文、议论文、说明 文、描写文和应用文。 应用文多有一定的格式,其实,其他体裁的作文 也都有些可以套用的样板,犹如工厂里的模

14、具一样。 熟悉和掌握这些模板,可提高文章的条理性,避免文 章思绪紊乱。好好利用这些“制胜法宝”吧。 记叙文 记叙文主要包括记人、记事和记叙某一场面等。 这三种记叙文的模板分别是:,1.记人的模板 记人的文章一般包括以下四个方面的内容: (1)Background information(such as name, gender,birth,age,education,family,occupation, place of work,etc.)背景信息,诸如姓名、性别、出 生信息、年龄、教育、家庭、职业、工作地点等。 (2)Big events in his or her life(in ord

15、er of time)人生中的大事件(按时间顺序)。 (3)His/Her special features(such as career, interests,hobbies,rewards,contributions)他/她 的特色(如职业生涯、兴趣、爱好、获奖情况、 贡献等)。,(4)Evaluation评价。 此类文章的基本模式为: 人物+is a(n) famous/well-known/male/female actor/athlete/scientist/astronaut of years old.He/ She was born in.He/She became intere

16、sted in when he/she was only/because.He/She began his/her training at the age of.He/She got the 1st/2nd.prize.He/She also won.He/She is especiallypopular with.He/She is one of my favourite actors/athletes/scientists/astronauts.,2.记事的模板 记事的文章一般包括这样三个部分: (1)Setting the Scene Describe the time,place,we

17、ather.Say what the main character was doing. (2)Development of the story Describe the main action. (3)Conclusion Describe the scene at the end and mention themain characters feelings. 这类记叙文的模板如下: One (it was fine/raining/cloudy).I was doing,sth. when,suddenly,sth.happened. So first I and.Then I.Mean

18、while,.Finally. The boy was taken to hospital and was saved. The next day.What a happy/terrible/busy/plea- sant day. 记叙文写作的注意事项: (1)主题要明确,内容要充实。文中的故事要有头 有尾,要有高潮。 (2)记叙文可围绕5W(who,what,when,where,why, how)展开。 (3)主次分明,详略得当。叙述时,主题要鲜明, 要善于抓住典型事例。,议论文 议论文形式主要有立论型、驳论型、列举型、利 弊型,这四种模板分别是: 1.立论型 立论型议论文是指自己提出论

19、点,并加以证明的议论文。其模式为: It is well-known/As we all know+论点.Why? Firstly.(supporting sentences) Secondly. (supp-orting sentences)Thirdly.(supporting sentences)Finally.(supporting sentences) Conclusion:Therefore/Thus/In a word/To concl-ude +论点(再次点题,但通常适当转换表达).,2.驳论型 驳论型议论文是指对某一错误论点给予驳斥,并 提出自己的论点并加以证明的议论文。其模

20、式为: Some people think that./It is commonly believed that+错误观点.But it is not true/I dont agree.In my opinion,+正确论点.Why?Firstly.(su- pporting sentences)Secondly.(supporting sentences)Thirdly.(supporting sentences)Finally.(supporting sentences)Conclusion:Therefore/ Thus/In a word/To conclude+论点(再次点题,但

21、通常适当转换表达).,3.列举型(选择型) 模式一:According to a survey/our recent discussion,people have different opinions over. (或There was a survey/discussion about.)50% think that观点一(supporting sentences).On the other hand,about 30% argue that观点二(support- ing sentences)Another 20% believe that.As to me,自己的观点(supportin

22、g sentences). 模式二:提出某种现象(如:Nowadays few people pay attention to dealing with waste batt- eries.)A majority of people think that,观点一.In their views there are 2 factors contrib- uting to this attitude as follows:in the first place, 原因一.Furthermore,in the second place,原因二. So it goes without saying tha

23、t观点一. People, however,differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that观点二.In their views,on the one hand, 原因一.On the other hand,原因二.Therefore,there is no doubt that. As far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that.It is not only because.but also because.The more.the mo

24、re.,4.利弊型 Nowadays,there is a widespread concern over(the issue that)作文题目.In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in题目议题. Generally speaking,it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows.Firstly,优点一. And secondly优点二. Just as a popular saying goes,“every coin has two

25、 sides”,讨论议题is no exception,and in another word,it still has negative aspects.To begin with,缺点一.In addition,缺点二. In my opinion/I think.+自己的观点.,议论文应该做到:观点明确,论据充分,语言精 炼,论证合理,思维严密。写作注意事项: (1)把握好议论文的三要素,即:论点、论据和 论证方法。论点要明确,论据要充分,论证要严密。 (2)选用合适的论证方法。常用的论证方法有: 归纳法(从分析典型,即分析个别事物入手,找出事物的共同特点,然后得出结论)、推理法(从一般

26、原理出发,对个别事物进行说明、分析,尔后得出结论)、对照法(把正反两方面进行对照,然后加以分析,得出结论)、驳论法(先列出错误的观点,然后加以逐条批驳,最后阐明自己的观点)等。,(3)掌握议论文的一般结构。议论文一般由引子、 正文和结论句三部分组成。一般在引子部分提出论点,即文章的主题,在正文部分摆出有利的事实,对论点进行严密的论证,最后根据前面的论证得出结论。 (4)层次要清楚,态度要诚恳,做到以理服人。,说明文 说明文可根据其内容不同分为说明现象型、说明步骤型、说明利弊型以及说明图表型等。鉴于内容上的不同,其表现形式也大不相同。他们的模板分别为: 1.说明现象型 Nowadays/Rece

27、ntly(what amazes us most is) +现象.(supporting sentences).There are many/ several reasons for this.The main reason is.Se- condly.Thirdly.As a result.There are many advantages/disadvantages.For one thing.,for another.Then how to solve the problem?There,are several ways/We can take some measures to solv

28、e it.Firstly.Secondly.Thirdly.In conclusion. 此类说明文写作时,要善于挖掘深层的东西,如 该现象反映的问题、导致该种现象的原因、如何解决(措施、方法)等。 2.说明步骤型 First of all/Firstly.Then/Secondly.Thirdly/ After that.Fourthly.Finally.,3.说明利弊型 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can

29、be seen as follows.First(A的优点之一).Besides/Whats more(A的优点之二). But every coin has two sides.It also has some disadvantages.The important one is(A的第一个 缺点).To make matters worse,(A的第二个缺点).,4.说明图表型 As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/ chart),作文题目的议题has be

30、en on rise/decrease(goesup/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadily rising/decreasing from.to.From the sharp/marking decline/rise in the chart,it goes without saying that. There are at least two good reasons accounting for.On the one hand.On the other,hand,.is due to the fact t

31、hat.In addition,.is responsible for.Maybe there are some other reasons to show.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that.I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. 说明文写作时应注意: (1)限制要说明的事物和范围

32、; (2)可适当举例加以说明,以增加说服力; (3)说明文的结构可遵循引子、正文、结束语的 模式。,描写文 描写文有人物描写、物体描写、场景描写和空间 描写之分。各种描写的模板为: 1.人物描写 He/She is XXX years old.He/She is XXX tall with a pair of glasses.He/She likes to wear some beard/a flower.He/She is a handsome/little/ charming man/woman with a strong will/great determination/wearing.

33、She is a talkative/lazy girl.She never gets up before seven and always goes to bed before nine.He is a teacher with great patience,always ready to help you whenever you have a problem.,描写人物外貌和性格特征的常用词汇有: Features(外貌):good looking;funny looking; ugly looking;ordinary looking;white haired;tall; short;

34、pretty;naughty;smart;wise,etc. Characters(个性品质):bright;diligent;lazy; healthy;humorous;charming;attractive;talkative; warm-hearted;kind-hearted;absent-minded; bad-tempered;near-sighted;far-sighted;a strong will;confident;independent;patient,etc.,2.物体描写 物体描写与人物描写有很多相同之处,但也有不 同的地方。其模板如下: I have a(n).I

35、t is red/large/round/square.It is made of.It is about.long/wide/in height.It was bought.It dates back to.On the top of it there is. 3.场景描写和空间描写 场景描写和空间描写应有一定的顺序,或由远及 近,或由近及远;也可由东至西或由西至东;还可从上到下或从下到上,等等。 场景描写和空间描写通常使用的表示方位的词语 有:,(1)where;in which;to which;from which,etc. (2)under;over;inside;beside;on

36、 top of,etc. (3)along;through;as far as,etc. (4)north;northern;south;southern,etc. (5)to the left;to the right;to the north,etc. (6)at the back;in front;in the middle;in the (far) distance,etc. 描写文写作的注意事项: (1)围绕主题,选好描写细节。写作时首先应该 围绕主题精心选择能刻画人物或事物的特征及使人们对其产生深刻印象的细节,不要面面俱到。,(2)顺序恰当。描写文的写法多种多样,但也有 其一般的规

37、律。如:写人时要由上到下,由表及里;写景时要由近及远,写物时要由总体到局部,由主到次,切忌杂乱无章。 (3)努力运用生动形象的语言。描写时要借助形 容词,使我们所接触的人或物具体、形象地表达出 来。为了使文章更生动,要适当运用形容词的同义 词,或名词派生的形容词和副词等,避免重复和单调。 (4)灵活运用修辞手法。根据需要恰当地运用比 喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法,使描述更生动、形象,更好地说明问题。 (5)正确使用时态。写描写文所用的谓语动词时 态常用现在时。,应用文 应用文在日常生活中使用的频率较高,也非常实 用。下面介绍几种常见应用文的写作模板: 1.口头通知 模块:称呼语(Ladies an

38、d gentlemen/Comr- ades/Friends/Boys and girls,etc.)+(May I have your)Attention,please?+正文部分+结束语(Thatsall.Thank you.)。 2.致辞 致辞包括欢迎辞、欢送辞、告别辞及演说辞等, 其与口头通知有相似之处,但也有不同之处。其模块如下:,称呼语(Ladies and gentlemen/Comrades/ Friends/Boys and girls,etc.)+开场白(即客套话) +正文+结束语。 开场白常使用的客套话有: Welcome to our school/factory. G

39、ive a warm welcome to Mr. Brown. We feel greatly(very) honoured to see (meet/ be with) Professor Smith. You are welcome. We are glad/pleased to meet/see you here.,It gives us great pleasure to get together with our honourable guest from the United States. Please permit me,on behalf of the Chinese pe

40、ople,to extend our heartfelt greetings to you. 常用的结束语有: Wish you a good journey.Thank you. Wish you a good time.Thanks. Wish him the best of health and success. Looking forward to seeing him again.,Lets give our best regards and respects to Mr. John. 3.书信、假条和便条 英文信,特别是私人信件,通常包括以下五个 部分: (1)信头(heading

41、) 包括写信人的地址和日期,通常放在信笺的右上 角,顺序是先写地址,后写日期。,(2)称呼(salutation) 称呼一般以Dear或My dear.开头,正式信函多 使用“Mr./Mrs./Miss+姓氏”。 (3)正文(body) 正文要求文字简明达意,层次分明,字迹清楚。 信件通常使用“Thank you for your letter of.”开头,然后再就有关问题陈述自己的观点。 (4)谦称和结束语(complimentary close) 信尾常用Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely,在 不太熟悉而应该客气的人之间常用Truly,yours/Yours

42、truly,在亲密的亲友之间常用Yours affectionately/Affectionately yours/Yours,等等。 常用的结束语有:With best wishes谨祝安好; With kindest regards谨致最诚挚的问候;Give my love/regards to.向问好等。 (5)签名(signature) 签名的位置是在谦称语下面一行至两行。正式信 件的签名要全姓名。 假条、便条的写作基本同书信,只是比书信简洁 些。,4.日记 日记包括以下三个部分: (1)日期和星期(date and day) 这一项要求写在日记标题的下一行,顶格。日记的 写法要符合英

43、文习惯,月、日、年后再写星期几(一般星期不用缩写形式)。例如:2009年9月18日星期二,写成September 18th,2009,Tuesday,年可以省去。 (2)天气情况(weather) 这一项应写在日期和星期的同一行稍靠右的地方。表示天气的词有:fine,sunny,cloudy,cold,cool, snowy,foggy(有雾的),rainy,warm,stormy(有暴雨的)等。 (3)正文(body),5.书面通知、启事、海报 书面通知常用A Notice或An Announcement为 题目。正文部分开门见山,直接点出主题。最后要有落款,写明出通知的时间和出通知的人或单

44、位,时间也可写在正文的右上角。 启事分为失物启事和招领启事。写法与书面通知 大体相同,只是标题为LOST或FOUND,正文也要尽量简洁、明了。 海报的格式较灵活,一般没有太严格的要求,其 布局设计要尽量新颖,以便引人注目。但一般活动内容、时间、地点不放在同一行。例如:,(1) (2),Movie:Hamlet Place:In the Auditorium Time:Sat. Oct. 1st, 630810 p.m. Admission Free,Basketball Match On Playing Court #1 Class 10,Grade 2 VS Class 18,Grade 3

45、 Time:Mon. June 6th,500 p.m.,汉语式英语,逐字翻译 假如你是一名中学生,名叫方华,根据下表内容 用英语写信给某谈话节目的主持人开心姐姐,请求她 帮助你解决一个长期困扰你的问题:如何与同桌交流 、沟通。,注意:1.开头已写好,不计入总词数; 2.可适当发挥,使文章更连贯; 3.词数120150。 Dear Kai Xin, Im a middle school student.,无论是平时的考试,还是高考,考生利用汉语的思维方式直接把内容要点逐字翻译成英语的现象屡见不鲜。碰到这样的作文,阅卷人至多象征性地给出一个分数。例如,将“学习成绩好,喜欢与同学交谈,乐于助人”直

46、接翻译成“Study mark is good,enjoy talking with classmates,ready to help others.”这种让人无法理解的英语表达方式,实在让人“不敢恭维”。,【解题探究】在写作中,考生应始终有用完整的语句表达内容要点的意识,切忌把内容要点逐字逐句地翻译成英语。建议考生先打草稿,然后仔细检查草稿中是否存在利用汉语思维直接将要点逐字翻译成英文的现象,尤其是语句中是否缺少谓语部分以及修饰性成分的处理是否得当等,待确认正确无误后,再工整地誊写到试卷上。 【参考范文】 Dear Kai Xin, Im a middle school student.Im

47、 doing well in my studies,and ready to help others.At school I,like to talk with my classmates.However,I have a problem that troubles me all the time.It is the relationship between my deskmate and me. My deskmate is a hard-working student.He Is introverted and cross and doesnt like talking with othe

48、rs.I dont know how to communicate with him.We seldom exchange feelings and thoughts.I hope we can know more about each other and understand each other better.I do hope well be closer.What can I do? Yours, Fang Hua,要点不全,审题不准 (2008天津)假设2008年2月12日是你父亲的生日,下面三幅图描绘的是你给父亲买完礼物后乘坐地铁回家时经历的一件事。请根据图示,用英语写一篇日记记叙

49、这件事,并谈谈自己的感受。 注意:1.词数不少于100; 2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:地铁(列车)subway train,第一幅图画中右上角的日历、三幅图画中人物的 表情以及第三幅图画中老人所说的“谢谢啦”都是信 息点。当然,三幅图画上方的文字说明部分“在回家 的地铁上”、“下一站”和“约1分钟后”更不能遗漏。 此外,图画中“你”所拿的提包、老人手中的两个行 李箱和列车上拥挤的人群都是细节内容,不容忽视。 由于三幅图画是一个连环画,叙述的是事情的整个过 程,所以应当使用恰当的关联词进行衔接。如果语句 之间缺乏必要的过渡成分,整篇文章会显得杂乱无章。,【解题探究】要点齐全是高考评分标准的基本要求之 一,写作过程中切忌遗漏内容要点,三幅图中人物手 中的物品、列车中拥挤的人群,甚至图画中人物的表 情都是很重要的内容要点,行文中应该涉及。另外, 图画上方的文字说明部分以及第三幅图画中出现的三 个字也必须体现在短文中。同时语意连贯是高考评分 标准的基本要求之一,因此语句之间不能缺少必要的 关联词。,【参考范文】 February 12th, 2008 Today was my fathers birthday.I got on the subway train after I


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