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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?,3a Read the invitation and answer the questions. Dear Parents, I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. After this, you can enjoy our school concert. Then,l

2、unch will be in the school hall at 12:00. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. Larry Smith Headmaster,1. Who is making the invitation? _ 2. What is the invit

3、ation for? _ 3. When will the event happen? _ _,The headmaster.,Its for the opening of the new library.,on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00.,4. What will happen after this? _ 5. Do parents have to bring anything? _ 6. How should people reply to this invitation, and when? _ _,After this

4、they can enjoy the school concert and have lunch.,Yes, each parent need to bring one book.,They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th.,3bWrite an invitation to a party or any other event. Reply to your partners invitation. If you turn down the invitation, give a good re

5、ason.,would like to; will be; after this; please; reply,Use the following words and phrases:,Group work,Include the following information: kind of party or event when and where it will be how guests should dress if guests should bring anything if guests should reply to the invitation when and how gu

6、ests should reply,_ _ _ _ _ _,Use the following words and phrases: would like to, will be, after this, please, reply,本题要求学生们写作两个小作文,一个是写一个邀请他人参加某聚会或活动的信函;另一个是答复你伙伴的邀请信。 首先,认真阅读邀请信所包含的内容:聚会或活动的类型;举办的时间与地点;客人的着装;客人是否须带东西;客人是否须答复此信;何时及如何答复此信。 参照3a写一个包含上述内容的邀请信,注意运用右栏中的提示词语。,写作指导:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,One

7、possible version:,Dear parents, Id like to invite you to the opening ceremony for the new students at No. 10 Middle School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, September 4th at 8:00. After this, you can visit our school. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to t

8、hink of some words to encourage your child to study,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,hard at school. Please reply in e-mail to this invitation by Monday, September, 2nd. Our e-mail address is Number10MSsina. com. I look forward to hearing from you all. Huang Zongsheng Headmaster,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Dear Headmaster: Thanks

9、 so much for inviting. Id love to go to the opening ceremony, but Im not available. I have an important meeting in Beijing this weekend. Ill think of some words and give them to my child. Then, Ill visit the school another time next week. Li Mings father.,One possible version:,4 Student A, look at y

10、our calendar on the right. Student B, look at yours on page 81. Find a time when you can both go shopping.,A: Can you go shopping with me next week? B: Sure, Id love to. When? A: Well, what are you going to do on Monday evening? B: I must study for the English test. What about Tuesday evening?,,Self

11、 check,1. Fill in the blanks in the conversation.,A: Hi, Peter. _you come to my party _the weekend? B: Sure, _ love to. A: How about _Jenny? C: Im afraid I _. I _ to look after my little cousin. A: _you come, Jeff? D: I _be able to, but Im not sure _ let you know tomorrow.,Can,on,Id,you,cant,have,Ca

12、n,might,Ill,1. Can; 2. on; 句意“你好,彼特。你在周末能来参加我的聚会吗?” 第一空用情态动词can表达请求;第二空后有时间the weekend,故用介词on来表示这一具体时间。,答案解析,3. Id; 由后面的love to,可知。本句是表达同意,故用Id love to 一句来表达。,4. you;由空格后的人名“Jenny”,可知本句意为“你呢,詹妮?”,故填you一词。,5. cant; 由空格前Im afraid“我恐怕” ,可知空格处应表“不能”,故填cant词。,6. have; 分析本句主、谓、宾具全,且空格后有to一词。故空格处应为have to“

13、须”。,7. Can;本句为邀请Jeff参加。故用情态动词can。,8. might;由下一句“但不太确定”,可知空格处意为“有可能”,故用情态动词might来表达“可能”之意。,9. Ill; 句意“明天我会通知你” 。,1. Invitation: “Can you come to my party on Saturday?” Reply: _ 2. Invitation: “Lets go to the movies tomorrow night.” Reply: _,2. You get these invitations but cant go. Write a refusal an

14、d a reason.,,Im afraid I cant. I have to prepare for the math exam.,Sorry, I cant. I have to look after my sister at home.,3. Invitation: “Lets go to the concert tomorrow night.” Reply: _,4. Invitation: “Do you want to go shopping with me next week?” Reply: _ 5. Invitation: “Can you play soccer with

15、 me after school today?” Reply: _,Id love to. But Im not available. Ill visit my grandparents with my family.,Im afraid not. I have to go to the dentist.,Sorry, I cant. I have to practice violin.,1. Im very busy, I cant go to the _ (落成典礼) of the new library. 2. I get his _ (邀请) but I cant go. 3. I h

16、ave too _ (多) homework to do. 4. Mr. King sometimes goes to the _ (音乐会).,opening,invitation,much,concert,Exercise,Explanation,1. 与时间相关的短语有很多。例如: today 今天 tonight 今晚 tomorrow 明天,,the day after tomorrow 后天 yesterday 昨天 the day before yesterday 前天 two days ago 两天前 the year before last 前年 after three we

17、eks 三个星期后 in two years 过两年,2. 问日期的句型有: 今天是几号? Whats the date today? 或 What date is it today? 3. “日期”的表示法 例如: 11月 5号 November 5; November 5th 读做 November the fifth,4. Monday (名词) “星期一” 在英语中表示星期的词有: Monday 星期一; Tuesday 星期二; Wednesday 星期三; Thursday 星期四; Friday 星期五; Saturday 星期六; Sunday 星期日,注意: 表示“星期”开头

18、的字母要大写。 表示星期的单词都以“day” 结尾。 问“星期”的句型有: What day is it today? What day is today?,5. Thank you for 后接名词或动名词形式,表 示“因为而感谢你” Thanks for your photos. (photos为名词) Thanks for helping me. (helping为动名词) 如果说: 谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。 我们可说: Thank you for your invitation to visit next week.,,6、invitation是名词,当“邀请”讲时,是不可数名词,当

19、“邀请书,请帖”讲时,是可数 名词 e.g. Come at the invitation. 应邀前来 They received invitations to the party. 他们收到了参加聚会的请帖 invite的用法: (1) invite sb. to sw=ask sb. to sw(某地) 邀请某人到某地,e.g. He invited many people to his house. (2) invite sb. to do sth=ask sb.to do sth. 邀请某人做谋事 e.g. He also invited a singer to sing for hi

20、s friends. invitation to sw /to do sth. 去某地/做某事的邀请 e.g. an invitation to the party an invitation to go to the summer camp,7. I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期盼着你们的答复。 look forward to 是一个固定搭配,表示“期待 期盼”, 其中to 是介词,因此后面如果使用动 词,要试用其-ing 形式。又如: I look forward to your reply. 我期待你的答复。 Im really loo

21、king forward to seeing my little grandson again. 我好期待再次见到我的小孙子。,8. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 have a lesson 上课 have a try 试一试 have a (good) rest have a look 看一看 have a good time have meals 吃饭 have breakfast / lunch/ dinner/ supper,,9. Hope you can make it! 希望你能参加(聚会)! 此句中的make it 是个独立地表达方式,表示 通过努力或是历经

22、困难后取得成功、完成某 事,可译为“ 成功;胜利”, 但有时也要视语 境及上下文灵活进行翻译,此处便是如此。 e.g. If we run, we should make it. 要是我们跑的话,应高不会迟到。 Though it was difficult, they still made it. 虽然很难,但他们依然成功了。,10. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. 请于12月20日以前以书信方式回复此邀请。 1)replying in writing 表示“ 以书面的形式进行回复”。其

23、中reply相当于 answer,但要比后者更加书面化且正式许多。此处介词in表示方式,相当于汉语“ 用方式(形式)”之意。,2)reply作动词时,不直接跟宾语,须由介词to 引入宾语内容,构成 reply to 的结构。如: Did you reply to these letter? 你回复这些来信了吗? 3)在此句中,介词by 译为“ 截止; 之前到为止”。介词before 也有“之前”之意,但区别于before不包含其后的时间, 而 by 则包括。,,e.g. You should get your homework ready by Friday. Remember: Friday

24、 is the last day! 你应当最迟于周五前把作业做好。记住: 周五是最后一天。 can you come and meet me before Friday? Ill be away early Friday morning. 你能在周五前来见我一面吗?我周五一 大清早就走了。,Exercises,. Fill in the blanks. Do you have next years c_? The editor(编辑) d_ the last paragraph. We gladly accept the i_ to a party. Many attended the o_

25、of the new sports centre. We took a t_ to the seaside.,alendar,eleted,nvitation,pening,rip,I. 词汇,1. Today Im very busy, but she is _ (空闲的). 2. They are studying for a _ _. (数学测验). 3. I get his _ (邀请) but I cant go. 4. I have too _(多) homework to do. 5. Mr. King sometimes goes to the _ (音乐会).,free,ma

26、th test,invitation,much,concert,II 单项选择,1. Can you come to play soccer with me? _. A. I can B. Thats all right C. Sure. Id love to 2. He can go with you, but I _. A. am not B. cant C. dont 3. What are you doing _ Monday morning? A. on B. at C. in,C,B,A,,4. Thanks for _ me to the party. A. ask B. ask

27、ing C. asks 5. Bob cant come out to play because he _ help Dad in the garden. A. can B. cant C. has to 6. Would you like a cup of coffee? _. A. No, I dont want B. No, thank you C. I dont like it,B,C,B,1. Today is Monday. (提问) _ _ _ today? 2. They are going to the doctors on Monday. (提问) _ _ they goi

28、ng to the doctors? 3. Call me after the test. (否定句) _ _ me after the test.,.句型转换,Whats,When are,Dont call,the,date,5. Why dont you have an English party? (同义转换) _ _ have an English party? 6. Do you want to come over to my house? (同义转换) _ _ _ to come over to my house? _ you come over to my house?,Would you like,Can,Why not,


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