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1、第十一章 旅游与文化,Chapter 11 Travel and Culture,第三章 旅游与文化 (Ceremonial Speech),Culture has always been the symble of national spirit. It is the source of national power and creativity, representing the image of the entire nation. Today, driven by the globalization process and technological advancement, cult

2、ure has become an industry and brings economic benefits to a nation. Cross-border production and distribution of cultural products being a reality, cultural trade has become an important aspect of international trade. A large share of economic profits in cultural industry is realized by way of touri

3、sm. Travel provides foreign visitors convieniant access to Chinese cultural products and a better understanding of Chinese culture and history. Requirments: In this process of tourism and cultural trade development, an interpreter performs the dispensable function of a spokesperson. The depth, varie

4、ty and beauty of Chinese culture all count on you to be shared with foreign friends.,Vocabulary Work,sumptuous food fairs 丰盛的美食节 market-savvy 了解市场 leading-edge museums 顶级博物馆 a tremendouse depth and variety 巨大的内涵和多样性 specialty shopping 专业商品购物 a continuum of products 不断发展的旅游产业 aboriginal tourism 原住民旅游

5、 resource-based industries 资源产品商业,Vocabulary Work,文化经济 cultural economy 市场主体 market participants 复合增长率 compound growth rate 信息发布平台 authoritative platform 品牌策略 branding strategy 经济增长的驱动力 driving force of the economy growth 品牌文化产品 branding cultural products 实质性的增长 substantially growth,Sight Interpreta

6、tion (1),maintain and promote the highest quality 保持和推广最高质量的服务 aboriginal tourism 原住民旅游 Aboriginal Tourism British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚省原住民旅游局 have a hotel experience 下榻酒店 the standard and experience are consistent 旅游服务和行业标准相一致 embrace the standard 遵守行业标准 建议:旅游翻译中特定词汇的专用翻译 如 standard 行业标准,Sight Interpre

7、tation (2),市场化水平低 low participation of market economy 海内外营销投入 overseas marketing input 海外营销机构和机制 overseas sales channels and offices 抓住营销制高点 get hold of the high-end sales channels 营销阵地前移 move the sales team forward 主流人群与高端平台 mainstream customers and high-end platforms 推广中国文化的品牌产品 promote Chinas bra

8、nded cultural products 建议:注意一些常用的词例如市场化,海内外,营销,主流,Note-taking (1),varied and impressive 千姿百态 gothic carvings 哥特式建筑 gigantic medieval masterpieces 宏伟的中世纪杰作 historic transatlantic cruise liners 古老的远洋海轮 maritime nation 海上强国 建议:注意描述性词语的翻译,Note-taking (2),cover an area of 占地 the remote and sparsely-popul

9、ated place 地僻人稀 enjoy the reputation 有.之誉 display multiple colors 色彩斑斓 注意:中文旅游文本通常用词华丽,译文应化繁为简。,Sentences in Focus (E-C),UNWTO(World Tourism Organization) 世界旅游组织 United Nations Millennium Development Goals 联合国千年发展目标 cultural diversity 文化多样性,Sentences in Focus (C-E),net exporter of cultural products

10、文化产品净出口国 geographical feature 地域分布 ICIF International Cultrual Industries Fair文博会 go global 走出去 intermediary organizations 中介组织 establish a mature sales network and distribution channels 建立和完善销售网络和发行渠道,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),Its hard to know where to start for sightseeing and days out in Bri

11、tain. 陈述句改为设问句,将不定式where to灵活处理为“从哪里开始您的英伦观光之旅呢“,符合旅游文本吸引游客的特点。,Why not take a facinating guided walk. Discover everything from scenic coastal experiences and nature trails to fascinating city walks and underground tunnel explorations. 语序调整 添加动词:漫步,悠游,穿行 描述性词语运用四字结构,用词优美,E-C Interpretation (Passage

12、1),E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),With thousands of unique and exceptinal organizations to choose from, youll find something fun and facinating, whatever your age or interests. 删去choose from,补充organization的“博物馆、美术馆等艺术机构“之意,E-C Interpretation (Passage 1),British fashion has an international reputatio

13、n for being eccentic, thought provoking and boldly innovative. 原句中的三个形容词eccentic, provoking innovative 本质意义相近,都为创新,大胆,独特,因此翻译为三个意思相近的形容词短语 has an international reputation则需将international转为副词,译为在国际上享有的名誉,注释,Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada 加拿大原住民旅游协会是一个国家级协会,由政府和旅游企业合作组成,其宗旨是制定和影响旅游行业政策和项目,从而使加拿大原住民受益。

14、 Aboriginal Tourism British Columbia 加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚省原住民旅游局 the First Nations 加拿大境内共有三大原住民部落群原住民(the First Nations)、梅蒂斯人(Mtis)、和因纽特人(Inuit),他们彼此独立,世代传承各具特色的历史、传统、语言、民俗习惯和宗教信仰,形成了加拿大丰富的原住民文化,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),trianed satff 训练有素的工作人员 financing and all the other tourism business tools 融资工具及其它旅

15、游业商业工具 linear process 线性过程,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),Were playing on a much more level playing field than we ever have in the history of our people. 本句直译难度大,因此采用意译,playing field 暗指旅游业,level在此用作形容词,平坦的。联系上下文可以得出意为原住民终于有了参与竞争的机会。,E-C Interpretation (Passage 2),When the term “Aboriginal Tourism“ i

16、s unbundled, it reavels a tremendous depth and variety :driven by the First Nations, Mtis and Inuit peoples, expressed within literally hundreds of cultures and distinct communities across the country. 本句翻译时须进行多个分句的被动便主动转换以符合中文用语习惯。冒号之后的两个过去分词短语也应当补全转换为主动句。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),跻身世界贸易三强 be

17、 listed among the worlds top three 品牌策略 branding strategy 贸易逆差 trade deficit 渠道策略 channel strategy 国际贸易体系international marketing system 全球垄断地位 market monopoly 国际市场的推广和营销策略 stategies for international promotion and marketing 前沿据点 frontier stations 主题策略 key players strategy 发挥的淋漓尽致 function to their u

18、tmost,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),正如美国学者沃尔夫所言,“文化、娱乐而不是那些看上去更实在的汽车制造、钢铁、金融服务业正在迅速成为新的全球经济增长的驱动力。” 本句中需要把引言重新译回英文,译文要符合英文的语言习惯,可使用强调句结构“Its culture and entertainmentnotthat have quickly become the driving force for global economic development. 句中更实在的是指有形的,应译为tangible,驱动力应译为driving force,C-E Interp

19、retation (Passage 1),要战胜挑战,赢得机遇,就要讲究策略选择,在此我谈一下中国文化走出去的三个策略问题 本剧翻译需要转换词性,并作删减。“就要讲究策略选择”中的选择在翻译时可以直接译成动词,we have to choose the right strategies。最后一句的问题可省去不译。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),渠道在今天,既具有产品的传输功能,更要起到拉动消费、创造市场、创造需求的作用。 原句中具有.功能和起到.作用可省去不译,而直接将动词译出来 Distribution channels nowdays are not onl

20、y transporting products, but also stimulating consumpution and creating new market needs.,C-E Interpretation (Passage 1),塑造中国为世界所认可的品牌文化产品,这对扩大中国文化的影响力,提升中国的软实力,实现国际间文化贸易的平衡发展,意义重大。 原句汉语比较复杂,翻译时应注意词语关系的处理 中国为世界所认可的品牌文化产品应译为 international recognized Chinese brands 注意原文定语和中心词之间的逻辑关系 软实力应当译为soft power,

21、C-E Interpretation (Passage 2),报告显示,全球核心文化产品的贸易集中度较高,被限定在有限的国家中。高收入国家是文化产品最大的生产和消费国,只有一个例外就是中国。 注意将相同意义的意群合并翻译 翻译时注意灵活理解,生产和消费国应翻译为 producers and consumers。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 2),人均收入与文化产品进出口的相关度高,中国发展机遇重大。 本句翻译应进行词性转换,相关性高应理解为紧密相关,即closely related, 机遇重大应为重大机遇,即a great opportunity,C-E Inter

22、pretation (Passage 2),其中出口增长最大,导致高收入经济体从1994年出口值是所有其他国家的11倍,降低到2003年大约是其他国家的五倍。 本句翻译仍需进行词性转换,出口增长最大可译为export has seen the greatest increase,后面两个分句中涉及到倍数关系,译成英文时应避免使用复杂的从句,因此导致最好译为as a result,两个分句之间可用对照状语从句连词while连接。,C-E Interpretation (Passage 2),itineray 旅程 行程 multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游 peak seaso

23、n 旺季 off-peak season 淡季 shoulder season 平季 receiving country 旅游接待国 tourist destination country 旅游目的国 international terminal 国际航站楼 domestic terminal 国内航站楼,Vocabulary Development (1),loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路 shuttle bus 机场内来往的班车 the world map of cultural industries 文化产业在全球的分布 world cultural heritage

24、 世界文化遗产 intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产 creative industies 创意产业 cultural diversity 文化多样性,Vocabulary Development (2),文化体制改革 reform of cultural administrative system 文化单位 cultural enterprises 经济性文艺演出 commercial art and cultural performance 国家一级保护文物 Class-A cultural property under state protection

25、 策划 executive producer 顾问 advisor 主办 hosted by, sponsored by 承办 presented by,Vocabulary Development (2),监制 supervised by 小额文化援助 small-fund aid for cultrual devepment 公益文化活动 non-profit cultrual programmes 民族凝聚力和创造力 national cohesion and creativity 园林建筑 garden architecture 景色如花 picturesque views 湖光山色

26、landscape of lakes and hills 工艺精湛,独具匠心 exquisite workmanship with an original design,口译技巧习语口译,在口译中,想把成语、谚语、歇后语、典故等翻译的达意、生动并非是一件容易的事。汉语和英语中的习语都很丰富,习语表达简练、有力、形象、生动,能起到普通语言达不到的效果。口译时,习语翻译处理的得当,既能使译文生辉,又能增加听众对译员的信任和钦佩(张清平,1999:113)。习语翻译常使用的几种方法如下: 1.借用同义或近义习语 2.直译 3.意译 4.省略和添加 5.分解,Interpretation Skills

27、 Practice (1),at daggers drawn 剑拔弩张 away with the fairies 想入非非 the grass is greener on the other side 这山望着那山高 a fish out of water 无所适从,Interpretation Skills Practice (2),丰衣足食 have ample food and clothing 相互尊重、平等对话、循序渐进、协商一致 mutual respect ,conducting dialogue on an equal footing, making gradual prog

28、ress and building consensus through consulation 坦诚交流、取长补短、求同存异、共同进步 conduct candid exchanges on an equal footing and make joint progress by drawing upon each others strengths and expanding common understanding while shelving differences.,本章小结,英文旅游文本大多直接、简练、准确、实用。用词简明具体、浅显易懂,句子紧凑,长短不一,句型多变。而中文旅游文本喜欢运用华丽的辞藻,多用成语和四字结构,频繁采用对比、排比、夸张、反复等修辞手段,增强感染力和宣传力度。因此在翻译旅游文本时要做到 1.传述旅游景点特色,达到宣传目的 2.满足大众游客心理期待,符合目的语规范 3.努力克服文化差异,力求行文流畅、易懂,


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