中国青少年研究 JWT(消费者研究).ppt

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1、,关注中国青少年市场 Tuning In to Young China JWT China,儒家思想: 与传统的冲突 Confucianism: Traditional Conflict,雄心壮志 Ambition 遵循家庭和社会体制的规范 Allegiance to familial & social order 相对狭窄的成功道路 Achievement on a narrow path,虽然雄心勃勃,但又受到约束 Ambitious, but Regimented,广告片:家庭的体制规范 Video: Familial Social Norms,现代的矛盾冲突 Contemporary

2、Clash,孔子的儒家思想始终在人们的思想方面占据了主导地位 Confucianism still holds away over peoples thinking,但两种新的趋势与这种传统思想产生了冲撞:资本主义和 “独生子女” But two contemporary trends clash with this tradition head-on: capitalism and single-child youth 今天的青少年切身经历了这种冲撞 Youth today experience the clash at the most personal level,广告片:龟鳖丸 TVC

3、: Gui Bie Wan,广告片:百事可乐 TVC: Pepsi,广告片:诺基亚 TVC: Nokia,资本主义 Capitalism,个人的主动性 Individual initiative 挑战传统规范 Challenging conventions 成功的多条路径 Diverse paths to success,自我表达 Self-Expression,第一代能自主选择生活方式的青少年今天! 由来已久的独立自主感和迷惘 First generation to have a lifestyle choice TODAY! Historic sense of empowerment an

4、d confusion.,多姿多彩的生活方式的选择 Dynamic lifestyle choices,Video clip: Dynamic lifestyle choice,多姿多彩的生活方式 Dynamic lifestyle choices,广告片:多姿多彩的生活方式 Video: Dynamic Life Style,广告片:索尼 TVC: Sony,广告片:宝路 TVC: Polo,我的名字叫十九岁 My name is Nineteen .,Mum! You go home first, would you?,我感到乐观并有自主权 I feel optimistic and em

5、powered!,激化因素:独生子女 Aggravator: Single-Child,Im an only-child!,内心深处 Inside Hearts,小皇帝症 The Little Emperor Syndrome,内心深处 小皇帝症 Inside Hearts-The Little Emperor Syndrome,我 ME!,童年 Childhood,广告片:舒肤佳 TVC: Safeguard,广告片:家乐 TVC: Knorr,内心深处 小皇帝症 Inside Hearts - The Little Emperor Syndrome,我 ME!,童年 Childhood,青

6、春期 Adolescence,广告片:脑轻松 TVC: Brain Ease,内心深处 小皇帝症 Inside Hearts - The Little Emperor Syndrome,自己得到所有人的承认 RECOGNITION OF INDIVIDUALITY,自我认同的危机 CRISIS OF IDENTITY,我想要出类拔萃! I want to stand out ! 我想要受人欢迎!I want to be popular !,广告片:菲利浦 TVC: Philips,广告片:耐克 TVC: Nike,约束 Regimentation,但在一个条框分明的大集体中,往往枪打出头鸟 B

7、ut in a regimented society, the leading goose gets shot down,在传统的环境中运用聪明机智前进 Clever Navigation in the Sea of Convention,约束 Regimentation,聪明才智带来成功 Achievement through clever resourcefulness,受限制的自我保护 Inhibited expression to protect self,渴望卓越但希望得到同伴的认可 Desire to stand out but with peer endorsement,广告片:

8、七喜 TVC: 7UP,主要洞察:小花招 Master Insight: Twist,个人主义是一个 INDIVIDUALITY IS A 小花招 Small Twist 针对传统的 ON THE CONVENTIONAL,(顺着这个系统活动,而不是逆着它) (Working within the System, not against it),理解什么是酷 Understated Cool,凝视的时候突然眨了一下眼睛,灿烂的各种个性色彩,偶然一次的离经叛道,A gaze punctuated by a wink,A glide that briefly departs from the co

9、nventional path,Monochromatic with a burst of color,中国的酷 China Cool,广告片:海飞丝 TVC: Head & Shoulders,广告片:西门子 TVC: Siemens,广告片:耐克举重 TVC: Nike- Weight Lifting,广告片:耐克公共汽车 TVC: Nike - Bus,广告片:耐克食堂 TVC: Nike- Cafeteria,广告片:耐克 地球仪 TVC: Nike - Globe,广告片:耐克爆米花 TVC: Nike - Popcorn,广告片:耐克电线杆 TVC: Nike- Pole,广告片:

10、耐克送花 TVC: Nike - Flower,青少年主题一 Youth Theme 1,将机智作为在一个条框分明的 社会中前进的工具 Cleverness as a means of advancement in a regimented society,动脑游戏 Brainy Games,广告片:曼陀思 TVC: Mentos,广告片:LG电子 TVC: LG,广告片:西门子 TVC: Siemens,青少年主题二 Youth Theme ,在条框分明的社会环境中,尽情表现自我 Crave for self-expression in the context of a regimented

11、 society,小花招:隐姓埋名 Twist: Anonymity,大胆的韩寒:作家,喜欢开快车 Bold Hanhan: Writer, Race Car Driver,互联网上聊天 Online Chat,Thank you for finding me. I can talk with you about anything interesting.,在因特网上他们无需伪装,可以随意宣泄平时不能在工作中说的话 Its letting out what you cant say at work. While you are on the internet you dont have to

12、pretend.,自己动手,动画,博客,QQ:扭曲 DIY, Flashes, Cos Play, Blog, QQ: Twists,广告片:雅虎的邮递员 TVC: Yahoo postman,广告片;耐克 TVC: Nike,广告片:动感地带 TVC: M-zone,青少年主题三 Youth Theme ,由于社会体制而导致雄心受挫从而开始追求 不同寻常的远大理想 Crave for unusually aggressive ambition due to emotionally-inhibited social structure,小花招:移花接木 Twist: Surrogacy,暴力的

13、电子游戏 Violent Computer Games,网上明星,动画迷游行 Web Stars, Flash Mobs,广告片:雀巢 TVC: Nestle,广告片:雪碧 TVC: Spirit,广告片:雪津一 TVC: Sedrin 1,广告片:雪津二 TVC: Sedrin 2,广告片:封神榜(网络游戏) TVC: Feng Shen Bang (on line game),广告片:芬达 TVC: Fanda,民族主义的理想 Nationalist Ambition,My name is CHINA!,民族主义的理想 Nationalist Ambition,受挫的雄心壮志,但通过社会普

14、遍认可的民族主义荣誉来得到满足 Frustrated individual ambition displaced onto socially endorsed nationalist expression,广告片:可口可乐 TVC: Coca Cola,广告片:耐克 TVC: Nike,一个新的混沌的世界 A New World Disorder,眼花缭乱的不同生活方式的选择 Explosion of Life style Choices,很少有同龄人的角色榜样 Few generational role models,迷失方向焦虑 Disorientation/ Anxiety,品牌作为良方

15、 Brand as therapist,青少年主题四 Youth Theme ,品牌作为咨询顾问: Brand as Counsellor: 领导,指引并教授年青一代如何进入新的世界 Lead, guide and teach the younger generation as it proceeds into The New World,广告片:绿箭 TVC: Doublemint,广告片:碧浪 TVC: Ariel,广告片:起亚 TVC: Kia,道教 Taoism,自然纯净,与自然协调发展 Natural purity in tune with nature 个人的发展方向:成为 Ind

16、ividual orientation: Being,真实自然的纯净 Authentic Self Natural Purity,没有猎食之忧 No worries of hunting 也无耕作之累 Nor labour of towing 远离喧嚣的尘世和名利的追逐 Away from the worldly and the race for fame 顺其自然而又满足 Natural and contented 这才是舒适的生活 Such is leisure,随着经济越来越向发达的阶段发展,越来越多的保护性的价值观开始主导消费者的行为 As the economy develops i

17、nto a more advanced stage, more protective values may start to drive consumers 正如我们在日本看到的 As we see in Japan,青少年主题五 Youth Theme ,针对社会腐败影响的自我净化 Decontamination of the pure individual relative to the corruptive influences of society,茶馆 Tea House,“许多人聚集在一起,是一个更加公众的场合。我们男人相互给予对方事业上的支持,并一起分享对生活的领悟。” “Its

18、 a gathering of many people, a more public occasion. We men give each other support for our careers and share understandings about life.”,瑜伽 Yoga,瑜伽比一般的体育锻炼更好。它由内而外地净化我的身心。 并使我变得美丽 “Yoga is better than exercise. It purifies me from the inside out. And makes me beautiful.”,温泉 Spa,“我非常喜欢这种在城市中亲近自然的方式。

19、但是这太贵了!” “I love how we can now get close to nature in the city. But its too expensive!”,广告片;立顿 TVC: Lipton,广告片:铂金 TVC: Platinum,广告片:赛欧 TVC: Sail,聪明的导航 Clever Navigation,The Individual个人 Subtly stand-out 巧妙胜出 Self-Expression 自我表达 Ambitious 雄心勃勃 Disorientation 迷失方向 Purity 净化,系统 The System 条框分明的 Regimented 受挫的 Inhibitive 冲突的 Conflict 腐败的 Corruptive,The End,结束 The End,


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