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1、韩氏脱瘾仪使用说明书Hans Acupoint Nerve Stimulator Users Guide注意事项: 危险:请不要与以下医用电子器械同时使用:心脏起搏器等体内植入型医用电子器械。人工心肺等维持生命用医用电子器械。心电图仪等医用检测、监测设备,短波及微波治疗设备。如同时使用,会导致本产品或上述医用电子器械设备误动作,产生危险。Notification:Danger:Please dont use it together with the following medical electronic devices:l Implantable medical devices such a

2、s heart pacemaker.l Life-sustaining medical devices such as Cardiopulmonary.l Checking, monitoring medical devices and short-wave and microwave treatment devices, such as Electrocardiograph.l If one o f these devices mentioned above is used with HANS, they or HANS will be directed in a wrong way and

3、 produce danger. 警告: 下列情形,请向医生咨询使用:急性病患者、恶性肿瘤患者、感染性疾病患者、心脏病患者、高烧患者、皮肤知觉障碍患者、孕妇。否则可能引发事故、造成不适及迁延病情。请勿在心脏附近、皮肤破损处治疗,当靠近胸部使用时电极会增加心脏纤颤的危险,在头面部、颈部使用时,强度不可过大。否则可能造成不适。Warning:Please consult a doctor before use when you meet any of the following cases:l Patients with acute diseases, malignant tumors, infe

4、ctious diseases, heart disease, hyperpyrexia or skin sensory disturbance, or the pregnant woman. Otherwise, accidents may happen following with the comfortlessness and delay of the condition.l Please do not use the device near the heart and on skin breakage. When HANS is used closing to the chest, t

5、he electrode will accelerate atrial fibrillation. The frequency cant be too high when using HANS on head face or neck, otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable. 注意:首次使用韩氏脱瘾仪需要经过专业人士指导。在颈区或喉头两侧要慎用或遵医嘱。电极下出现红肿等反应,需暂时停用。请勿在浴室等湿度较高的地方使用。请勿在同一部位下长时间(超过60分钟)使用。请勿将仪器交给儿童或无表达意识能力者独自使用。本公司产品已获专利,当用户需要资料或需要更换器件

6、时请联系我们,请勿自行拆卸。Note:You should use HANS under the direction of professionals for the first time.l Please follow the professionals guide for the first use of HANS.l Be careful or follow doctors orders to use HANS on the area of neck or both sides of larynx.l When the skin becomes red swelling under th

7、e electrodes, please stop using it firstly.l Do not use HANS in the places with high humidity such as bathroom.l Please dont put HANS on the same part of your body over 60 minutes.l Children and people without consciousness of expressing should not use HANS by themselves.l The patents have been issu

8、ed for products of our company. Please contact us if the user needs materials or to change the parts and dont dismantle the products by yourself.产品简介:“韩氏脱瘾仪”是著名戒毒专家、中国科学院院士、北京大学医学部神经科学研究所所长韩济生的一项伟大发明,也是他用毕生精力和心血的科研结晶。多年来经反复的临床应用,效果非常显著,得到了国内外专家的肯定,也得到国家科技部、卫生部、公安部等部委的认可和推广,作为戒毒临床和防复吸的首选康复仪器。Introduc

9、tion:Hans Acupoint Nerve Stimulator is a great invention of Mr. Han Jisheng, the famous international drug abstain expert, the member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of Neuroscience Research Institute at Beijing Medical University. It is also the science and research result of his hardwo

10、rking for all his life. With repeated clinical applications for many years, HANS, the effect of which is quite obvious, is accepted by the experts both at home and abroad. It is also recognized and extended as the first choose of rehabilitation devices for clinical treating addicts and preventing dr

11、ug re-use by national ministries and commissions such as National Technology Department, National Health Services and Ministry of National Police Force.“韩氏脱瘾仪”刺激穴位时激活机体内源性阿片系统,促使释放内源性阿片肽,以代替外源性吗啡的功能,发挥全身性的镇痛作用,并能有效地消除戒断症状。最新临床观察证明对吗啡(海洛因)戒断综合症和抑制心瘾有极其明确的疗效。When Hans Acupoint Nerve Stimulator stimula

12、tes the acupoint, the endogenous opioid system of the body is activated and promoted to produce endogenous opioid peptides to take the place of exogenous morphine to ease the pain of the whole body and erase withdrawal symptoms effectively. The latest clinical observation has proved that HANS had ob

13、vious therapeutical effect on heroin withdrawal syndrome and controlling mind addiction.“韩氏脱瘾仪”提供优选的治疗处方,有两对输出电极,可以用皮肤电极贴在穴位上作无针穴位电刺激。该仪器由电池供电,安全有效,小巧紧凑可随身携带。既可用于诊室,也适合家庭脱瘾治疗。Hans Acupoint Nerve Stimulator provides select optimum therapy prescription with two couples of electrode for output. The ski

14、n electrode patch could be sticked on the acupoints for non-acupuncturing acupoint electric stimulation. The device is battery powered, safe and small and easy for taking along. It can be used in the clinic or for detoxification at home.适用范围:本仪器可做穴位、神经、肌肉的低频电脉冲物理治疗,可用于吗啡(海洛因)戒断综合症的辅助治疗及针灸疗法适应症的治疗。Sc

15、ope of application:The device can be used for low-frequency electrical pulse physical therapy of acupoint, nerve and muscle and it can also be used for heroin withdrawal syndrome assistant therapy and the treatment of indications of acupuncture.仪器特点:与市场销售的其他仪器相比,本仪器有如下特点:1、 参数精确:由微电脑控制所有刺激参数,刺激强度能精确


17、调。6、定时功能:可定量治疗,免除由于刺激时间过长而引起的耐受现象。定时时间有15、30分钟和88(不限时)三种选择。7、剩余电量显示:实时的电池电量显示。8、按键锁:参数设定后,按键自动锁定,避免误触按键改变参数而引起的不适。9、开机自动复位:每次开机输出强度均为零,不会因治疗中意外断电后又来电而引起不适。Characteristics:Comparing to other devices in the market, this device has characteristics as following:1. Accurate parameters: All parameters for

18、 stimulating is controlled by micro computer and the current level for stimulating, showing on the LTD screen, can be as precise as 1mA.2. Constant current output: While the device is treating patients, the output current doesnt vary according to different skin.3. Outputting symmetrical biphasic pul

19、se wave: The stimulating level of two electrodes is exactly uniform thus totally eliminating the worry about anisomerous stimulating level and polarization of the electrodes.4. Optimal select disperse-dense wave: The disperse-dense wave with special intervals, such as 2/100Hz, can stimulate three ki

20、nds of endogenous morphine (Endorphin, Enkephalin and dynophin) nerve system and makes them produced simultaneously, which results in most effective treatment.5. Pulse duration varies according to frequency: When the frequency rises, the pulse duration narrows and the stimulation becomes the typical

21、 TENS(Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation); When the frequency reduces, the pulse duration widens and it becomes the typical Acupuncture stimulation. So, when using disperse-dense alternating wave such as 2/100Hz, the therapy device takes advantages of both TENS and Acupuncture. Because the pu

22、lse duration varies freely, the stimulation level becomes more harmonious when the frequency changes.6. Timing function: Quantitative treatment can be performed to avoid tolerance due to long time stimulation. The timing has three choices: 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 88 minutes.7. Residual battery ca

23、pacity displaying: Real-time battery capacity displaying.8. Key press:When the parameters are set, the key press will be locked automatically to avoid the uncomfortableness coming up for pressing the key by mistake.9. Auto power-on reset: The output current is zero when the power is on for avoiding

24、the uncomfortableness caused by accidental power-off. 操作方法:1、使用前的准备: 电池的安装:打开仪器背面的电池盖,装入干电池,盖好电池盖。使用干电池时请注意:附带的干电池只是试用品,所以很可能在两个月内使用完(30分钟/天)。更换新电池时请注意电池型号(9V层叠电池)。请不要放错干电池的方向与极性,否则会使电池电量耗尽。使用后的电池的废弃方法请依照城市有关环境保护规定进行处理。电池更换的标准:当开机后屏幕电池电量只剩一格或感觉刺激明显减弱时,请更换新电池(电量的测量显示在开机后一分钟左右的时间才能完成)。导线、电极片的安装:将导线插头插

25、入韩氏仪输出端口A或B,搭扣端连接电极片,并贴在需要刺激的穴位或部位上。具体请参照“皮肤电极的使用”章节。Operation method:1. Preparation before use:Battery package:Open the battery box in the back of the device, put in the battery and cover them.l Please notice the following items while using dry battery:The dry battery is only for testing so that th

26、ey could be used up in two months (30 min/day).Please pay attention to the battery type (9V layer-built battery).Do not place the battery in the wrong direction and polarity or the battery will run out of the energy.The abandoned battery should be disposed according to the city environment protectio

27、n rules.l Battery Replacement standard:When the device is turned on, the battery only have one grid showed on the screen or the perceptible stimulus is decreasing obviously, please change a new battery(the capacity of the battery is displayed correctly only about one minute after starting up the dev

28、ice).The installation of leads and electrodes: plug the leads into HANS output jack A or B, connect the holder end to electrodes and stick them to the acupoint or the skin where needs stimulation.l About more detailed information, please refer to chapter: The Use of Skin Electrode.2、开机: 长按 “ON/OFF”键

29、持续3稍钟直到显示屏背景灯亮,即完成开机。 初始状态: 波形:2/100Hz疏密波 A、B两通道的输出电流强度:0 定时设定:30分钟2. Start up the device:Press on the key ON/OFF for 3 minutes until the background light of the screen shines, then the device is started up.l Initial status: Wave form: 2/100Hz disperse-dense wave.The output current of channel A and

30、channel B: 0.Timing set: 30 minutes.3、A / B通道输出电流调节: 仪器有A和B两个输出通道。用户可以分别调节通道的输出电流大小,增大输出电流:按相应通道的“+”键。减小输出电流:按相应通道的“-”键。当A和B通道输出电流均为零时,仪器将在30秒后关闭,以节约电能。3. Regulation of channel A/B output current The device has two output channels, channel A and channel B. The user can regulate the output current of

31、 the channels separately. To increase the output current, press key “+” of the related channel; To decrease the output current, press key“+” of the related channel.l When the output current of both of the channel A and channel B is zero, the device will shut down to save the battery.4、波形选择: 根据治疗的需要调

32、节波形时,按“波形/解锁”按键,输出脉冲的波形按以下9种方式循环变化:2/100、2/15、2、15、50、100、AM15、AM50、AM100(Hz),并显示在屏幕上的右下角。 波形名称中的数字代表频率(Hz),如有两种数字则为两种频率交替的波形,“AM”表示幅度随时间变化的波形。 仪器按键锁定与解锁 仪器有自动按键锁定功能,防止误触按键改变参数设定,具体如下:如在30秒内没有操作按键,仪器则自动进入锁定状态,这时按键均失效,只能通过按“波形/解锁”解除按键的锁定。4. Wave form selection:The wave form can be regulated according

33、 to the treatment. Press the key Wave/Unlock, the wave of the output pulse will change in 9 modes, 2/100, 2/15, 2, 15, 50, 100, AM15, AM50 and AM100(Hz). The mode will be displayed on the right corner of the screen.l The number in the name of the wave represents frequency (Hz). If there are two numb

34、ers, it represents alternative frequency wave and AM represents the wave that changes amplitude as time changes.l Lock and unlock the deviceThe device can be locked automatically to prevent changing parameters setting by accident touching, the detail information is as follows:If theres no any operat

35、ion in 30 seconds, the device will be locked automatically and all keys are disabled. The only way to unlock the device is to press key Wave/Unlock.5、开始治疗:此时用户开始治疗,应根据感受及时调整输出电流大小,以舒适为准。 定时默认为30分钟,时间到时仪器会自动关机。 5. Start treatment:When using the device for treatment, the user should regulate the outpu

36、t current to the frequncy that makes you feel comfortable according to stimulation perceived.l The default timing is 30 minutes. When the time is out, the device will shut down automatically.6、结束治疗,关掉电源: 长按“ON/OFF”键持续3秒钟,液晶显示和背光消失即关闭电源。 在以下几种情况下电源也会关闭: 1、A及B通道的输出电流均为零,30秒钟后电源自动关掉。 2、设定的定时时间(不设定即为30分

37、钟)到,电源自动关掉。 去除电极片或更换导线插孔时,请先将输出减小到零,以防不适。 从仪器拔出导线时应抓住插头拔出,若导线质量出现问题,请与销售商联系。6. Finish the treatment and turn off the powerPress the key ON/OFF for 3 minutes and then the LTD and background light turns off, which means the power is turned off.l The power will also turn off in the following circumstan

38、ces:1. The output current of channel A and channel B are both zero, and then the device will turn off the power.2. When the setup time (if not setup, the time is 30 minutes) runs out, the power will turn off automatically.When take away the electrode or change lead jack, please decrease the output c

39、urrent to zero to avoid uncomfortableness.l Please hold the plug to pull out the leads and if theres any problem with the leads quality, please contact the seller.7、收藏仪器: 用户关机后取下导线及电极片妥善保存,参照“仪器的保养和保管”及“皮肤电极的使用”两章节。7、Pack the device:After shut down the device, take off the leads and electrodes and k

40、eep them carefully. Any more information, please refer to two chapters: Maintain and Storage of the Device and The Use of Skin Electrode.仪器的保养和保管: 请经常清洁本仪器,如有脏污请用干的软布进行擦拭,但请勿使用稀 释剂、汽油等擦拭。 请勿在阳光直射、高温、潮湿、灰尘多、腐蚀性气体的地方使用或保管。 请放在儿童触摸不到的地方。 长期(1个月以上)不使用时,请取出电池保管。 若不遵守以上注意事项及其他正确使用方法,本公司将不承担质量责任。Maintain a

41、nd Storage of the Device:l Please clear the device frequently. If theres any smudge, please wipe it with dry soft cloth and dont use thinner or gas to clean it.l Do not keep and use it in the place with direct sun shine, high temperature, moisture, dust and corrosive gas.l The device should be kept

42、out of reach of children.l If the device is left unused for long time( more than one month), please take out the battery.l If you dont follow the items mentioned above or other correct usage method, our company will not assume responsibility for quality.皮肤电极的使用:皮肤电极可满足各种体表(穴位)电刺激治疗的需要。它使用快捷方便,质地薄软,贴

43、附紧密可靠,舒适、安全,可长期反复使用。使用和保养注意事项如下: 皮肤电极粘帖面应保持清洁,避免粘上灰尘、油性、粘性污物,否则粘性会下降,所以使用前请清洗皮肤。 请把皮肤电极片粘帖在专用塑料片上进行保存,不要任意粘在其他物品上,避免损伤电极片。 皮肤电极片因脏污使粘性下降或皮有刺痛感时,用水清洗,同时用手指轻轻擦洗数秒。但若用水过多,会使其粘性下降。 请不要用纸巾、布等擦粘帖面。 请不要用指甲、刷子等刮伤粘帖面。 请不要频繁清洗,请不要使用洗涤剂、热水等。The Use of Skin ElectrodeThe skin electrode can meet needs of all kind

44、s of transcutaneous (acupoint) electric nerve stimulation treatment. It is rapid and convenient with soft and thin texture. The stick is reliable and tight. The device is comfortable, safe and can be used repeatedly for long time.For using and keeping the device, you should pay attention to the foll

45、owing items:l Keep the skin electrode stick surface clean and protect it from dust, oil and glutinous filth, otherwise, the surface will become less cohesive. So please clean the skin before use it.l Please stick the skin electrodes on the special plastic pieces for storage. Do not stick them to oth

46、er stuff to avoid ruining the electrodes.l When the skin electrodes become less cohesive due to the dirt or the skin feels scratchy, clean them with water and wipe them with fingers softly for a few seconds. But do not use too much water or the electrodes become less cohesive.l Do not use tissue or cloth to wipe the cohesive surface.l Do not use nail or brush to scratch the cohesive surface.l Do not clean the cohesive surface frequently and do not use scour and hot water.


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