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1、How to Learn Grammar Well,Presented by Lu Xin,How to Learn Grammar Well,How to Learn Grammar Well Typical grammatical problems we often meet,Self-introduction,Luxin Amy Email: ,Several questions:,Which is correct: Mary runs faster than I or Mary runs faster than me ? How can we explain why its odd w

2、hen learners say : I am boring today? How do we explain the problem in “ lady go supermarket meet friend”?,The greater part of this worlds troubles are due to questions of grammar.” -Michel de Montaigne,What is grammar?,Grammar : the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sent

3、ences, or the study or use of these rules: -Longman Dictionary,语法的汉语定义: 也叫“文法”。语言的结构规律。包括词法和句法。语法是人类思维长期抽象化的工作成果,是思维的巨大成就的标志。一种语言的语法具有一定的民族特点和相当的稳定性。,语言的结构规律 语法是思维的巨大成就的标志 语法具有民族特点和稳定性,You can learn a language as a child. Then you will learn all the grammar “by heart” and you will not even think abo

4、ut it as grammar. This is the normal way you learn your first language.,When you get older and want to learn a new language, you use another centre in your brains. You learn by: ? Listening and slowly understand, phrase by phrase ? More and more you learn more phrases, useful in everyday life,If you

5、 learn English in this way, congratulations! You can master the language! But not English, but the “pigeon language” (pidgin language),But if you really want to learn to use a foreign language, you have to Learn an amount of words so you can make yourself understood Learn the grammar of the language

6、, so you can use it, feel comfortable and make you really understood.,The importance of grammar,Learning the grammar by heart makes you understand the real language and will make you feel that you are safe and secure when you use a foreign language. You will feel safe that you use the right expressi

7、ons and also feel that you use the wording that is used and common where natives speak this language. A language consists of much more than words, it also consists of grammar, i.e. rules of how to use the words.,The importance of grammar,How you combine these words and how you use them is essential

8、for the practical use of a language. The better you learn grammar, the better you will understand the real “soul” of a language and can avoid speaking a bad language. Only by learning this (by heart) you can say that you speak and read another language. Therefore it is very important to learn the gr

9、ammar of a new language you learn, in order not to be regarded as a “less knowing person”.,How to Learn Grammar Well,1 在课堂上认真听老师讲的语法规则,以及其名称和特点,记住它的典型例句 “学习语法时,例句不必都是猫跳狗叫的,应该有真实内容的,或包含知识和智慧的例句。” -刘润清,E,g, The cat is chasing the dogs. 一般现在时:nothing comes from nothing 定语从句:He that travels far knows mu

10、ch. 宾语从句:I forget what I was taught, I only remember what I have learned. 动词不定式:To err is human; to forgive is devine,2通过课本学习 英语自考系列 新概念(第二册),3 一本语法书 张道真语法 薄冰语法 剑桥英语语法 a. 通读 b. 查询 你想弄懂什么语法项目,就直接去看那一章。,4 在阅读中发现、识别、理解语法。 “与其多读语法书,不如多读文章。” -吕叔湘,e.g1. Whether an organism is a plant of an animal sometime

11、s taxes the brain of a biologist. 主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾。,e.g2. It is a matter of common experience that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air It+ 谓语+that (whether)引导的从句 先译从句,再译主句,再主句前加译“这”。,e.g3. Sunlight is no less necessary than fresh air to a healthy c

12、ondition of body 比较级,e.g4. Were there no gravity, there would be no air around earth. 虚拟: 如果If 从句谓语含有had, were, should,则可省略 if,并常将 had, were, should 提至主语前,用此倒装表虚拟。,5)要做一定量的相关练习,6)注意汉英语法的差异性 Number of nouns e.g.One book, two books 一本书,两本书 们: 人们,同志们,朋友们 X 猴子们,书们 X 三个人们,7)学习英语语法象学习母语一样,不要钻牛角尖,previous

13、questions:,Which is correct: Mary runs faster than I or Mary runs faster than me ? How can we explain why its odd when learners say : I am boring today? How do we explain the problem in “ lady go supermarket meet friend”?,II The problems we often meet in grammar learning,1.时态,动词时态的使用,主要看时间状语和上下 文。每种

14、时态都有相应的时间状语。 e.g.1 often,usually,sometimes e.g.2 last week,yesterday,in 2000 e.g.3 tomorrow,next year e.g.4 already,yet,for, since,e.g.5 主从关系 看看主句和从句的关系,根据主句可以确定从句的动词形式,根据从句也可以确定主句的动词形式。,时间、条件两种从句,使用时要特殊记:主句是一般将来时态,从句要用一般现在时态。e.g.Ill phone you back as soon as I get home e.g.Youll fail if you dont wo

15、rk harder 其它一般都遵循“时态一致“的原则。,含宾语从句的句子,主句是现在时态,从句可以用所需要的任何时态(注:宾语从句讲的是事实或普遍真理,总是用一般现在时态);主句是过去时态,从句也要用相应的过去时态。 e.g. He says he will go to Shanghai someday. He said he would go to Shanghai someday.,Other tips about learning tense,1 应准确掌握该时态的用法。即在什么情况下可以使用这种时态 A.表示现在(通常指说话时)正在进行或发生的动作。 e.g. They are pla

16、ying basketball. B.表示当前一段时期内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 e.g. Im working with Tom for the summer.,2要牢记时态的构成形式。主要包括以下几点: A.由助动词be的现在式 (am, is, are)doing。 B.本时态的助动词是be的现在式am ,is ,are,而不是was, were,更不是do, did, will等。 C.牢记本时态所用的动词现在分词的构成规律 e.g. work-working, close-closing, sit-sitting,How can we avoid making mistakes

17、? Practice makes perfect!,2 主谓一致,谓语动词随着主语人称和数的变化而变化,这就是所谓的主谓一致。,Whats wrong with the sentence?,1、People likes swimming in summer. 2、What are on the two plates? 3、The singer and dancer are going to the party. 4、Not only Mary but also her sister enjoy listening to the radio.,5、This kind of apple taste

18、 good. 6、Physics were taught by Mr. Wang last term. 7、His family is all healthy. 8、Half of the money are yours.,9、Mr. White together with some Japanese friends, have visited our school. 10、Either of the answers are right. 11、The number of the students in our class are over fifty. 12、The boys and gir

19、ls each has their own books.,13、There are some fish and chicken on the table. 14、This pair of trousers are too short for me. 15、Between the two buildings stand a hospital. 16、Two weeks are quite short time for us finish the work.,3 终止性动词问题,英语的动词有延续性和终止性之分。有一些动词表示的动作可以延续而有些动词表示的动作则是短暂的。这类动词被称为非延续性动词或

20、终止性动词(如:close, open等),Which one is correct?,She has caught a bad cold for a week. She has had a bad cold for a week.,若需要表示持续一段时间时,可以用下列两种形式: 1 用It is(或has been)since句型; 2 用副词ago把句子改为一般过去时。 The American musician has arrived here for about a month. It is(或has been)about a month since the American musi

21、cian arrived here. The American musician arrived here about month ago.,除了改变句型结构外,还可对动词作相应变化。其中多数终止性动词可用be来表示延续,有些可用相应的延续性动词来代替。 My sister had joined the Party for over six years. My sister has been a Party member for over six years. How long have you borrowed the book? How long have you kept the boo

22、k?,常用的替换词有:come be here, leave be away, die dead, begin be on, open be open, become be ,buy ,have, borrow keep, eat have, join be in, get up be up, get ready be ready, get to know know, make friends be friends, go to bed sleep, catch a cold have a cold等。,Notice 1、在否定句中,终止性动词可以转化为延续性的否定状态,因此可以和表示一段时间

23、的状语连用。 I havent heard from my brother for many years. The rain hasnt stopped since three minutes ago. 2、终止性动词可以用于“表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果“这种概念的现在完成时中,说明某个动作的结果还存在,不跟表示一段时间的状语连用,但可用already, yet, before, just, ever, now, today等时间状语。 I have already posted the photos. Have you seen the film before?,4 反意疑

24、问句问题,反意疑问句由两部分构成,前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是简短的问句。在运用反意疑问句时,往往在简短问句这部分容易出错,1、陈述句部分的主语是名词时,简短问句的主语用人称代词来代替。 e.g. The teacher had a long talk with you, didnt he? 2、主语若是指示代词this或that时,简单问句的主语用it,指示代词若是these或those时,简单问句的主语用they。 e.g. This is a useful book, isnt it? e.g. Those arent desks, are they?,3、陈述句部分主谓是“I am“时

25、,简单问句用arent I。 e.g. I am older than you, arent I? 4、第一部分陈述句是“there be“句型时,提问部分须保留there。 e.g. There are some apples in the basket, arent there?,5、否定意义的词时,简单问句部分用肯定形式。 e.g. Theres nothing wrong with it, is there? e.g. Few people went to the exhibition, did they? 6、陈述句中若有通过加前缀或后缀构成否定意义的词,仍作肯定句处理,因此简短问句

26、一般仍用否定形式。 e.g. The cloth is useless, isnt it? e.g. Kate dislikes the book, doesnt she?,7、陈述句部分的主语是everyone、everybody、someone、somebody、anyone、anybody、no one、nobody及none等,简短问句部分的主语一般用they。 e.g. Nobody can work it out, can they? e.g. of the students went there,did they? everything、nothing、something、any

27、thing等总是用单数动词。 e.g. Everything has gone wrong today, hasnt it? e.g. Nothing was right, was it?,8、当陈述句中有had better时,简短问句一般用shouldnt或hadnt. e.g. Youd better do it by yourself, shouldt you?/hadnt you? 9、若第一部分是祈使句,在它后面的疑问尾句一般为will you或wont you的婉转表示请求、恳求之意,并没有反问之意。Will you 多表示“请求“,wont you多表示“提醒对方注意“。但是,

28、祈使句的否定结构后面,只能用will you。如: e.g. Look at the picture, will you/ wont you?,10、以Lets开始的祈使句中,反意疑问句部分用shall we 或shant we,但是Let us (me, him) ,问句则用will you或wont you。 e.g. Lets go for a walk, shall we? (shant we?) e.g. Let us go to the park, will you? (wont you?) 11、若陈述句是主从复合句,反意疑问句部分的代词和助动词应跟主句中的主语和动词保持一致。

29、e.g. They never said Tom would come, did they? e.g. When the teacher speaks, we have to keep quiet, dont we?,12、陈述句若是“I think(believe,suppose,expect 等)宾语从句“,反意疑问句部分应与宾语从句的主谓保持一致(特殊情况例外),并要注意否定转移。 e.g. I believe theyve finished their work, havent they? e.g. I dont think he is right, is he? e.g. You t

30、hought he was an honest man, didnt you? 13、陈述句若是并列句,简短问句的主语一般与最接近的分句主语保持一致。 e.g. We must study English hard, or we arent good at English, are we? e.g. He was lazy, and he didnt pass the exam, did he?,14、简短问句在感叹句后,动词用否定式,人称与前面的名词一致。 e.g. What delicious food, isnt ? 15、陈述句动词是wish和hope,简短问句要用may,代词与wish、hope的主语相一致 e.g. I wish to see a film now, may I? e.g. I hope to visit Nanjing soon, may I?,A sentence for you : There is light at the end of the long channel.,Your questions will be welcome !,


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