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1、,Lesson 67-70,主要内容:一般过去时,Review 1.Make a sentence with must/mustnt. translation: 她什么时候必须回家? 她必须在10点15分之前回家。 我们玩的很开心。 2.反身代词。,When must she get home?, She must get/come home at 10:15./a quarter past ten., We enjoy ourselves.,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend,New Words,g

2、reengrocer 零售商 absent 缺席的 keep 处于 spend 度过 country 乡村 lucky 幸运的,New Words,church 教堂 dairy 乳品店 baker 面包师傅 grocer 食品杂货店,greengrocer,greengrocers,/ri:nrus/,butcher,butchers,/but/,greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果零售商 在英文中,表示店铺、住宅、公共机构、公共建筑物以及教堂的名字或某人家时,名词所有格后常不出现它所修饰的名词: at the greengrocers at the butchers at the den

3、tists at the hairdressers at the stationers at my mothers,在蔬菜水果店,在肉店里,在理发店,在文具店,在牙医的诊所,在我妈妈家,absent adj. 缺席的 be absent from 不在,缺席 be absent from school 缺课 be absent from work 旷工 她不喜欢上学,所以她经常缺课。 She doesnt like school, so she is often absent from school.,keep v. (身体健康)处于(状况);保存,保留保守;储藏 翻译: 让火一直燃烧。 Ke

4、ep the fire burning. 他保不住自己的工作了。 He would not be able to keep his job. 当我离开的时候,你能为我保管一下我的东西吗? Would you keep my things for me while Im away?,spend v. 度过 v. 花(时间等);度过 spend + n./pron. 度过 我们要在我妈妈家呆几天。 We are going to spend several days at my mothers. 我想这周末在乡下度假。 I want to spend my holiday in the count

5、ry this weekend., v. 用(钱),花费 spend 时间/金钱 + on +sth. 女人都花很多钱来买衣服。 Women spend a lot of money on clothes. 孩子们花费很多时间上网。 Children spend a lot of time on Internet.,spend 时间/金钱 +(in) doing sth. 在会上,经理用两个小时来解释这个计划 The manager spent 2 hours explaining the plan at the meeting.,country n. 乡村 n. 国家;国土;故乡 India

6、, a former British colony, is now a fully independent country. 曾一度为英国殖民地的印度如今已是一个完全独立的国家。 n. 乡下,乡村 country表示“农村”时,前面一定要加定冠词the。 adj. 乡下的;乡村风味的 I prefer country life to life in the city. 乡村生活与城市生活相比,我更喜欢乡村生活。 After nearly thirty years in the city, hes still country. 他在城里住了将近三十年,可还是土气十足。,lucky adj. 幸运

7、的 adj. 有好运的,幸运的 她能得到这样一个报酬优厚的工作真幸运。 She was lucky to get such a well-paid job. adj. 侥幸的,碰巧的 他并非真知道答案那不过是个侥幸的猜测。 He didnt really know the answer - it was just a lucky guess. 他碰巧在这儿。 Its lucky hes here.,Lucky dog Thats my destiny.,图片 过去式 现在时,He was a boy many years ago.,He is a singer now.,She was a g

8、irl many years ago. She is an actor now.,He was a baby many year ago. He is a basketball player now.,现在式: 过去式:,Grammer 一般过去时态:表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态,过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为,过去主语具备的能力性格。 其基本结构为:主语+动词过去式+其他, 否定形式1、was/were+not,I am at school .,过去式:,I was at school yesterday.,过去式的否定形式:,I wasnt at school yesterday.,

9、过去式的一般疑问句:,Were you at school yesterday?,Yes, I was.,No, I wasnt.,肯定回答:,否定回答:,eg,Exercise,他们昨天在北京。 他去年还是个学生。 你昨晚在家吗? 你们上午在哪儿?,1,I am at the grocers. 2,They are at the dairys. 3,Penny is at the bakers. 4,Tom is at the hairdressers. 5,Jerry is at his mothers. 6,She is in hospital. 7,He is at church. 8

10、,You are at school. 9,Tom is in the room.,practice练习 (把下列句子变成过去式、否定、及疑问句),Read the text,and answer the questions.,1.Was Mrs.Johnson at the butchers?,No,she wasnt.,2.Where was she?,She was at the greengrocers.,3.Who was at the butchers?,Mrs.Williams was.,Listen again,then answer the questions.,1.How

11、is Jimmy today?,2.Was Jimmy at school last week?,3.When was he absent from school?,Hes very well.,No, he wasnt.,Mrs.Johnson:Were you at the butchers? Mrs.Williams:Yes,I was.Were you at the butchers,too? Mrs.Johnson:No,I wasnt.I was at at the greengrocers. How is Jimmy today?,Mrs.Williams:Hes very we

12、ll,thank you. Mrs.Johnson:Was he absent from school last week? Mrs.Williams:Yes,he was. He was absent on Mon,Tues, Wed,and Thursday. How are you all keeping?,Mrs.Johnson:Very well,thank you. We are going to spend three days in the country. We are going to stay at my mothers for the weekend. Mrs.Will

13、iams:Friday,Saturday and Sunday in the country! Arent you lucky!,Find out the mistakes,Was you at the butchers? Yes,I were. How are Jimmy today? Was he absent to school last week? How are you all keep?,were,was,is,from,keeping,He was absent in Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday ,and Thursday. We are going to

14、 spent three days on the country. Arent you luck!,from,spend,in,lucky,-Were you at the butchers? -Yes,I was.,am,are的过去式是were is的过去式was,were的否定werent was 的否定 wasnt,How is Jimmy today? How are you? How is she/he? How are they? How are you all keeping?问人怎么 样? 也可以说How are you doing? How is everything/it

15、 going? Whats going on? 那一般我们都怎么回答呢?,Not bad. Pretty well. Very well. Great. Im OK.,Was he absent from school last week? We are going to spend three days in the country.,缺席,注意介词要用from,Last month/year,spend的过去式spent花费,主语为人,一般与in/on .搭配。,- Were you at the office last night ? - No, I wasnt. I was at ho

16、me.,- Where were you last Sunday ? - I was at church.,Key structures,-Where were you on Monday? -I was in GZ. -When were you at the office? -9:00 pm last night.,Lesson 69,The car race,单词 比一比,一般过去时态 There be (某处有某物) There is- There are-,There was There were,on the .,There is,There are,some books,书架上

17、有一本书。,书架上 有一些书。,bookshelf,a book,yesterday,There _ a book on the bookshelf.,( is was ),was,yesterday,There _ some books on the bookshelf.,( are were ),were,There be,单:There is a/ an 复:There are some 单:There was a/an 复:There were some ,一般现在时 一般过去时,There was an apple on the table .,yesterday,There wer

18、e some apples on the table .,yesterday,There was a student in the classroom .,last Sunday,There were some students in the classroom .,last Sunday,There was a car on the street,this morning.,There were some cars on the street .,this morning,Its time to watch.,There is (be的适当形式 ) a car race near our t

19、own every year. In 1995, there was (be的适当形式 ) a very big race. There were hundreds of people (数以百计的 ) there. My wife and I were (be的适当形式 ) at the race. Our friends Julie and Jack were (be的适当形式 ) there, too. You can see us (we的适当形式 ) in the crowd. We are standing (stand的适当形式 ) on the left. There were

20、 (be的适当形式 ) twenty cars in the race. There were (be的适当形式 ) English cars, French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars. It was (be的适当形式 ) an exciting finish. The winner was (be的适当形式 ) Billy Stewart. He was (be的适当形式 ) in car number fifteen. Five other cars were (be的适当形式 ) ju

21、st behind him. On the way home (在回家的路上), my wife said to me, Dont drive so quickly! Youre not Billy Stewart!,课文拓展,1. How many cars are there in the race? There are four. 2. What number is the red car? Its number ninety-five. 3. Which car is the winner, the red car, the yellow car, the blue car or th

22、e green car? The green car.,Learn the text,Is there a car race in our town every year? Yes, there is. Was there a very big car race in 1998? No, there wasnt. How many people were there? There were hundreds of people there. How many cars were there in the race? There were twenty cars in the race. Who

23、 was the winner? The winner was Billy Stewart.,3.Read the passage,There is a car race near our town every year. a horse race 赛马 a 10-mile race 10英里赛跑 every day/ week/ Monday,汽车比赛,每年,In 1995, there was a very big race.,在1995年,in/on/at 表时间: in in June / in summer /in 2011 in the morning/ afternoon/ ev

24、ening (in 表月、季、年、上、下午和晚) on on Monday/ on June 12th at at five oclock/ at noon/at night in/at 表地点: in in China/ in Tongliao at at home/ at school/ at the butchers,(on 在具体某一天 (at 用在时间点),(in 在大地点) (at 在小地点),There were hundreds of people there. thousands of cars 成千上万的汽车,成百上千的,My wife and I were at the

25、race. There were twenty cars in the race. at the party 在聚会上 at the meeting 在会议上 at the concert 在音乐会上,在赛场上,在比赛中,You can see us in the crowd. We are standing on the left. on the right 在右面 turn left 左转 turn right 右转,在人群中,在左面,He was in car number fifteen. On the way home, my wife said to me Lesson 69/ C

26、lass Two/ Page 137,在第15号车里,在回家的路上,6. Written exercises,Summary,1. 一般过去时态 There be 句型 There was/ were 2. 介词in, on, at,一般过去时是指过去发生的动作,一般在动词后面+ed 比如 visitvisited drive- drived 不规则变化:am,are-were is-was go-went dodid have had trytried study studies flyflied stay-stayed eat- ate drink-drunk learn-learnt,Homework,


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