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1、,A merry heart goes all the way.,A light heart lives long.,Once bitten, twice shy.,Task 5 Proverbs and Sayings,静以修身。,心旷神怡,事事顺利。,一遭被蛇咬,十年怕井绳.,Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well. (Line 3),All + sb. needs/cares about/remembers is +表语 某人所需要的/关心的/记着的一切就是 此句中,all 后

2、面省略了that,all 后面带的是定语从句。,All China needs now is peace and stability.,All I remember about my hometown is the river in which I swam with some of my friends.,中国当前所需要的是和平和稳定。,我所能记住的有关我家乡的就是那条河,我曾和伙伴们一起在河里游泳。,完成下面的句子。,All I care about,All we can expect,有时候病人所需要的只是一个一切都会好的保证。,1. Sometimes all a sick perso

3、n needs is some reassurance that all will be well. (Line 3),2. It seems that if patients think they have been given medicine, they will have hope. (Line 21),seem 一词主要有以下三种用法: 句型:it seems that 从句/as if (既可以是虚 拟语气也可以是陈述语气) 2) 主语 + seem to do 3) 主语 + seem (to be) + 形容词/名词/介词短语/分词等,The success of this t

4、reatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor.,Many of the “treatments” they use do not seem able to make a sick person better, and yet such treatments work.,It seems that everybody knows the rules for success, but few can practice them.,似乎人人都知道成功的法则,但很 少有人能那样

5、做。,这种疗法成功与否在很大程度上似乎取决于病人与医生之 间的关系。 (Line 24),他们采用的很多“疗法”看似不可能治好病人,但是确实有 效。(Line 56),完成下面的句子。,It seems as if,seem to care a lot about the form of the resume,Such question seems pretty simple,如果病人们以为他们得到了药物治疗,他们似乎就会充满希望。,2. It seems that if patients think they have been given medicine, they will have

6、hope. (Line 21),3. The placebo has been found to work with a lot of different cases. (Line 36),work with 1)在方面起作用;适用于; 2)与 一起工作,这两家公司决定合作开发这一新产品。,The rules we discussed just now dont work with this question.,我们刚才讨论的那些规则不适合这道题。,These two companies decided to work with each other on the development of

7、 the new product.,完成下面的句子。,work with colleges and universities,doesnt work with Chinese conditions at all,人们已经发现安慰剂能在很多不同的病例中发挥作用。,3. The placebo has been found to work with a lot of different cases. (Line 36),很多医学专家把药方也看作是一种应该受到法律保护的知识产品。,That prescription contains several kinds of precious herbal

8、medicine.,Many medical experts regard prescription as a kind of intellectual property that should also be legally protected.,那张药方中包含着几种名贵的草药(herbal medicine)。,用提示词造句。,I have been prescribed some painkillers by the doctor.,That senior herbalist doctor prescribed needle therapy for him.,医生 止疼片 (painki

9、ller),老中医 (senior herbalist doctor) 针灸治疗(needle therapy),完成下面的句子。,The reassurance from her supporters,assure 与 ensure,assure 强调让某人深信某事,后可接that从句以及of短语。,We tried to assure that customer that all the laptop computers sold in our company were authorized by Apple Corporation of America. 我们尽力说服那位顾客,使他深信我

10、们公司销售的所有笔记本电脑都是经过美国苹果公司授权的。,ensure是“确保”的意思。同assure 一样,其后可接that从句。且从句中的谓语动词多用现在时态。,Governments at all levels must take steps to ensure that most of the Chinese-language porn websites (色情网站) can be closed in this campaign. 各级政府必须采取措施以确保在这次行动中大部分的中文色情网站能够被取缔。,请选择 “assure”或 “ensure”的适当形式填空。,assured,ensu

11、re,ensure,assured,The wound soon healed up / over.,Fortunately, the medicine that could heal him of typhoid was not very expensive.,伤口不久就愈合了。,幸运的是,那种可以治愈他的伤寒(typhoid)的药物不 是很贵。,Her wound has been healed.,她的伤已经治好了。,cure (vi.,vt.) 治愈,着重于效果。短语cure sb. of “治好某人的病”。用于比喻时,多指社会不良现象或个人恶疾的消除。,That hospital ca

12、n cure some types of cancer. 那家医院可以治愈某些癌症。,cure, heal与treat,Teachers try to cure some students of bad habits. 老师们努力帮助一些学生改掉坏习惯。,heal (vi.,vt.) 愈合。主要指外伤的愈合。也可用于heal sb. of的结构。用于比喻时,多指精神创伤的医治。,Time can help her heal all her sorrows. 时间可以帮她医治一切的忧伤。,The doctor is treating me for influenza. 那位医生正在给我医治流感。

13、,treat (vt.) 治疗。着重于过程。,Western medicine tends to treat symptoms and not the cause. 西医常常治标不治本。,请选择 “cure”, “heal”或 “treat”的适当形式填空。,cured,healed,treated,cured,heal,treat,In humorous cartoon movie “Tom & Jerry”, the poor cat _.(总是受到那只聪明的老鼠的愚弄去做各种蠢事),完成下面的句子。,_ that comedian Pan Changjiang can become a

14、NBA player.(没有人会笨到去相信),No one will be fooled into believing,is always fooled into doing all kinds of stupid things by the clever mouse,It rests with her to decide (The decision rests with her).,要由她来做决定。,rests with netizens recognition and support,rests with many factors,a normal entertainment phenom

15、enon in a way,contain,abundant philosophy in a way,To our great relief, the earthquake caused little damage.,地震造成的损失很小,这使我们大感宽慰。,before the examinations,gave relief to his great pressure,relieved his anxious relatives,完成下面的句子。,8. rather than (Line 51, Para. 10),与其,宁愿 ;而不是,That pair of gloves are com

16、fortable rather than pretty.,如我们所知,奥运冠军刘翔是一名跨栏运动员,而不是一名短跑选手。,那双手套谈不上漂亮,但戴起来倒很舒服。,As we know, Olympic gold medallist Liu Xiang is a hurdler rather than a sprinter.,她在那个晚会上遇到了几个名人,都不是歌手。,I do not wish you other than you are.,She met with several celebrities other than singers at that party.,我不希望你改变目前的

17、样子。,Those survivors could hardly be other than grateful.,There is nothing in that house other than a cat.,那间屋子里除了一只猫以外什么都没有。,那些幸存者除了感激还能怎样呢。,这个病人非常相信这位医生。,The patient has a lot of trust in the doctor.,这个药对很多不同的病状有效。,The medicine works with a lot of different cases.,开启了方面的新的知识领域,to open up new knowle

18、dge about ,你可以用你的精神力量来治愈你的身体。,You can heal your body by using your mind.,强烈的愿望,a stronger will,Is There a Doctor in the Body?,引申翻译法 英译汉时,有时会遇到某些词在词典上无法找到适当的意思对应,如果任意翻译,生拉硬套,会使译文生硬晦涩,不能表达原意,甚至造成误解。这时应根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本含义出发,进一步加以引申,选择适当的汉语词语来表达。以下介绍抽象与具体转换互译法。,从具体到抽象转换法 英语中,常常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一种属性、一个事物或一种

19、概念。这类词语在翻译时,可作抽象化处理,使译文流畅、自然。,恐怖分子的性格既残暴、又狡猾。,The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era - the Industrial Age. Money had become King.,发明机器将世界带入工业时代,在这个新纪元中金钱成为一切主宰。,Every life has its roses and thorns.,每个人的生活都有苦有甜。,There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of

20、the terrorists.,从抽象到具体转换法 英语中也有用代表抽象概念或属性的词语来表示一种具体事物,翻译时可作具体化处理。,The car in front of me stopped and I missed the green.,我前头那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。,The experience of studying abroad was his entree to the new government.,海外留学经历成为他进入新政府的敲门砖。,The wedding, which Hayward still remembered with pride, was attended

21、by a Whos Who of Boston Society.,参加婚礼的人士皆为波士顿社会名流。赫华德回想起婚礼,仍感到非常得意。,Is There a Doctor in the Body?,衔接自如,逻辑连贯。,1. 语法手段。如照应、替代、省略等。,2. 词汇手段。如在语篇中,某一词以原词、同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、概括词的形式重复出现,以相互衔接。衔接得当会起到“润滑剂”的作用。,语篇连贯(二),1. 用过渡词表明句子间正确的逻辑关系。有意识地使用一些表示时间、顺序、列举、增进、转折、对比、因果等意义的逻辑手段。,2.重复主要词或短语并使代词指代关系明确。,“连贯”存在于文章

22、底层,能够通过逻辑推理手段来达到。作文时可采用下述三种方法达到连贯:,3. 按句子本身自然顺序或逻辑顺序安排句子。综述时 要把问题说明、说透。问题的重要性按由大到小 (递减)或由小到大(递增)的方向排列,事实按 过程或因果方式举出,使层次分明。,提示:过多过滥使用逻辑关联词会使段落发展显得累赘笨拙。对逻辑关联词的选用要根据内容需要“精打细算”、疏密得当,做到自然贴切。,你在写下列作文时,怎样注意连贯与衔接?,Directions: So far you have learned quite a lot about how psychology works in different cases.

23、 Write a composition entitled: College Students Should Have a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body. You should write at least 120 words. Remember to write neatly.,1. 一些大学生有心理问题。 2. 大学生应保持心理健康。 3. 因此,,College Students Should Have a Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body.,When they experience major turning points i

24、n their lives, some college students have hidden mental problems. These problems may result from academic pressure, anxiety about interpersonal relationships, love failure or career-related matters. Without parents immediate help or teachers adequate guidance, a lot of physical and emotional disorde

25、rs touch them. They suffer from depression (抑郁症), sleep disorders or poor academic performance. Anxious hearts, hopeless minds and even nervous breakdowns (神经衰弱) chase them.,Mental health is part of the most valuable wealth students can ever have. On campus students learn to reason and act with wisd

26、om, with a healthy mind in a healthy body, they can challenge all hardships later in life. Todays competitive world needs more versatile talents (多面手,多才多艺的英才), especially those who are firm-willed and have confidence in themselves.,Therefore, all sides concerned (有关各方) should make joint efforts to h

27、elp students solve their mental problems. Schools may offer optional courses (选修课) and establish campus counseling (咨询) center to help students. Parents, teachers and classmates could encourage them to go to psychological clinic. Students must develop a positive mental attitude and be more optimisti

28、c. We believe those who have mental health can do great things in the future.,III. TOEFL作文题目 2 Directions: You will have thirty minutes to plan and write an essay on the topic given below. Use the first few minutes to read the topic carefully and think about what kind of essay you will write. You ma

29、y use the space immediately below the essay topic to make notes. Write your essay on the lined pages that follow. You will have enough space if you write on every line and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size.,People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?,


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