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1、Chinese places of historic interest and scenic beauty,中国名胜古迹,十 秦陵兵马俑 九 承德避暑山庄 八 台湾日月潭 七 长江三峡 六 安徽黄山 五 苏州园林 四 北京故宫 三 杭州西湖 二 桂林山水 一 万里长城,2B131 程广岩 赵红旗 孙鑫 孙国栋 赵平 李传鑫,THE GREAT WALL,长城是古代中国在不同时期为抵御塞北游牧部落联盟侵袭而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。长城东西绵延上万华里,因此又称作万里长城。现存的长城遗迹主要为始建于14世纪的明长城,西起嘉峪关,东至辽东虎山,全长8851.8公里,平均高6至7米、宽4至5米

2、。长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大的奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。它与天安门,兵马俑一起被世人视为中国的象征。,返回,The Great Wall The Great Wall is an ancient Chinese in different times against nomadic tribe alliance for camels caused the scale of the construction of a massive military engineering collectively. The Great Wall stretches of thousands of li

3、things, so called the Great Wall. The Great Wall of existing remains mainly for was built in the s the bright Great Wall, west up JiaYuGuan, east to the liaodong the tiger, the 8851.8 km, an average of six to seven meters high, 4 to 5 meters wide. The Great Wall is the ancient working people have cr

4、eated great wonders, Chinas long history of witness. It and tiananmen square, Terra Cotta Warriors by the world together as the symbol of China.,桂林山水,桂林的纬度比较低,属于中亚热带湿润季风气候。总体上来说,桂林的气候温和,四季分明,气候条件十分优越。年平均气温为19.3,有“三冬少雪,四季常花”之说。到桂林旅游,最佳季节是在每年4-10月份,在这个期间会有“五一”和“十一”两个黄金周,也是旅游的高峰期,气候适宜的桂林会有很多的游客,房间的预订和交

5、通也进入高潮,价格比平时有所上涨,所以最好避开这个时间,选择一个淡季出游,细细体味这天下美景。,返回,Guilin latitude is low, belongs to the subtropical moist monsoon climate. Overall, guilin, mild climate, four distinct seasons, climate conditions are very good. An average temperature of 19.3 in, have “three winter snow, the four seasons less often

6、 spend,“ said. To guilin tourism, the best season is in every year 4-in October, during this time there will be “51“ and “11“ golden week two, is also travel peak, climate appropriate guilin will be a lot of tourists, the room reservation and traffic into climax, price usually has rise up, so its be

7、st to avoid this time, the choice of an off-season travel, this world beauty sweetness.,杭州西湖,中国古代以西湖命名的湖有36个之多,其中以杭州西湖最著名,如单称西湖通常指的就是杭州西湖。西湖是一个历史悠久、世界著名的风景游览胜地,古迹遍布,山水秀丽,景色宜人。,返回,Named after the ancient Chinese west lake lake has 36 of the most famous west lake in hangzhou, such as single says usual

8、ly refers to the west lake is hangzhou west lake. The west lake is a long history, the world famous scenic spot, numerous cultural sites, beautiful scenery, the scenery pleasant.,北京故宫,北京故宫,又名紫禁城,是明清两代的皇宫,位于北京市中心。故宫东西宽750米,南北长960米,面积达到72万平方米,为世界之最;故宫的整个建筑被两道坚固的防线围在中间,外围是一条宽52米,深6米的护城河环绕;接着是周长3公里的城墙,墙

9、高近10米,底宽862米。城墙上开有4门,南有午门,北有神武门,东有东华门,西有西华门,城墙四角,还耸立着4座角楼,角楼有3层屋檐,72个屋脊,玲珑剔透,造型别致,为中国古建筑中的杰作。,返回,Beijing imperial palace, and name the Forbidden City, is of the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is located in the centre of Beijing. The palace things 750 meters wide, north and south is 960 metres long, w

10、ith an area of 720000 square meters, is the worlds most; The palace of the whole building is two way fortified defenses in the midst, peripheral is a wide 52 meters, six meters deep moat around; Then there is the wall of the perimeter 3 kilometers, wall nearly 10 meters high, bottom 8.62 meters wide

11、. The wall has four door open, south have meridian gate, a north ShenWu door, DongHuaMen from the east, the west gate xihua, four walls, still stands 4 a watchtower, the watchtower have 3 eaves, 72 ridge, exquisitely carved, modelling is chic, as a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture.,苏州园林,苏

12、州园林的历史可上溯至公元前6世纪春秋时吴王的园囿,私家园林最早见于记载的是东晋(4世纪)的辟疆园,历代造园兴盛,名园日多。明清时期,苏州成为中国最繁华的地区之一,私家园林遍布古城内外.16-18世纪全盛时期,苏州有园林200余处,保存尚好的有数十处,并因此使苏州素有“人间天堂”的美誉。,返回,Suzhou gardens history can be traced back to the 6 th century BC spring autumn the garden of the king, the first private garden in the record is jin dyna

13、sty (4 th century) BiJiang garden, the garden make flourishing, day many gardens. The Ming and qing dynasties, suzhou become Chinas most prosperous regions, private garden city inside and outside all over. 16-18 th century heyday, suzhou garden over 200 sites, save ShangHaoDe have dozens of place, a

14、nd therefore make suzhou known as “paradise“ reputation.,安徽黄山,黄山风景区(Huangshan Mountain),位于安徽省南部黄山市,东经1181度,北纬301,南北长约40公里,东西宽约30公里,面积约1200平方公里,其中精粹风景区154平方公里。黄山山脉东起绩溪县的大嶂山,西接黟县的羊栈岭,北起太平湖,南临徽州山区。主峰莲花峰,海拔1864.8米。黄山是中国著名风景区之一,世界游览胜地。,返回,Huangshan scenic spot (Huangshan Mountain), is located in the sout

15、h of anhui province, east longitude 118 1 degrees north latitude, 30 1, north and south is long and about 40 km wide things about 30 kilometers, an area of about 1200 square kilometers, which is pithy scenic area of 154 square kilometers. Huangshan mountains east of the JiXiXian big the zhangshan, w

16、est receives the sheep stack ridge yixian county, north up area, huizhou mountain area in the south. The lotus feng, elevation 1864.8 meters. Huangshan is one of Chinas famous scenic spot, the world resorts.,长江三峡,长江三峡 长江三峡:中国长江上游瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的合称,简称三峡。长江三峡,中国10大风景名胜之一,中国40佳旅游景观之首。长江三峡西起重庆奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南

17、津关,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称,是长江上最为奇秀壮丽的山水画廊,全长192公里,也就是常说的“大三峡”。,返回,Yangtze three gorges The Yangtze river three gorges: Chinas Yangtze river upstream qutang gorge, the wu gorge and called the xiling, referred to the three gorges. The Yangtze river three gorges, China 10 big scenic spots of China, one of

18、the better the 40 tourism landscape. The Yangtze river three gorges west up of fengjie in chongqing lustre to the east, NaJinGuan of yichang in hubei province, is qutang gorge, the wu gorge and three sections of the floorboard of the xiling gorge, the Yangtze river is the most spectacular landscape

19、although divided gallery, 192 kilometers long, also is often said that the “big three gorges“.,台湾日月潭,台湾日月潭 日月潭是台湾的“天池”,湖周35公里,水域9平方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的高山湖泊之一。其地环湖皆山,湖水澄碧,湖中有天然小岛浮现,圆若明珠,形成“青山拥碧水,明潭抱绿珠”的美丽景观。清人曾作霖说它是“山中有水水中山,山自凌空水自闲”;陈书游湖,也说是“但觉水环山以外,居然山在水之中”。环潭一带地方古称水沙连,分属南投县鱼池乡,是高山族曹族人的聚居地。日月潭凭着

20、“万山丛中,突现明潭”的奇景而成为宝岛诸胜之冠,驰名于五洲四海。,Taiwan Sun Moon Lake The Sun Moon Lake is Taiwans “tianchi,“ lake weeks 35 kilometers, the waters 9 square kilometers of the provinces largest natural lakes, but also on the national minority of one of the famous mountain lakes. The land is the mountain, ChengBi lake

21、, the lake is the natural island emerge, round if pearl, and formed a “castle peak hold clear water, Ming tam embrace the green beads“ beautiful landscape. CengZuoLin mazi said it is “the mountains have water water zhongshan, since the water over the mountain idle“; Chen book the boat, also say “but

22、 sleep outside, incredibly mountain in water in the water.“ Ring tam country called water sand even, belong to the nantou county fish pond township, is the home of the people GaoShanZu cao. The Sun Moon Lake with “mountain clusters, dash forward show bright pool“ of the wonders of the island and bec

23、ome the crown of victory, and well-known in all five continents.,返回,承德避暑山庄,承德避暑山庄,曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫,是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群所组成。位于河北省承德市,距离北京230公里。避暑山庄位于承德市中心区以北,武烈河西岸一带狭长的谷地上,它始建于1703年,历经清朝三代皇帝:康熙、雍正、乾隆,耗时89年建成。山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺、等建筑100余处。它的最大特色是山中有

24、园,园中有山。,Chengde mountain resort, was the Summer Palace of the qing dynasty emperor, is by the imperial palaces, royal garden, and magnificent temples of composed. Located in chengde city, hebei province, 230 km away from Beijing. Chengde summer home is located in the central district north of the eq

25、uator, WuLie long and narrow valley area on the west bank, which was established in 1703, through the three generations of qing dynasty emperor: kangxi and qianlong emperor yongzheng, time-consuming, was completed in 89. Home building layout general can be divided into the palace garden scenic area

26、and two parts, the scenic spot and can be divided into lake district court, plain and mountainous area three parts. There were kangxi emperor qianlong ersion of the 72 scene. Have house, hall, building, library, pavilion, pavilions, cabinet, Chinese, temple, and other buildings, more than 100 place.

27、 It is the best feature of the mountains have garden, park has a mountain.,返回,秦陵兵马俑,秦陵兵马俑 秦陵兵马俑,位于陕西省临潼县城东5公里处的骊山北麓,是中国历史上第一个皇帝秦始皇(公元前259年前210年)陵墓的陪葬坑,被称为世界第八大奇迹之一。秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。在兵马俑一号坑址上建成的拱形展厅,设立了“秦始皇陵兵马俑博物馆”,向中外广大旅游者开放。,返回,The Terra Cotta Warriors The Terra Cotta Warriors, shaanxi provi

28、nce is located in the east of the county lintong seismostation five kilometers north of the LiShan, is Chinas first emperor qin shihuang history (259 BC to 210 years ago) of the tomb PeiZangKeng, known as one of the eighth wonder of the world. The terra-cotta warriors PeiZangKeng, is the worlds larg

29、est underground military museum. In pit no. A terracotta warriors built on site of arching exhibition hall, set up the “emperor qin shihuangs mausoleum Terra Cotta Warriors museum“, the opening to the Chinese and foreign tourists.,江北水乡 运河古城,山东:枣庄:薛城:是铁道游击队的故乡。这里有抗日英雄纪念碑,影视城,记述了中华名族的抗日英雄与敌人英勇战斗的不朽英灵。更有电视剧“铁道游击队”。电视好看,景点也引人注目,值得推荐。,铁道游击队影视城,影视铁道游击队剧照,谢谢!,thank you!,


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