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1、Unit Four,Text A Unlocking the Future with Useful Keys,1. the empire of the future未来的帝国 头脑的帝国 the mind 2. rely on a good brain取决于一个聪明的大脑 依赖于使用计算机技术 (using) computer technology 3. possess a good brain拥有聪明的头脑 拥有健康的身体 good health 4. package of data数据包 软件包 software 5. in the area of communications在通讯领域

2、在科技开发领域 scientific and technological development 6. a wide variety of design applications多种多样的设计应用 五颜六色 colors,7. the ability to imagine想象能力 听说能力 the abilities listen and speak 8. become a reality成为现实 成为英雄 a hero 9. achieve your dreams实现你的梦想 取得成就 success 10. the door to the future通往未来之门 通往智慧之门 wisdo

3、m 11. personal vision个人的看法 个人的观点 opinion 12. the deciding factor 决定性因素 决定性的选择 choice,Main Ideas,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the above reading passage. We have entered the 21st century and the career _ of the future rely more and more on possessing a good_, rather than a go

4、od_. There are three keys to unlocking a _and meaningful future. The first is the ability to _. That is, we should be able to dream about_ we want to do in the future. Next is the ability to _ what it will take to _our dream. Finally, we should be able to plan to make our future what we want _to be.

5、 These three keys will _ us to an ideal tomorrow.,options,brain,understand,lead,it,what,imagine,satisfying,back/body,achieve/realize,Detailed Understanding of Text A,Complete the following chart by filling in each blank with short answers. 1. In our parents day,_was needed in finding a job, while to

6、day, _is preferred. 2. Many goods we buy and sell in the future will be developed by _, instead of being turned out _. 3. There are three keys to unlocking ones future: 1) The first is the _, that is, to _your future. 2) The second is the _ what youll have to do to _. 3) The third is _ to do what sh

7、ould necessarily be done to _.,a good back,a good brain,our minds,in factories,ability to imagine,dream about,ability to understand,achieve your dreams,the ability to plan,realize your future,1. For the careers of our parents often relied on having a good back, the career optiions of the future will

8、 rely on passessing a good brain. A. while B. when C. as D. with 2. A dream can never become a reality unless the dream exists the first place. A. at B. with C. in D. on,A,C,3. You must understand it will take to achieve your dreams. A. how B. what C. when D. that 4. your career plans may be, rememb

9、er that imagining, understanding and planning are the keys will unlock the door to your future and make tomorrow what you want it to be. A. However B. Wherever C. Whenever D. Whatever,B,D,Winston Churchill once said, “The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” In the 21st century, the c

10、areer options of the future will rely on possessing a good brain. To be successful in the future, a greater willingness to think is needed than it was before, because many of the products that we will be buying and selling in the future will be products developed by our minds instead of being manufa

11、ctured in factories. There are three keys to a future filled with satisfying and meaningful work. They are the abilities to imagine, to understand and to plan. These three abilities are considered important in realiaing ones dreams because ones own personal vision of what is possible will ultimately

12、 be the deciding factor in ones destiny.,Winston Churchill once said, “ .” In the 21st century, the career options of the future will rely on . To be successful in the future, a greater to think is needed than it was before, because many of the products that we will be buying and selling in the futu

13、re will be products developed by our instead of being manufactured in factories. There are keys to a future filled with satisfying and meaningful work. They are the abilities to , to understand and to plan. These three abilities are considered important in realiaing ones dreams because ones own of w

14、hat is possible will ultimately be the in ones destiny.,Unit Four,Text B Changing Attitudes to Lifelong Employment,1. be crowded with young men and women挤满青年男女 挤满了观光客 tourists 2. hunt for a job寻找工作 寻找一所乡间住所 a country house 3. work for a company为一家公司工作 为一个女老板工作 a woman employer 4. make the job search

15、 important使找工作变得重要 使数据变得有意义 the data meaningful 5. put money and effort into training投入财力和精力进行培训 投入时间和精力搞实验 time and effort experiment 6. make them suitable employees使他们成为合适的员工 使他们成为合格的成员 them qualified members,7. a recently employed graduate新近被雇用的毕业生 新近收到的订单 received order 8. a great deal of valuab

16、le training大量有价值的培训 许多工作中的麻烦 trouble from work 9. attitude toward lifelong employment对终生就业的看法 对现行政策的看法 towards current policies 10. accept an idea接受一种观念 接受邀请 an invitation 11. flexible employment policies弹性就业政策 弹性工作时间 work time 12. lose a big international order失去一笔大额国际订单 丢失了所有研究数据 all the research

17、data,Main Ideas Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the reading passage. Many high school and college graduates have the idea that once they are employed, they will be _that company for the _of their lives. At the same time, some _ have adopted a lifetime employment_. Once they hi

18、re people, they can put money and_into training them, and make them_employees for the companies. _some extent, this policy is good because it is of great benefit to both employers and _. Recently, however, some employees are beginning to change their _ toward the lifelong employment and they think c

19、hanging firms can bring them career _.,with,rest,employers,policy,effort,suitable,To,employees,attitudes,advantages,Detailed Understanding of Text B Complete the following sentences according to the text. 1. Benefits of lifelong employment for employees: 1) They can_. 2) They can_. 2. Benefit of lif

20、elong employment for employers: The company can have_.,receive valuable training,be kept by the company,loyal employees,3. Reasons why some employees begin to change their attitudes to lifelong employment: 1) Lifelong employment is _. 2) Changing firms can _.,not always in the employees best interes

21、t,have career advantages,1. Major cities are crowded with young men and women have just graduated from high school or college and are hunting for a job. A. who, who B. whom, whom C. who, whom D. whom, who 2. I know that when I finally find a job, Ill probably be that company for the rest of my life,

22、 and that makes the job search very important. A. of B. with C. at D. to,A,B,3. The personnel manager of one large firm report that the policy here is different from most other countries, companies employ people are already trained and skills can be used immediately. A. whose, who, where B. who, who

23、se, where C. where, who, whose D. where, whoses, who 4. Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always their best interest and that changing firms can have career advantages. A. at B. on C. to D. in,C,D,1. Jim had hardly closed the door behind him when he re

24、alized hed left his keys inside. 2. Scarcely had the clock struck seven when people were calling for the gate to be opened. 3. Hardly had the research findings been published when other scientists claimed that the results had been false. 4. I had no sooner got to work than my boss called me up to hi

25、s office. 5. Danna had scarcely stepped into the office when the telepnone started ringing. 6. No sooner had the new factory been built than the local people began complaining about the noise.,1. Text sentence:The policy is a good one because it is of great benefit to both the employer and the emplo

26、yee. Your sentence: The dictionary is welcome it is of great help to the teachers the students.,2. Text sentence: Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest. Your sentence:Immigrants life in the new land is not as happy as they tho

27、ught.,3. Text sentence: Whatever your career plans may be, remember that imagining, understanding and planning are the keys. Your sentence: your family background may be, ones personal efforts should not be ignored.,4. Text sentence: A dream can never become a reality unless the dream exists in the

28、first place. Your sentence: An experiment lead to success the experiment is well prepared.,5. Text sentence:Until you know which direction you are going in, how can you decide how to get there? Your sentence: I find out the truth, I draw a conclusion?,Model A: Original sentence: The policies of most

29、 other countries are not the same as our policy. New sentence: The policy here is different from most other countries. 1. We have our attitude toward lifelong employment. But theirs is not the same. 2. He gave a reply to the question. The rest of the class gave a reply.,Our attitude toward lifelong

30、employment is different from theirs.,His reply to the question is different from the rest of the class.,III. Rewrite the sentences according to the models.,Model B: Original sentence: They will be products. Our minds develop them. New sentence: They will be products developed by our minds. 3. These

31、are educational reforms. A group of young teachers suggested the reforms. 4. This is a collection of photos. The police discovered them under the bed.,These are educational reforms suggested by a group of young teachers.,This is a collection of photos discovered by the police under the bed.,Model C:

32、 Original sentence: We do one thing here: selecting young people. These people have potential. New sentence: What we do here is to select young people who have potential. 5. The police do one thing here:stopping some people. These people go beyond the speed limit. 6. The staff from the Red Cross do

33、one thing here: helping some people. These people need food and medicine badly.,What the police do here is to stop people who go beyond the speed limit.,What the staff from the Red Cross do here is to help the people who need food and medicine badly.,Model D: Original sentence: The policy of lifetim

34、e employment is particularly important for some employers. The reason is that they can put money and effort into training their staff. New sentence: For some employers, the policy of lifetime employment is particularly important because it means that they can put money and effort into training their

35、 staff. 7. This new finding is very important for Mary. It proves that she is innocent. 8. The work was very important for his brother. Now he could make his own living.,For Mary, this new finding is very important because it proves that she is innocent.,For his brother, the work was very important

36、because now he could make his own living.,1. Nowadays we are increasingly relying on information and computer .,2. This means the new is of great to both the and the private businesses.,3. He is slowly ing the life of a laid-off worker.,4. The personnel manager said, “First, you must the following problems.”,5. A dream will never become a reality one understands to achieve the dream.,6. As , the company laid off twenty workers.,7. The products manufactured by this company are .,8. Peter is ing a job now, as his money will only him one month.,


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