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1、Chinese ancient garmentChinese ancient garment China is a historical country with splendid civilizations, in which the Chinese costume is an important part. From the change of Chinese costumes, we can see the political change, economic development and customs evolvement through the long history. The

2、 Chinese costume, which itself has over 5,000 years history, is just like a long river, and today we are going to present them in three parts, namely Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Han Dynasty 男服服饰(mens wear ) 礼服:汉朝的祭祀礼服,承袭了秦代的废除六冕 ,以一种冕服为祭天地明堂之礼服的办法。 冕冠服:为最尊贵的祭祀礼服,是天子及三公诸侯、 卿大夫祭天地明堂之时穿

3、着。 长冠服:为夫子和执事百官,用在祭宗庙及各种小祀 ,如五岳、四渎、山川、社稷等典礼穿者。 委貌冠服:相当于周代的冠弁服。为公卿诸侯大夫行 大射礼于辟雍的时候穿着。 皮弁冠服:此种冠服为大射礼时,执事者穿着,衣裳 为缁麻衣,皂领袖、素裳。 朝服:自秦开始以袍作为朝服,汉代从皇帝至贱更小 吏亦以袍作为朝服,也是主要常服。亦即是深衣制的袍服 ,不过因不同身份的人戴的冠不同而有不同之名称。汉代 的朝服,服色是随着五时色,即春青、夏朱、季夏黄、秋 白、冬黑。朝服均是衬以告缘领袖的中衣。 女服服饰: female clothing 庙服:相当于周代的禕衣,是女子礼服中, 地位最尊贵的一种。太皇太后、皇

4、太后之入庙服 ,皇后之谒庙服,其服色是皂下。 蚕服:相当于周代约鞠衣。每年三月,皇后 帅领公卿诸侯夫人亲蚕礼时穿着。 朝服:自二千石夫人以上至皇后,皆以蚕衣 为朝服。 Tang Dynasty from the sui to the tang, the ancient Chinese clothing developed to its peak, the political stability and economic development, manufacturing and textile technology, the frequent foreign relations, contr

5、ibuting to the the development of clothing . 由隋入唐,中国古代服装发展到全盛时期,政治的稳定, 经济的发达,生产和纺织技术的进步,对外交往的频繁等 促使服饰空前繁荣,服装款式、色彩、图案等都呈现出前 所未有的崭新局面,而这一时期的女子服饰,可谓中国服 装中最为精彩的 篇章,其冠服之丰美华丽,妆饰之奇异 纷繁,都令人目不暇接。 Bold 大胆 Colorful 绚丽多彩 Many styles 款式多样 Sexy 性感 Emperor Empress Qing Dynasty Manchu flag costume , the outline of

6、rectangular, clothes do not get the waist down, shirt is not exposed, the right-side lapel of junction decorated with buttons , false sleeves 2-3, Horseshoe-shaped sleeve cover hand , set rolling craft decoration, clothing plus clothing, increase waistcoat or jacket . . 满族的旗装,外轮廓呈长方形,马鞍形领掩颊护 面,衣服上下不取腰身,衫不露外,偏襟右衽以 盘纽为饰,假袖二至三幅,马蹄袖盖手,镶滚工 艺装饰,衣外加衣,增加坎肩或马褂 flag costume Show the tender of Oriental women Thanks for watching Thanks for watching!


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