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1、天心学宫谈 哈佛积极心理学,范文仓,哈佛大学现在最热的课 积极心理学 哈佛大学最受欢迎的导师 TalBen Shahar 幸福=意义+快乐,Everything has been figured out except how to live. J.P. Sartre 一切都已明明白白,就是不知如何生活。 萨特,消极心理学 心理测量的开山鼻祖法国人A Binet 与助手T Simon 1905:诊断异常儿童智力的新方法 比西量表,SCL-90 1、背痛 2、神经过敏,心中不踏实 3、头脑中不必要的想法或字 句盘旋 4、头昏或昏倒 5、对异性的兴趣减退 6、对旁人责备求全 7、感到别人能控制您的思

2、想 8、责怪别人制造麻烦 9、忘记性大,SAS(焦虑自评量表) 1、我觉得比平常容易紧张和着急 2、我无缘无故地感到害怕 3、我容易心理烦乱或觉得惊恐 4、我觉得我可能要发疯 5、我觉得一切都很好,也不会发生什么不幸 6、我手脚发抖打颤,不完全心理健康,不完全心理疾病,从病态心理学走向积极心理学 心理学自从1879年正式成为一门科学起, 就肩负着三项重要的使命: 治疗心理疾病; 帮助所有人生活得更加充实完善; 发现并培养人类的卓越才能。 这三项使命在第二次世界大战以前均得 到了心理学家的同等程度的关注,但在“二战” 以后,心理学工作者逐渐放弃了后二项任务, 而把自己的注意力集中在了第一项任务上

3、,变 成了专门致力于纠正人们生命中所存在的问题 的科学上,如何生活?心理学家答: 要防治心理疾病 消极心理学 研究心理症状和心理障碍 提高心理生活质量 积极心理学 研究力量和优秀品质,积极心理学 1997:Seligmen首次提出; 2002年10月,第一次研讨会; 2012年10月,清华积极心理学研讨会,2002年6月18日至21日美国费城举办了第一次国际积极心理学大会(The First World Congress of Positive Psychology). 积极心理学的领军人物: 马丁.赛利格曼教授 米哈依.西克赞米哈依教授 爱德.戴纳(Ed Diener) 克里斯多佛.皮德森

4、(Christopher Peterson),什么是积极心理学,积极心理学(Positive Psychology)是美国心理学界正在兴起的一个新的研究领域,它以美国著名心理学家马丁.赛利格曼(Martin E.P. Seligman)和米哈依.西克赞米哈依(Mihalyi Csikzentmihalyi)在2000年1月发表的积极心理学导论为标志,力求用一种更加开放、欣赏的眼光去看待人类的潜能、动机和能力等。,积极心理学提倡用主动、乐观、开放、欣赏的心态看待事物,是着力研究普通人的幸福、发展、快乐的科学。 主要体现在三方面: 一是从主观层面研究人的积极心理体验。 强调人要满意地对待过去,幸福

5、地感受现 在,乐观地面对未来。 二是从个体层面研究积极的特质。如培养 积极的人格特质,增强积极的情感体验。 三是从群体层面研究积极的社会组织系统。 如公民美德的培养、社会责任感、利他主 义、职业道德等。,积极心理学认为: 心理学不仅仅应对损伤、缺陷和伤害进行研究,也应对积极力量和优秀品质进行研究; 治疗不仅仅对损伤、缺陷的修复和弥补,也是对人类自身所拥有的潜能、力量的发掘; 心理学不仅仅是关于疾病或健康的科学,它也是关于工作、教育、爱、成长和娱乐的科学。,A starting place,Martin Seligman APA President 1996 美国心理学会主席 就职演说,Mart

6、in Seligman,Dr. Martin Seligmans,Dr. Seligmans founder of Positive Psychology, a new branch of psychology which focuses on the empirical study of such things as positive emotions, strengths-based character, and healthy institutions. Positive psychology interventions can also lastingly decrease depre

7、ssion symptoms.,The Power of the Positive Mind 积极心态的培养,Learned Helplessness 习得无助感 Pessimism 悲观 Submissiveness 被动 Dependence 依赖 Fatalism 宿命 Depression 抑郁,Learned Optimism 习得乐观主义 Hopefulness 保有希望 Positive attribution 积极归因 Independence 独立 Self-determination 自立 Resilience 压弹,A starting place,Psychology

8、split into two camps: 心理学分裂成两大阵营 Academics more interested in science. “学术”阵营更多的兴趣在于科学探索 Clinicians interested in practice of psychotherapy. “临床”阵营的兴趣在于心理治疗实践 Hoped to bring science and practice together. 期望把科学与实践整合在一起,Nikki and the weeds,Seligmans inspiration(灵感) Weeding garden(为花园除草) 5-year old da

9、ughter throwing weeds 5岁的女儿在玩投掷杂草 Seligman irritated, yelled at Nikki Seligman恼羞成怒,对着Nikki 如果你是Nikki,你会怎样?WHY? 如果你是Seligman,你又会怎样?WHY,Nikki and the weeds,“Daddy. From when I was 3 until I was 5, I was a whiner(抱怨者). I whined every day. On my 5th birthday, I decided I wasnt going to whine anymore. Th

10、at was the hardest thing Ive ever done. If I can stop whining, you can stop being such a grouch(发牢骚).”,思考,If you are a whiner, what should you do? 如果你总是不停抱怨,你应该做什么? If Nikki could do that, why cant you? 如果Nikki能做到,你为什么做不到? Nikki was 5-year old But you are more than 20-year old,An epiphany(神灵的显现),Sel

11、igman resolved to change. Seligman下决心改变 His purpose in life was not to correct his daughters shortcomings. 在生活之中,他的目的不是改正女儿的缺点 Instead, raising her to nurture the strength she displayed (social intelligence). 而是,唤起她去培养她显示出来的力量,An epiphany(神灵的显现),Can psychological science be about identifying and nur

12、turing strengths? 心理科学可以从事于识别和培养力量吗? His mission as APA president. 作为APA的主席,他的使命是让心理学能够识别力量,能够培养力量 但当时的心理学可以做到这些吗?WHY?,Ratio: 21/1,Psychological Abstracts (1967-2000),Anger: 5,584 愤怒: 5,584 Anxiety: 41,416 焦虑: 41,416 Depression: 54,040 抑郁: 54,040,Joy: 415 快乐: 415 Happiness: 1,710 幸福: 1,710 Life sati

13、sfaction: 2,582 生活满意度: 2,582,Focusing on the Negative(聚焦负面),“The science of psychology has been far more successful on the negative than on the positive side; “心理科学在人性的负面上的研究远比在正面上的研究要成功得多;,Focusing on the Negative,it has revealed to us much about mans shortcomings, his illnesses, his sins, 心理学已经向我们

14、揭示了太多人类的缺点,人类的疾病,人类的罪孽, but little about his potentialities, his virtues, his achievable aspirations, or his psychological height. 但是只是揭示一点点人类的潜能,人类的美德,人类可以实现的抱负,或者人类的心理顶点。,Focusing on the Negative,It is as if psychology had voluntarily restricted itself to only half its rightful jurisdiction, and t

15、hat the darker, meaner half.” 心理学似乎已经自动把自己限定在仅仅一半的合法管辖区域之内,而且是比较黑暗、比较卑劣的一半”。 -Abraham Maslow,Accentuating the Positive(强调正面),“ The aim of Positive Psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in

16、 life.” “积极心理的目标是促进心理学的改变,从仅仅专注于修补生活之中的最坏之事,转变到也专注于建构生活之中的最佳品质”。 -Martin Seligman,Psychology Needs Help,21/1 ratio is unhealthy 21/1的比率是不健康的 but it reflects reality depression 10 times higher today than 1960 mean age for depression today is 14.5 (compared to 29.5 in 1960),Why More “Positive” Researc

17、h?,Psychology as creative rather than merely reactive 心理学不只是反应性的,更是创造性的 Happiness is not the negation of unhappiness 幸福不是不幸的否定 Prevention through cultivating the positive 通过培养正性品质,来防止不幸,Unhappiness Spiral(不幸的螺旋) Happiness Spiral (幸福的螺旋),_ 0 _ +,well-being(康乐) satisfaction(满意) joy(快乐) excitement (激动)

18、 happiness(幸福),Happiness isnt the Negation of Unhappiness,neurosis(神经症) anger (愤怒) anxiety(焦虑) depression(抑郁) psychosis(精神病),Focus on weaknesses Focus on strengths 关注虚弱 关注力量 Overcoming deficiencies Building competencies 克服缺点 建设能力 Avoiding pain Seeking pleasure 避免痛苦 寻找快乐 Running from unhappiness Purs

19、uing happiness 逃离忧愁 追求幸福 Neutral state (0) as ceiling No ceiling 中性状态是上限 没有上限 Tensionless as ideal Creative tension as ideal 不紧张是理想的 创造性的紧张是理想的,Disease Model Health Model,Psychologys first century,Focus on how to understand and alleviate(减轻) negative states. Anxiety, abuse(滥用), depression, disease,

20、prejudice(偏见), marital trouble(婚姻烦恼),A recent shift(最近的改变),From Studying the negative Studying the positive,Positive and Negative,Positive psychologists say that Psychology needs to study the negative and the positive. 积极心理学表示,心理学需要研究负面,也需要研究正面。,Positive psychology, not fake psychology,积极心理不是骗子心理学 P

21、ositive psychologists use rigorous scientific research methods. 积极心理运用严谨的科学研究方法,Seligman Experiment,Seligman Experiment: part 1,Escapable shock. 可以逃脱的电击 Had coping mechanism. 掌握应对机制 Press nose button to terminate shock. 按前端按钮中止电击 “Active” “主动的”,Inescapable shock. 不可逃脱的电击 Got shock. 受到电击 No coping me

22、chanism. 没有应对机制 No way to terminate shock. 没有办法中止电击 “Passive” “被动的”,Seligman Experiment: part 2,All groups received the same condition: escapable shock. 两组狗接收同样的条件:可以逃离的电击 Put in shuttle box. 把狗放在穿梭箱里 Light dimmed. 灯光变暗 10 second later got shock unless they jumped to safe side. 如果不跳到安全一边的话,10秒之后会受到电

23、击,Seligman Experiment,Shuttle box behavior,Dogs in the escapable shock quickly learned to jump to safe side. “可逃离电击的”狗们很快学会跳到安全地带 Dogs in inescapable shock did not jump to safe side. Agitated at first but later laid down and took the shock. “无法逃离电击的”狗们没有跳到安全地带。起初它们表现出不安,但是随后就放弃了,接受电击。 Dogs in inesca

24、pable shock group learned helplessness学会了无助,Learned Helplessness has been observed in dogs, rats, mice, cats, monkeys, and even Walleyed Pike!,Parallels with Reactive Depression 与反应性抑郁症比较,Triggered by traumatic life event (ex. death of loved one). 由创伤性生活事件(如爱人的离去)触发的 Passivity 被动性 Difficulty in lear

25、ning responses that bring relief. 在学习导致痛苦减轻的反应上存在困难 Physical symptoms. 躯体症状 Stress related disorders. 应激相关的障碍,Directive Therapy(指导性治疗),Dogs that had been exposed to inescapable shock. 已经遭受无法逃离的电击的狗们 Remove barrier and push them to safe side. 移动隔栅,把它们推到安全地带 Reinstall barrier and force them over it. 再

26、装上隔栅,促使它们越过隔栅 Eventually learn to jump. 最后,学会跳跃,Directive Therapy,Parallels to Treating People 治疗人的方法也类似,Encourage depressed people to get back into life. Ex: not willing to leave home. 鼓励抑郁的人恢复正常生活,如不愿离开家 Small steps. (Go out to movie, then mall.) 小步子(先去看电影,然后去商场) Increase difficulty. 逐渐增加难度 Show t

27、hem they do have control over their lives. 向他们显示,他们确实可以控制他们的生活 Motivational, learning and emotional gains. 动机上的,学习上的,以及情感上的收获,Lets hear What Prof. Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi has to say,Emotion and their Associated Thought-Action Tendencies,什么是积极心理学教育,自1992年起,赛里格曼教授就在他所在的宾夕法尼亚大学开设了积极心理学课程。目前在全美共有200余所高

28、校开设了“积极心理学”课程。而哈佛大学Tal Ben-Shahar教授开设的积极心理学课程,一度成为该校上座率最高的课程。选修“积极心理学”的哈佛大学学生也由最初的380人上升到855人。 2007年在香港城市大学首先开设了积极心理学课程,这也是香港大学开设的第一门课。,Study of Positive & Negative Emotions,Negative Emotions Depression 抑郁 Aggression 攻击 Anxiety 焦虑 Anger 愤怒 Jealousy 妒忌 Hatred 憎恨 Resentment 怨恨 Pessimism 悲观,Positive Em

29、otions Well-being 健康 Happiness 幸福 Compassion 仁爱 Passion 激情 Love 爱情 Elation 欣喜 Humor 幽默 Optimism 乐观,美国心理学家对心理学研究在1967年至2000年发表的文献、摘要上的关键词做了一个调查,他们发现:,愤怒占到了 5,584 焦虑占到了44,416 抑郁占到了54,040 可以看到左面的负面对右面的正面的比例为21/1.,愉悦占到了415 幸福占到了1,710 生活满意占到2,582,Thinking about happiness,Remember, these studies are based

30、 on large numbers of people. The findings talk about general patterns.,In general, are people happy?,Yes. 75% - 80% of people worldwide say theyre happy. Excited, proud, pleased within the past week.,Set point for happiness,幸福的调整点 May be genetic 可能是遗传的 Within 1 year of a very positive or very negati

31、ve event, happiness returns to previous levels. 在一个非常积极或非常消极的事件之后, 1年之内,幸福回到从前的状态,What is not associated with happiness?,Age Gender Race Why?,Age & SWB in 16 Nations,Report of Satisfaction by Gender,What is not associated with happiness?,Education(教育程度) Living in a big city or small town 生活在大城市,还是在小

32、镇上 Part of the country where you live Why?,What is not associated with happiness?,Wealth(财富) Wealthy countries are no happier than poor countries. 富国并不比穷国更幸福 Within any country, people who are most wealthy are not any happier than everyone else. 任何国家,最富裕的人,不比其他人更幸福 Why?,Money does not buy happiness,

33、What is associated with happiness?,High self-esteem 高自尊 Why? How? 自尊是人格的基石 Sense of control over life 对生活有控制感 Why? How? Optimism 乐观主义 Why? How?,What is associated with happiness?,Extraversion 外向性 Why? How? Health and Fitness 健康与适应 Why? How? Marital Status 婚姻状态 Why? How?,IS MARRIAGE BLISS,Importance

34、of family,Rare person who, as his life draws to a close, wishes he had spent more time with at work.,Question 1,How do happy people behave? 幸福的人的行为举止是怎样的呢? What do they do that makes them happy? 他们做了什么事,使得他们幸福呢? To answer that question, we can look at some recent research studies on happiness.,Diene

35、r and Seligman, 2002,A comparison of happy people and unhappy people. 比较幸福的人与不幸福的人,Diener and Seligman, 2002,Participants reported satisfaction with life 生活满意度 Mood 心境 information about friendships 有关友谊的资料 personality traits 人格特质,Then the authors compared People with the highest happiness scores “ve

36、ry happy” and People with the lowest happiness scores “unhappy”,Results(结果),Very happy people differed from unhappy people in a number of ways. 在许多方面,非常幸福的人不同于不幸福的人。,Very happy people,Had strong and satisfying interpersonal relationships 拥有牢固和满意的人际关系 Were more extraverted and more agreeable 更外向,更爽快

37、Never reported feeling ecstatic or exuberantly happy 从未报告说感觉到狂喜或者幸福非凡,Unhappy people,Reported fewer close friends, fewer romantic relationships, and weaker family relationships. 报告较少的亲密朋友,较少的浪漫关系,以及较弱的家庭关系 Reported more negative emotions than very happy people. 与非常幸福的人相比,报告更多负面情绪,Question 2,How do h

38、appy people deal with rejection, or not getting what they want? 幸福的人如何处理拒绝呢?或者说,没有得到他们想要的东西时,他们怎样做的呢?,Lyubomirsky and Ross, 1999,The Dessert Study “甜点研究” Participants(被试): Rated 10 desserts(评估10种甜点) Learned they would receive a dessert 得知他们会收到一种甜点 Rated the desserts again 再次评估这些甜点,Results,Happy peop

39、le rated the dessert they received highly 对他们收到的甜点的评估非常高 also agreed the desserts they had rated highly but had not received still sounded good 也同意原来评估很高但没有收到的甜点还是非常不错,Results,Unhappy people also rated the dessert they received highly 对他们收到的甜点的评估也非常高 But they insulted the desserts they were denied 但

40、是,他们蔑视他们得不到的甜点,The College Study,“大学研究” High school seniors (高中毕业生)evaluated colleges(评价大学) after applying(在申请之后) again after learning which colleges accepted them and selecting which college they would ultimately attend. 在得知哪些大学已经接受他们,以及选好他们最后就读哪所大学之后,再次评价,Results-Happy students,Were more satisfied

41、 than unhappy ones with the colleges they ultimately chose. 与不幸福的学生相比,幸福的学生对他们最终选择的学校更满意,Results-Happy students,Were more satisfied than unhappy students with colleges that accepted them but that they ultimately chose not to attend. 与不幸福的学生相比,幸福生对选择但最终没有就读的学校更满意。,Results-Happy students,Happy student

42、s sharply devalued the colleges that rejected them! 幸福的学生急剧贬低拒绝他们的大学,Results,Unhappy students Were less satisfied than happy students with the colleges they ultimately chose. 与幸福的学生相比,不幸福的学生对最终选择的学校满意较少 Were not as likely to devalue colleges that rejected them. 不太贬低拒绝他们的大学,Desserts vs. college,Not g

43、etting a dessert is a small instance of rejection. 没有得到一种甜点,是细小拒绝的场合 Not getting into college is a larger and more threatening instance of rejection. 没有进入大学,是较大拒绝和威胁性比较高的拒绝的场合,Desserts vs. college,So it makes sense that people would behave differently in these two situations. 因此,有意义的是,人在这两种场合下的行为方式有

44、所不同 Beyond that, happy people and unhappy people behaved quite differently. 除此以外,幸福的人与不幸福 的人在行为举止上非常不同,Summary,Purpose of positive psychology: to study happiness, strength and virtue 积极心理学的目的:研究幸福、力量和美德 What is not associated with happiness: demographic variables like gender, age, wealth and educati

45、on 与幸福不相关的东西:人口统计学变量,如性别、年龄、财富和教育程度,Summary,What is associated with happiness: more internal variables such as self-esteem, sense of control, optimism, healthy relationships 与幸福相关的东西:更内在的变量,如自尊,控制感,乐观主义,健康的关系,Summary,Various research studies show How very happy people differ from unhappy people in a

46、 variety of ways. 在种种方面,幸福的人不同于不幸福 的人 Happy and unhappy people deal with making choices and rejection differently 幸福的人与不幸福的人,在处理决策和拒绝上,非常不同,幸福感研究:修女的长寿靠什么?,美国肯塔基大学神经学教授大卫斯诺登是从1986年开始对圣母修女学院的678位修女进行跟踪研究,这些修女每年定期做体检,并同意死后将她们的大脑捐献出来供医学研究。 研究人员发现,年轻时比较乐观的修女,到了年老后更不容易患老年痴呆症。而经常焦虑、动怒的人岁数大后更容易中风和患心脏病。 几年前

47、,斯诺登又研究了180位修女在20多岁时写的自传,发现对生活乐观向上的修女会在自传中多用“幸福”、“快乐”、“爱”、“满意”和“充满希望”等字句,而且她们要比悲观的人平均多活10年。,上帝给了我一个美好的开端,让我得到了他教诲的钟爱, 去年我在圣母修道院作为预备修女待了一年,而这一年对来讲是非常幸福的一年,现在我急切地希望开始得到圣母的慈爱,开始我与神圣上帝在一起的美好生命。,乐观的修女是这样写的:,我生于1909年9月26日,我是家里的老大,我们家共有5个女孩2个男孩,去年我在圣母修道院待了一年,主要是在圣母学院教化学和二年学生的拉丁语。在上帝的关爱下,我一定会为我的上帝勤奋工作,为了传播福

48、音和超度我自己,来为上帝服务。,另一位修女是这样写的:,在加入修道院后,她们的生活几乎是完全一样的,同样的饮食同样的工作,同样的生活节奏和规律。 但是他们的寿命却很不相同,前者98岁,后者69岁!,修女研究 (Danner et al., 2001),只有快乐能够预测长寿 活到85岁的人: 90% 快活的人; 34% 不快活的人. 活到94岁的人: 54% 快活的人; 11%不快活的人,主观幸福感,美国心理学家Diener提出,积极的心态是主观幸福感最强有力和最可靠的预测因素,美国心理学家Keyes提出心灵旺盛与心灵枯萎的概念。,融入中国或地区文化元素,积极心理学源自于西方,其教科书都是以西方的人物和事例来说明问题,缺少东方文化因素。由此,笔者在教学中尽量使教学内容尽量贴近学生的现实生活。,世上可有四种乐法,穷乐法 不求富贵 不欲攀比 如,越南人:,傻乐法 吃亏是福 难得糊涂 如,菲律宾人,快乐法 及时行乐 但求此刻 如, 法国人,苦乐法 苦中做乐 烦而不闲 如,中国人,苏东坡是乐观主义者。他永远以非同寻常的平常心面对世间的得与失, 永远以激情来化解人生的悲欢离合。生活中的起起落落只是十之八九的事, 不因宦海沉浮自暴自弃,不因生活


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